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The Correction of Error (Read 5545 times)
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The Correction of Error
May 3rd, 2009 at 9:03pm
I'm struggling with the issue of the correction of others. (for obvious reasons given that my recent posts can be read that way - even if the intention was just to get some information on the table)

There's a view (in e.g. ACIM, but also in other traditions) that teaches that we should not correct another, even if he/she is making no sense. Basically because errors are of the ego, while the correction of errors lies in the relinquishment of the ego so that the Holy Spirit is allowed in to make the required correction.

We can't correct errors, because we don't know truth. When we perceive errors, we in effect perceive through ego - because Spirit sees only the person at the higher level - does not perceive error at this lower level, and does not judge.

Reacting to errors means we're not listening to Spirit, and means we're making errors  real to us when in fact they are not of the real person. You actually end up attacking yourself in that case, since at the higher level all is one. Your brother is as right as you are (or you are equally wrong!), and if you think he is wrong you actually condemn yourself.

Our task is not to change others, but to come to recognise the obscured sanity and knowing buried at their core. So we should accept them as they are - because errors  do not come from this truth that is them in reality. All healing anyway can only come  from God.

This is a paraphrasing of the chapter on the topic. It's pretty tough to understand, because it goes against all our urges and conditioning.

Yet it makes sense. To correct from ego can only trigger argument, resistance or worse, and result in the other's becoming reactive and wedded even more strongly to his/her views - which is of course a strengthening of the ego.

It seems to say that only the higher insight (and unconscious changes) that come through to us from Spirit can correct without triggering such consequences - it achieves this by the miracle of re-making our reality so its as though the error never occurred.

Our task is in effect to use time for the purpose for which it is intended - which is healing by Spirit. If we try to take on Spirit's function in this regard we risk losing the will to return to God. i.e. being sucked deeper into ego, and so blocking access by Spirit. (free will is paramount)

We can only (with the help of Spirit) learn to see ourselves without condemnation by learning how to look on everything else (actually also us, the perception of separation is an ego effect) without it. Its in effect the result of the absolute separation between the realms of God, and of the ego. Our task is to remember how to see at the God level and use the logic of His  level again, but this is not possible while ego calls the shots, and our logic/seeing is blocked by its drives and noise.

Condemnation (judgement) will then not be real for us, and all our errors will (as we perceive it from this level - actually they never existed in the first place as God is love and does not judge, and we are at the level of His reality perfect) be forgiven. (this is in effect an application of the principle that mind creates - if we believe ourselves guilty, then that will become our reality - and in that case we'll out of fear remain separated from God)

So.... What does this mean in practice. Is it suggesting that we drop all attempts at education and teaching, or is it saying that we should only educate by indirect means like e.g. allowing others to learn through life experience, and by helping the other to see the consequences of their actions? Or something else?

Where is the line crossed between correction and education?

It's quite a step, one that requires an enormous trust that Spirit will ensure the right outcome. Yet it's 100% in keeping with what is taught by Buddhism, and many other spiritual traditions. (put in other words - we're required to have the faith to 'go with the flow' of life, to stop our fear driven and selfish interference which actually is what causes the suffering in the world, and to trust that everything that happens will be  OK.

Strong stuff, with major implications not just for individual behaviours but also for how our societies conduct their affairs....
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #1 - May 3rd, 2009 at 9:32pm

This is the danger of a text like ACIM - that it can convert intelligent thinking individuals into petrified inactive zombies.  Sorry to put it that way, but I couldn't think of a nicer way of saying it.

You make a few erroneous assumtptions - the first being that you can not correct an error out of love (PUL).  If a child in first grade tells his teacher 2+2 =5, he/she is corrected.  Not out of ego, but out of what we commonly agree on as reproducible truth in the earth plane.  Now you can also show the child by taking two marbles and adding another two, then asking them to count up the total.  Evenso, 2+2=4, and to teach the child in our real world, we correct them, to benefit them.  This is more out of love, then of ego. 

The idea of ACIM that we should not correct the error because when the person spouting garbage relinquishes his ego and opens up to holy spirit he will be corrected "automatically", is just rubbish.  We are here, in the earth school to learn from each other, and that education requires correction. 

