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PE, Need your help folks--possibly important (Read 31473 times)
Justin aka Vasya
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PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Feb 24th, 2012 at 3:08pm
   Hi, i very recently had an idea for a partnered exploration into a subject that has been brought up a bit on the main forum.  There haven't been a lot of P.E.'s posted here lately, and especially not ones which seem all that important to humanity as a whole. 

   My intent for this Group PE is to see if there is anything to the idea and info that there may be a particularly clever, strong but lacking in Love, E.T. group which is involved with humanity at this time.   

   Here are some questions i would like the group here to ask:   One, does such a group exist?    Two, if such a group exists do they significantly influence human individuals and humanity in negative ways sometimes?   If so, how far reaching is and can that influence be?

  Are they more directly involved with aspects of the U.S. federal gov., or those in-physical humans who have the most wealth, power, and material influence in this world?    

    If they do exist and influence humanity in a negative way, what are the solutions in dealing with them?    Also, do they have a physical body-vehicle they use and if so, what does it look like? Finally, last but definitely not least, i would like to ask a more general, "Please bring to my conscious awareness that which would be most spiritually helpful for me and humanity to become aware of in relation to this subject". 

   I'm really hoping that a number of you will partake in this.  I'm thinking either this or next Saturday or Sunday sometime, and then write up our experiences on Monday.  Either a voice recorder of some kind, or a notebook would be helpful during your meditation and request for guidance.  I'm really hoping that the founder of this site will become involved in a more direct way. 

  Also, besides these specific questions, (feel free to add your own to that list), I would like to say a specific affirmation as a group before we go into our individual meditations.   Then, before we go into our meditation i think it would be helpful to practice Bruce's "remembering the feeling of Love" technique.   Both Love and Gratitude help a lot i've noticed in my own practice. 

Here is the affirmation I would like to say as a group before we seek info and guidance on this: 

"I deeply desire to attune all of myself to the most constructive, spiritually helpful, loving, and expanded consciousnesses and energies for this meditation.  I ask for and deeply desire the help, guidance, and wisdom of only the most spiritually aware, loving, and expanded consciousnesses there are.  I also ask for the above sources to provide me with full protection and shielding from any and all negative and lacking in Light influences.

I ask this, and deeply desire this, as both an individual and as part of a loving group so that I and this group may be the clearest channel of pure Light and Love I and this group can be.  This is because my deepest intent and desire is to only positively & constructively affect The All that Is and to help transform all suffering into joy, peace, and complete awareness of loving Oneness.

   With deepest appreciation to all for the help and guidance received, I say thank you."

   And say it like you mean it folks. So whose interested?   I think this done as a group, well it might be more powerful and affecting in nature than just on our own, especially if we all sincerely state that above affirmation before hand. 

   Thank you all for listening.   
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #1 - Feb 24th, 2012 at 5:53pm
I believe there is the possibility that if one takes part in such an activity one might end up making a connection to unfriendly beings that they otherwise might not have made a connection to.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #2 - Feb 24th, 2012 at 8:18pm
  Hence the specific affirmation of asking for the help, guidance, etc. of only the most spiritually loving, aware, etc. consciousnesses.  Also asking for specifically help with protection and shielding help from any and all negative forces.

  If people sincerely ask that, and also bring up feelings and remembrance of love and/or gratitude, they will be more than fine.

  Courtney Brown set up a Remote Viewing Institute in Georgia with a bunch of fellow remote viewers.  They targeted a certain group to get info.  At first they had issues, but then they asked for help from the group that Courtney had labeled the Galactic Federation, a collective of E.T. Light Beings.   After that, they had no more issues and got more clear info. 
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #3 - Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:36pm
Then perhaps a better idea is to ask such divine guidance for information, rather bringing one's consciousness to where unfriendlies are.

I don't know if it's good to get involved with unfriendlies and then ask the good guys to help out. It might not be that simple. If a person can simply ask for help, then why do some people need the help of other people in order to deal with unfriendlies? Sometimes a middleman is needed.

Plus, consider people who channel misleading beings.  They set the intent of hooking up with a friendly being and they end up channeling an unfriendly being.

