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Saturday Healing  4-5-08 (Read 17005 times)
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Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Apr 2nd, 2008 at 2:10pm
Smiley I would like to be the focus for healing on Saturday, 4/5/08. pick your own time of day to assist me if you have time, anybody who wants to participate.
here's what I did to myself. A chiropractor warned me a long time ago my backbone had a slight curvature so he implied I had to be careful.

of course, I don't listen to good advice, and my discs seem to come out of place pretty easily.
I lifted a TV set yesterday and now in pain. hanging from the rafters is temporary relief as everything slips back into place and for awhile no pain.

I know healing circles do work as I've participated in several, and once Ric, here a forum member worked on my back and popped my vertebrae back into place during the night, I felt the jerking from that, he's in Tennessee, I was in New Mexico at the time..oh boy, that was SOME experience, what I call a miracle.

Ric, bless his heart, he told me not to lift pianos or think I am superwoman. he forgot to tell me not to lift a TV!!! Roll Eyes

I am looking forward to these kinds of threads developing more and more and more folks joining in, and part of me thinks I deliberately injured myself just so I could be target practice... Huh  well, if I did that from a higher level, I must be sick.  Tongue I am preparing for the healing to occur and thanks for a healing thought from whatever direction it may come!!!

love you guys sincerely, alysia
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #1 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 7:37pm
Hey Aunt Rain!

  You can count on me!  I'll be there.   

and once Ric, here a forum member worked on my back and popped my vertebrae back into place during the night, I felt the jerking from that, he's in Tennessee, I was in New Mexico at the time..oh boy, that was SOME experience, what I call a miracle.

Wow, pretty impressive!  It would be nice if he could assist us or give us some hints Cheesy

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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #2 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 9:03pm
thanks PM, I'll go see if I can get Ric to join us.  Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #3 - Apr 2nd, 2008 at 11:45pm
LR, Count me in again, I will be sending healing Love and Prayers your way this coming Sat, time is not relative but we can set a time. I will try the same as before, thru meditation and visualization with assistance from guides and one helper...the last one was a polish doctor. This was hard in that I became so hyped that I didn't sleep that was a first and only for me. (That I know of) of this type of healing.

I stated intent for a Dr/helper to help with a healing and after a few seconds, I got an impression of an older man, speaking broken english, I got that he was polish. I felt movement and we were at
LRs place in SD, she was on the floor, I saw her back first with no clothing, then it was as if the skin disappeared, then I could see the vertabrae, tendons, muscles, one vertabrae, L4 I think it was...was visably out of place to the right. He then conveyed to me...almost like speaking that it was out of place and I was to place my hand on it..heel of hand, then I felt his hand on top of mine, I asked will she feel this? He laughed and said "She will not feel a thing!"
Then we shoved downward hard and it popped, she actually bounced up as a appeared normal and we moved out, I thanked him and he said call and I will help anytime.

Thats Grateful

Love, Ricardo Smiley
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When you unite with me you are uniting without the ego, because I have renounced the ego in myself and therefore cannot unite with yours. Our union is therefore the way to renounce the ego in you.&&&&THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE UNIVERSE
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #4 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 12:45am
  Really interesting and powerful experience there Alysia and Ricardo.  My precept and experience is that Ricardo is one of those somewhat rare, truly loving-giving people approaching to near consistent PUL.

  I will try to be there on Sat at some point, but i'm not sure if i will report back or not as i'm on an I-net fast of late for various reasons. 

  At some time in the near future, i would like to be the recipient as well, i've been going through some major detoxing and re building up lately and sure could use some extra healing energy in this intensive process.
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #5 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 2:49pm
It's neat we have Ric and Justin join us here. I'm really happy to talk about healing each other.

Ladies and gentlemen, I couldn't wait for Saturday for the healing so I called upon a dear friend who is gifted in this area, who lives in Hawaii.
here is a snippet of our emails yesterday:

Friend: on a break, i do believe that I have taken your pain in my back.
>> lol..
Me: !!!!! give IT BACK TO ME!!! LOL!!! no no no, you not
> supposed to put it in your body...
> how am I ever going to teach people to heal if they think
> that they have to wear the pain themselves?
> Rick did the same thing, but later, he got rid of his own
> back pain because he helped me..not sure how it works.
> I just don't like the idea of somebody suffering because
of me. let me know. I'm sending some light.

at 1:45 pm yesterday after speaking with my pal I felt some fear leave my body and I stood up straight with no strain. The soreness at the small of the back was still there, but I knew I could deal with the soreness ok and it would recede now that the fear was gone. then I emailed her and asked her what she had done as I didn't really think it would happen that quickly. thats when she told me she had a pain in her back now.
Then later about an hour later she said she had released the pain that was mine, from herself and so I stopped fretting I had caused her grief.

