Lucy wrote on Feb 27th, 2012 at 10:53am: Quote:You bandy about the terms of PUL, well i say to you all, you are not fit to use the term of PUL if you cannot sacrifice for others and for humanity, if you cannot put self on the line. If you do not follow in The Teacher's footsteps and path, then do not think of self as a helper, for real helpers care more about the Whole than their little selves.
??? Really?
Yes, "really". Is PUL just about feeling good, and sharing good vibes? It is far bigger than that. A big part of PUL is about self sacrifice and overcoming fear with an eye towards, and concern about the needs of the Whole.
Betson doesn't want to get involved with this PE because she is afraid. I understand that she is afraid, but there is no reason for her to be afraid. Her sacrifice would be overcoming her fear for the greater good of the Whole. It's in a very real sense, a transcendence of the little self. This is THE pattern, the example that The Teacher showed us when he knowingly took up his cross and fulfilled his destiny. He was PUL
That was PUL in it's finest and most distilled essence, a complete livingness for others and the needs of the Whole.
While many of you profess to not "believe in" these strong, but lacking in Light beings, such as the above E.T. group, really deep down many of you have fear of these and don't want to become more aware of them. Yet, that awareness and directly facing the fears would accomplish far more help, not only for self, but for others, than remaining fearful and unconscious of these influences.
Do you think that i speak lightly about this? Becky and i told Bruce a little about some of Becky's and mine experience in person--it seemed like he tried to steer us away from any interpretation of this in a negative sense--like we hadn't dealt with any real negative beings. Sure, he did it in his gentle, laid back, and indirect way, but he still did it. I figure consciously he was trying to be helpful, to be a "helper" type.
After this talk, i wondered off and on if i should talk to him more about some of our experiences to better explain what we thought the brief experiences we mentioned were about (we figured it was ultimately related to that same E.T. group). One morning, i woke up very early to do something, when i went back to bed, i fell asleep wondering about whether or not to do this.
I awoke with a very intense dream very vivid in my minds eye and remembrance. It was about this negative E.T. group, and involved a future Earth wherein humanity did not grow optimally from the changes, and instead too many humans allowed themselves to be too influenced by the above group and their plans. It became a much darker and difficult World than even now. There was A LOT of suffering. It was an upsetting dream, and i found myself so upset, so angry in the dream that i vowed i would do anything to change any possibility of this future possibility unfolding.
I told Bruce about said circumstances and dream. I heard nothing back. Then the next day or day after, i had another dream, but with Bruce in it. In the dream, Bruce shared Love with me, but he also fell asleep and stayed asleep while i was fully awake. When i awoke i knew that the dream meant that Bruce was unconscious to the awareness of these influences and deep down didn't want to be aware. I use to put Bruce on a bit of a pedestal. I use to think he was more aware and spiritually intune than myself. I looked up to him.
The above was a real eye opener for me and how much fear limits people, even more unusually aware and sensitive people like Bruce.
My personality self makes errors of perception sometimes when i'm more fully within this waking, conscious state--like i did with Wonderer. However, when i'm getting more definite messages via dreams, sometimes channeling like the above post, or deep in meditation--well i've learned to trust these. Expanded Guidance is definitely pushing me to be more pro active in trying to act as a catalyst of awareness of this group so that we can better counter act them and their plans.
As i said on the ACIM thread, the 3 important steps are. Awareness without fear, tuning into PUL, and then being active in "retrieving" and trying to facilitate awareness for others of both the problems and the solutions. And yet, the majority here will not seek even their own direct guidance on this issue. This is what this site is all about, going within and finding out for self what's true or not.
What is holding them back? As in Betson's case, and at least she is honest enough to admit it openly, it's fear.
There is no reason to be afraid, and even if there was, being a true helper and retriever requires that one overcome their fear for the good of all. To really spiritually grow, we have to take up our own individual crosses and not just for ourselves.
I thought i was perhaps being too harsh in my reply to Betson's reply, and i wondered if it was "too much". I meditated briefly about it, and heard back, "sometimes fires need to be lit under people's *bottoms*". Also, i wrote that reply very late at night/early in the morning, and it really felt like i was channeling it more than consciously writing it. I believe the Teacher came through some, especially at the end.
Lucy, will you partake in this group exploration?