The assumption you state in ACIM, that all healing comes from God, has an inherent error, in that assumes that what we teach each other, human being to human being doesn't come from God.  In this way, ACIM is fostering the duality or separation from man to God. 

If I correct someone on this forum, or someone corrects me, our egos will only get in the way if we let them.  If we concentrate on what our "gut" and intellect tell us is truth, then we can leave our egos at the door, and move on - integrating the real knowledge we need from the encounter. 

This only confirms to me that ACIM truly stems from a deceptive source, not a truly loving one.  In an earlier post, Lucy and others asked, why it mattered, if a source is deliberately  deceiving us, as long as they still had loving ideas to convey (to paraphrase).  This then is the answer.  That they can get such a fundamental issue wrong and teach not to correct errors when we find them.

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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #2 - May 3rd, 2009 at 9:49pm
I'm a bit confused Vajra, but that's normal I guess when it comes to ACIM, here are some of my thoughts about what you wrote according to ACIM:

When someone corrects another, it's just a thing between both's egos, so doesn't matter much as it's illusion.

If we don't know the truth, we can as well not know if it's right or wrong to correct someone (or one's ego).

If I had higher insight, I would act according to it, but what if I haven't? I can't stop acting while I wait for it to come!

Even if not intended, every form of communication could have the effect to correct someone (or someone's ego).

Maybe a question related to what you wrote is: Is total acceptance a necessary part of PUL, and if so, does it exclude to correct somebody (or somebody's ego) ?

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #3 - May 4th, 2009 at 7:35am
Vajra: I read your post yesterday but it went right over my head. Today it sounds crystal clear to me. Funny how that can happen.

I think you are right, that there is a connection between our own spiritual freedom (our 'forgivenness') and our ability to detach from any competitively driven model of self. It is not that it is wrong to 'know better' than someone else, and to offer another a different viewpoint. But how we share with each other is important.

In one version of the Tao (#27) it states:

What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?
What is a bad man but a good man's job?
If you don't understand this, you will get lost,
however intelligent you are.
It is the great secret.

Interesting, seeing as the section in this verse, immediately above it states:

...the Master is available to all people
and doesn't reject anyone.
He is ready to use all situations
and doesn't waste anything.
This is called embodying the light.


So, any clearer now? Ha ha.

I believe the instruction that I respect (although cannot put into practice with ease) suggests that each situation has value, and it is a wise person who sees that for what it is.
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #4 - May 4th, 2009 at 7:40am
Basically I agree with DocM; use your own brain, there's a reason why you got it; other people's ideas are only there to help you find your way

I don't think we should correct others just for the sake of being right, but only to help them get along here in this world. I have to "correct" my children pretty often, not because I think they're wrong but because I know they're getting themselves (and me) into trouble or they're gonna have a hard time dealing with others.

Another thing is, correcting others doesn't mean they have to accept what we're trying to tell them. It's still up to them to decide if they wanna change their way or not. I've found that it's very important to let others know when I disagree with their actions and why. This gives them the chance to see it from another point of view and forces them to think about what they really wanted to achieve.  They get the choice to either insist on their way and learn how to make their point clear or to find another way to achieve their goal. These are very important skills. Even in the "afterlife" we're gonna have to make decisions and compromise.

To correct from ego can only trigger argument, resistance or worse, and result in the other's becoming reactive and wedded even more strongly to his/her views - which is of course a strengthening of the ego.

that is true if the way you correct them is "hey, f***head, move your fat a** out of the way". It is of course important to word it right, not attack them but tell them your point of view.

take care,
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #5 - May 4th, 2009 at 9:43am
If we end up suppressing our egos (as Kathy seems to urge), how then do we retain our individuality?

Leaders in any endeavor, whether it be military or political or religious, are those who stand up and state their position.  Otherwise, by definition they cannot be leaders.  

If we want to keep our backbone, we need to stand up for our opinions.  That's not to say we are necessarily correct.  We may be wrong as rain.  But to say that we should avoid correcting others when we think they are wrong, and to suppress our egos, is to take away the very thing that makes us human.

Actually that's the very kind of thinking that has infiltrated our public school system.  Teachers are reluctant to give failing grades.  Every other car has a bumper sticking saying their child is on the Honor Roll.

