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As the world turns (Read 9853 times)
george stone
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As the world turns
Jun 8th, 2008 at 1:33am
What is happenning to our world?is it getting any better or are we in for a long run.they say we will be paying 10 dollors a gallon for gas by the end of this year.What is going wrong?1000.000.000 homes gone into for forcloser.high gas prises.Are we about to go into the spiritual realms?George
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Old Dood
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #1 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 8:51am
It is 'how you are willing to look at it...' I would suppose!

*I* myself believe this is a 'Planned set of Events'.

There is no coincidences in my view...Reason for EVERYthing.

I am on a Car Forum (GM Car Forum) and most there think that IF we here in the States would drill and proccess our own oil then it would be cheaper.
Fat Chance! It would not matter the price would still be HIGH! Why? Because that is what 'they' want.
Some on that forum want the USA to attack and even NUKE Iran.
As IF that will bring down fuel prices.  Just like the Iraq War did....right?  Tongue

Who are 'they'?  The Powers That Be. (PTB) Tt boils down to Power & Control.  How do 'they' do that exactly? FEAR!

Fear we will lose our homes.  Fear that we cannot afford fuel for our vehicles. Fear that 'Terrorists' will attack us.
Fear that 'We the People' have no real control and we have to depend on the governments and/or corporations to 'fix it' all for us.
It is ALL based on a LIE. Nothing in this physical world has change all 'that' much in my lifetime anyways.

Yes, we have more advanced technology but, so what....

I find it very ODD that we have gone from a horse & buggy culture in less then 100 years and we STILL are using 19th century technology to power our vehicles.
(Yes, I have mentioned this before...deserves repeating though)
Sure, there have been 'improvements' with the combustion engine but, it is still the same basic structure.
Is it because 'they' can control us by forcing us to buy their fuel at whatever price 'they' say it is?

'We' have other technologies that are dazzling as well. Dazzling to the 1900 crowd and even the 1950's crowd.
Are these technologies really improving our lives?
The only technology *I* see as a true benefit to mankind right now is the internet.
And that is under the very real threat of being totally controlled so that what we see on it will be what 'they' want us to see.

Check out 'Net Neutrality' and see for yourself.
Wiki Link:
What YOU can do about it Link:
YouTube Link:
Net Neutrality FAQs:

I also find it ODD that with all this technology we still have elections that cannot be trusted.
In fact our elections are less transparent/trustworthy now then ever before.
We ALWAYS receive a receipt for any transaction we do...don't we?
Our credit cards for example. We ALWAYS get a copy of our transactions.
Then WHY do we not have ANY paper trail of any kind handed to us for our VOTES?

Has anyone noticed this little article in the BBCNews?
That ID Card 'plan' has been around for a long time.
'They' say it is for our SECURITY..our BENEFIT. Is it? Or is it to keep tabs on US?
Check out this video clip....
THIS is the next step after a National ID card.
The implementation was pushed back (for now) because of people that 'knew' the truth.
ALL new Passports have this 'chip' NOW.

Am *I* trying to use FEAR myself? Good question.
However, NO! I am simply sharing info that people can use to enlighten themselves to fight back.
Information Is power. Another reason to make sure our Internet is FREE.

Remember...there are No coinicidences...Reasons for EVERYthing!

EDIT: I apologize. I meant to conclued with your one question as to what this has to do with Spirituality.
It has EVERYTHING to do with that.  Not Religion. Our Personal Spirituality!
We need to teach ourselves to listen to the Still Quiet Voice with in us.
It will be our own enlightenment by way of our spirituality that will effect real CHANGE in all of our lives.
I firmly believe that people that are fairly enlightened already have helped to stop people like our secret governements from totally controlling us.
The NIE (National Intellegence Estimate) was 'leaked' on purpose by people that are 'aware' of the LIES.
It has helped to at least hold off this war with Iran.

Further more...
Forums such as this is VITAL to getting the word out to people. People ARE becoming more and more 'Aware'.
However, it is an inside job.  NO one can change anyone else's 'thinking'. We have to do that ourselves.
It really does not matter 'What We Believe' either. It only matters what the Truth really is.

Just to let you in on what is REALLY going on:
(Repeated for CLARITY!)

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Re: As the world turns
Reply #2 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 10:53am
I love reading your posts dood and thanks George for starting a great thread.  I don't believe for one minute that you are trying to cause fear dood.  You have just had the guts to wake-up and take a look at whats going on in our little world.  Vallejo has filed bankruptcy. They are cutting down fruit trees for lack of water.  Thousands of families are living in tents in one of the supposed riches countries, USA. Thousands upon thousand have no jobs, are losing their homes.  Stores are closing down at such a fast pace, it's shocking.  LA, California the place where movies stars live is turning into a real dump.  Fires, floods, tornadoes, and soon earthquakes.
I live in one of the hottest places so it should be cooking now and I have had to turn on the heater.
I am not frightened for I WANT change.  If it were up to me, I would do it in a less painful way though, but I guess that's not what the PTB wants.
I have always lived by "Energy flows where focus goes" but that does not seem to be what's happening lately.
I suppose it might be easier to stick one's head in the sand and pretend it isn't happening, but it might just catch up with all of us and real darn soon.  Who wants to end up in the so-called afterlife in shock?  Nothing like being informed.
One of the big things going on now are paradigm wars and so take a guess as to who might win.  Does the word Orion say anything to you dood?
Anyway, I might not be on the net much today, I've got the flu, but I will be reading with interest.  The PTB want to get the population down to 500.000 by 2011.
What does this have to do with spirituality?  Everything.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #3 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 11:49am

It is going to get worse before it gets better. Oil has peaked and the earth’s reserves are now in the process of being depleted.

