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I want to practice PE (Read 6209 times)
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I want to practice PE
Mar 15th, 2011 at 1:29am

I would like to practice PE with someone.  I know I have ability to be successful but I don't have much practice so I'm still learning how to find my confidence.  I think I need this right now in my journey and where I'm at in my development.  Let me know if you want to practice with me, or if you have an idea for some ways to practice and get verification. 


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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: I want to practice PE
Reply #1 - Mar 17th, 2011 at 12:19pm
I wish I was far enough along to be of help. I have often felt that PE would be an incredible experience and the ultimate verification.  I wish you good luck in your effort.
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Re: I want to practice PE
Reply #2 - Mar 17th, 2011 at 1:04pm
Hi Bardo,

Thank you so much.  I'm not just looking for a very experienced helper, anyone will do.  I just need the practice and motivation to try. 

I'd say my level of experience is that I know I've had amazing experiences and great verification, but I also know that I don't get something every time I try.  And that frustrates me or makes me disappointed. 

I think with practice things will naturally open up. 


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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: I want to practice PE
Reply #3 - Mar 18th, 2011 at 7:12am
I would be willing to help you if you, although I am uncertain of the process. Just let me know what I can do.
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Re: I want to practice PE
Reply #4 - Mar 18th, 2011 at 8:53pm
Ok great!  Let's try and see what we get. 

I spoke with Bruce on the phone today and asked him to walk me through how we (two inexperienced folks) would attempt a PE.  I was going to send you a PM, but I'll just put the notes here in case they might benefit someone else too.

1.  He said options for starting a PE attempt is to pick a place to meet, like a physical-world location or landmark.  The point isn't to focus on that spot or get verification that you're actually there...the only intent is to meet there in order to make contact with the other person.  He said that if we're both familiar with this physical place, it helps, but isn't necessary.  I asked, "What if we just picked a concept like, meeting at the beach?"  He said that would work perfectly fine except that there'd be little to "do" once we're there.  He said in that case, "You'd better set intent to be wearing something specific that he could later report back to you, like wearing a big deputy badge on your shirt."

Another way to start would be if we both had an interest in experiencing or learning something.  I asked, "Like if we both wanted to imagine being in Japan and doing a retrieval?"  He said yes, and that we'd intend to meet up together, then once we feel the other's presence, intend to go do a retrieval together and just observe whatever happens.  This is more effective than my beach scenario because there'd be verification in the purpose of doing a retrieval.  We'd both be observing something that we both didn't create (like me creating wearing a deputy badge), so we'd both not know what to expect out of the retrieval.  Any hits would be really impressive. 

The third suggestion he gave me for meeting up would be if we planned to meet someone deceased that either of us know, like my deceased dad for instance.  That's another great way to get verification.  Since you don't know my dad, you wouldn't know what to expect and wouldn't know a thing about him.  And it would be a way for us to both observe each other interacting with someone else at the same time.  There would be hits in ways neither of us could expect. 

2.  He said we didn't have to do it the same date and time, but since we're both inexperienced it would be a good idea to focus our intent and expectation that on such-and-such a specific date and time, that's when we each attempt it.  The reason being is that we'll both each prep ourselves for it in the time leading up to it...a way to let the intent sink in.   

3.  Ways to prepare...set intent to do the PE.  Practice deep relaxing breaths and energy-gathering techniques.  You can use hemi-sync or just get yourself in a relaxed state of mind.  The main goal is to be relaxed and in a receptive state.  No jitters or doubt, just pure intention that the PE is what you want and will be doing. 

4.  When you're ready to do the actual PE, then have the intent in mind to make contact with the other person.  That's all you need to remember.  Whatever the planned meetup intent is, just get in your relaxed state, let yourself know that's where you're going and that you're going to meet the other person.   

5.  Then just see what you notice in your awareness.  Whatever it is, it will be directly related to your intent. 

He said to remember that whatever it is that first comes into your awareness, it could be something you aren't sure of or misinterpret or it could have interpreter overlay.  If you don't feel you're perceiving anything at all, then re-state your intent.  See what you notice...any thought, feeling, memory, hearing, seeing, anything at all. 

Whatever you get, just observe.  If you notice something but it goes away, just think to yourself, "I got that.  Is there anything else?"  It's a simple yet effective way to keep your focus on observing whatever is coming into your awareness, without allowing your Interpreter to run on and on. 

6.  Remember, you can analyze later.  Right now, just observe.  Just keep observing whatever else comes into your awareness, even if the things you notice don't seem to make sense, don't seem connected to one another, or don't seem to be about the PE intent.  Just observe.  Afterward, write down everything you remember, absolutely everything, even if it seems to be unnecessary or "junk". 

7.  Send an email to the other person, with the understanding that you won't read what the other person sent you until you have made and emailed your own notes to them. 

Ok, I think I covered just about everything!  We can PM each other with the date and time we decide to start, and which suggestion we want to start with. 

Good luck!   Smiley
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: I want to practice PE
Reply #5 - Mar 19th, 2011 at 7:18am
This sounds great.  I am getting the feeling that this is what I need as well. Interestingly, this morning, I decided to try to do a retrieval in Japan. I thought to go the "meeting place" that was mentioned on the board yesterday, but did not get much from that. So I decided to simply sit and send my PUL and intent to help out to the folks in Japan. After just a second or so, I got the impression of a small person hopping up to me asking me if I wanted to help. The person seemed to be Japanese, very light and nimble, and she was dressed in a bird suit. Yes, a bird suit, a lovely blue bird suit. I followed her and we ended up at the beach. I wondered how we would convince the people to come with us, and at first decided to simply approach them as a rescuer, which made sense. Then the bird/helper appeared, and it became clear. The first person on the beach that I approached was an older woman, and she appeared lost. I told her that if she followed the beautiful land bird, that it would lead her home. The helper appeared as a beautiful flitting blue backed bird that the woman seemed to recognize, and she smiled and followed it. I next encountered a group of people milling about on the shore, also lost and confused. The bird appeared again and they had the same reaction. I told them that if they held hands that they could climb up the dunes better as they followed the bird. That seemed to work for them, and the last I saw of them they were climbing up the dunes away from the beach. At that point, for some reason I chose to back. I think it was my kids' guinea pigs making a ruckus upstairs! At any rate, I wanted to share that with you because it seemed to have some similarities to what you were describing. I  did think to look for you at the meeting place, and did have a fleeting image of you at the bar, but that's likely a plant, because your picture is your avatar.  PM me when you get a chance and we can make arrangement.
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Re: I want to practice PE
Reply #6 - Mar 20th, 2011 at 12:01am
So you're obviously already a little experienced in much of the process and just going with it and trusting it.  That's interesting that the helper appeared in a bird suit!

I haven't done any attempts yet.  I've PM'd you.

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