I believe things are more complicated than simply asking for help from the good guys. It is also a matter of being able to tell whether an actual friendly being is providing the help.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #4 - Feb 25th, 2012 at 11:21am
recoverer wrote on Feb 24th, 2012 at 9:36pm:
Then perhaps a better idea is to ask such divine guidance for information, rather bringing one's consciousness to where unfriendlies are.

  If you read my original post more carefully, you will see that this is exactly what i'm advocating, and that i state that the affirmation should be stated before any meditation or questions be asked. 

I don't know if it's good to get involved with unfriendlies and then ask the good guys to help out. It might not be that simple. If a person can simply ask for help, then why do some people need the help of other people in order to deal with unfriendlies? Sometimes a middleman is needed.

  I'm not advocating that we energetically connect directly to possible unfriendlies, but to connect to the most expanded, helpful, etc. sources and get info from them about said possible group.  Unfortunately, many people who get into meditation and/or guidance do not specifically ask for help, guidance, etc of only the most spiritually constructive, helpful, etc. sources.

Plus, consider people who channel misleading beings.  They set the intent of hooking up with a friendly being and they end up channeling an unfriendly being.

   Actually, there seems to be a lack of more specific prayers and affirmations with a lot of channeled sources... See above answer to previous quote.   "Ask and you shall receive..etc., etc."   If you sincerely ask for help, and have FAITH that such help will be forthcoming, then again, one will be fine.  Course, it's also about one's deeper intentions as well.  This is why i also strongly recommended practicing Bruce's "Remembering the feeling of Love" technique in conjunction with the specific affirmation/prayer/request/stated intent.  This REALLY strengthens the energetic connection to those purely helpful, creative, Love attuned sources. 

  Take Jane Roberts and "Seth".  She didn't seem to have any safe guards in her work.   If i remember correctly, didn't she initially get involved with Seth via the Ouija board?   I really doubt that she stated an affirmation and prayer like i've mentioned. 

As mentioned to you previously, MUCH opened up for Bob Monroe and his Explorers AFTER he came up with his Gateway Affirmation.   And while his affirmation is decent, it definitely lacks because it requests help, guidance, etc. from those sources equal to or greater in maturity, wisdom, etc. as oneself.   I say it's wiser to cut out the middle men of "equal" to, and ask for only the help, guidance, etc. of the most spiritually expanded, aware, loving, etc. 

I believe things are more complicated than simply asking for help from the good guys. It is also a matter of being able to tell whether an actual friendly being is providing the help.

  Certainly it is, and there are various variables involved, some on the unconscious and some conscious.   However, again see the above response.   If one combines such a specific affirmation and prayer at the same time with bringing up feelings of Love and/or Gratitude, then 9 out of 10 times on average, one will connect with helpful sources.   This doesn't mean that one shouldn't apply discrimination to the messages one receives after receiving--it is helpful to keep open eyes, ears, and some skepticism even then. 

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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #5 - Feb 25th, 2012 at 11:45am
  I should add that with saying any prayer or affirmation, it requires, to be more fully effective, real feeling and sincerity involved.   

  If one mumbles some words by rote or just reads some words of a screen or a paper..., without any deeper feeling, without really having those intentions, etc. then yes, in such cases such prayers and affirmations may not be as effective.  Feeling it is important, and feeling is what connects to the intention and increases the strength of said intention. 

   What i'm talking about is no different than you having questions and concerns with ACIM and then "praying" to God and to Christ to get answers from same. Did you expect, well i'm not going to connect to God and to Christ and i will probably get false info from false sources.  No, you had faith that your request and intention, since it was sincere and helpful in nature, would be granted. 

Those helpful sources are there for anyone who sincerely asks for and wants there help, and especially if one is doing so with helpful intentions.   

  Part of what made Cayce's work somewhat unique was that even as a younger child, Edgar prayed to God and to Christ very sincerely to be a channel of help to others.  That request and prayer, because it was sincere and deeply felt, was not only immediately answered in the form of an "Angel" appearing to him not long after said prayer, BUT also later on answered in him getting involved with the psychic Readings he gave. 

  And before every Reading he attempted and gave, he prayed sincerely to God and to Christ--reaffirming his childhood intentions and prayers.   The Guidance that relayed info through him, did plainly state on occasion that much more spirituality and balance was needed in his life if he was to be a more clear, helpful, and accurate channel.  However, his personal lacks did not get in the way of him connecting to those more purely helpful sources to begin with, just added static to the transmission and reception.   Wink

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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #6 - Feb 25th, 2012 at 2:18pm
Hi Justin,

Every time we think of any subject we create an energy pathway to it, I've heard. So I agree with recoverer that exploring in that direction isn't a good idea. Those thought-paths could lead to trouble. 

