Thank you Tgecks for showing interest in this PE. It doesn't seem like it will get off the ground anytime soon, but perhaps i have planted some subconscious seeds, which will unfurl later, and people will get more direct guidance on this issue?
I at least hope so because it seems important. If the higher ups even have some concern about things relating to this issue, then perhaps we humans should also have some concern as well?
I wasn't going to partake in the P.E. myself, except to meditate and tune into Love and feel that towards the group. Between my wife, myself, and a spiritual friend, i have received so many messages about this issue that i am pretty sure it has validity. This is not even counting outer sources i respect like McKnight, Cayce, Monroe, Dr. John Mack, Courtney Brown and their addressing of this group and this issue.
There is quite an interesting Cayce reading and excerpt from same, which seems to relate. In a reading given about the Earth changes, the reincarnation of John the beloved in America as an important spiritual messenger, etc. expanded guidance says,
""And, as there is the wavering of those that would enter as emissaries, as teachers, from the throne of of life, the throne of light, the throne of
immortality, and
wage war in the air with those of darkness, then know ye the Armageddon is at hand. For with the
great numbers of the gathering of the hosts of those that have hindered and would make for man and his weaknesses stumbling blocks, they shall wage war* with the spirits of light that come into the earth for this awakening..." excerpted from Reading 3976-15 *my use of bold, underline, and italics
In other readings, Cayce's guidance clearly alluded to the existence of E.T.'s and their interactions and visitations with humans at different points. Speaking of a past life of Cayce's, in ancient Egypt, they even seemed to hint that this past life self was partially genetically created and whose birth did not happen through the typical way of copulation between a woman and a man. It was said that he had no human father and that the visiting "gods" had brought about his conception.
Sounds pretty "out there" for a psychic Reading given back in the 1930's eh?
Sounds pretty out there in general. Perhaps related is an experience of my own. My Mother had had a childhood illness and was told by doctors that because of it, she would never successfully birth a child. She didn't listen to them, tried and tried, and had miscarriage after miscarriage.
That was until she had a very vivid dream of being on a spaceship with non human beings that felt both loving and familar and they worked on her body and comforted her about the future. She was told that she had a device in her body and that she could use this device through focused concentration to communicate with them, anytime she needed to. She felt a lot of love between them and herself.
It was around the time of this dream, that she became pregnant with me, and some time later, she had me on her birthday--a birthday gift most wanted and cherished. My Mom didn't tell me about this dream and experience till later on in life, not long before she ended up dying of cancer. Certainly i was considered a strange and unusual child in many ways growing up. Througout my life since i was a baby, people have commented on my unusual eyes, my maturity at a young age, etc, etc.
Certainly, it is unusual for one born in a male body who didn't experience a NDE to start on a conscious, open minded and spiritual oriented quest at age 13 without any outer indoctrination or "nudging", start meditating then, seeking after God, trying to figure out what Jesus was all really about outside of religious dogma, studying various metaphysics, becoming aware of psychic abilities and reality of the nonphysical, getting intuitive downloads late at night about the Oneness, the importance of Love with a capital L, the coming Earth changes, etc.
One might almost believe that that self was only partially human and partially Elohim in both physical and consciousness essence. Perhaps this self came here at this time in order to fight this battle from the inside? Perhaps there are others here like him, who know the habits and intentions of this hindering group and their plans, and come straight in from non human backgrounds and awareness to help counter balance these hindering forces?
If so, and if they are listening, then arise and gird yourself for battle and become a Warrior and do not let those of the darkness stamp out the slowly increasing but still yet fragile Light here in the Earth.
Perhaps related to all this, is a book called "Heaven is For Real". In same, little Colton who has some NDE like experiences, talked to Jesus and slowly and unexpectedly reveals some of his experiences and insights to his fundamentalist, Pastor dad.
He shocks his dad one day by telling him that Jesus told him that a war was coming. A war wherein Jesus, the angels, and the good people would have to battle Satan, the monsters, and the bad people. He told his dad that he would have to fight in this war, that he would be called by Jesus.
When his dad asked him about the "monsters", he was told, you know the Dragons.
Hmm, "dragons"... Perhaps a good metaphor, for a little kid and/or the ancients without much of a clue about advanced E.T. technology to describe Reptilian E.T.'s with hindering intentions and plans that fly high in the sky and whose ships can and will shoot destructive fires?
Wait, where did we hear about such wars, in Rosalind's guidance sessions, Cayce's guidance, and in other seemingly unrelated sources..
Ah heck, that's going just too far now...