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2012 and the coming energy to Earth (Read 13361 times)
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2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Nov 10th, 2011 at 1:34pm
2012 the very big story.
My question is if anyone see something special in this subject ?
Write it down please.

In my hearings there are some Beings who don't want  people to know too much but my guide told me to write about it.

Yesterday I saw the big dark blue sphere approaching to Earth.
Surface of the sphere is dark blue and slightly wrinkled like waves on the ocean, nice positive color.
In dimension close to physical Earth  and is much larger than Earth.

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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #1 - Nov 10th, 2011 at 1:46pm
is...that a good or a bad thing..
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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #2 - Nov 10th, 2011 at 1:50pm

At first I thought "Oh no, a giant water ball is headed for Earth!"  Smiley 
but then I remembered that you see energy forms that do not involve such physical elements.

Well, you sense its color is positive so I'm happy about that.
And since it is bigger than Earth it could encompass Earth entirely, perhaps like a healing new atmosphere or stratosphere to replace the one we've shot apart with pollutants.

One of my favorite visions was about a year ago with a scene I thought was at twilight because the sky was darker blue than usual. The site was like a park, very green grass and trees, and we were very happy there.

So if I put it all together, it sounds great!   Smiley


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #3 - Nov 10th, 2011 at 2:51pm

It could be that the sphere you saw wasn't an actual sphere, but a symbol for what this World will become.

Here's the symbolic imagery I've been shown:

-I first felt, heard and saw a planet explode into rocks. Then into fire. Then into white light.

-I was shown negative events taking place, then I saw groups of very happy people holding hands and dancing in circles.

-I was shown negative events taking place, then I experienced myself on this planet (our World) non-physically, looked up in the sky and saw that the Christ light was radiating upon this World.

Also consider what Bruce wrote below, from this link:

"What sort of energies are you interested in recording?" I asked.

His answer came in a series of squawks and squeaks that translated themselves into images. The first one was an image of the earth that looked about two or three times the diameter of a full moon. As I looked at it I wondered if this gave some clue as to the distance from earth to 2ndGathgroup's ship. I could see the huge crystal within the earth aligned to the axis of rotation. At one end, near the north pole, a ring was placed around the crystal. The word "LOVE" was engraved on the ring. In response to my question about the nature of the energies 2ndGathgroup was here to record, the ring slid from the end of the crystal to the center. With the images of the crystal and the earth superimposed the ring moved to the core center of the earth.

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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #4 - Nov 11th, 2011 at 10:28am
Don't be afraid Bets.
That  sphere is  the magical, of wonderfull energy Smiley
The changes are coming.
Heh, today is 11.11.11 !

Now the deep blue sphere passes through the Earth and We can feel it. Sphere purified everything in 7th dimension and probably slightly cleans us
Just imagine, think about it.

recoverer, thank you

...very interesting  Smiley

What do the Souls who You met tell You ? Or Beings... ? Or Guide...
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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #5 - Nov 11th, 2011 at 2:37pm

The spirit beings I communicate with have told me that Earth changes are going to take place. First we'll go through some bad times and then things we'll become quite good.

I don't know how fixed in stone these revelations are. Perhaps I was being told about possibilities.

For one of my books I wrote a chapter about Earth changes. It "doesn't" provide a lot of precise details. This chapter will be available for free on my site, and I'll provide the link when my site is completed.
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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #6 - Nov 11th, 2011 at 3:58pm
Could there be any relationship between this blue sphere that Olinerum reported Thursday and the increased iodine radiation above Europe reported Friday (today)?

According to iodine has several colors, one of which, when mixed with starches, is a beautiful blue. On the same site it says iodine in light doses is a disinfectant and a protection against some diseases such as thyroid cancer.
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #7 - Nov 11th, 2011 at 7:16pm
There was a time ago that all creation could be destroyed by implosion.
That could be just big flash and... Returning to our true Beings.
The main reason was that no  men could liberate themselves off reincarnation circle since thousands of years or even more.
True Creators had lost contact with low dimensions.

