R asked: If people say that lower realms don't exist and that a person like Adolph Hitler goes to a higher realm right away, what is their basis other than opinion for stating this?
I didn't read the Hitler thread so I don't know if anything developed over there and I may be repeating somebody's else's conclusion but whatever, I've done that before!
R, did somebody say Hitler goes to a higher realm right away? it is only opinions here, just as you said, sometimes we have mystical experiences, but still we cannot conclusively say that our mystical experiences are the absolute truth as it pertains to one and all. then we can misinterpret and quite often our own explorations and experiences.
I'm guessing, so surely that is just an opinion also, that Hitler had a bunch of thinking to do after he transitioned. I don't know about y'all, sitting around thinking is not my idea of heaven.
also, there's a little thing called repenting, that nobody talks about here, as it's attached to the religion of Christianity. However, repentence is a spiritual quality and we all get into it, whether we wish to or not, or even if we are atheists.
whenever a soul goes down this road, they are wishing they had done it differently.
Simply because something feels not quite right. whenever you are doing that, you are repenting.
but what really is happening either the "sinner" is justifying their self, or they are getting to the painful place where they say I won't do it again because I only hurt myself, and so they have to live with their own self, and they are shown eventually how they must first forgive their self, and then they can move unto the higher levels.
In Christianity they say to find the persons you have "ought" against. if you can get their forgiveness, then you can move to a higher level. If you can't, you still have to go ahead and forgive yourself, otherwise you get stuck there.
we simply don't know about the Hitlers, what occurred for them in their soul, although I have read something, where an explorer checked him out. something was reported that his aides were just as much responsible for genocide as he was.
something to that effect, that he didn't take complete responsibility.
I'm thinking he's in some BST. It's not the highest level. What I'm thinking is happening is all the ones who died, if they can forgive him, he can forgive himself easier and move on to another BST, of a slightly higher level.
I'm also thinking all the Jews were sacrificial lambs in other historical periods, but I don't understand why, except for some reason we always seem to think death is the answer to all of our troubles.
I disagree on that one. But we know, as a whole, what we are capable of, don't we?
So we need God in our lives as we can't do it alone. God is Love.