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Where is Bin Ladin? (Read 66936 times)
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #135 - May 10th, 2011 at 7:58pm
Oh, also from Rondelle's last 40 posts.

"First, a general statement: I don't drink the kool-aid that so many of you do.  I was taught to use critical thinking."

If somebody such as Doc, Bruce, Vicky, Justin, Don (despite his rudeness and contempt for new agers) wrote that they saw an airplane fly into the White House I'd be inclined to believe he or she.

But Rondelle, he often comes off as a wise guy (smart aleck), and a wise guy, just for the fun of it, might claim that he saw an airplane fly into the Pentagon so he can see how the discussion continues.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #136 - May 13th, 2011 at 3:44pm

Thanks for being the voice of reason in a sea of New Age quackdoodle, the same sea in which callers repeatedly show themselves immersed in George Noory's New Age show, "Coast to Coast," a program on which analogous mindless conspiracies regularly fester the airwaves.  Strange, that your detractors are too blind to see the obvious hatespeech implicit in the ant-Bush screed.  As if the gullible charge of mass murder is not hate speech!

This thread illustrates why New Age crowing about PUL is so ironic.  True love allows the  benefit of the doubt in the absence of evidence that engages the public attention of rivals who would want to know, but are too rational to concoct fables.  In fact, this thread illsutrates a healthy rule of thumb: whenever New Agers spew venom at conservatives which is ignored by the big bad world of honest and open pundits, stamp the venom with the intellectual merit of the mindless tabloids.  And I remind readers that I say this as a Democrat, not as a Rupublican.
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« Last Edit: May 13th, 2011 at 6:06pm by Berserk2 »  
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #137 - May 13th, 2011 at 3:55pm
Well, I'm glad you guys are having fun with my thread.  But really, I just wanted to know where Bin Ladin might be now, and if anyone has seen him. 

Goes to show (from the past days comments) how hard it is to be non-judgemental, doesn't it?  That's what everybody here says we should be, but it's harder to walk the walk than talk the talk.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #138 - May 13th, 2011 at 5:34pm
Calypso wrote on May 13th, 2011 at 3:55pm:
But really, I just wanted to know where Bin Ladin might be now, and if anyone has seen him.

After I read your post, I lay down and asked my guides to see bin Laden.

And almost at once I spotted him at a small market. He is looking at textiles, apparently he wants to buy some textiles. He is surrounded by mostly other men with dark beards, 10 of them perhaps. The housing is in the style from the time of Christ, all white rather smooth outer walls.

I see one woman at a distance, she has a hood, with an eye-slit. A niqab I think. There seems to be a string at the middle keeping the eye-slit narrow.

I see Osama talk with other men. I see him carry some kind of carpet up some flat stairs. Perhaps it's a mat he just has bought.

Osama bin Laden is praying somewhere. He kneels on a mat and splashes his face with water and washes his hands.

Osama and some man in the desert, they grind sand on their soles and on their palms.

Next, I see a man about 20 years younger than Osama standing in the low, orange sun, facing it and perhaps preparing his prayer, keeping his hands towards the sun. After some time Osama walks to the young man and some other men standing. He tells them to move and they start walking out of my view. There is some kind of urgency in Osama's approach.

Next scene. Osama and a another man in same age is pulling a third man who looks wounded into a house. They all wear mostly white clothes, but the there is little blood visible.

Next scene I see Osama sitting among other men on carpets talking. He is raising his index finger and saying something with firmness. He then lets the back of his hand move over the carpet. I also see some kind of wooden (?) pearl necklace on the carpet close to him. The other men seem important and listen to Osama with great attention.

Next scene, Osama is walking down the street, perhaps going back to the market. He passes several disabled beggars and gives them some gifts or coins. He then continues walking with some other men.

A younger man runs up to Osama and says something to him, pointing back at the beggars. Osama has to go back and give something to one of the beggars, which Osama apparently forgot to give in the first instance. It seems to be five beggars in all, all men and severely handicapped.

I saw some more scenes, but they all had the feeling of BST.

Funny enough, I also saw a jew with that little box and string they put one their heads (?). I didn't get the impression that there was any hostility between the Osama people and the jew, so perhaps their territories are close by each other and they respect each other?

I also see a man run down a hill from the Osama side and talk to the jewish man.

I saw a lot of close ups of Osama's face when he talked with firmness to people standing around him. There was an air of respect and dedication to his expressions.

Then I felt I've seen enough and abandoned.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #139 - May 13th, 2011 at 5:50pm

It sounds like you received symbolic informaton about Bin Laden. The key is to figure out what the symbology means.

A couple of nights ago I had a dream with Bin Laden. I won't go into all of the details, but at the end we looked at each other and I looked at him in a way that showed love and no judgment. Despite what some might think, I'd look at George W. Bush the same way.
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #140 - May 13th, 2011 at 6:12pm
The astral exporer with consistently the best verifications is Swedenborg.  He discovers the principle of like attracts like as a crucial principle for afterlife plight.  From this perspective, Osama is trapped in a hell of those who must learn the consequences of mass murder fueled by blind belief in a hate-based ideology.  His past life review will force him to witness and directly experience the chain-reaction of pain, grief, and sorrow which his plans have inflicted on all his victims.  Beyond that fate, his ultimate future is unknown. 

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #141 - May 13th, 2011 at 7:22pm
One impression I got from my dream is that there are beings of love and light who even though they don't approve of some of the things Bin Laden did, they have no judgment towards him. The feelings of unconditional love I experienced during the dream seemed pretty authentic.

