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Where is Bin Ladin? (Read 66928 times)
Andy B
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #90 - May 7th, 2011 at 3:38pm
I mentioned the moon landing as a joke lol.

Recoverer, you do make a good point about Bush but I still think that they knew something was going to happen but didn't know what or when so failed to act.

Just to point out, I said flight 93 could have possibly been shot down, I don't believe that, I thought it was a possibility but I have looked it up again and have found out that the black box was found which confirmed that the passengers fought the hijackers and took the plane back, which was said from day one.

Rondelle has said twice on this board that he and his wife saw the plane hit the pentagon and also that his neighbour died on that plane. I have never thought that it wasn't a plane and don't know how anyone could think differently as there are countless more witnesses who saw the plane not to mention that the planes wreckage was all over the lawn and inside the building.

As for Osama, he is dead and died when Obama said he did I have no reason to think otherwise. I see all these old reports saying he died before are coming out again, these were attempts to stop people looking for him and nothing more. What better way is there to stop people looking for you than to say you are dead?

On a lighter note, I was watching a comedy news program last night and it showed a newsreader who got mixed up and said President Obama is dead instead of Bin Laden  Grin.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #91 - May 7th, 2011 at 5:14pm

Regarding the article that was posted about when Bin Laden died, I don't believe it shows for certain that he didn't die in the raid.

If Rondelle and his wife saw an airplane fly into the Pentagon, then certainly this nullifies the Cruise Missle report.


Did you see what happened with the wings? Some reports say they were missing?
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #92 - May 7th, 2011 at 5:25pm
Some of the people from this video (the quotes) saw differently than Rondelle. Look at the size of the hole when they show a close up.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #93 - May 7th, 2011 at 5:39pm
Listen to this short video closely. Does anybody know when the film of the first crash was first shown?
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #94 - May 7th, 2011 at 5:52pm
Here's a site that talks about when the film for the first crash became available.

Below is what it says.

How could Bush have seen the FIRST plane crash into the WTC?  Film of the first plane crash wasn’t available until much later in the day:
White House

President Meets with Displaced Workers in Town Hall Meeting, December 4, 2001

“THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, Jordan.  Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack.  I was in Florida.  And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works.  I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on.  And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot.  I said, it must have been a horrible accident.”

President Holds Town Hall Forum on Economy in California, January 5, 2002

“Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building.  There was a TV set on.  And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake.  And something was wrong with the plane, or -- anyway, I'm sitting there, listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came and said, ‘America is under attack."’”

[He nevertheless continued to read to the children for another half hour after Andy Card told him “America is under attack.”—Caro]

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Andy B
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #95 - May 7th, 2011 at 6:14pm

There's plenty of images on the net of the wreckage which is obviously from an american airlines plane.

Recoverer, the hole that's mentioned in that clip is from the opposite side of the pentagon made by the landing gear, it went straight through the building. Alot of people say that the damage is too little for an airliner but they seem to forget that the Pentagon isn't made from chocolate lol, also don't they realise what damage a cruise missile is capable of?

Over here Bush was always made out to be a bit of a fool, so from this I would say that's why he said what he said about the first plane hitting the tower, I don't think it was a slip up as that wouldn't happen if he was capable of pulling off an inside job.

And I wasn't talking about the particular article which has been posted about Bin Ladens death, ever since 9/11 there has been at least five articles saying he might have died at various times, I didn't believe them at the time due to my earlier response and also the papers put lies in to sell more papers.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #96 - May 8th, 2011 at 5:03am
Andy B wrote on May 7th, 2011 at 6:14pm:

There's plenty of images on the net of the wreckage which is obviously from an american airlines plane.

Well, you're link shows a lots of pictures from sites that supports the Global Hawk drone theory. Smiley

One engine only.

And not the double 6 tons engines of a real Boeing. Compare the hole in the wall to the size of a Boeing:


At Pentagon, only a small military plane engine was found.

Actually a U.S. military drone engine:

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Andy B
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #97 - May 8th, 2011 at 12:47pm
So was Rondelles neighbour on the Global Hawk?  Smiley

This article explains the engine part picture quite well, not to mention the various AA 757 wreckage that there is pictures of.

Also see if you can spot where the Global Hawk rumour came from? I can.

You're free to believe what you want but you won't convince me to believe anything different as the evidence that has been presented points to it being an Al Qaeda attack and nothing more. 
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #98 - May 8th, 2011 at 1:15pm
Andy B wrote on May 8th, 2011 at 12:47pm:
So was Rondelles neighbour on the Global Hawk?  Smiley

No, she was most likely on flight 77 somewhere over an uninhabited area of land controlled by the U.S. military as her flight was shot down by a U.S. military missile.

The CIA claimed in the early 1990ies that they could mimic any person's voice if they had a 10 minutes recording of it, by use of top secret technology. That's the "voices" people hear on very short mobile phone calls from the "crash" planes.