Did Cayce ever ask to find out more about such entities? I can't remember that he did, although it's been a few years since I was reading him. And although Jane Roberts did us (humanity) a fine service by bringing the non-physical realms into consciousness, I can't think she is a model to set our own actions by. (grammatical?)

I don't mean to belabor this but one more thought prevents me from taking part --
aren't the higher forces we would appeal to for protection unable to penetrate the earthly realm as far down as we and the negative forces can?  Isn't that why we attempt to help the Helpers? So even if we got their advice, would we be able to get direct help if we met dire forces we couldn't handle?

You have alot of influence here Justin that has been good and helpful to me.  Sorry I haven't previously posted my thanks. But on this one I say ixnay.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #7 - Feb 26th, 2012 at 4:14am
betson wrote on Feb 25th, 2012 at 2:18pm:
I don't mean to belabor this but one more thought prevents me from taking part --
aren't the higher forces we would appeal to for protection unable to penetrate the earthly realm as far down as we and the negative forces can?  Isn't that why we attempt to help the Helpers? So even if we got their advice, would we be able to get direct help if we met dire forces we couldn't handle?

  The above is a misinterpretation.  The reason that in-physicals are involved with retrieving of those stuck between physical and 'nonphysical', is because we can be more easily perceived by said stuck folks than they can perceive the helpers in the more expanded dimensions. 

    We can act as a bridge of perception between said stuck folks and helpers.   

     Some of us here are not so stuck, and are consciously aware of more expanded dimensions and individuated consciousnesses in same.  There is no difficulty at all for the most expanded Consciousnesses to shield and protect us from even the strongest and most negative beings.  See my wife's powerful retrieval dream--once she called for help, she was immediately and completely helped.   


   As regards the rest and other things you said, these words are not to you personally, but spoken more to the collective and not solely of and from me.  Many of you are helpers in the flesh.  Before you is an opportunity to help humanity by becoming aware of hindering forces more directly, and thus in turn can help raise awareness of same by and through your own experience and talking openly of same.   Will you leave it up to those like David Icke to spread this awareness--people that most of society will not take seriously in the least bit? 

   Do you expect to be helpers, and not self sacrifice some?   You bandy about the terms of PUL, well i say to you all, you are not fit to use the term of PUL if you cannot sacrifice for others and for humanity, if you cannot put self on the line.  If you do not follow in The Teacher's footsteps and path, then do not think of self as a helper, for real helpers care more about the Whole than their little selves.   

  It is easy to be apathetic in this world and to think, "oh, well someone else will come around to do these things, why should i?"   

That was never the attitude that your elder brother ever took, and he always cared more about your happiness and well being than his own, and gave up his little will and cares for his little self so that everyone one of you could be happy and Whole.  The constant prayer of, "Others, always others."

  There is ever strength in numbers, in unity of purpose, there is no reason to fear anything if you have helpful intentions and sincerely ask for the help of those who are far more powerful than yourself or any wayward brothers.  Fear and the constant thought of and for the little self is your hindrance, and what keeps you stuck and unhappy!  Love would liberate you if you would but choose it.

   Would you be free by helping to liberate others, or would you stay stuck and unhappy?  Nothing stands in the way of you fulfilling your destiny and birthright except self.  These may seem hard words, but these are hard times and this World needs everyone of helpful and loving intent.  This channel that speaks to you now, has seen a possible future wherein this hindering group gets what it covets, and I, your elder brother beseech you to help me with this heavy weight of the world and it's needs. 
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #8 - Feb 26th, 2012 at 2:50pm

well, 'I say to you ' that I stand by what I said,  and I  still believe I'm fit to use PUL. 
Discussion allows for opposing views (-:


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #9 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 10:53am
You bandy about the terms of PUL, well i say to you all, you are not fit to use the term of PUL if you cannot sacrifice for others and for humanity, if you cannot put self on the line.  If you do not follow in The Teacher's footsteps and path, then do not think of self as a helper, for real helpers care more about the Whole than their little selves.

