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How does reiki feel to you? (Read 56642 times)
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How does reiki feel to you?
Jan 16th, 2009 at 3:31pm

I took a reiki level 1 course oh, 6 or 8 years ago. It was taught by John Harvey Gray and Lourdes Gray (so it was taught by folks who know a bit about reiki). I tried realy hard but I really didn't feel anything in or with my hands the way some others did. The only place I came close was in practicing holding the energy ball between my two hands, which I had tried before (for years with not much effect).

I continued to practice the energy ball. I actually progressed on that due to practicing another kind of meditation. In the other kind, you did the hand things where you touch the thumb and pointer finger for a breath cycle, and then the thumb and middle finger, then thumb and ring finger, then thumb and pinky. I used to prqctice in a wooded area under a tree I particularly liked. I began to feel energy flow? vibration? something between thumb and finger. I called the tree my teacher! anyway, subsequent to that, I felt like the energy ball exercise produced a result. When I was a kid I used to play with magnets and thought the way two north poles repulsed each other was funny. The energy ball had a spot where my hands felt a little like two north poles repusling each other. Hey, at least I feel something!


So recently I have had a problem with one of my ankles. I felt inclined to try some reiki. There is a bookstore nearby that weekly has reiki sessions given by folks who are learning reiki. You get a 30-minute session for making a donation. The practitioners donate their time. The bookstore has been doing this for years. I don't know why I haven't been going every week for the last year or so now that I have that time free. So I decided to sign up for a reiki session.

So of course I was almost late. I rushed in. Did I mention it has been cold lately? andhow! the room is full of tables and reiki going on. (about 10 or so tables?) I slipped off my snow-wet shoes and on to the table and asked to be covered by the blanket. January in New England is not for the fainthearted. So the woman who drew my name was very nice. I told her about my ankle and then tried to lay there clamly. Being late had my mind racing and I had to forcefully remind myself "be here now" kind of stuff. I was also visualizing the energy in through the feet out through the head thing that TMI uses. So I'm trying to focus on NOW and the woman starts the reiki. Her style was to touch me gently at certain points. I did finally relax and enjoy just lying there. So she moved from the head down. What was curious was that there came a time when I knew she had moved her hands but it still felt like she was touching me where she had been. It felt like I had 3 or 4 hands on me. Interesting. Then when she got to my ankles, she gave them extra time. Again, it felt like I was touched in more than two places. The sensation was not unpleasant and it lingered. It was intriguing. of coourse, 30 minutes is too short and you have to leave for the next person.

So I have never achieved any state that I am willing to call Focus 10. Now I am wondering if I got into some kind of Focus 10 state.

So I went back the following week. Different person, a nice guy. We were in the smaller room downstairs, only three tables, and you can hear customers walking on the creaking floor upstairs. My stomach was kind of gurgling that night and I thought it correlated with the creaking floorboards. it was hard to not laugh.

I got there on time but still had to focus hard to "be here now" and the energy reball. I told him I also had a slight headache in addition to the ankle so he spent a little time with my head. He didn't touch me like the woman did. With my eyes closed, I could not locate exactly where he was working. But as he moved towards my ankles, I noticed that my hands, lying by my sides, kind of felt like they do when I do the energy ball exercise. They also felt as though I had on those plastic gloves people put on for exams or to handle dirty money or whatever. Except the gloves were a size too big and filled with water, so that when they were touched, the sensation had to go through the stretchy material and the water. So it felt like my hands had these bags of something malleable around them.

The effect on my ankles was similar to the prior week. He did something on the top of my feet, then when he moved to the bottoms, I thought I could still feel it on the tops.  

I don't usually get that flush feeling either, but I did then. it is the way I used to feel if I swam alot if laps (like a mile) and then rested. Maybe long-distance running does the same. Also a little like what I used to feel in my legs sometimes years ago, like in college, when we tried herbal 'remedies' that are smoked.

I told the guy about feeling like I was touched in multiple places. He relayed to me that while he was working on my feet, he had an image of a Jesus lizard, the kind that can run across the water. He thought it was because he thought my name was Lizzie. I didn't correct him. But I have this thing about talking about walking on water, so I thought that was interesting! He thought I was pulling in alot of energy through my feet.

I was able to repeat the sensation in my ankles, though not as strongly, a few days later when I woke up before dawn. I lost it when I shifted my position to make my back more comfortable and I fell back asleep.

So does focus 10 feel like that for anyone?

Does reiki feel like this for anyone else? What does reiki feel like for you? Do you need to feel the reiki for it to work? or do you even think healing with reiki is the same as healing with PUL?
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #1 - Jan 16th, 2009 at 6:15pm
Re: your last sentence/question--i think it depends.  Most true energetic healing comes from some kind of attunement to PUL either on part of the healer, the healee, or both.

