I will be looking for you Dood, if I see someone I think is you, I'll remember his features and post them here, just don't quote me but I'll set the intent.
I think time doesn't matter, just anytime Saturday I'm on western time. theres no time over there btw. no time zone.
I like the idea of having a week to prep up for the trip Ginny, so perfecto!!

Dood, next friday, if you want, I'll try to give u a few guidelines I use, for what its worth, don't know, you may be a natural. love, alysia
Ginny, I was reading the archives, you are still a super star here. u don't know how happy I am to work with you. One of my first PE was with you and Dora.
I still remember it as Dora was looking at me very suspiciously, lol, maybe she thought I crashed the party....but it was totally awesome.
ginny, this a sidetrack thought..did you notice my picture has a white glove?
well, I think spirit gave me that white glove just for a lark. it was mothers day so a gift to me. its just hard to figure the sunlight just in one spot for 2 photos, slightly different positions. so I can believe whatever i want even if someone has a cow!!! lol.