??? Really?
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #10 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 11:46am
Lucy wrote on Feb 27th, 2012 at 10:53am:
You bandy about the terms of PUL, well i say to you all, you are not fit to use the term of PUL if you cannot sacrifice for others and for humanity, if you cannot put self on the line.  If you do not follow in The Teacher's footsteps and path, then do not think of self as a helper, for real helpers care more about the Whole than their little selves.

??? Really?

  Yes, "really".  Is PUL just about feeling good, and sharing good vibes?   It is far bigger than that.  A big part of PUL is about self sacrifice and overcoming fear with an eye towards, and concern about the needs of the Whole. 

Betson doesn't want to get involved with this PE because she is afraid.  I understand that she is afraid, but there is no reason for her to be afraid.  Her sacrifice would be overcoming her fear for the greater good of the Whole.  It's in a very real sense, a transcendence of the little self.  This is THE pattern, the example that The Teacher showed us when he knowingly took up his cross and fulfilled his destiny. He was PUL incarnate

  That was PUL in it's finest and most distilled essence, a complete livingness for others and the needs of the Whole.

  While many of you profess to not "believe in" these strong, but lacking in Light beings, such as the above E.T. group, really deep down many of you have fear of these and don't want to become more aware of them.  Yet, that awareness and directly facing the fears would accomplish far more help, not only for self, but for others, than remaining fearful and unconscious of these influences. 

  Do you think that i speak lightly about this?  Becky and i told Bruce a little about some of Becky's and mine experience in person--it seemed like he tried to steer us away from any interpretation of this in a negative sense--like we hadn't dealt with any real negative beings. Sure, he did it in his gentle, laid back, and indirect way, but he still did it.  I figure consciously he was trying to be helpful, to be a "helper" type. 

After this talk, i wondered off and on if i should talk to him more about some of our experiences to better explain what we thought the brief experiences we mentioned were about (we figured it was ultimately related to that same E.T. group).  One morning, i woke up very early to do something, when i went back to bed, i fell asleep wondering about whether or not to do this. 

  I awoke with a very intense dream very vivid in my minds eye and remembrance.  It was about this negative E.T. group, and involved a future Earth wherein humanity did not grow optimally from the changes, and instead too many humans allowed themselves to be too influenced by the above group and their plans.  It became a much darker and difficult World than even now.  There was A LOT of suffering.  It was an upsetting dream, and i found myself so upset, so angry in the dream that i vowed i would do anything to change any possibility of this future possibility unfolding. 

  I told Bruce about said circumstances and dream.  I heard nothing back.   Then the next day or day after, i had another dream, but with Bruce in it.  In the dream, Bruce shared Love with me, but he also fell asleep and stayed asleep while i was fully awake.  When i awoke i knew that the dream meant that Bruce was unconscious to the awareness of these influences and deep down didn't want to be aware.   I use to put Bruce on a bit of a pedestal.  I use to think he was more aware and spiritually intune than myself.  I looked up to him. 

  The above was a real eye opener for me and how much fear limits people, even more unusually aware and sensitive people like Bruce.

  My personality self makes errors of perception sometimes when i'm more fully within this waking, conscious state--like i did with Wonderer.  However, when i'm getting more definite messages via dreams, sometimes channeling like the above post, or deep in meditation--well i've learned to trust these. Expanded Guidance is definitely pushing me to be more pro active in trying to act as a catalyst of awareness of this group so that we can better counter act them and their plans.   

  As i said on the ACIM thread, the 3 important steps are. Awareness without fear, tuning into PUL, and then being active in "retrieving" and trying to facilitate awareness for others of both the problems and the solutions.   And yet, the majority here will not seek even their own direct guidance on this issue.  This is what this site is all about, going within and finding out for self what's true or not. 

  What is holding them back?  As in Betson's case, and at least she is honest enough to admit it openly, it's fear. 

  There is no reason to be afraid, and even if there was, being a true helper and retriever requires that one overcome their fear for the good of all.  To really spiritually grow, we have to take up our own individual crosses and not just for ourselves.

  I thought i was perhaps being too harsh in my reply to Betson's reply, and i wondered if it was "too much".  I meditated briefly about it, and heard back, "sometimes fires need to be lit under people's *bottoms*".   Also, i wrote that reply very late at night/early in the morning, and it really felt like i was channeling it more than consciously writing it.  I believe the Teacher came through some, especially at the end. 