 I have nothing against Reiki and Reiki practitioners, but I can't help but feel that a lot of it is just unnecessary, too much formula or something, which then relates to dogma and belief system limitations.  
When I look at who i consider to have been the most effective healer in our recorded history, I see an example that healed in all kinds of ways, but primarily through attuning to love and using just plain intention.  Sees, KNOWS they are healed and they are.

He channeled Universal Creative/healing forces, BUT his healings were particularly effective because 1--he was such a consistently clear channel of these energies and consciousness anyways to begin with, and 2 because he often gave of his own energies as well.  Hence there was some "sacrifice" involved, from a more material minded perspective.  
 Hence even he occasionally grew tired, needed rest, and time to recharge.  Yet Reiki practioners and some other modalities claim that they don't need that because they just channel universal energies.  Seems like in many cases, despite more people today being more open minded to nonphysical reality and phenom.(very important in this whole equation) such full and complete healings as he facilitated are not all that common.

 To me, Reiki, and a lot of Reiki practitioners that i've met, seem to be in the elementary or middle school of healing, wheras he and his methods by contrast was like a University professor.

 There are not many healers today who have the experience of putting a mans cut off ear back and restoring it completely, and other such remarkable and full healings.  But healing and this whole subject is too easy to be overly generalized, there are many potential factors involved and each individual case needs to be looked at closely to really understand what's going on.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #2 - Jan 16th, 2009 at 8:49pm
I bought a Reiki book, and as soon as I started reading it my spirit guidance chimed in with an image that basically said, this isn't the way I want to approach healing.

I believe that true healing ability comes from a high level of spirit being. The more a person lets go of limitations and allows his or her self to grow in love, the more he or she will be able to channel divine spirit being. When a person does so, techniques become secondary if needed at all. If a person doesn't develop his or her self spiritually, what does he or she expect to heal with?

There is also the matter of understanding what kind of healing a person needs. If a person has physical problems because he or she holds onto limiting thought patterns that cause energetic blocks and imbalances, how much will it help to provide a technique such as Reiki?  Often, you have to heal the mind and spirit, before you can heal the body.

Now I'll read what Justin wrote. Perhaps he wrote something similar. If so, please pardon the redundancy.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #3 - Jan 17th, 2009 at 11:32am

something for everyone, though, right?   Smiley

If reiki can clear a few passages, that's still a few more passages that are cleared that had been previously blocked. Maybe even they are key passages that will open one to further development.

We know from previous posts that Lucy is a true seeker. She finds lots of interesting and helpful information.

I can't answer your question about Focus 10 though Lucy, as I've never had reiki done.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Greenville SC
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #4 - Jan 17th, 2009 at 7:45pm
The Massage style that I studied in Hooksett NH uses Reiki constantly. It works and I have used it many times. It is the most PUL oriented healing art I have ever encountered. Without PUL you are wasting your time, but to say Reiki doesn't incorporate PUL is ridiculous. I can understand that some might find the use of the symbols to be a different, but they do not keep PUL out of the equation.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #5 - Jan 17th, 2009 at 10:52pm
Yes Beau, I guess you're right. But the more books are on the market, the more methods and reports about initiations, angels and such are worrying the minds of people who simply want to heal, and that's maybe what's counterproductive. Essential in my view is the intent, and the method Bruce propagates, imagine it, pretend it. It is just so that commonly people like to imagine an energy ball and such, and when it works, it's ok. The role of a teacher and initiation can be important for some to give them the certainty that Yes! You can!  Smiley And to touch someone gently, or even just holding the hands close to someone is something which is a gesture of humanity, of friendship and care, and most people are sensitive for it, thank God.

Focus 10 is, when I read other's reports about it, a mysterious thing. The reports are very varying. It goes from something like relaxed, wandering thoughts to absolutely unawareness of the body while mind-traveling. I never made it to the unawareness of the body; I think a relaxed state of the body and the mind focused on other things is at least the prime part of Focus10, and good enough for the exercises in Bruce's 5th book.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #6 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 9:13am
And here I must be honest about it and say I have never read a book on Reiki. I studied from a someone who had done it for years and they had been initiated by someone before them.  I know there is hogwash out there in every form. I was perhaps a bit too defensive in my last post. And it does get under my skin that Reiki has levels and some people are "masters," but I wouldn't blame the technique for that. That's all I'm really saying. People can make or ruin anything when it comes to perceptions. Your point is well taken spooky thank you

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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #7 - Jan 18th, 2009 at 10:57pm
That's too bad that no one has had any reiki experiences that they can share anything about. Maybe someone else has and will be moved to post. or maybe someone else will try reiki some time and post.

