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The Thinning of Belief System Territories (Read 29058 times)
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #30 - May 16th, 2008 at 5:48pm
recoverer wrote on May 16th, 2008 at 5:35pm:

I need to clarify that some of what I wrote came from Kurt's book the unanswered questions.

Whatever is true, I believe that all of us will someday find that things are set up better than we realize, and our varying beliefs systems will be something we chuckle at. Perhaps they are a part of the movie.

I'd like to join in on the chat room, but I only have internet access at work, and I won't be coming in to work on Sunday night.

oh ok. didn't know he had another book out. so u don't have a home computer? blow me down, now I know what u do at come to AKC.

Maybe we could set up a chatroom sometime so you could come too. love, alysia
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Alan McDougall
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #31 - May 16th, 2008 at 6:21pm
I hope Kurt Leland is wrong and Bruce and Monroe are correct. He might have a point about inhabiting another body briefly, but I dont think it is to release negative energy. It just sounds evil to me. transmigration of the souls as in the voodoo religion. This concept is disturbing to me and even more mortifying and hideous for the victims if true.

I had an experience many years back. As you possibly know by now I am a controlled bi-polar sufferer. During an extreme manic high I left my body blazing with manic energy and entered the body of a man in a small room who was sitting there locked up and in despair for some reason.

This was unspeakably, terrifying and horrifying to me and thank god, yes thank god it has never happened again.,  Stick to Bruce believe me his methods are the safest I have read about an they concur with my own.

Believe me this once, I know what I am talking about, there are places and realms that are forbidder for some reason or the other and are well left alone. Of course this is my view based on my subjective experience, but in this case I felt the absolute terrified horror

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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #32 - May 16th, 2008 at 6:22pm
hope to chat with you Sunday in the chat room here Recoverer, and all!

What time do you chat in the chat room on Sunday?
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #33 - May 16th, 2008 at 6:41pm
recoverer wrote on May 16th, 2008 at 4:14pm:

Regarding Gary Renard's dissapearance of the universe, it claims that each of us will have to reincarnate thousands of times, and this universe is nothing but a big mistake.

My experiences have told me differently. Each of us won't have to incarnate thousands of times. This universe isn't a mistake, it is a part of the divine plan. I figure you see things the same way. I could say "much" more, but sometimes much can be shared by saying little.

I thought about this big mistake part Recoverer, and I reconciled it in my mind, some of the things you bring up. when I look into a baby's eyes and get lost in that beauty, I cannot say that child is making a mistake to have come here, but at once I know I have this huge responsibility, just from the beauty the child reflected back to me it's joy to be here with me now. I thought it was her soul bearing the message and I thought she recognized me too.
this is my preference to believe we do have other lives, and that what is a mistake, is not the whole world and to come here, but what is a mistake is the pain, the illness, the struggle to survive, the wars, I would call that a mistake.
Anybody read Ruth Montgomery's Futuristic books? this is also another belief I took from her, that one day will come there will be no Earth as we view it now. It will be allowed to go back to it's natural state, meaning no more cities, concrete and chopped down rain forest. It will simply be a drop in station for vacationing beings.
just my belief, take it or leave it.

as far as the necessity or non-necessity of endless reincarnating; I believe in little lites and big lites.
the little ones may need more lives than the others, eventually the little lites become big lites and graduate like the big lites did. I don't know the number. I know of a couple dozen lives I've had, there's probably more.

I cannot say I've had thousands..hard to figure. I picked up another line of thought in regards to that; it is that each of us has between 700 and 1400 (again, an arbitrary number, but commonly, I've noticed people waking up on different forums have around 800 simultaneous lives occurring in different historic periods. so thats not linear reincarnation as we usually look at it.
not clock time. it's more like dimensions of time, time that is not dependent on the rotation of planets to denote a day has gone by.

this is analogous to the disc idea. each person possessing 800 other selves, other lives.
At some point One disc with the 800 individual units, would be able to graduate Earth circumstance.

Or, we should say gain that recognition that we can choose and plan another life, either within the disc selves, or I've heard we can join another disc.