  Lucy, will you partake in this group exploration?

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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #11 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 2:20pm
On two occasions during the past few days I had experiences related to unfriendly aliens. I didn't try to have them. I guess my higher self/spirit guidance wanted me to have them.

On one occasion I was like in a dark place and I could see tall buildings with lights. The architecture didn't look like architecture I've seen in this World. There were these insect like aliens that were interferring with this World in a negative way.

I had another experience this morning. I was with people who are being troubled by unfriendly aliens. I couldn't say what the nature of these aliens were. It felt as if such troubles "could" happen more in the future than they do now. I wrote "could" rather than "will" because when I asked "when" I didn't receive an answer. Perhaps I was being told of a possibility that is partially dependent upon what people do.

In each of the above cases I didn't receive information that I could verify with others. I believe it is more of a matter of people connecting with guidance they know they can trust and finding out from this guidance.

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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #12 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 5:42pm
As far as participating in something like this. I don't have these experiences (of retrieval). I have no talent/ability/anything to visualize anyone or see anything, so it doesn't matter. It is very rare for me to havve "experiences". It is just not my thing. I don't visualize well either, never have.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #13 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 7:05pm
  Hi Lucy,

  I also don't have good visualization abilities, and don't tend to get much info in the form of images, etc. except for in dreams.  (i do occasionally get visuals during meditation, etc, but it's somewhat rare)

  I tend to receive info more in the manner of feeling-thought impressions, which i then translate to word concepts.  It tends to be more subtle than having images, etc. appear.
  One of my earlier blocks in practcing this kind of stuff was expecting the info to come in certain ways, like in vivid images and the like.  Once i let go of such preconceptions and just learned to quiet my mind and listen in an open way, i started to receive more info (some of which i've had definite verifications with). 

  Perhaps yours is a similar case, perhaps you are expecting the info to come in a certain way, and are't paying attention to the more subtle feeling and thought impressions?  Pay attention to those more "out of the blue" thoughts you have while practicing these things. 

  You can also specifically ask your guidance to help you with perceiving more clearly, (but again with no preconceptions of how this will actually take form).  Practicing Bruce's remembering the feeling of Love technique, as well as remembering or bringing up feelings of Gratitude also help one to perceive guidance messages more clearly.

  Also, for most, it's one of those things that you just have to practice and plug away at, and you slowly but surely get better in sensing and receiving these impressions.  I think you have more potential and ability than you perhaps give yourself credit for. 

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Re: PE, Need your help folks--possibly important
Reply #14 - Feb 28th, 2012 at 5:50am
Thank you for your thought-full comments. I think you clarify some of the isues involved in learning to use intuition or whatever one wants to call learning to use input from sources that are not sense-based in a world that relies on the senses. When it comes to my life review I hope I am able to laugh at myself for some of the misadventures this has caused me.

(and I am grateful to know that I am not alone in the visualization thing. A number of years ago, any group work or tapes in developing these skills or exploring other dimensions often started with the words "Imagine you are..." which always left me conflicted and certainly mentally going "Grrrr!". And that would effectively be the end of the lesson. I felt like something was wrong with me until finally, after a few years of this, some others admitted it didn't work for them either.)

I think before I undertook an adventure such as you are proposing that I woul dhave to feel more skilled in the techniques. That is partly because I think a lot of projection can go on in non-sense based information gathering. Heck, it goes on in things that are sense based too.

Also, I can't imagine that this has not been tried before; so much has been tried. I just came across some info I wasn't aware of ..that this guy
Stephan Schwartz, claims to have found some archeological things by remote viewing.

The Amazon blurb on one of his books has a summary of some things the team Schwartz put together did (review by Clearwater)

Of course, we can't seem to escape the CIA connections here. The original remote viewing experiemtns were funded by the CIA, were they not, and a famous MIT researcher and favorite professor, "Doc" Edgerton, showed up for one of the team's explorations (MIT being another CIA connection).

(Edgerton is known ..well his photographs are well-known even if his name isn't. He did the famous bullet through the apple picture, among others.
sorry this isn't really relevant, I just like the pictures.
oh this page is better

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