Since what I wanted was to share soemthign about what the experience was like, I am reluctant to go in another direction. But there are questions floating in the air.

Cayce is fascinating but he can't teach us what he did. He shared the fruits of what he did but he can't teach anyone else to do it. It has always been my assumption that the Jesus stories about healing were literally true. Some folks disagree with that. But let's go with the literal. 2000 years later we ain't made much progress with that system. There's some problem here, folks. I don't know many folks who are spiritual enopugh to accomplish that level of healing, present company included. With that in mind, it seems like folks would be interested in exploring every avenue to find out where the blocks are, assuming the underlying ideas are good. (ie that all healing is really spiritual). I haven't met anyone else yet who can walk on water better than I can. And I've been looking.

Reiki is rewported to come out of spiritual inspiration ...probably not much different than Cayce's did, to my way of thinking. Here is one version of its history:

There's the part about the near-death experience, the description of ewhich was attacked by the true believers. Seems to be a common theme.

So the levels evoled to fit the times. Maybe that is passe now. I imagine not all the books on the market give the background, or encourage a deep look at Buddhism, for that matter.

John Harvey Gray teaches a method passed down from Usui through a Mrs. Takata. Christianity used to use laying on of hands to pass things down so I don't find this any stranger than the Christian tradition. John Harvey Gray is pretty interesting. Kinda getting up there in years. At the class he brought up knowing Bob Monroe. He used to teach an introductory hemi-sync course. This was long before all the cd's were available, when Monroe was still on this side. The point is, Bob trusted him to do this. Hey, maybe JHG gave Bob Monroe a reiki treatment at some time or other. Not that JHG would ever discuss that! He's very proper!

JHG and Lourdes occasionally teach reiki for kids, and once they were around here teaching. I signed up my kid and also a friend's kid. A lucky dog named Oscar got to be the one practiced on. (Oscar has since crossed the rainbow bridge but I imagine he is still happy).

My friend is not too interested in this stuff. Not interested enough to be a student. But she has commented that she can feel that aura area around people's bodies. She doesn't need training. But it is real to her. I find that interesting.

Spooky thanks for the comments on Focus 10. I kinds feel like, if Focus 10 isn't a place I can get to and easily identify once I am there, like, say, New York City is, then it is a little hogwash to talk about Focus 10. That distresses me because I want it to be "real". So partly I was trying to invent my own road map to get there. Hmm, still don't have that road map.

The sensations I feel in my body are real to me. I would like to be able to cal them up at will. I didn't feel anything when I was taking the class. I don't think I am feeling "reiki" I think I am feeling something in me....well if reiki is univeral energy then maybe I am feeling reiki, but I'm not feeling anything separate from that.

I'm gonna keep trying this so if anything else interesting happens I will post it. I was hoping Romain would comment sooner or later.

I have to look to see where Hookset is. JHG and Lourdes are in Jaffrey. (it is much warmer in SC right now.)

btw sppoky I am not good at concious imagination. Of course, some schools of thought say that all we are/have gets here through imagination, so maybe I am good at it subconciously.

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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #8 - Jan 20th, 2009 at 12:34am
betson wrote on Jan 17th, 2009 at 11:32am:

something for everyone, though, right?   Smiley

If reiki can clear a few passages, that's still a few more passages that are cleared that had been previously blocked. Maybe even they are key passages that will open one to further development.

We know from previous posts that Lucy is a true seeker. She finds lots of interesting and helpful information.

I can't answer your question about Focus 10 though Lucy, as I've never had reiki done.


  Hi Bets,

  I think true healing comes more from within, than without, though sometimes without can be a catalyst.  Particularly when you are dealing with a very spiritually mature, PUL attuned consciousness.

   Reiki has become very "New age" chic, and the New age has become such a business.   

   True healers heal for the sake of healing, not for money imo.  I'm not saying that a true healer cannot be a Reiki practitioner but so far, i haven't been all that impressed with the Reiki practitioners that I've tuned into. 

  Btw, i had Reiki done on me.  To the mans credit, he didn't charge anything for his brief demonstration.   He did have healing energy, but not so much because he was practicing Reiki, but because of who he was, what he was like, and his deeper intentions, etc.

