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The Park at Focus 27 (Read 23888 times)
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #30 - Feb 5th, 2008 at 11:36pm
Alysia wrote:
"wait..edit...Spooky, you had a major hit with the children..ginny was talking about a retrieval of a child. I saw us do a retrieval on Samantha, who reversed her aging to near child. good for you Spooky!"

Yes, the children with the angels, that's really a hit I would say. Cool!

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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #31 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 12:53pm
You guys are good !!!

Newbies, these co-incidences are positive feedback that provide encouragement  for continueing explorations in the ethereal, etc. ---  See how that helps?

Smiley  Bets

Nice to meet you, Ginny!  Romain speaks very highly of you too! I hope to meet you in the next PE !
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #32 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 6:54pm
"Paradise" means "park" or "garden" and parks are almost universally accepted as the preferred initial locale of the newly dead.  That said, how can someone know whether their park is located in Focus 27 or one of the countless Hollow Heavens?  Imagine someone from a 3rd world country visiting New York and distinguishing New York from other cities visited by the proximity of a McDonalds and a Burger King. In my True Heaven thread, I posted 2 NDEs in which 5-year olds visited identical places. One woman paintied the area when she grew up and the other woman picked out her painting as the same place she had visited as a 5-year-old.  More impressively, the 2nd woman picked out this painting from 10 others and was not told that any of the paintings depicted NDE locales.  Perhaps the same sort of "geographical" specificity is possible for PE trips to Focus 27.  In a nonspatial realm is it still possible to describe how surrounding buildings relate to each other in terms of intervening scenery, etc.?

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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #33 - Feb 6th, 2008 at 10:05pm
Wow! This is eye-opening and we've got to do it again. I think I should have been more specific on just exactly where I wanted to be, in the Park, as you guys did so well. And Alysia, the Samantha retrieval---it followed on the heels of a longer retrieval and it was so quickly accomplished that I wondered at the time what was up (lol!!).

Romain,! Romain, when I mentioned the campus buildings, sidewalks and benches, I was describing what I usually encounter at the Reception Center/Park. Unfortunately this time for the PE I ended up at a fountain plaza in the forest, so I guess I should have been more specific when placing intent on the location (lol....geeez).

Thanks PE partners. This was great.

Much love,


Bets---me too Smiley
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #34 - Feb 7th, 2008 at 11:14am
Yes, it was an eye-opening, no blackness there Gin..hehe.
I've notice also that if i not specific on my intent i tend to be carry on all over the place by my helper, so yes "Intent" have to be specific. IMPO.

Spooky2, that was great perception you got there with the childrens, it's a hit in my book.

Alysia; you got it right with the log cabin, but the inside is different as you mention,Chandelier there're one..maybe next time you'll pick more.. Cool I won't frontload you with'll have to work on
Yes that Angel was something, nothing like an Healing Angel watching your back and helping,think i'll keep that one around for a while..what you think??

Alan just jump in for next time.

Bet let's hope you'll make it next time, and by the way when is "NEXT TIME', any idea???

with much love, and PUL to you all, Romain
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