Rick, I understand you were up most the night with me that one time. I don't like you losing sleep, but I think the experience was sort of designed for both of our mutual growth. You said you also experience some pain in the back, and that now you are not?

When we learn to heal each other, I think we need to learn to not take on another's pain; somehow. I think Rick was able to release it in a day or so? Not sure if I remember how you did that.

The Polish doctor was correct I felt no pain when they popped back into place, as the body was in deep letharic sleep mode but I came to consciousness with a jerking motion I recall, and at that very moment a surge of PUL made me peacefully slip back into unconsciousness. It was in the morning however that I noticed I was nearly back to normal, except for the slight soreness where the bone rubs against cartilage and that receded in a day or so also.

I couldn't stand straight before the healing but walked hunched over and even was crawling on the floor before I called Rick. In the morning I stood straight as a rod and proud too! I didn't know Rick would love me this much, to stay up all night. and it was the most unselfish love I have seen to do this for another, all unconditionally.
It tears me up a little emotionally I'm so grateful to him.

So I can still be the target unless another volunteers, but the back is fine now. we can proceed as an experiment as usual, to see what spirit gives forth of.

Or we can just imagine a healing circle and some folks there and see what comes up for us, on Saturday. or we can send PUL to one another in a general sense and see what happens.

the fact of the matter is, we are all going through some rather intense changes right now as Justin just said, and so did my friend in Hawaii, I'm hearing reports here and there of this intense energy we are moving into. It may manifest on the body, some struggles there.

love to all, glad to be able to report this miracle once more.  Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #6 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 9:39pm
Hey Miss Rain,

 If you think you don't need it anymore, we could focus on Justin and helping him with his cleaning !?  And why not Bruce on next week?  Wink

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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #7 - Apr 3rd, 2008 at 9:56pm
sure PM. lets do that for Justin. umm, is something wrong with Bruce?

just read the announcements thread about the ulcer Bruce had or has. I'm making this Saturday a Bruce day for extra support for him. I would like everyone to join me that can as a way of thanking Bruce for putting up a conversation board here for us all to come together.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Justin aka asltaomr
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #8 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 11:14am
If Bruce consents to it, i'm there as well.
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #9 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 11:33am
LaffingRain wrote on Apr 3rd, 2008 at 9:56pm:
is something wrong with Bruce?

just read the announcements thread about the ulcer Bruce had or has. I'm making this Saturday a Bruce day for extra support for him. I would like everyone to join me that can as a way of thanking Bruce for putting up a conversation board here for us all to come together.

Count me in...Smiley
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #10 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 11:50am
I'm delighted that you are feeling better, Alysia. I am happy to join in to support Bruce, Justin, or whoever else would like to be included. Unless a specific individual is chosen I will leave it open.

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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #11 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 1:03pm
we have 12 people responded for Saturday Healing Circle. For those who are advanced in this area of nonphysical healing energies, and also to those who are totally new to it I can say the same advice;

a single thought of gratitude directed at any individual is behind all healing endeavors for this thought/feeling, unencumbered by details of analysis and procedure is gathered symbolically speaking, thimble by thimble and delivered to the recipient as his higher self so wants to utilize it and direct it.

Gratitude is part of the PUL factor. an energy we often try to figure out here, what it is.

so if you don't know what to do and wish you could join in just say a silent thank you to Bruce. it would be sufficient.

If you do a full blown meditation or exploration tomorrow please be sure and write to us here what you saw and picked up.

as far as my back goes, it's like it never happened. thanks for all who joined in. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #12 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 8:52pm
Knock knock.... well, if 13 is one too many, you simply can throw me out  Cheesy !

Thanks for the encouraging stories, Alysia and Ricardo. I know that back pain, had it for a week after I assisted in a relocation. Now I leave the heavy items to the pros.  Smiley

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #13 - Apr 4th, 2008 at 10:31pm
Spooky, you be 13, and thats final! ok we have one more joined me at home. so we have 14.

Anyone else? yoo hoo! I'm writing this stuff down so please join and don't be so quiet.
I'm the secretary.  Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Touching Souls
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Re: Saturday Healing  4-5-08
Reply #14 - Apr 5th, 2008 at 1:16am
I'll be there too. Wink

Love, Marilyn
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