  THATS what really counts, not the name  and type of the modality, etc.
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #9 - Jan 20th, 2009 at 12:45am
Beau wrote on Jan 17th, 2009 at 7:45pm:
The Massage style that I studied in Hooksett NH uses Reiki constantly. It works and I have used it many times. It is the most PUL oriented healing art I have ever encountered. Without PUL you are wasting your time, but to say Reiki doesn't incorporate PUL is ridiculous. I can understand that some might find the use of the symbols to be a different, but they do not keep PUL out of the equation.

  Hi Beau,

  Who said that Reiki doesn't incorporate PUL?   I think it depends on the individual practitioner, and even the individual case.   Some Reiki practitioners no doubt are using PUL whether consciously or unconsciously in their healing work.  Some no doubt, probably don't have a deeper and more pure attunement to same.

   I was not bashing Reiki, but pointing out that its easy for people to get hung up on the outer, when its the inner is where its really at.  I believe that this is really important to get across.  And, it seems like for some, money is a big part of why they do Reiki, as it has become very chic in the New Age scene.  And no, its not just Reiki, but many avenues whether "channelers/mediums", "astrologers", etc. 

  More individuals would find more true healing not by going to this or that practitioner, but by going within and attuning to PUL directly, and trying to help others via that. 

  What can i say, i'm an opinionated loud mouth...
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Re: Have you had sensations like this before?
Reply #10 - Jan 20th, 2009 at 12:17pm

Actually I do agree that reiki has been commercialized. Even back when I took the class, John Harvey Gray, made the same lament. Perhaps he was speaking from a different perspective, but I think he regretted that the technique he learned had not been patented. That sounds a little crass , but that is the way we use in this country to keep things intact. To him the passing on of the technique in a particular way was very important. As I said, having come from a religious tradition that honored laying on of hands as a way to pass things on, that didn't seem totally foreign to me. He lamented that folks could read a book and then claim they knew reiki. There is more to it than that.

Of course, that makes it seem exclusive, which doesn't appeal to me, but perhaps learning it from a master or working with a master might actually be significant in learning the tehniques. That is why the Grays are always careful to say where they learned the reiki. That lineage is very important to them.

I don't know if Bruce has patented his approach, but this would be like if someone with great marketing skills came in and took Bruce's techniques and sold them while leaving Bruce out of the loop. That is what happened with the reiki and I've seen that happen with at least one other thing. I guess one just needs to be aware that this goes on.

It occurs to me that these guys doing reiki at this place are students who do not receive compensation for doing this. You put money in a jar on the way out the door and nobody checks, you could put as little or as much as you want, you could skip out too. The recipient of the funds is listed on the jar. It's usually some group, you know, like a shelter or something like that. So I don't think of this as commercial.

I think maybe that what I really wanted to focus on was the sensations and not the reiki. I just happened to be in a reiki moment when it happened. It is the sensations that are interesting. So I would like to ask, have you (anyone) had sensations like this before? Under what circumstances? What did it mean to you? Can you recreate the experience at will?
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #11 - Jan 20th, 2009 at 1:37pm
The only time I've "gotten out" in what seemed to be C1 but out of the body was during a massage session that focused on Reiki. It was during a class in the mid 90's. I moved from one end of the room to the other and listened to a conversation that I could not have heard from where I was being massaged. I couldn't see, but from my hearing I could tell I was in a very different locale within the very large room. I have not experienced that since then in such a fashion, but I have reached an F10 state and even F15 from being massaged. I think the Reiki attunement may have something to do with that.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #12 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 3:19pm
Lucy wrote on Jan 18th, 2009 at 10:57pm:
That's too bad that no one has had any reiki experiences that they can share anything about. Maybe someone else has and will be moved to post. or maybe someone else will try reiki some time and post.

My friend is not too interested in this stuff. Not interested enough to be a student. But she has commented that she can feel that aura area around people's bodies. She doesn't need training. But it is real to her. I find that interesting.

Spooky thanks for the comments on Focus 10. I kinds feel like, if Focus 10 isn't a place I can get to and easily identify once I am there, like, say, New York City is, then it is a little hogwash to talk about Focus 10. That distresses me because I want it to be "real". So partly I was trying to invent my own road map to get there. Hmm, still don't have that road map.

The sensations I feel in my body are real to me. I would like to be able to cal them up at will. I didn't feel anything when I was taking the class. I don't think I am feeling "reiki" I think I am feeling something in me....well if reiki is univeral energy then maybe I am feeling reiki, but I'm not feeling anything separate from that.

I'm gonna keep trying this so if anything else interesting happens I will post it. I was hoping Romain would comment sooner or later.

