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Where is Bin Ladin? (Read 70075 times)
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #75 - May 6th, 2011 at 3:58pm

You are the voice of reason in an appalling demonstration of the antithesis of Pure Unconditional Love.  I am now Democratic in my political leanings, largely because I see the desperate plight of so many homeless families who need remedial programs that churches can only provide to a limited extent.  But despite my disagreements with George W. Bush, I consider him a man of the highest integrity and agree with you that his haters display their dirty linen by their obvious refusal to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Such guttersniping conspiracy theories are precisely what I would expect from the New Age Ghetto and are constantly displayed on George Noory's the New Age radio program "Coast to Coast"  (e. g. all the Illuminati paranoia).  GW is a United Methodist, not a Fundamentalist, and United Methodists realize that the Babylon image in biblical apocalyptic is a symbol of Rome, and not of the ancient empire centered in what is now Iraq.  To blame GW for the Iraq invasion on the basis of such ignorant apocalyptic nonsense is mean-spirited. This nonsense reveals the mindset of key denizens of this site and is just one reason why I no longer trust recoverer's judgment or interpretations of his experiences of the afterlife. 
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« Last Edit: May 6th, 2011 at 6:00pm by Berserk2 »  
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #76 - May 6th, 2011 at 4:20pm

It is fine that you don't trust my judgment on afterlife experiences.

But how about Howard Storm's? If you go by what he wrote, God hates war, and it is never acceptable to go to war, there is always another choice. Yet, Bush and Cheney were overly quick to do so. They allowed torture to happen during their presidency, and still express no regret about doing so. How is this an example of integrity? How is this an example of loving your neighbor as yourself?

If you can't see where Bush and Cheney are coming from, then it's no surprise that you can't see where I am coming from.

Regarding Bush's religion, thank you for clearing that up. I was uncertain about what denomination he follows.

Regarding 911 conspiracy theories, I don't get the feeling that either you or Rondelle have considered them enough to see if there is any validity to them. Instead you just sweep them under the carpet in a manner that is similar to the manner you accuse new agers of having.

Fact number 1: 911 happened during Bush's presidency.

Fact number 2: There are enough puzzling factors about the event to make it worth questioning.

Fact number 3: It is morally irresponsible (and perhaps foolish) to not try to determine what precisely happened.

But if a person isn't open to changing his world view, he probably won't do so.

Berserk2 wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 3:58pm:

You are the voice of reason in an appalling demonstration of the antithesis of Pure Unconditional Love.  I am now Democratic in my political leanings, largely because I see the desperate plight of so many homeless families who need remedial programs that churches can only provide to a limited extent.  But despite my disagreements with George W. Bush, I consider him a man of the highest integrity and agree with you that his haters display their dirty linen by their obvious refusal to give him the benefit of the doubt.  Such guttersniping conspiracy theories are precisely what I would expect from the New Age Ghetto and are constantly displayed on George Noory's the New Age radio program "Coast to Coast"  (e. g. all the Illuminati paranoia).  GW is a United Methodist, not a Fundamentalist, and United Methodists realize that the Babylon image in biblical apocalyptic is a symbol of Rome, and not of the ancient empire centered in what is now Iraq.  To blame GW for the Iraq invasion on the basis of such ignorant apocalyptic nonsense is uneducated and mean-spirited nonsense. This nonsense reveals the mindset of key denizens of this site and is just one reason why I no longer trust recoverer's judgment or interpretations of his experiences of the afterlife. 

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Andy B
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #77 - May 6th, 2011 at 4:36pm
Do you think man has really walked on the moon  Grin.

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #78 - May 6th, 2011 at 4:53pm

I heard of those conspiracy theories. I haven't read up on them, so rather than raising my nose to them in an uneducated way, I won't comment.

However, even if those conspiracy theories are false, this doesn't mean that all conspiracy theories are false.

A while back Rondelle wrote about the Global Warming conspiracy.  To see if it is true,  one should be open minded. However, it might connect to the New World Order conspiracy theory, so watch out. Grin

Andy B wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 4:36pm:
Do you think man has really walked on the moon  Grin.

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #79 - May 6th, 2011 at 4:59pm
You want to know another conspiracy theory? Don probably believes I communicate with demons (he has suggested the same for Bruce Moen and Robert Monroe).

This is ironic, since I suggested that malicious beings might influence people in positions of power, such as Bush and Cheney. If such malicious beings exist, is it unreasonable to hypothesize that they might influence people who do negative things such as start unecessary wars, support torture, and lie to the people who sort of elected them?

