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Where is Bin Ladin? (Read 70080 times)
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #60 - May 6th, 2011 at 6:22am
Lucy wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 6:13am:
we should all be able to remote view and figure out the "real" answers ourselves, shouldn't we? though the overlay of the interpretor is always a dilemma.


Perhaps not. Smiley

If remote viewing would work, I would have expected someone to find Kennedy's murder or at least figure out how Oswald could fire with a malfunctioning rifle and get bulls-eye hits at a moving target over an impossible distance.

Or perhaps the astral hides and shields some information?

Which I think is the most likely, so the astral doesn't interfere too much with the physical. After all, we are here to experience the physical, and taking short routes through the Akashic or RVing are probably stopped.

Many OBE:ers have witnessed that they have seen and been allowed to reveal amazing things, just to hear their guides say that they will not be allowed to remember anything when going back to the physical.
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Andy B
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #61 - May 6th, 2011 at 9:19am
recoverer wrote on May 5th, 2011 at 4:14pm:
Recoverer responds: One possibility is that there were terrorists who had it in mind to do 911, and instead of stopping them, the Bush administration took advantage of the situation and made things worse.  The very fact of how Bush's brother and cousin were in charge of the company that provided security for the towers, shows that they probably had a means to take advantage of the situation, by applying explosives. "If" they took advantage of the situation (rather than being responsible for everything), the scale of what they had to do wasn't as ominous. They certainly seemed to take advantage of the situation by using it as an excuse to go to Afghanistan and Iraq.

That does make sense, you see after reading up on all of the conspiracy theories I couldn't make sense of any of them, this has been over a few years. After a few posts on this board You've given me a theory that does make a lot of sense and could be the truth, a lot of people say that 9/11 couldn't have been an inside job due to damaging the economy. With your theory it would be the Bushes making financial gain and they wouldn't care about the economy.

Am I right in thinking this?
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Andy B
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #62 - May 6th, 2011 at 9:27am
Paulieffect wrote:"The Towers collapse as if nothing is in the way, nothing stops or supports the building, as all inner walls that carries weight have been blown to pieces.

Haven't it struck you that the Towers fall with free-fall speed. If there was anything supporting the collapsing Towers, the falling speed would have slowed down as some of the height energy had to be transferred into deformation energy.

But you see no such slow-down!

Fall with free fall speed.

Look at it."

Andy B responds: The problem I have is I haven't seen any other buildings that have been hit by airliners which have then collapsed afterwards, so other than the WTC there is nothing to compare to, other than controlled demolitions which from the ones that I've seen are accompanied by extremely loud explosions. The WTC was missing this which I think is very important, they wouldn't be drowned out by the collapse either it would be the other way around.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #63 - May 6th, 2011 at 9:52am

Yes, the WTC collapsed from the impact of the two planes.  Period.

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #64 - May 6th, 2011 at 10:39am
rondele wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 9:52am:

Yes, the WTC collapsed from the impact of the two planes.  Period.

Maybe you don't understand me?
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #65 - May 6th, 2011 at 11:07am
Andy B wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 9:27am:
The problem I have is I haven't seen any other buildings that have been hit by airliners which have then collapsed afterwards, so other than the WTC there is nothing to compare to, other than controlled demolitions which from the ones that I've seen are accompanied by extremely loud explosions.

The WTC was missing this the other way around.

Explosion _before_ the first plane hit WTC (start at 00:40):

There are lots of clips of the explosions inside the building long after the planes had crashed into WTC + witness accounts, for example:

Rumsfeld slip:
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Right here and right there
Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #66 - May 6th, 2011 at 11:42am
Hi Justin,

"We Americans must be some of the most gullible, head in the sand (or up our arses), imperceptive people on the Planet to buy into this constantly fed crap full of Lies Pie."

It seems to be common traits of citizens all over the globe, but it's very visible with amerika due to the dominant position as a country, but I've said enough about that. I've also been fortunate to communicate with lots of excellent Americans, and a reasonable guess is that there are a lot of you guys.
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Andy B
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #67 - May 6th, 2011 at 11:59am
PauliEffectt wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 11:07am:
Andy B wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 9:27am:
The problem I have is I haven't seen any other buildings that have been hit by airliners which have then collapsed afterwards, so other than the WTC there is nothing to compare to, other than controlled demolitions which from the ones that I've seen are accompanied by extremely loud explosions.