This philosophy will not lead to a good end.  We need leaders in every field, and by definition those leaders will have learned the difference between right answers and wrong answers.

Reagan said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."  However, had Reagan been an ACIM devotee, no doubt he would have said something like this:  "Please, if you don't mind, could you maybe think about taking down the wall?  But hey no problem if you don't, it's all good.  Whatever."


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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #6 - May 4th, 2009 at 11:38am
By leaving judgement (measurement) for another entity to deal with, which I hear from time to time, you suspend a way of learning. How can one grow if one doesn't review their decisions? The dark side of that is the military breaking you down and suspending the different questions that may arise when decisions could have been made that doesn't appease the military - but what is right for you. Other side of the coin, several different religions, where a priest or the gods deceide what is right for you, cause you're so small and insignificant (their way of brainwashing), even if it's a mythology set up by power hungry leper messiahs.

As for fellow incarnations, you have a view that is valid for you, that you can project onto others. I like talking about/discussing/debating opinions and thoughts to see different views. That includes standing up for my way of being. That includes being blunt. Sure, I can see a view as being wrong, but wanting to correct/control that: crossing a line I've set for myself. Not always successful at doing so, but that is my goal. Releasing external control. Being an individual to me doesn't mean me-first-and-the-gimme-gimmes/living at the expense of other spirits.

If some of my friends were having a lively discussion, that's their business. And it may very well get very lively. If one part got mental and violent to the point of seriously hurting the other part, that'd be were I'd step in.

The last conversation I had were I noticed that the discussion wasn't a discussion but about correcting my opinion, I put oomph/emotion into my words. Point taken. My decision not to go into military service because of the phoney and ridiculous "for the king and the fatherland" can be discussed and debated, but that's it. My decision. Not happy about it? Too bad, for you.
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #7 - May 4th, 2009 at 3:35pm
I believe that a valid source of information will influence us to look within for the answers, rather than become reliant on the source.

It is hard for us to have faith in ourselves when we view things in an all or nothing manner, such as, either I'm enlightened, or I'm egotistical.

Despite this World's many problems, I've found that there are many people who share love in significant ways.  They do so without obtaining the state of consciousness ACIM claims we have to obtain. If we can live according to love to varying degrees, then perhaps we can find error to varying degrees. We don't have to become egotistical judgmental beings in order to do so. We simply see that it isn't right for people to do some of the things they do.

It is possible for a source to lead us to believe that it is teaching us one thing, when in an underhanded way it is striving to do the opposite.

When we speak from our heart a lot rather than from what a source of information says, perhaps this is a sign that we are on the right track.
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #8 - May 4th, 2009 at 3:42pm
Doc wrote: "The assumption you state in ACIM, that all healing comes from God, has an inherent error, in that assumes that what we teach each other, human being to human being doesn't come from God.  In this way, ACIM is fostering the duality or separation from man to God."

Recoverer responds: "I believe the above is one of the underhanded things ACIM seeks to do. It tries get people to believe that they are separate from God and their ego is a huge problem, by stating so over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over....again."


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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #9 - May 4th, 2009 at 3:50pm
Hi all I have made many errors because i have not listened sometimes to spirits guidance,they can try and help us to walk on the right path but we have freewill and dont always take the help given so lovingly from spirit.

Love and God bless  love juditha
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #10 - May 4th, 2009 at 4:28pm
Hi Ian,

I've never read ACIM and cannot say what meaning I might derive from their printed words. To me what you've written here means that the concept is basically discussing some of which I posted in answer to Roger on another thread. (btw Roger I'm not saying we should suppress the ego. Doing that only has the effect of keeping us locked in a cycle of fear. If we eliminate the fears that are the reason for the existence of the ego mask, then what is left is humility and compassion. The ego is not our individuality. Individuality is an attribute of our consciousness based on our individual experiences and  our interpretation of those experiences.)

There's a view (in e.g. ACIM, but also in other traditions) that teaches that we should not correct another, even if he/she is making no sense. Basically because errors are of the ego, while the correction of errors lies in the relinquishment of the ego so that the Holy Spirit is allowed in to make the required correction.