If all my lives I could retrieve a memory or a precognition of, say, each one I have freed from having to re-enter another movie, so we can all graduate at the same time more or less, the thing is when talking about time here, we are limited in our definitions..we have 3 dimensional time, past, present and future here, what I'm talking about is nonlinear time, it's all happening at once.

this having a choice, I figure if you've done a good job here, say, for others, to do your best is all that's required to graduate, or have more of a choice of your next circumstances, until you've just about done it all and there's not much else to do but help others wake up, whomever is around you. You just know when you've earned the right to decide your fate for yourself.

until you earn the choice, your disc mates help you decide if another life is necessary, or sometimes folks like it here..imagine that! my mother wants to come back, so I imagine she will. we have certain desires, desires are not bad things. certain experiences we desire.

eventually all the 800 or whatever have gathered all they want to and speed out somewhere else, don't ask me where...must be a really huge universe after all, if you are the adventurous sort...

speaking of my twin daughters and I, they are like other me's. I know we're in the same disc and have been together before. they also knew I'd never come here without them joining me at some point.
these are just explorations of my beliefs, not meant to rile anybody up. take it or leave. at least I'm not charging you money! lol!
love, alysia
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #34 - May 16th, 2008 at 6:45pm
SHSS wrote on May 16th, 2008 at 6:22pm:
hope to chat with you Sunday in the chat room here Recoverer, and all!

What time do you chat in the chat room on Sunday?

3PM PST   I'll let u guys figure out what time zone you live in. I'm thoroughly confused about time zones, but I'll be here at 3pm. PST.

Recoverer can't come on Sunday. If he wants to choose another day as well, I'm up for that.
we're just getting this started. then we'll make it regular.
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #35 - May 16th, 2008 at 6:52pm
When I look at your invite post, I thought you had 6:00 pst in mind. Some people might get confused.  

I don't believe the time should be changed for my sake.  I can't partake during working hours. It is one thing to drop in and read or write a thread, and another thing to partake in a conversation. Thank you anyway.  Smiley

Actually, perhaps sometime I can use my lunch break to partake for a little while. I don't believe it would be fair to change the time for Sunday.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #36 - May 16th, 2008 at 8:49pm
Heh! this thread has a life of its own and that is good!!

From alysia post

I thought about this big mistake part Recoverer, and I reconciled it in my mind, some of the things you bring up. when I look into a baby's eyes and get lost in that beauty, I cannot say that child is making a mistake to have come here, but at once I know I have this huge responsibility, just from the beauty the child reflected back to me it's joy to be here with me now. I thought it was her soul bearing the message and I thought she recognized me too.
this is my preference to believe we do have other lives, and that what is a mistake, is not the whole world and to come here, but what is a mistake is the pain, the illness, the struggle to survive, the wars, I would call that a mistake.

Anybody read Ruth Montgomery's Futuristic books? this is also another belief I took from her, that one day will come there will be no Earth as we view it now. It will be allowed to go back to it's natural state, meaning no more cities, concrete and chopped down rain forest. It will simply be a drop in station for vacationing beings.
just my belief, take it or leave it


Yes our world will be vacated by mortal man and returned again to its pristine perfection and glory.

And yes again there is more beauty than uglyness. Remember the song "I believe" every time I hear a new born baby cry every time I see the great blue sky. I cant remember the lyrics but it went something like that

This is similar to what I believe and posted in my message in Blinks thread After ………..alan.

We have to look  for that which is ugly and unpleasant because we are not drawn to this negative dimension but like a butterfly or bee to that which is beautiful. I do!!

And yes the universe is unimaginably glorious and beautiful “The heavens declare the glory of God“

My wording
We all are part or parcel of God.

Mortal humanity will have to exit a bursting world and migrate out into the vastness of the universe

As if a mirror polished to give a perfect reflection of the Sun, all those apparently separate rays of consciousness would know themselves to be the same “Eternal Light”. 
God THE EVER EXISTING ONE" perceives everything regardless. HE alone inhabits the highest realm of existence. 

Everything is in God’s imagination. Without it, nothing would exist. 

When a soul finally reunites with “Source”, it retains a certain amount of its individuality yet is still in complete harmony with all other thought beings.   

The Godhead is an ever-expanding energy force and each returning spirit, having achieved that degree of fineness, breadth of thought and understanding, adds to the infinity of experience within the Godhead. 

The spirit itself continues to expand into infinity complete harmony and oneness until it finally merges into such greatness that there are no words to describe it.      
When a soul reaches its final destination, it is immersed in this unimaginable inconceivably beautiful spectacular dimension! Iridescent rivers of sound bounded by rainbow shores of pulsating light. Thoughts appear as kaleidoscopic patterns of light and sound. You walk across fields of ideas of knowledge and understanding. Under a sparkling crystal skies of inspiration. 