But the contact had been established in last months and everything is under control now.
Changes are coming slowly and gently.

The Earth is in that blue sphere now.
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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #8 - Nov 13th, 2011 at 6:22pm
Could it be you are seeing the same thing I am seeing? The New Earth, just out there, ready for ...?
This is the place to which I am proposing a Partnered Exploration over Thanksgiving Weekend (see post on PE forum list).

Many peoples, including the Bible, have foretold a New Heaven and a New Earth, championed lately by Eckert Tolle in his book of the same name, The New Earth.

I think it is here, or should I say there, just out there, like a clone, but perfect. Pure water, pure air, abundance, fee energy, no dammed rivers, no cities....but I don't want to pre-load people too much.

Just my opinion...but excited others are seeing it, too.

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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #9 - Nov 13th, 2011 at 7:15pm
Here's the chapter from one of my books about Earth changes.
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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #10 - Dec 22nd, 2011 at 7:47am
I think the changes will come slowly on Earth and they are coming now but  it is hard to notice, when we are so busy in our minds every day.
My Guide is silent about that.  Smiley
But when I look to the future of Earth I have good feelings and I see just light Smiley.

I am not sure what is connecting  me with.
Just light... Smiley

If Earth could be saved and in light we need many more Good People. Like You the Readers of this site.
So we need to implant "Love and Forgiveness" to humans.
But first We ourselves need to live like this. And we need the part of population.
I know that We can do It. 
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Right here and right there
Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #11 - Dec 22nd, 2011 at 3:47pm
"If Earth could be saved and in light we need many more Good People. Like You the Readers of this site.
So we need to implant "Love and Forgiveness" to humans. But first We ourselves need to live like this. And we need the part of population.
I know that We can do It. Smiley"

I'm a reader, but not a good one in terms of needing to implant, which is sugar wrapped control.

We're just kidding, because we know we're not void of control issues. So - we're readers, and we need to stop the implantation. Save choice! Save the presumed robots! We can do it, and we know it, don't we? Who we are we are uncertain of, but we're certain that no one are excluded from joining us. Uncle sam needs you, but we need you even more.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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ALK Member

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Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #12 - Dec 27th, 2011 at 5:34am
It is my poor english - "implant"
I didn't mean implant as a device but as the idea, as a new style of life...
I am sure you know what I am thinking about...

Better let's look to the sun and warm up our minds and hearts.
There is nice warmth and light and the big golden crystal inside - the star Smiley
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Senior Member

Posts: 468
Right here and right there
Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #13 - Dec 27th, 2011 at 12:53pm
"It is my poor english - "implant"
I didn't mean implant as a device but as the idea, as a new style of life... I am sure you know what I am thinking about..."

I'm not a mind reader, but we share a poorness of english, and practice makes perfect. Implanting the idea of a better english at least requires approval or a willingness to accept the idea. So with a new style of life.

"Better let's look to the sun and warm up our minds and hearts. There is nice warmth and light and the big golden crystal inside - the star"

Nah, the physical sun will fire up the rays again in the end of january, and not so curious about the non-physical aspects as there is so much yet to explore and put into practice by looking and going within. For me, looking at a few logs burning in the fireplace warms the mind and heart too.

2012 is almost here now and so we'll get to know first hand whether there are going to be more pronounced changes or business as usual.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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ALK Member

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Gender: male
Re: 2012 and the coming energy to Earth
Reply #14 - Dec 28th, 2011 at 11:15am
"... For me, looking at a few logs burning in the fireplace warms the mind and heart too."

Yes ! You are right !

We need to smile, be happy in any circumstances.
This is the quintessence of spiritual development !
With understanding the Laws governing dimensions and Earth.
Which are the same.

... And sitting at the fireplace with loved person is like feeling of divinity.
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