Yes this is essentially correct. Here in this physical consciousness reality we are limited because of the laws and rules that govern us. To use the metaphor of light, the spiritual wisdom we were born with has been dimmed and we live in ignorance because of this constraint. To counter the fear that was created by this ignorance we developed an ego mask that identifies with form rather than the nonphysical consciousness that we are. Most of what we think, say and do comes from the ego mask because of the fears that lay beneath it. When we correct another we cannot help but come from our ego mask most of the time. That's the name of the game in the ELS. For the purpose of consciousness evolution that is how it is suppose to be.

However, even though our inner wisdom dims it does not completely disappear. We still carry the seed or pattern of God the Holy Spirit within and it is by letting go of fear and our protective ego mask that the Holy Spirit can then work with us and aid us in our spiritual development.

We can't correct errors, because we don't know truth.

What is important to our spiritual growth is intent. We cannot know a person's true intent by the outcome of an action. Someone may have a good/right intent, but the results of the action may not turn out to be what they intended. Or in other words the action didn't show their good intent. On the other hand someone may have a bad/wrong intent where the resulting action taken looks good to others however in the long run because of the wrong intent behind the action spiritual growth doesn't take place. Just because someone does a good deed does not mean that the person had right intent. No one can judge someone's true intent based on a resulting act.

Reacting to errors means we're not listening to Spirit, and means we're making errors  real to us when in fact they are not of the real person. You actually end up attacking yourself in that case, since at the higher level all is one. Your brother is as right as you are (or you are equally wrong!), and if you think he is wrong you actually condemn yourself.

Hmmm... this reminds me of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount where he said "Judge not, that you be not judged... Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own." Mathew 7.

Basically we could look to see what is within our own heart, in our own consciousness and the spiritual lessons we've learned. If our intent is motivated by true love then it will come from a sense of compassion, humility and understanding. If our intent is motivated by fear then it comes from a sense of ignorance, weakness as well as feelings of superiority... power over another or trying to prove to yourself that you are the good one, more spiritually advanced, better than... etc. etc.

This is a paraphrasing of the chapter on the topic. It's pretty tough to understand, because it goes against all our urges and conditioning.

Yet it makes sense. To correct from ego can only trigger argument, resistance or worse, and result in the other's becoming reactive and wedded even more strongly to his/her views - which is of course a strengthening of the ego.

Exactly. One ego pitted against another ego both intent on proving their right and the other is wrong. At the deepest level fear is generated by ignorance and fear together with ego are mutually supportive because one creates and encourages the other in a vicious cycle.

Our task is in effect to use time for the purpose for which it is intended - which is healing by Spirit. If we try to take on Spirit's function in this regard we risk losing the will to return to God. i.e. being sucked deeper into ego, and so blocking access by Spirit. (free will is paramount)

We can only (with the help of Spirit) learn to see ourselves without condemnation by learning how to look on everything else (actually also us, the perception of separation is an ego effect) without it. Its in effect the result of the absolute separation between the realms of God, and of the ego. Our task is to remember how to see at the God level and use the logic of His  level again, but this is not possible while ego calls the shots, and our logic/seeing is blocked by its drives and noise.

Condemnation (judgement) will then not be real for us, and all our errors will (as we perceive it from this level - actually they never existed in the first place as God is love and does not judge, and we are at the level of His reality perfect) be forgiven. (this is in effect an application of the principle that mind creates - if we believe ourselves guilty, then that will become our reality - and in that case we'll out of fear remain separated from God)
So.... What does this mean in practice. Is it suggesting that we drop all attempts at education and teaching, or is it saying that we should only educate by indirect means like e.g. allowing others to learn through life experience, and by helping the other to see the consequences of their actions? Or something else?

Where is the line crossed between correction and education?

The line is drawn on the basis of personal intent. Is our personal intent love based or fear based? It truly is difficult to tell sometimes. Experience and examining our inner motives/intent helps us learn though. And yes, it is healing. Separation always stems from fear, just as the ego mask is a result of fear.

It is a learning, evolutionary process that takes place by examining all the possibilities to find the ones that truly lead us to spiritual growth. In order to truly have free will we must have the opportunity to explore all the possibilities available to us. This means that we are completely free to evolve spiritually or devolve to the other extreme. We can certainly learn from others, but to really know is to experience.


