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PE with Osama bin Laden (Read 14991 times)
Justin aka Vasya
Ex Member

Re: PE with Osama bin Laden
Reply #15 - Nov 17th, 2010 at 1:10pm
balance wrote on Nov 10th, 2010 at 9:55pm:
[quote author=3F2D222D38232B29224C0 link=1233980415/13#13 date=1287049177]Please note that most European political leaders and many US public figures are protected by “anti remote viewing countermeasures” including psychotronic means of protection. (Refer various Internet Sources type -valid keywords into a search engine .)
IF OBL is alive it is safe to assume that some such measures are in place.

This statement is someones ego at large. There is no way for anyone to place such protective shields around themselves in the astral.

For one their higher self would override any thoughts attached to this, the higher self want it charges to grow and expand and this is just plan nonsense.

  I stand somewhat in the middle of both these extremes. 

  It is well known among TMI connected people that Bob Monroe ran into some psychic body guards, quite accidentally (so it appeared to him at the time), when he was OBE'ing near where the President of the time was near.  It certainly quickly turned Bob-the curious as a cat, away at the time.

  Some time ago, i started a group PE here focused on sending love to those who really make the important material decisions in this world--especially in connection for neither the U.S. or Israel to attack Iran or other countries in the near future and my rather psychically sensitive wife who was partaking in this group PE, got the definite feeling and sense that her efforts at sharing love (& influencing them in a non intrusive way) with these folks was being blocked before hand, and not by Guidance.

   Now, do i believe there are ways around these, of course there are.  Now, the question is, could the average person easily get around such "shielding"?... i don't fully know as i don't have much experience with this.

Could someone like "HeShe" of Bob's 3rd book find out anything they wanted to know about anyone (with impunity), or any Being anywhere for that matter?  Of course.

  Perhaps related somewhat: my wife and i have been visited by what appeared to us as very large nonphysical "spiders" and we saw these clear as day while conscious (a rare occurrence for either of us), and i got the definite feeling that i was being spied on in some way, and the possibility occurred to me that these were not "spiders" at all, but that this was a cloaking form projection to hide what who or what it really was.

  Now, one doesn't even have to put up too much shielding in order to deter people from prying too deep, as the huge majority people have some fear in connection with their physical body safety and comfort (think death, imprisonment, and/or torture).  All you have to do, is to let a person know you can find out about them and find them physically in some psychic way, and if the person is aware of the spying and is aware enough to know what kind of people are doing it....

It would be enough to scare away most people from further prying, because smart people realize that it's not that hard for someone to disappear.   

  I'm neither that smart  Wink or that fearful, and so i talk about things that certain people or groups don't want me to talk about, and both my wife and i have gotten guidance messages that we are being kept tabs on by non friendlies (human and nonhuman) BUT also that we are being protected by Guidance levels and beings.

  So, i think it is a more complex and relative subject than some give it credit.  Again, i stand more in the middle on this subject based on a combo of some experience, intuition, and logic. 

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