In South Africa, we are already paying about $9 a gallon or gas and much more for desel.

Maybe it will never get better, the golden years are over, and everyone will have to tighten their belts

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Alan McDougall
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #4 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 1:26pm
Hi guys. Guess you're not the only ones that wonders what's going down, and that doesn't have much faith in the powers that be and their motives then. Nor in their ability to envision a way forward. That could almost be me speaking Dood.

My sense is that not only is our energy technology stuck in Victorian times, so is the thinking of those in power around the world - competing empires, attempts at domination, power blocs, vested interests, peoples against peoples. That mind has already given us two world wars.

It's hard to know where it's going. Perhaps we're being tested again with the old choice - when collectively threatened do we opt for fighting over an apparently diminishing pie, or do we rise to co-operation out of mutual care and compassion for our fellow man?

There's I suppose multiple dimensions in play. The above relates primarily to the physical, but there's also the little matter of whether or not we'll manage the step up in consciousness that's predicted in all the best prophecies for round about now.

My sense is that as you guys say it's not happening by accident. At the individual level we make all our best leaps forward during or after the tough times. My guess is that we're maybe being provided with the catalyst for a major collective leap forward now too.

I think it's also as you guys say about individual consciousness, and the consequent actions ordinary people take and permit their so called leaders to take.

My best guess is that left to their own devices they will when faced with the consequences of energy shortages, climate, ecological, population and other issues again allow through attempts to gain at the cost of others cause the world to descend into war. With the very real possibility of ending it all - we can't presume survival if this happens.

Even if this does not happen it seems to me that the control freaks at the top must soon be blocked from continuing towards some hierarchical Orwellian style of society. Right now they keep on introducing more and more controls that intrude further and further into our lives - the bleating of the fearful on all sorts of imagined issues, and the inability of the bureaucratic mind to envision anything but controlling policies provides the justification they need for this.

My sense is that the way out of this and back to co-operation is for the ordinary people to speak up ande act. To through Ghandi-esque non co-operation stop this in its tracks. Perhaps there's a critical mass of awakened people been building up - that all that it will take is some trigger or focus.

It's a weird kind of time right now, with all these issues building, and yet it's not being discussed much. It's like most of us have our blinkers on, are continuing aqsa we always have pretending all is well until something occurs to interfere directly in our lives.

Perhaps we're talking ourselves into a crisis too. The oil price issue seems largely to be about supply vs refining capacity rather than any fundamental supply issue. That the commercial interests involved in the oil business have maybe so tightly tied up the political system that it won't act. The credit crunch seems also to be the result of populist politicians allowing their bankers friends to speculate dangerously with other's money - to be a failure of government and regulation dressed up as free market policies. The consequences of the behaviour of the current US administration and its seemingly very limited capability must surely be a serious impediment to international co-operation too.

I'm intrigued that there doesn't seem to be all that much specific coming through people that might be expected to have some sort of sight of what's coming.

Here's hoping it's all going to get sorted. Looks like we could soon be required to show some courage in our convictions though...
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #5 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 8:12pm

I am curious as to who you would consider to be people that might be expected to have some sort of insight into what's coming?   Smiley
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #6 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 9:10pm
My own opinion on this situation is that the high oil prices are responsible for most of our current economic problems, high oil prices increases cost at all levels of industry causing all prices to ultimately go up, food, utilities, consumables everything. The second biggest factor is the easy availability of credit, or debt if you prefer, for the past 5-10 years. The third part of the problem is the massive increase in house prices over recent years, I would say far above inflation, these prices lock new buyers out of the market, make it easier for people to get more credit/debt and of course bring with them higher mortgages.

I remember hearing on the news a few weeks backm when talking about the price of oil "the prime minister has asked OPEC to increase supply of oil to bring the price down" which is fine but as has already been commented here it is a finite resourse increasing supply will only deplete it faster bringing about the real bad times, there are very few things that could really bring the world to a halt, not really, but I believe stopping the supply of oil would be one of them.

In my opinion the only way to make things better is to solve the problems I mention remove our reliance on oil, reduce our  ability to gain credit and debt and find a way to lower house prices (the hardest one to do).

The good news though is that reports suggest buyers are moving away from large cars to smaller fuel efficient ones showing that we may finally be getting the point and hopefully sooner or later we will see an exodus of people leaving fuel cars to alternative sources.
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george stone
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #7 - Jun 8th, 2008 at 9:13pm
I think that someone wiil soon rise up and have all the answers George
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Alan McDougall
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #8 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 4:58am

you said
I think that someone wiil soon rise up and have all the answers George

Yes, people have always being looking for this person, from Plato’s philosopher King to the Christian, Jewish and Muslim Messiahs.