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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #11 - May 4th, 2009 at 4:46pm
Thank you guys, lots of views there - all with validity

You could read the teaching very literally and take the sentence in isolation as advising that we teach nobody anything, and that we should instead set our own intelligence aside and float about waiting for divine inspiration/intuition to strike.

Not as you say Doc and others very likely to be all that practical. It's possible to draw misleading conclusions from this sort of material.

The book itself, the teaching and life of Jesus and the Buddha, and indeed the approach of all the spiritual traditions would be a lie if that was truly the case. That's a lovely set of verses Moons.

The whole premise of ACIM is that we each should teach, much as in the verses. For example the latter 2/3 of the book is made up of the workbook for students, and a manual for teachers.

The question though is what is meant by teaching, and how is it to be done.  There is i think a deeper truth it's pointing to, one which Lucy was perhaps thinking of too. That said i'm still working my way through it, the following may or may not be an accurate representation of what ACIM means.

Ego as ever is central to our situation.

First to Spooky's point: 'when someone corrects another, it's just a thing between both's egos, so doesn't matter much as it's illusion'.  This it seems in the absolute or at the highest (God) level is true - what we do at the ego level is ultimately not real - the basis of why ACIM says that 'sin' is a concept  entirely originating in our own belief system. Where it does matter though is in terms of the effect it has on ourselves and others. When we behave in an egocentric (aggressive to whatever degree) manner, the problem is that we are both energising our own ego, and triggering escalating ego responses in others. This is the nature of ego.

The problem with this is that by creating life situations that increase the mental noise that blocks our hearing (of intuitive/Spirit guidance) and seeing (of realities as opposed to inaccurate perceptions) it slows our spiritual opening and hence progress. 'Correction' for example includes anything from good humoured argument up to war - and it's damn hard not to be sucked into reacting in kind if you feel (even moderately) under attack.

Secondly ego and individuality are not the same thing - transcending ego does not imply loss of individuality. It's clear that to function in this world that we have to have a sense of what we are - of how we interact with others, and the apparent reality we find ourselves in works. This framework is inevitably personal or individual - the result of the orientation we bring into the world, of our conditioning/education and of our life experience and how we respond to it.

Realisation (or the dropping of ego)  does not imply the loss of what we have learned or will learn about this 'reality' and how to handle it. It instead implies (in light of experience of higher realities, as well as the realisation that the way we typically view our existence is not the only possibility) the ending of our attachment to the belief that we are individual selves comprised of physical bodies with mind attached existing in a hostile and aggressive reality - the ending of our belief in the separation of 'self' and 'not self', and its replacement as a result of higher experience with the knowledge/knowing that ultimately all is one.

The problem in a sense is that most of us see at various levels at differing times. There's times we're dominated by ego (for example when threatened), and other times (for example during peak spiritual experience, or when we open our hearts to others) when we experience something more closely approximating to true seeing. The two realms do not overlap, so seeing excludes perception - and vice versa. The problem is that (by ACIM and Buddhist views) only seeing/guidance through the heart/ intuitive/Spirit channel and thought based on this that can be true - everything ego inspired while seemingly logical is unreliable. (although highly trained perception can it seems approximate to seeing)

What i think ACIM is driving at is that correction should not be via means that will trigger ego responses in others, and indeed potentially in ourselves. Because if we do so the resulting ego response makes it impossible to 'see' what we are being taught. We instead end up perceiving through the self centred lens of ego, and miss the point.

This (while going against societal conditioning) is not as far fetched as it may sound. For example: how often does aggression/compulsion result in people buying intoeducation with their hearts and minds? It's of course possible to force compliance, but that's a very different matter. This applies whether it's children and parents, or whole populations under the control of dictatorships - there's something innate that means that we can't and won't buy into forced change.

Its perhaps a matter of trust - if somebody is attempting to force us to do something it amounts to a breach of trust (or non-loving behaviour) in the terms that i described it above. The primacy of free will too seems one of the highest principles there is, one not even overridden by God. Precisely because its non loving behaviour.

