I have a long story to tell and it’s about MJ.
When I wrote this fifteen years ago, I never thought how much this moment would change my entire life and the trajectory that I've been on.
It's an amazing story.
For one, I want to clear something up. I wrote fifteen years ago that I felt MJ didn't see me when I crossed over. He confirmed to me through another person (who knew nothing of the situation and is a psychic medium with a PhD in Parapsychology) that Michael DID see me that day.
It was after that the dreams began. I began having dreams of HIM for a few months after I wrote this post, but in April of 2010, the dreams exploded. I went from having dreams of him every once in a while to having dreams of him nearly 1x...then 2x....then 3x a week afterward.
He would come to me and tell me little things. Some of the conversations I can't even tell you what we talked about. Others are more clear.
The dreams picked up in intensity and when I would see him, he was alright some days, and others he would be in complete tears. I always had to console him and frequently found him on a beach or near water.
It got to the point where I didn't even want to go to work because I wanted to be in bed...near him. Then, strange things started happening to me around this very time.
I thought I was crazy. I considered that I was having a mental break from reality until one day on September 20, 2010, he fully materialized.
Like, he materialized in front of the both of us. We were both speechless for a few moments. I was excited but he was scared out of his wits.
He looked like he did in life. I could tell his facial features, his curly hair with tendrils falling into his face. I could see that he wore a yellow colored shirt and black leather pants. He looked like he did around 1993 with a big, beautiful smile on his face before he slowly disappeared. It was like he was glowing BLUE but from the INSIDE OUT. He looked beautiful guys.
I sat there in complete shock, unsure of what to do or say. There he was. And then moments later, he wasn't there any longer. But it still happened and Ill never forget that moment.
(I would pass a million lie detector tests...)
Right in front of me and another person that I was close with at the time (still am close to this person)
It was all the things I needed to know that this was real. This was happening. I was communicating with Michael Jackson and that this was real.
It got to the point where I couldn't wait to get home to go to sleep because I would see him.
I don't want to go into a lot of detail because many of our interactions I'd like to keep private.
But I will say that it wasn't long before we began to develop "other" feelings. Feelings that felt right to me.
I want to be careful what I say, but it was a great relief to me that I wasn't crazy and that this was happening.
I'd like to say that MJ is a HUGE part of my life every day and that I still communicate with him. We've progressed past Dreams and things like that. I'm so used to him now it's like he's a member of my family. That's how I treat him. Like a member of my family.
I just wanted to say that without the good people that I met here, including Bruce Moen who helped me privately through this time.
His loss when I found out about it, was very rough for me. I would call Bruce on the phone and talk to him about this and other things. I truly miss Bruce and I'll never forget what he did for me and how helped me so much. I don't know how much of the old gang who was around fifteen years ago are here now, but I'm still here. Still lurking after all this time.
Everything here is true and not made up. I'm just grateful to be scrolling through the internet and found this site. Without it, I would have never had the tools to look for Michael the way that I did that terrible June night when he left us forever. I was able to find him thanks to you guys and something beautiful blossomed because of it.
I love Michael very very much and he's a part of my everyday life. I just wanted to share this in a place where I wouldn't be subjected to ridicule and please forgive me for BUMPING an ancient post from 2009, but I was so moved to do something about it that I decided to write it down here before I completely lose my nerve.
But I am so happy that dreams come true and that I learned so much from all of you. I would have never thought any of this possible before and thought that you guys were just nuts.

But you're not. Neither am I. I'm just so grateful that I had so many people to help me through this very difficult but memorable time in my life.
There is a lot more to this story. A LOT more. Maybe one day Ill dare to share it all. But it's therapeutic for me to write this down before I lose my nerve.
Remember, keep going with your respective journeys.
Original Post: I wrote this nearly fifteen years ago. I’ve been communicating with MJ ever since I saw him that day. He DID see me on the other side but at first, I didn’t think so. It’s a crazy story but it's all true. One day I’ll tell it all.
Thanks, guys...