The WTC was missing this the other way around.

Explosion _before_ the first plane hit WTC (start at 00:40):

There are lots of clips of the explosions inside the building long after the planes had crashed into WTC + witness accounts, for example:

Rumsfeld slip:

The first clip isn't an explosion, it's the plane going into the building, the quality of the clip is terrible when it zooms in but you can make out the nose of the plane going in at the same time as the "explosion".

The other two clips don't really prove a point as there probably were random explosions due to the fires not to mention there were probably gas pipes all the way through the WTC. The firefighter clip is just them saying it's like a demolition sound not it is and that sound is from air being expelled from the individual floors, like when you clap your hands but a lot louder. But none of these come close to the sound of controlled demolition explosions, as I said in a few posts back, they are loud and there would be thousands more witnesses saying they heard them from all over manhattan and beyond.

I do think that flight 93 being shot down is a possibility but I don't see how that ties in with the other conspiracy theories as it would just mean that they sent a plane out to stop it being flown into another target.

I respect your opinions on this but I need more evidence than is available to make me think otherwise, as I have looked into this for a long time and I see nothing new being brought to the table which is convincing.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #68 - May 6th, 2011 at 12:41pm
When it comes to the article Justin provided, the below stands out.  Regarding why they would shoot a guy that has a lot of information, perhaps he has information that is unfavorable to some of the insiders.

"The White House has also had to abandon the story that President Obama and his national security team watched tensely as events unfolded in real time (despite the White House having released photos of the team watching tensely), with the operation conveyed into the White House by cameras on the SEALs helmets. If Obama was watching the event as it happened, he would have noticed, one would hope, that there was no firefight and, thus, would not have told the public that bin Laden was killed in a firefight. Another reason the story had to be abandoned is that if the event was captured on video, every news service in the world would be asking for the video, but if the event was orchestrated theater, there would be no video."

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #69 - May 6th, 2011 at 12:44pm
<<I respect your opinions on this but I need more evidence than is available to make me think otherwise, as I have looked into this for a long time and I see nothing new being brought to the table which is convincing>>

Good point Andy.  And yet some folks seem perfectly comfortable blaming Bush/Cheney etc with planning and carrying out of the mass murder of over 3,000 innocent civilians.

And they do so based on tinfoil hat "evidence" from conspiratorial websites including those that are obviously fake.

It's really all about their hatred of Bush. It's just that the conspiracies fit into that agenda.  I'll say it again...if Gore had been elected, none of this conversation would be going on, the attacks notwithstanding.

Why don't you guys just come out and say that Bush/Cheney are guilty of mass murder?  

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #70 - May 6th, 2011 at 12:55pm
Regarding the economy, maybe they think the oil and lithium in Iraq might help "some" out financially. When the economy is bad, I doubt the big shots get hurt. I once watched a 60 minutes episode about companies that use supercomputers to invest in the market. They basically control when specific stock prices go up and down. Despite all of the market problems during the past few years, they've never had a week or a year where their investments went down. Small time investors tend to incur losses, not the big shots.

If George W. Bush actually is an Evangelical Christian, and believes in the rapture, the attached article shows another reason he might've been interested in Iraq. It might be a matter of trying to get Biblical prophecy to become true (Or anyway, a particular interpretation of Prophecy. A lot of scholars don't believe that the book of revelations is futuristic.). Some people are very attached to the idea of the rapture happening. The question is, what era are the attached verses of the Bible speaking of. Below is one relevant verse.

"The Bible warns the prophecies against Iraq (Babylon) will be fulfilled in 3 Phases . . .

PHASE 1:  Iraq (Babylon) would be invaded and conquered by a coalition of many nations led by a nation and leader from "a far country"... "the end of heaven" (the opposite side of the Earth)  ... This Bible prophecy does not describe the Persian (and Medes) invasion of Babylon when Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon in 539 BC (the Persians diverted the Euphrates river and entered Babylon through the river bed gates on the night of October 12 without damaging the city ... many of the citizens did not even know they had been conquered for several days) ...