This is the view i've worked my way to, it may or may not make sense but it seems to fit with Buddhist and other teaching on these topics. It perhaps makes no sense to you guys at all in which case my apologies.

What i was trying to get at in raising the question of correction is that if it's unworkable to teach through ego (and there's many teaching strategies that involve ego - not just compulsion for example, but also the setting up of oneself as a false guru) then what means are acceptable? We're very used to teachers being placed in positions of authority, but i suspect that ACIM is basically saying that this is hogwash. There are alternatives - by example or state of being for instance: this is very powerful as we somehow are drawn to centred people exuding wisdom and compassion. Indirect means also seem an option, for example making teaching accessible without forcing it on people.

It's perhaps the case that what matters is the perception of the student. A less than perfect teacher can do good provided what's imparted is positive, and provided the student buys into it. A more insightful student may sense the falsity of the same teacher, and not buy in - so it's not an fixed scenario.

The closest i can get to it is that it's situation specific - that if we trigger resistance/a sense of compulsion and ego inspired responses (even if this is for other reasons accepted) that we've stepped over the mark..

Pardon me if this seems rather opaque, it's subtle territory. What it means in practice is not easy to get to. Loving behaviours can be very tough indeed (the rose tinted variety is not for real), but equally we're very conditioned to think in ego inspired terms - terms which don't stand up when you look closely at them.

Whatever the ideal we end up living as what we are at a given time, so we inevitably make mistakes. Perhaps it's importance is in providing a view that helps us to learn from life with, that reduces the amount of trial and error....
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #12 - May 4th, 2009 at 6:00pm
If people take sources such as ACIM and Eckart Tolle (a ACIM fan) too seriously, there is the possibility they will over do it with the ego thing. If people lived according to ego to the extent such sources contend, human behavior would be much worse than it is. I've experienced loved based action from other people too many times to believe that our egos have such a hold on us. There have many occasions during human history where people have seen clearly and given good advice, without transcending their ego in the way ACIM suggests.

I'm not one hundred percent certain about this, but I basically believe that when we incarnate into this World we don't have an ego in a negative sense.  Our biological brains have encoded within them a self-defense instinct. This encoded program is like other instinctual programs such as our sex drive and drive to eat. Animals make use of such innate knowledge when they do things such as spin spider webs, weave bird nests, build beavers nests, and migrate, without having to attend a school that provides such abilities.

When we incarnate in this World we can either listen to our self-defense instinct and other negative influences and create our personality and habitual thought patterns accordingly, or we can listen to our higher selves. People manifest in positive and negative ways to varying degrees without something such as complete ego transcendence being the deciding factor, because they listen to their higher selves to varying degrees.  The more a person listens to his or her higher self, the more this person can help other people. It doesn't have to be an all or nothing affair. Therefore, if you have something good to say and feel good about it in your heart, then just say it.

I believe that we don't need to spend a lot of time reading a lengthy course that doesn't cater to individual needs.  It is much better to spend our time looking at the pages of ourself.
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« Last Edit: May 4th, 2009 at 8:01pm by recoverer »  
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #13 - May 4th, 2009 at 8:17pm
I have to add that listening to your higher self often isn't that hard of a thing to do.  Sometimes it is simply a matter of listening to your sense of what's right. Therefore, if a person does something such as beat his kid you don't have to come to the conclusiong that because you haven't overcome your ego, you aren't qualified to see that person's error. Forget about the book, and do what you need to do to help the kid. The kid's suffering is real, despite what the course claims.
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Re: The Correction of Error
Reply #14 - May 4th, 2009 at 9:28pm
Another example of an instance when correction of an error is indicated not stemming from ego, but out of love (PUL), js that of the  retrievals done by member of this site.  Think of it, a stuck individual is defined as one who has passed over, but focuses on the physical world and may be unaware of helpers or the fact that we move on.

During a retrieval, one of us in the physical world approaches this stuck individual, makes contact, introduces them to a loved one or helper, and then, after they take this correction, the person moves on. 

How long would a stuck soul stay and not move on had they not been assisted?  Is not the way of love, the way of education/helping another?

Two tenets of PUL include love of God and love of each other.  I put it to you that loving instruction/education/correction is one of the strongest forms of loving others.

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