Hello Lucy;
Sorry a bit late but having problems with compu these days..Smiley Vista.Sad

Interesting reading your posts and the answers you were giving.
Not sure if i can help but will put my 2 cents in..Smiley

1- As for Reiki experiences up to 4 yrs ago didn't had any. but was able since a younger age to send healing energies distant or not to people ...Didn't know how i was doing it but was working
beause a few persons did tell me they recieived it and they knew it was me sending it.
Even if i did not tell them i was sending it until they ask me.!!

THEN i started reading about energy work and found a book on Reiki by Stein...something...then it open my eyes....Ahhhh..that's what i'm doing and there a name to it..Smiley

2-Never had any formal training then either !! (until 4yrs ago)
Formal to me is being taught by a Master. I'm on the Second level now whatever it means, not interested in Master degree cause i don't want to teach it. But i have the paper who says i'm 2sd degree, somewhere burry  with other paper...Smiley Did it made a difference..!
There are people who want to see it to believe i don't.
Like a friend of mine who is a Usui master give more credibility to you knowing/technique...hummm..anyhow!

3-One of the reason i really did not want to take the training was i could not afford to pay for it ..Found an older lady who attune/train me for a few home cook meals..Smiley
(IMPO here) don't want to start a rush on ethic...but why pay for something that everyone can do, we all have the ability? and the Reiki energies are giving to you freely from HSelf..cosmic enery or whatever you want to call it. You can do it Lucy.

4-The sensation that i feel when asking for Reiki for myself or other are real to a very comfortable warm like you sitting in front of a fireplace..warm and cosy.

5- As for F10 sensation ..F10 is mind awake body don't need to be comatose to be in punt intended here...just plain deep relaxation...let you body relax and go with said you like to relax under a tree when doing some of your were problly in F10 then..there're no magic to just a nice peacefull relaxation..
Let's hope we get more comments now...LOL

Hope this help
PUL Lucy.
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #13 - Jan 21st, 2009 at 8:44pm
That was pretty interesting. I realized that trying to "see" may restrict me sometimes. I like that you just went around the room and didn't worry about seeing.

So I am realizing it is nonsensical to ask if it was the energy body I felt or the reiki.  ..I felt the reiki in my energy body, I guess. Not in the physical. I felt an enhancement of the energy body due to energy being focused through technique of reiki. Not sure how to say it.

Well that was interesting. So you felt like you sent energy and then found some others called that reiki. I guess one good thing is that it gives some common language to use.
(I wonder if Usui would have charged except that people expect it, they do better sometimes when they are charged than if they get it free. I vaguely recall JHG saying something about that. Not that the spa set doesn't maybe overdo it a little...Lourdes pointed out that petting our pets can be a form of reiki and they love it, and nobody gets charged for that! The furry ones have us hoodwinked!)

I have to say that this sensation I am trying to describe is more intense than that relaxing in front of the fire thing.  Sometimes is it much more intense. I went again last night and I am trying to detach and experience each individual as unique. Maybe they do the same with me. I can't believe they have so many volunteers.
I went initially because I have something wrong with my ankle (in addition to the rest of my life, but that's another story). So I was more worried at first and I think that increased the intensity. Also I hadn't been there for a while and that makes it more intense for me (on guard in unfamiliar surroundings). So I have lost that edge. And the person last night had a different approach, more hands on (literally) and moved around slightly differently. yet I still felt some of the localized heightened sensations, just not as intense as the first time or the second. What Beau wrote made me realize it may be the energy body I am feeling, rather than reiki energy in my physical body, if that is possible. I think I need to not be totally focused in C1 to do that.

Focus 10
Alas I do think that my mind/brain thinks if my body is alseep, it should be too.

yeah they need reiki for vista from what I've heard. or maybe just entirely new energy paths. I think my next computer should be a Mac laptop, and I have XP)
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: How does reiki feel to you?
Reply #14 - Jan 22nd, 2009 at 1:17am
 Hi Lucy,

Re: how Reiki felt...  Well, during my one and only session so far, as far as i can recollect (this was a long time ago), i felt a warmth beyond the body heat of the hands, i felt some energy flow or movement but it was rather subtle.  

 That's pretty much it.  It was a nice experience, felt nice.

Being more discriminating now, if i were to ever have Reiki (or any other kind of energy healing) again, it would be with a person i felt was very loving, very balanced, and of the highest intentions.  In short, a very spiritually mature channel.  I'm of the opinion that one shouldn't mess with this kind of stuff with folks who don't more or less fit into that above state with those average tendencies.   I'm not saying they need to be what some call spiritual masters, or completed consciousnesses, but the closer the better and more helpful...

 The somewhat analogical equivalent is, would you want a clueless, careless, and/or inconsiderate doctor working on you during an important operation?

 Btw, your last comment was pretty funny. Grin    
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