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Victor Zammit comunication ith princess Dianna?? (Read 1876 times)
Alan McDougall
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Victor Zammit comunication ith princess Dianna??
Jun 13th, 2008 at 1:10pm
This might be of interest to the forum

13th June 2008

COMMENTARY: the most highly controversial item in my twenty years of investigating the afterlife: I was stunned - talking to an entity who called herself Diana, the former Princess of Wales. Last week I put in my Friday Report an item on 'Diana' and the links to hear her speak at length - audios obtained over the last few years. There are hours of talks by 'Diana'. Experts I consulted agree that the contents of the audios are highly persuasive, that in fact the voice could well be Diana's voice. Other experts also stated that there is the realistic potentital that 'Diana' is who she claims to be.

I studied the voice myself, and I know from experience that it would be difficult for an imposter to speak for hours consistently maintaining a Diana voice - in fact a professional actor told me that a really good actor can go for a time using the voice to emulate someone else - but not consistently for hours. A skeptical journalist from the U.K. who studied the contents and the voice agreed that it is likely to be Diana - the intimacy of the knowledge she transmitted about the circumstances, about herself, about her children, about Dodi and others.

Immediately, I told 'Diana' that it would be critical to obtain as much validation as possible to objectively prove her identity. Content analysis of 'Diana's' transmissions shows that except for a few negative extremists, anyone would be impressed by the detailed knowledge and intimacy and the power behind her motivation and the desire to continue to do wonderful work for mankind: helping humanity to accept that there is an afterlife.

The empiricist in me longs for physical and other evidence. Sociologists use 'content analysis' to measure internal consistency of the transmissions for validation. So this week I again will be putting on the website material from 'Diana' so that you can see and hear more for yourselves about one of the most important and powerful personalities of the twentieth century who apparently still wants to make a most important spiritual contribution - from the afterlife.

A MESSAGE TO THE WORLD ABOUT THE AFTERLIFE FROM DIANA - "... Yes, there is an afterlife!":

last night, Thursday at around 8pm (Australian Eastern time) I telephoned Andrew Russell-Davis in Europe, the medium who states he is the trance medium for Diana. He arranged for 'Diana' to come through – so that I was actually conversing directly with an entity who identified herself as Diana (pictured)- sounding just like she was on earth except perhaps the voice was just very slightly deeper. We had a brief fifteen minute conversation, but one of the questions I asked her was, “Assuming you are who you claim to be, what message do you have for the people around the world?” This is 'Diana’s' reply which was confirmed by an email sent to me by 'Diana' through her medium Andrew Russell-Davis.

" Hello Victor,

It was lovely talking to you too albeit somewhat briefly but I appreciate you are a busy man. My message to the people of the world I think might well be this ....

“Hello Everybody,
Whilst I am aware of the fact that for many my speaking might be viewed with skepticism naturally, I would ask you to ask yourselves why this might not be possible and particularly regarding someone who said of herself in life, "She won't go quietly” speaking even then in the third person context !

I was always pitched up front, the "Way- Shower" if you like in so many areas and I'd imagine therefore I am the prefect candidate to be chosen to do so again now, illustrating the reality of there indeed existing "Life After Death" in a very real way or this would not be happening!

There's food for thought ! "

With love from, Diana xx


Before anyone dismisses anything without investigation, remember, that as an empiricist I do not automatically accept or reject any information that comes to me. I need proof. I need evidence - hard core evidence. As I stated to you in Friday Report last week about the messages from Princess Di: from the evidence YOU BE THE JUDGE as to whether what comes across is really Princess Diana. Keep an open mind. Allow your mind to perceive any information with true empirical equanimity. And just because the claim is fantastic, don’t dismiss anything UNLESS FIRST you investigate. Question: is it theoretically possible for someone to communicate with me from the afterlife? Evidence shows, YES, ABSOLUTELY, it is possible from those in the afterlife to communicate with us – and with me, personally. I have 18 years experience communicating with intelligences from the afterlife.

So, how do we go about investigating 'Diana’s' message? The audios and videos on the archives of the Diana Speaks website and the podcasts on are very interesting and highly provocative. My position, as most of you know, is to present the evidence and leave it entirely up to you to decide whether it is really Diana who is speaking. Read, study and investigate and be patient. Assuming for one moment it is the real highly influential Diana, what is wrong with using her power, prestige and status to tell us yes, there is an afterlife?

Here's what the claimed Diana wrote to me: Emails...

Last week Tony Pappard was highly suspicious of the Diana communications and began to investigate. He contacted the two mediums and his own deceased partner whom he claims communicates with him from the other side. By the end of a week he became convinced that they were genuine...Read his comments.