Maybe this long awaited person will soon announce him or her self on the world stage

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Alan McDougall
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Old Dood
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #9 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 6:14am
Maybe...just maybe that 'Person' is US!
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #10 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 7:11am
On insight SHSS - I guess with all the channelling going on you might think that more specific predictions might be coming through. This doesn't seem to be the case. We've got lots of the longstanding more generic propehecies for round about now (the run up to 2012, but little sign of the details being filled in. (or else I'm missing it, or it's for good reason)

I'm mindful of all the books written on the prophecies of Nostradamus for example. I've been keeping an eye on them since the early 90s, and all I seem to see happening is that the dates for broadly similar events (invasion of Europe from the East) keep getting pushed out into a 5 year future time frame. When I started reading first it was all to roll out ten years ago in the run up to the millenium.

It may of course all be about to happen, or it may have referred to a future we've largely avoided but there's not much sign of any action just yet.

I'm inclined to agree on the 'us' bit Dood. I think there's huge risks in looking for some great leader to rise up so we can yet again duck our responsibility to wake up, think for ourselves and have the courage of our hearts. We're very likely to get a 'mis-leader'.

If there's to be an awakening that'll lead to good it's going to have to come from some critical number of us simultaneously getting there....
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Alan McDougall
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #11 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:28am

You said

Maybe...just maybe that 'Person' is US!

Could be but at the moment "US" is making a colossal mess of the whole thing and do not seem to be learning from mistakes or warnings.

When this lurking looming fossil fuel crisis during the 1970's eased, the whole world just went back to an orgy of consuming this limited finite resource. So we are now faced with the real possibly of more wars over possession of this limited this oil resource

Image the world depleted of oil, no electricity, no internet, no transport, no TV almost back to a farming  life style

You might say there is still nuclear energy but the bearing and rotating components need oil to lubricate or they will cease up.

No fossil fuels, everything stops, invest in a bicycle young people

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Alan McDougall
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #12 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:34am
Hi all,

Aha, yes, I see where you are coming from.
My thoughts:  The only one or one's who I will trust are us.  IMO, WE are the only one's who can save US!
I think it might be being set up for us to look to the heavens for a savior of some kind and this is not to be.  There are NO saviors other than us and if people fall for it, they are going to be poorly misled.

I will admit to getting caught up in these channelings myself and what-not, but honestly if they were really going to help us, they would have done it by now.  What?  Are they going to wait until we're all dead?

The technology is here to make holograms in the sky.  They could put forth any old sorry savior and many people might fall for it.  We need to grow up, and take responsibility for ourselves for a change.  We may die so-to-speak and end up in the afterlife, so-to-speak, but let's do it as adults.

Some say god will do it all.  Look:  Monkey's have monkey babies, dogs, have doggie babies, humans have human babies, and gods have god babies.  I think at least some of us will mature and grow up.

Love to you ALL,  Smiley
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #13 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:46am
In the words of a song I heard in a little honky tonk which I assure you will be in my slice of heaven:

Until you've seen it all, you ain't seen nothin' yet....

george stone wrote on Jun 8th, 2008 at 9:13pm:
I think that someone wiil soon rise up and have all the answers George

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Alan McDougall
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Re: As the world turns
Reply #14 - Jun 9th, 2008 at 9:58am
2007, My predictions about the future

By Alan McDougall

Varje you said
I'm mindful of all the books written on the prophecies of Nostradamus for example. I've been keeping an eye on them since the early 90s, and all I seem to see happening is that the dates for broadly similar events (invasion of Europe from the East) keep getting pushed out into a 5 year future time frame. When I started reading first it was all to roll out ten years ago in the run up to the millenium.

While I acknowledge that Nostradamus was a remarable prophet and dont equate myself with him. here is just a few of predictions from this humble member of this form , which I posted twice and as far as I could see were simply ignored.

They were are lot more clear and too the point than Nostadamus, who had the difficult task of predicting our 2008 world from hundreds of year ago.

My first 5 predictions in order I thought of importance!!!

1) Oil used as a weapon to control the world economy, oil price will rise to the astronomical level of $1000 on net present value and the use of private vehicles will become the domain of the extremely rich, until viable hydrogen engines are perfected by early 2100 C.E.

2) The above will have a serious affect on the stability of the world economy. The use of solar or mirrors located in near earth orbit beam radiant energy by 2070C.E.

3) China will overtake the U.S.A as the leading world superpower by 2100 .C.E. India will become the third world superpower by 2060 C.E.

4) The sham of Democracy in Egypt overthrown and fanatical rule takes place in other Arab countries and Arab kingdoms are overthrown, there is going to be murder of some high official in that land

5) Massive efforts made to develop alternate forms of energy, hydro, wind, hydrogen, nuclear fusion, solar etc met with some reasonable success by 2100 C.E.

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Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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