recoverer wrote on May 16th, 2008 at 4:14pm:Alan:
Regarding Gary Renard's dissapearance of the universe, it claims that each of us will have to reincarnate thousands of times, and this universe is nothing but a big mistake.
My experiences have told me differently. Each of us won't have to incarnate thousands of times. This universe isn't a mistake, it is a part of the divine plan. I figure you see things the same way. I could say "much" more, but sometimes much can be shared by saying little.
I thought about this big mistake part Recoverer, and I reconciled it in my mind, some of the things you bring up. when I look into a baby's eyes and get lost in that beauty, I cannot say that child is making a mistake to have come here, but at once I know I have this huge responsibility, just from the beauty the child reflected back to me it's joy to be here with me now. I thought it was her soul bearing the message and I thought she recognized me too.
this is my preference to believe we do have other lives, and that what is a mistake, is not the whole world and to come here, but what is a mistake is the pain, the illness, the struggle to survive, the wars, I would call that a mistake.
Anybody read Ruth Montgomery's Futuristic books? this is also another belief I took from her, that one day will come there will be no Earth as we view it now. It will be allowed to go back to it's natural state, meaning no more cities, concrete and chopped down rain forest. It will simply be a drop in station for vacationing beings.
just my belief, take it or leave it.
as far as the necessity or non-necessity of endless reincarnating; I believe in little lites and big lites.
the little ones may need more lives than the others, eventually the little lites become big lites and graduate like the big lites did. I don't know the number. I know of a couple dozen lives I've had, there's probably more.
I cannot say I've had thousands..hard to figure. I picked up another line of thought in regards to that; it is that each of us has between 700 and 1400 (again, an arbitrary number, but commonly, I've noticed people waking up on different forums have around 800 simultaneous lives occurring in different historic periods. so thats not linear reincarnation as we usually look at it.
not clock time. it's more like dimensions of time, time that is not dependent on the rotation of planets to denote a day has gone by.
this is analogous to the disc idea. each person possessing 800 other selves, other lives.
At some point One disc with the 800 individual units, would be able to graduate Earth circumstance.
Or, we should say gain that recognition that we can choose and plan another life, either within the disc selves, or I've heard we can join another disc.
If all my lives I could retrieve a memory or a precognition of, say, each one I have freed from having to re-enter another movie, so we can all graduate at the same time more or less, the thing is when talking about time here, we are limited in our definitions..we have 3 dimensional time, past, present and future here, what I'm talking about is nonlinear time, it's all happening at once.
this having a choice, I figure if you've done a good job here, say, for others, to do your best is all that's required to graduate, or have more of a choice of your next circumstances, until you've just about done it all and there's not much else to do but help others wake up, whomever is around you. You just know when you've earned the right to decide your fate for yourself.
until you earn the choice, your disc mates help you decide if another life is necessary, or sometimes folks like it here..imagine that! my mother wants to come back, so I imagine she will. we have certain desires, desires are not bad things. certain experiences we desire.
eventually all the 800 or whatever have gathered all they want to and speed out somewhere else, don't ask me where...must be a really huge universe after all, if you are the adventurous sort...
speaking of my twin daughters and I, they are like other me's. I know we're in the same disc and have been together before. they also knew I'd never come here without them joining me at some point.
these are just explorations of my beliefs, not meant to rile anybody up. take it or leave. at least I'm not charging you money! lol!
love, alysia