But, this Bible prophecy does (very accurately and remarkably) describe the Gulf War I + Gulf War II invasions of Iraq (Babylon) ... and remember, Saddam Hussein even described himself as the new Nebuchadnezzar (the famous ruler of ancient Babylon) ..."

Andy B wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 9:19am:
recoverer wrote on May 5th, 2011 at 4:14pm:
Recoverer responds: One possibility is that there were terrorists who had it in mind to do 911, and instead of stopping them, the Bush administration took advantage of the situation and made things worse.  The very fact of how Bush's brother and cousin were in charge of the company that provided security for the towers, shows that they probably had a means to take advantage of the situation, by applying explosives. "If" they took advantage of the situation (rather than being responsible for everything), the scale of what they had to do wasn't as ominous. They certainly seemed to take advantage of the situation by using it as an excuse to go to Afghanistan and Iraq.

That does make sense, you see after reading up on all of the conspiracy theories I couldn't make sense of any of them, this has been over a few years. After a few posts on this board You've given me a theory that does make a lot of sense and could be the truth, a lot of people say that 9/11 couldn't have been an inside job due to damaging the economy. With your theory it would be the Bushes making financial gain and they wouldn't care about the economy.

Am I right in thinking this?

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #71 - May 6th, 2011 at 1:27pm

I really believe it is simplistic and unfair for you to say that some people accuse Bush and Cheney for 911 simply because of their hate. Perhaps there are some people who realize how deceptive the U.S. Government has been over the years, perhaps they've seen that Bush and Cheney aren't people who make love-based decisions, and perhaps they believe that the citizens of the United States and the rest of the world have the right to know the truth.

Your suggestion that people can't question without being a hater is the same kind of repressive tactics that Fox News uses. As soon as a person questions, they are labled as anti-American, or a Bush and Cheney hater.

While at Starbucks one day my ex-girlfriend met one of the key men who have researched the "possible" 911 deception (she recognized him). He wasn't a Bush/Cheney hater, he was a man who wants to know the truth. In order to do so he has sacrificed a lot including his personal income and marriage.

If there is in fact deceptive beings who influence people in negative ways, who are they going to influece? Perhaps people in power who allow themselves to be influenced in a negative way. Perhaps when you defend what Bush and Cheney have done, you defend more than them. If they are in fact influenced by negative beings, shouldn't their very destructive agenda be stopped? Or should people be shut up by erroneously being called Bush/Cheney haters?

rondele wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 12:44pm:
<<I respect your opinions on this but I need more evidence than is available to make me think otherwise, as I have looked into this for a long time and I see nothing new being brought to the table which is convincing>>

Good point Andy.  And yet some folks seem perfectly comfortable blaming Bush/Cheney etc with planning and carrying out of the mass murder of over 3,000 innocent civilians.

And they do so based on tinfoil hat "evidence" from conspiratorial websites including those that are obviously fake.

It's really all about their hatred of Bush. It's just that the conspiracies fit into that agenda.  I'll say it again...if Gore had been elected, none of this conversation would be going on, the attacks notwithstanding.

Why don't you guys just come out and say that Bush/Cheney are guilty of mass murder?  


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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #72 - May 6th, 2011 at 1:49pm
<<Perhaps when you defend what Bush and Cheney have done>>

What exactly are you saying I'm defending?  Please clarify.

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #73 - May 6th, 2011 at 3:42pm

It seems as if you are defending Bush/Cheney in a general way when you refer to people who believe they might be responsible for an inside job as "haters."

Other wise, I wrote the below more with the thought of what I said on my last post overall, rather than having the intent of making the below statement. I guess I could've come up with some sort of qualifier, but I got too involved with the rest of what I wrote to think to do so. Sometimes communication through writing is difficult because thought happens on more than one level while written words are just one sentence at a time.

rondele wrote on May 6th, 2011 at 1:49pm:
<<Perhaps when you defend what Bush and Cheney have done>>

What exactly are you saying I'm defending?  Please clarify.


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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #74 - May 6th, 2011 at 3:52pm
I'm defending their basic right to be innocent until proven guilty.

I'm certainly not defending what they are being charged with on this thread....i.e. murdering thousands of people.

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