VALIDATION, YOUR TURN: What question would you ask Diana for you to be satisfied that she is who she claims to be?

Make your question sharp and short. If all goes well, Diana will respond to your questions next time. Of course, do not ask questions that have already been answered in the transmissions - the links given. One question per reader - but send in up to three questions if you like, let me choose one of the questions. If you do not agree it is Diana, give your valid reasons why not. Send your question/s...

Advice ostensibly given by a wise old soul on the other side to a newcomer to the afterlife who was expressing his intense desire to return to Earth to tell people that the afterlife exists.

“There are thousands - millions of friends here who have been animated and swayed by the feelings which now move you; but when the opportunity has come and they have proceeded to carry out their noble desires they have found that which will yet be your own experience. In the first place, you will not be believed as to your identity, and will be called upon to fight a long and by no means complimentary battle to prove you are a messenger from this life. Next, having gained this point in the presence of a few, they will begin to demand from you numberless signs and wonders to strengthen this proof and gratify their curiosity. When you have succeeded in this, and your heart is burning to begin your work, someone else will be brought in, and they will demand that you shall go through the unwelcome process again, for the gratification of the late newcomer. In fact, this is the normal condition in which they desire to circumscribe our work, and the greatest care is needed not to drive them away before we have attempted to sow some grain of truth.“ (Through the Mists, p.128)

Account 3. Account of a person who dies in an accident.

"I was walking along a crowded footpath, engaged in contemplation of the lights and shadows visible on the faces of passers-by, when I heard a scream, and saw a child in deadly peril among the horses in the road. He was not far away, so bounding forward- with no thought but for his safety- I reached and dragged him from his hazardous position, then turned, and--- Something touched me. I clasped the boy more firmly and stepped forward. The noise ceased, vehicles and street faded away, as if some great magician had waved his wand, the darkness disappeared, and I was lying upon a grassy slope in an enchanted land."
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« Last Edit: Jun 13th, 2008 at 6:49pm by Alan McDougall »  

Blessings and Light

Alan McDougall
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Re: Victor Zammit omunication ith princess Dianna?
Reply #1 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 1:51pm
It's funny that you just posted this. I was sitting with my boss at work going through a box of newspaper clippings just a few hours ago this morning. A former employee left a few years ago, and we are just now getting the time to go through the boxes of "historical" materials which he collected, as editor of our newsletter. This was only one of many. However, this is her job, and I have touched none of the other boxes. She knows I have allergies, and occasional asthma.

I sat down with her for a few minutes and helped her with one box, until the dust began giving me an allergic reaction. I pulled out a few newspapers and various clippings, and we remembered events from the past, as we both came to this particular office at around the same time.

I pulled aside three clippings to pass along to my partner, who is a history buff.

One is our city newspaper from August 31, 1997. Diana, Princess of Wales is at the top of the page. The entire front page is dedicated to her funeral, with a huge picture of the guardsmen carrying her coffin into Westminster Abbey.

And family pictures, too, of Prince Charles, and Princes William and Harry, of course.

So, here, Alan, is your post, clearly related to my post yesterday (evp?) inquiring about evp experiences which can be verified.

I think it is lovely how connected we are on this forum.

love, blink
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Re: Victor Zammit omunication ith princess Dianna?
Reply #2 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 3:19pm
I'm going to suggest one possibility without knowing what took place.  If a person got into a hypnotic state of mind, could his or her subconscious mind use memories of a person such as Dianna to continuosly create a voice that sounds like Diana? I'm asking this without factoring in the information that was provided.

I do believe it is possible for a spirit to speak through a person's body.  Apparently this took place during the explorer sessions that Robert Monroe conducted at TMI. I like much of what Rosalind Mcknight had to say when this took place.  Certainly there are occasions when people claim to do so when they aren't.  Therefore, we always need to keep our discrimination caps on.

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Re: Victor Zammit omunication ith princess Dianna?
Reply #3 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 3:22pm
Here's something cool that Victor Zammit did. It is reverse of what Jame Randi did.
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« Last Edit: Jun 13th, 2008 at 8:02pm by recoverer »  
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Re: Victor Zammit omunication ith princess Dianna?
Reply #4 - Jun 13th, 2008 at 6:31pm
I find all communication with the "other side" as being very interesting. I was wondering if they have the same problem with this sort of communication with us, here. If other "spirits" think them strange, different, or not telling the truth about communicating with us.If only some of them can do so. Are those that do ostracised over it? Or are those who have this communication more advanced or spiritually unlightend.
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