I on the other hand am suggesting that we look out for the negative deeds that have happened, and that might've happened (e.g.; an inside 911 job). Would demons influence one to look out in such a perhaps responsible way?
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #80 - May 6th, 2011 at 5:58pm

No one can witness an event, especially as tragic and horrific as watching a plane crash into the Pentagon, and remain indifferent when someone on the thread says that no passengers were on that plane, that they were shot by the CIA and put into some kind of cooler.

No one can have a close neighbor who was killed on board that plane who, by the way, called her husband in a terrified voice, describing to him the hijacking of the plane while it was in progress, and not feel outraged when someone else claims she was already dead in a cooler.

And that the building was hit by a missile instead of an airplane in spite of the fact that there were many eyewitnesses including myself and my wife that morning.

To me, that's obscene and there's no way I can remain silent when such utter garbage is strewn around.

Yes, there's a website that purportedly shows a missile but that's totally bogus.  Have any of you been at the Pentagon?  Are you unaware of the many hi rise residential buildings on both sides of the river?  Do you know there's a heavily traveled road that runs parallel to the Pentagon especially at the time of the morning of the crash?  Do you wonder why no one has ever reported seeing a missile that morning?

Do you know there are firefighters and first responders who carried out the burned victims from the building??

And yet, regardless of all of these things, some of you choose to believe all passengers were shot and killed before the plane even took off (including the one that crashed in Pa), on the basis that there were no reported retrievals at the scenes??

Holy God.

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #81 - May 6th, 2011 at 6:20pm
[Andy B] Do you think man has really walked on the moon  Grin.


No, it is well known in the New Age movement that the moon-landing was faked in a New Mexico hangar to give us a propaganda adventage over the Commies. And Satan planted countless fossils in the ground to invent the lie of evolution.  And G. W. faked his life-changing conversion to give himself political capital to run for President so he could engineer the mass murder of 3,000 New Yorkers and make a name for himself by overthrowing Sadam Hussein.

And recoverer, integrity is a function of personal beliefs, not of outcomes (e. g. no WMD).  I think you are misreading Howard Storm.  I have been in personal contact with him vail e-mail.  In my view, neither his NDE Jesus nor the historical Jesus would agree with your blanket statement.  Jesus taught the right of self-defense (Luke 22:36-38) and even recruited Simon the Zealot as one of the  twelve apostles.   The Zealots later evolved in the rebels who staged an unseccessful revolt against Rome. 

And why are you lying and claiming that your and Bruce's astral sources are disguised demons?  To point out that there are spirit impersonators that deceive or that unverified astral travel might in some cases be delusary is very different than attributing it to demons.  The spirit impersonators might, as Swedenborg contends, be discarnate humans.  I never made the claim you allege.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #82 - May 6th, 2011 at 6:26pm

I didn't say I believe all of the things 911 conspiracy theorists say. I don't know why they brought up that Pentagon missle thing (not that I checked out their reason for doing so). Regarding the shot down planes that some speak of, I also don't know what that is about.

When you have people coming up with alternate theories you're bound to have a mixture. I don't want to make a mistake of dismissing theories that might be relevant because of possible faulty theories. Doing so would be similar to dismissing all afterlife accounts, because there are some questionable accounts.

The main thing that puzzles me is the manner in which the buidings fell.

Regarding Bush, Cheney etc. being capable of partaking in such an immoral action, too much of what I've seen of them allows me to believe that they might be capable of such actions.

When it comes to their being influenced by unfriendly beings, I don't know if this is true, but going by the spirit messages I received, some of the experiences I have had, and what seemingly credible sources have to say, such a possibility exists.

Therefore, I believe it is a mistake to not investigate this matter further. It isn't a matter of hating Bush and Cheney, it is a matter of wanting to make certain that unethical people (and perhaps malicious influences) don't get away with it.

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #83 - May 6th, 2011 at 6:55pm

It seems to me that Storm was quite clear at being told that war is unacceptable.

Regarding the right to defend ourselves, when did Iraq attack the United States? Is a supposed pre-emptive strike really a self defense?

Whatever the case, do you really believe that Jesus believes it was acceptable for the United States to attack Iraq?

Maybe you didn't say demon, but I have read posts where you stated that Robert Monroe was misled by a deceptive spirit. Deceptive spirit--demon, what's the difference?

Regarding your conspiracy theory about me, that was a joke more than anything. Perhaps you believe I am deluded and don't receive any information at all. If so, it's funny that the information and energetic work I received has helped me grow spiritually. It's funny that I received information about things I didn't know about before hand. It's funny that I opened myself up to divine inspiration and guidance with great sincerity, and I only experienced self-delusion.

Berserk2 wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 6:20pm:
[Andy B] Do you think man has really walked on the moon  Grin.