When you enter this final realm, do not try to rationalize or understand it is beyond human understanding. Just accept it all, go with the flow and enjoy it! It is that “Great City of Revelation”      
All realms exist in the same space, and yet remain separate and distinct by the vibration or frequency of consciousness, forming and creating each beautiful realm. We are "everywhere" and "everywhen" at the same moment, time and space are no more. than illusions
Recoverer you Quoted


Regarding Gary Renard's dissapearance of the universe, it claims that each of us will have to reincarnate thousands of times, and this universe is nothing but a big mistake


I do not agree the universe is meticulously planned and is inimitable evidence of an intelligent act of an omnificent designer. Hek !! If I could make a mistake as wonderful as our unimaginably beautiful universe I would jump, jump and leap at the chance, indeed I would be God

As far as ceaseless incarnating goes, what a bleak scenario without end or beginning going nowhere forever.

Sorry I just have to revisited my post the Message in Blinks thread After Alan we will be together again

You do not incarnate endlessly you must ultimate merge with all existence becoming one
beautifully fashioned facid that is the Great infinite Diamond called God by many.

””When a soul finally reunites with “Source”, it retains a certain amount of its individuality yet is still in complete harmony with all other thought beings.   

The Godhead is an ever-expanding energy force and each returning spirit, having achieved that degree of fineness, breadth of thought and understanding, adds to the infinity of experience within the Godhead. 

The spirit itself continues to expand into infinity complete harmony and oneness until it finally merges into such greatness that there are no words to describe it.      
When a soul reaches its final destination, it is immersed in this unimaginable inconceivably beautiful spectacular dimension! Iridescent rivers of sound bounded by rainbow shores of pulsating light. Thoughts appear as kaleidoscopic patterns of light and sound. You walk across fields of ideas of knowledge and understanding. Under a sparkling crystal skies of inspiration. 

When you enter this final realm, do not try to rationalize or understand it is beyond human understanding. Just accept it all, go with the flow and enjoy it! It is that “Great City of Revelation”      
All realms exist in the same space, and yet remain separate and distinct by the vibration or frequency of consciousness, forming and creating each beautiful realm. We are "everywhere" and "everywhen" at the same moment, time and space are no more. than illusions””

I love you guys I really do!!

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Alan McDougall
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #37 - May 17th, 2008 at 10:11am
Bruce's writings notwithstanding, I do not believe that any one in any circumstance is ever cut off and separated permanently. In my experience even the smallest spark is nurtured and guided, and none is ever lost. It may take some "time" but unless everyone goes, IMO, none of us go. It is in every one of us, not just some of us.

So--to return to my question before the thread was hijacked-- do you find the BSTs thinning out? Do you find 27 getting larger and more diverse? Am I the ONLY one who goes beyond what we call 27?

When you retrieve from the BSTs, do you find them as populated and active as they were, say, a few years ago in earth time? As substantial, or are they dissolving?


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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #38 - May 17th, 2008 at 1:29pm
Might you share a little of what you've seen, Thomas, beyond focus 27? I am not really completely clear on what these focus levels mean, but I am sure there would be a lot of interest here by many in reading your experiences. Perhaps anyone who has had a similar experience will join in at that point, hopefully.

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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #39 - May 17th, 2008 at 1:48pm

Smiley Hey T, Just because some of us aren't able to answer your question doesn't mean we're not interested !
From the beginning of when you posted here it was clear that you were getting more difficult and different assignments than many of us. You can focus on higher sources of information now.
And feel free to congratulate yourself--you deserve it!

I consider myself an active retriever but still just a novice. I'm escorted to the retrievee and the most other souls I've seen or sensed has been no more than five at a time. FL population is beyond me!

Oh, by the way, Congratulations !  Cheesy


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Alan McDougall
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #40 - May 17th, 2008 at 2:20pm
tjeck/Thomas your comment

So--to return to my question before the thread was hijacked-- do you find the BSTs thinning
out? Do you find 27 getting larger and more diverse? Am I the ONLY one who goes beyond what we call 27?

When you retrieve from the BSTs, do you find them as populated and active as they were, say, a few years ago in earth time? As substantial, or are they dissolving?