I have received thousands of messages from spirits,  and going by what my experience has shown me, it is definitely possible that Pauli Effect received messages from spirits with good intent. They probably sent him information they considered to be most appropriate.

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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #142 - May 14th, 2011 at 1:22am
  Interesting account Paulieffect, thank you for sharing it.

P.S., for any possibly interested, i've continued the 9/11 research documenting hard evidence that it was an inside job over in the off topic section. 

Here is a link to the thread:
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #143 - May 14th, 2011 at 1:53am
recoverer wrote on May 13th, 2011 at 7:22pm:
One impression I got from my dream is that there are beings of love and light who even though they don't approve of some of the things Bin Laden did, they have no judgment towards him. The feelings of unconditional love I experienced during the dream seemed pretty authentic.

  The highlighted part of your post reminds me of many accounts in various "spiritual" and nonphysical literature about the whole "life process review" which is over seen by what different people describe as "Elders", completed Beings, androgynous super wise/aware/loving Beings, etc. etc.

   It's interesting to note that they help less mature Souls to become aware of their errors, by gently pointing these out during the review process and asking things like, "do you think you could have done better?"

  One might think that is "judgmental" of these Beings, and who are they to judge what is error or what is not or even more to point it out.  If PUL is unconditional, then can a PUL attuned consciousness even see or perceive error in others, or in general?

   But i have come to realized that there is a difference between what we know of as common judgment and being judgmental, and of pointing out lack or errors from an impersonal and PUL attuned state and an intent to be helpful to the greater good.

Using these Elder Beings as an example, it's also common to hear that these Beings feel love and concern for the Souls during the whole time of their life review, both when they are highlighting the wise and spiritual parts of a person's life and the things they could work on. 

  I'm sure Bin Laden will get a mix of the above, like most.  Hopefully it will inspire him to positive change and work on self. 

   Somewhat related, but different, are the accounts of Yeshua life and changing teaching style.  Most often he seems like a pretty gentle, laid back kind of guy, very accepting and often ignores people's criticisms of him and negativity shown his way. 

  But there are other accounts wherein he either shows anger (pretty rarely though), or criticizes strongly some of his fellow humans.  He said some pretty strong things to some of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes.

  In some cases, this was in obvious defense of another person or group of people.  For example, the woman about to be stoned for adultery.  He turns their typical, personal, and selfishly sourced judgment back on them, and makes everyone aware of their own errors.

  Was he being typically judgmental as we so often find in human interactions, or was it something else?  We are told by various sources, both non religious and religious that he was an extremely PUL attuned person.

  Maybe there is more to PUL than always being nicey nicey, pleasant, and totally accepting of certain ways, expressions, and activities?  For me, the difference lays primarily in one's intent, how you view and feel about the person as a whole, and whether in defense of others, principles or truth is involved in an impersonal and non selfish or self reactive way. 

  It does seem like the latter kind of judgment is very rare when speaking of physical Earth and human interaction though.

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Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #144 - May 14th, 2011 at 4:37am
Maybe I should also mention that besides the jewish old man, I also shortly felt the presence of someone who seemed to be Sufi. So some BSTs with very similar foundation and background were close to each other.

My feeling is that the message given by the constant shifting of the scenes with bin Laden, is that he is in a BST, and that it was important to tell people on this site that Usama bin Laden has ended up in a BST Hollow Heaven.

My guess is that it's because it is important to question some people's personal Belief-Thinkings that bin Laden has end up alone in a F 23 Hell. I don't have the impression that that's the case.

Usama bin Laden's own state of mind was from a BST perspective. In an unfair world, he felt that he was one of the individuals who stood up for the weak and most likely he felt that he was fighting against the "evil" in the name of his God.
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Right here and right there
Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #145 - May 14th, 2011 at 6:26am

"Thanks for being the voice of reason in a sea of New Age quackdoodle, the same sea in which callers repeatedly show themselves immersed in George Noory's New Age show, "Coast to Coast," a program on which analogous mindless conspiracies regularly fester the airwaves."

They fester the airwaves of free speech, and you choose to row your boat on that sea.

"Strange, that your detractors are too blind to see the obvious hatespeech implicit in the ant-Bush screed. As if the gullible charge of mass murder is not hate speech!"

Dissent, the same way you reserve your right to speak up about the new age ghetto. Another facet of gullible is when very obvious dark pathers are hailed as heroes.

"This thread illustrates why New Age crowing about PUL is so ironic.  True love allows the benefit of the doubt in the absence of evidence that engages the public attention of rivals who would want to know, but are too rational to concoct fables."

Turning the other cheek is basically about being unconditional. You may turn the cheek to someone others might not do, but the new age spook seems to haunt the living daylight out of you.

The number of how many believe they are bodies when viewing the world as a whole is a poll I won't be doing, so the assumption is the overwhelming majority. For me it's the greatest "conspiracy" in the history of the earth, yet for others it's a concocted fable and are content with the idea of pushing daisies.
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Vegetarian is an old indian word for bad hunter.
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Ex Member

Re: Where is Bin Ladin?
Reply #146 - Jan 31st, 2013 at 11:24am
I'm not having any problem with this thread. I'm on a Mac. Pictures like that don't prove anything though. I've read a much better explanation which does not support the theory here on the Top Secret Forum which has pictures galore for anyone who wants to look at them.
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