The dead bodies from the shot down flight 77 were then transported by trucks to the same morgue as the casualties from the Pentagon building.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #99 - May 8th, 2011 at 1:31pm
wait a second...did I read Don right? Is he giving the killing of OBL two thumbs up? Whats next? Shows what some people really know or understand about the afterlife. Lets see...I wonder what better? A child molester, or a fundamentalist politician/terrorist who supports murder, or war mongers? Isn't supporting one or the others possibly wrong? Now the Bush's are a different story. They are no better that OBL. We can only hope that B Obama can get us the heck out of these countries that we have no need, or right, being in or at war with. On the conspiracies of 9/11...If any one was to be responsible, I would think it would have been big oil behind it. Oh ya, that's the Bush's again isn't it? (In the long run, and after we are all dead and isn't going to matter one little bit.) You see, when were done with one "enamey", we will just go out and find another. Who knows, perhaps next time it will be in Northern Africa instead of the Middle East. Oh yea, we are already. Im surprised that the USA hasn't tried to take over Canada. They have almost as much oil as the Middle East. But I suppose after 1812 they might have second thoughts.
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« Last Edit: May 8th, 2011 at 4:28pm by hawkeye »  
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #100 - May 9th, 2011 at 1:07am

  RE: 9/11. I'm not sure if these videos has been shown, but in any case, i found them very holistically logical.  MIT trained researcher Jeff King talks about how fishy the official story is from various different angles and perspectives.

  Why not keep an open mind?  Is it so hard to believe that people who are obsessed with power, influence, and wealth will do destructive things to others in order to either maintain levels of and/or gain more of the above?  Don't we see this in society somewhat often and on various levels of human interaction?  Overall, there isn't much collective PUL attunement yet. 

part 1,

part 2,

  Please Andy, Rondele, Don, etc. please refute all the points that Jeff King makes in the above video's.   Can you?   How can you continue to believe what you want to believe or want others to believe, when there are so many different aspects of the official story that have gaping holes in them?

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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #101 - May 9th, 2011 at 1:57am
Another excellent youtube video about this issue.

What's interesting about this whole subject is how many trained physicists, architects, and engineers have come forward and have said that the official explanation has big logical problems with explaining all the various evidence (actual video, dust-particulates, what we know about the physics of fire, the melting point of steel, etc, eyewitnesses who heard multiple explosions, etc). 

Thank God for brave and honest people like these, people willing to put their careers and reputations on the line, people who talk about the evidence and the facts, but who instead of being intelligently and impersonally debated on these, have their characters attacked as well as huge generalizations made up to distract from these truths. 

Watch the above happen in a below video on the Hannity show with a professor who disagrees with the official gov. explanation.  Notice the characterizations Hannity uses like, "pathetic", "bizarre conspiracies", etc  It just gets more generally extreme and distracting from the issues being brought up.   This is common tactic when one side of a debate deep down knows the other side is more on the side of truth than it is.  Its a form of belief system defense to slander the sources or those who believe in something, rather than logically and impersonally discuss the ideas and issues at hand.

What should happen when a country's government is so fundamentally corrupt and rotten at it's core?   Particularly a country who so influences and imposes it's will on the rest of the world?

  It's interesting to me that a number of people who experienced NDE's like Howard Storm, Dannion Brinkley, Lou Famoso, etc. originally liked and supported the U.S. government but after their NDE's came back with a very different view of the U.S. and were told by very mature Beings very in touch with God that the U.S. has  been failing it's mission, has become very corrupt, and would probably be brought low unless this changed.  Seems like 9/11, the recent Bin Laden gov. hoax, the war on Iraq and Afghanistan, etc, etc show just how much and how deeply the above is the case, and that it's not changing for the better.  The next part is the brought low part.

  God bless America eh... 
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #102 - May 9th, 2011 at 2:29am
  Re: some of Andy's points about the demolition etc., well some of the well trained researches have said that most controlled demolitions involve C4 or RDX explosives, but if you wanted to blame a buildings collapse on fire that one would use a much more sophisticated and expensive explosive called Thermite, of which all the evidence of the WTC collapses indicates that such a substance was used.

  There is less outer explosion with thermite than with the sheer amount of C4 and other more common explosives it would take to collapse such powerfully built buildings.  Thermite rather cuts through steel like a warm knife through warm butter.  This would explain the quick collapse of even the building which was not struck by a plane.   

  In other words, it's a much more subtle form of demolition in some respects than the more outwardly explosive and more common explosive materials. 

  Andy, to be frank, just from my brief, recent research, i've found much which contradicted your "years" of inquiry and research and beliefs based on same.  I would suggest researching more thoroughly.   
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #103 - May 9th, 2011 at 2:43am
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #104 - May 9th, 2011 at 5:01am
...but if you wanted to blame a buildings collapse on fire that one would use a much more sophisticated and expensive explosive called Thermite, of which all the evidence of the WTC collapses indicates that such a substance was used.

There are even indications that it was something even more sophisticated than Thermite; namely a mix of Thermate (spelling!) and a special military compound which can produce explosions for covert military operations where the U.S. military requires low noise explosions to reduce the risk of being detected by enemies.

The U.S. military explosives can also be used to burn through 4 inch thick steel pillars in 40 seconds almost without causing any other effect than producing very small amounts of white smoke. Completely melting the steel.

Little is known exactly about Thermate, but it has a higher burning degree than Thermite, which only reaches 2500 degree Centigrades. You may compare these wiki pages:
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