No, it is well known in the New Age movement that the moon-landing was faked in a New Mexico hangar to give us a propaganda adventage over the Commies. And Satan planted countless fossils in the ground to invent the lie of evolution.  And G. W. faked his life-changing conversion to give himself political capital to run for President so he could engineer the mass murder of 3,000 New Yorkers and make a name for himself by overthrowing Sadam Hussein.

And recoverer, integrity is a function of personal beliefs, not of outcomes (e. g. no WMD).  I think you are misreading Howard Storm.  I have been in personal contact with him vail e-mail.  In my view, neither his NDE Jesus nor the historical Jesus would agree with your blanket statement.  Jesus taught the right of self-defense (Luke 22:36-38) and even recruited Simon the Zealot as one of the  twelve apostles.   The Zealots later evolved in the rebels who staged an unseccessful revolt against Rome. 

And why are you lying and claiming that your and Bruce's astral sources are disguised demons?  To point out that there are spirit impersonators that deceive or that unverified astral travel might in some cases be delusary is very different than attributing it to demons.  The spirit impersonators might, as Swedenborg contends, be discarnate humans.  I never made the claim you allege.  [/quote]
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #84 - May 6th, 2011 at 7:45pm
Here's an article about the cruise missle theory. It's long, so hopefully I'll find the time to read it (not this weekend).
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #85 - May 6th, 2011 at 10:08pm
GW's invasion of Iraq was predicated on Sadam's possession of WMDs and his willngness to use them against us and perhaps his own people.  Most experts mistakenly agreed that he had them.   GW made an error of judgment but this does ot impugn his personal integrity.  Is Iraq better off without Sadam?  Of course.  Would the oro-democracy uprisings throughout the Arab world have happened without the Iraqi precedent?  Perhaps not.  So might not the net effect be a lot more good than evil?  Probably.  Would Jesus have approved of the invasion?  Perhaps.  I don't know and neither do you.  But you are ducking the key issues: (1) slandering GW without sufficient evidence (= no PUL); (2) falsely accusing me of attributing Bruce's and your astral contacts to demons.  I am grateful for Bruce's site and his reports of his discoveries.  But I feel obligated to compare competing claims on the basis of who has the best verifications.  The possibility of confusing genuine astral contact with some form of consciousness akin to lucid dreamnig and the possibility of mischievous discarnate humans providing false information are well attested by Swedenborg and are in any case nowhere near the cleim  that Bruce and you experience demonic astral contacts.  That insinuation is an unkind lie which you cannot back up from any of my old threads.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #86 - May 7th, 2011 at 12:50am
I think everybody has their mind made up as to what happened at the World Trade Center's. So no sense in trying to change anybody's way of thinking. Not much is going to change the outcome of what has happened. It's a tragedy all around..

You all have a pleasant evening and a lovely tomorrow.

Over and out Tongue
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #87 - May 7th, 2011 at 5:26am
rondele wrote on May 4th, 2011 at 7:37pm:
We saw the plane crash into the Pentagon.

The reason I ask this question is that a person from Europe on his way to a meeting saw the Pentagon attack "plane", and noticed that it made a sharp S-curve, impossible to do for a civil air plane. He also noticed that it was a small plane, not a Boeing. So he just assumed that it was a military plane at low height and that everything was fine.

He _didn't_ see the actually crash into Pentagon, be he was able to follow the small plane (which has been assumed to be a Global Hawk drone, by inspection of a later photo of its burnt out engine) until about 10-15 seconds before the crash.

He also saw the huge orange-yellow fire ball and noticed that it was expanding as it rose, which indicates that it may not have been usual air plane fuel, but U.S. military explosives which brought down part of the Pentagon building.



Could you please tell me _exactly_ how the plane moved through the air the last one minute before the crash?
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #88 - May 7th, 2011 at 11:23am
I think Obama, our President good or bad, did the right thing by honoring the victims, and sending others out to honor them, as we all honestly know that only our good prayers and well wishes can make a difference now. None of us knows all the truth, so we may as well  do the best with what we have. The way things have been going around the world, we could all use our energies in many ways to make an improvement now in our social and cultural circles.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #89 - May 7th, 2011 at 12:56pm

I remember very clearly that there are posts where you said that on some occasions Robert Monroe received information from lower level beings. Such accusations really stood out to me.  There are a lot of threads on this forum and it would be unrealistic to try to find the posts where you said this. I don't become a liar because your memory isn't serving you well.

I don't buy that business about Bush making a WMD mistake. The evidence was too flimsy. The Valerie Plame story needs to be considered. People such as Bush are able to mislead people because people allow themselves to be misled.

It isn't a matter of accusing without having a trial. It is a matter of wanting to have a trial. When people are so opposed to questioning as you are, a trial will never happen.

I got to tell you Don, you seem to be very naive about what has gone on with the American government.
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