Hijacked come on !! a thread must take its own course like a living entity meandering down pathways of interest. If you become a member of a forum and post a topic this topic belongs to the forum and not to you my friend.

The answer to your as to the BSTs poulations, it is increasing due to the population growth on planet earth, resulting in more and more persons dying and thus needing help. This is just logical, but applies to our earth alone and could be very different in other worlds in our physical universe

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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #41 - May 17th, 2008 at 3:25pm
Hi again,

Do we know what portions we get to see? Could there be different areas even within the Focus Levels that are visible to each person based on other reasons than their actual population? 
Isn't everything we see and do there relative to our own need to know?

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #42 - May 17th, 2008 at 7:26pm
But couldn't the amount of souls remaining in the BST's decrease no matter what the population on earth, due to large groups leaving the BST's? Who really knows how large the BST's are, or how they are distributed? How would we know? I'm just kind of amazed that anyone would even have an opinion about it.
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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #43 - May 17th, 2008 at 7:41pm
Alan has me in stitches, Bets, thats a really good comment about we see what are ready to see, or prepared to let in.

as regarding the focus levels, I've never attended TMI so I had to impress myself with the meaning of the focus levels by reading of people who had been there. thats why I drag out my file on them from time to time to remind myself of the general explanation given by Monroe.

I think, generally speaking, the levels are labels for states of consciousness, but once you do an exploration or a retrieval to a BST, there are no signposts that say "attention!" approaching BST number 24, enter with caution!

It's more like with me I'm just there. poof. Some retrievals would happen in rem sleep. I'd be standing on somebody's porch, wondering why, so I'd knock on the door and suddenly remember I had set an intention to do this retrieval.
It didn't seem important to find out which BST it was, it was just the astral plane to me.

However, I think the focus levels are extremely helpful to have some sort of bearings, and ways of communicating to other retrievers and explorers. For the most part, retrievers who actually talk about doing retrievals are not coming in droves here.

To try and answer your question TG, I have noticed focus 27 seems much much larger and expansive then when I first saw it. when I do realize that's where I am. It's so large, I haven't seen all of it. I like the library, the reception area, the rehab hospital, and the horizon is picture perfect, the park is serene. I know it's bigger than I seen it or can imagine.

I was told retrievals are only the beginning of something far larger. I can do them, but I don't pick which ones to do. they are picked for me, such as spirit tells me, or a brother or sister calls on me who just can't seem to understand when I tell them how, so I'll go see what I can get if Im nudged by spirit.

I was hoping someone would come along and inform us of focus level 33 and beyond, where The Gathering is supposed to be at.
I can feel it, but can't talk about it.

love, alysia

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Re: The Thinning of Belief System Territories
Reply #44 - May 17th, 2008 at 8:43pm
About the BSTs, Blinks response no.42 is right on I think, and like to add, in my experience the access, or the entry to the BSTs is highgly dependable on one's mood and personal state. Often I can't see nothing of it, sometimes a snippet of it when I was brought to a specific person in it; to get an overview of it is hard for me, I then always see the stereotypes of churches, mosques and other religious symbols and that may be only a reflection of my expectations.

Regarding "beyond F27", I have a variety of impressions of that. They all share that there is not a kind of humanlike organized system as in F22-F27. I've never ever met another human there, with two exceptions: Once a humanlike guy brought me to a place where I could watch color swirls around the earth (maybe the gathering), and then there are humanlike entities which I think are a part of my higher self, "disk members".
   What I had several times is, what I interpreted as communication between higher selves.

So, for me it's hard to put these regions beyond F27 into a perspective which would be a continuation of the other Focus Levels. Often, the space and form becomes so much different, or meaningless, that this seems to be a kind of new chapter.

There is one thing about the TMI system what I don't understand. When I tried to explore the gathering (without the specific HemiSync sounds though) I actually found the double character of F33/34. F33 to me was white, formless, but with creative potential; an abstract, powerful yet calm level, while very "near" to it, F34, was what I think must be the Gathering; black space with some hard to make out objects. Now, what is said from TMI about Starlines, you there explore the universe, galaxies, stars and (maybe) planets, going up in FocusLevel numbers. But exploring the physical universe would be an exploring in what traditionally is called the ethereal, the nearest consciousness level to the physical. So, it would make more sense to me if the Starline FocusLevels would be around F10-F21, as the "older" FocusLevels had nothing to do with physical distance, only with the distance to the focus on the physical. Or I got something wrong.

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