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The Park at Focus 27 (Read 23887 times)
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The Park at Focus 27
Jan 24th, 2008 at 8:46pm
LaffinRain and I are going to do a PE on Saturday, February 2, and we'll be hanging out at the Park in Focus 27. Anyone interested in joining is more than welcome.

Much love,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Old Dood
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #1 - Jan 24th, 2008 at 9:06pm
I will 'try' to focus my 'thoughts' and show up.

I have no clue if I will do it or not.

You all can tell me if I show up in 'dream state' or not.
Maybe I will be one of the 'crowd'. Smiley

What time exactly? I live in EST(Eastern Standard Time).
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #2 - Jan 25th, 2008 at 10:34pm
hi Ginny and Dood, lol, I've been gone a few days glad I stopped in as Ginny says I'm going so I'm going!

Feb 2nd, be there, or be square...oh...that was so tacky.. Wink
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #3 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 12:39am
Hey Dood,

Glad you want to join in. It isn't necessary to PE at the same time or the same day for that matter, but we can if you want--it can work as a good incentive. I'm Pacific Coast time, 2 or 3 hours behind you? What would be a good time for you?

Hey Alysia--you said any Saturday (lol) so hey- Smiley...and you could never ever be square, not in a million years. Wink

This'll be fun.

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #4 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 12:53am
I will be looking for you Dood, if I see someone I think is you, I'll remember his features and post them here, just don't quote me but I'll set the intent.

I think time doesn't matter, just anytime Saturday I'm on western time. theres no time over there btw. no time zone.

I like the idea of having a week to prep up for the trip Ginny, so perfecto!!  Wink

Dood, next friday, if you want, I'll try to give u a few guidelines I use, for what its worth, don't know, you may be a natural. love, alysia

Ginny, I was reading the archives, you are still a super star here. u don't know how happy I am to work with you. One of my first PE was with you and Dora.
I still remember it as Dora was looking at me very suspiciously, lol, maybe she thought I crashed the party....but it was totally awesome.

ginny, this a sidetrack thought..did you notice my picture has a white glove?
well, I think spirit gave me that white glove just for a lark. it was mothers day so a gift to me.  its just hard to figure the sunlight just in one spot for 2 photos, slightly different positions. so I can believe whatever i want even if someone has a cow!!! lol.
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #5 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 1:36pm
Ginny wrote on Jan 24th, 2008 at 8:46pm:
LaffinRain and I are going to do a PE on Saturday, February 2, and we'll be hanging out at the Park in Focus 27. Anyone interested in joining is more than welcome.

Much love,


Hello Dear Sister... Wink

Nice to have you back;  I missed your witty senses of humor and your retrievals dear soul.
Will be looking for you Gin.
We should have a welcoming party.. Grin  Cheese/wine/hors d'

Sat Feb 2 it the Park or may be sooner.

Pul to you Ginny, with love; Romain
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #6 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 1:48pm
exactly Romain, a welcoming celebratory feeling we should ride on Feb 2nd, it's even in the guidebook!

see ya there!
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #7 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 3:59pm
Dood, if The Park at F27 is too broad an idea/area to meet up at, would you prefer a more specific location within--one you're familiar with from Bruce's books? Come to think of it, maybe we all should agree to meet at a specific area of The Park (?).

Romain! You party animal you...(lol). This'll be fun.

Alysia, it's so nice to be back here. And the glove thing...well I just thought you were going through your Michael Jackson phase or something (joke--lol).

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Old Dood
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #8 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 4:22pm
No Ginny.  You all just DO IT.
If I am around then you will see me before I 'remember' seeing any of you.

Do not do anything special on my account.  Thanks though...that was thoughtful.

I will probably be in bed in 6-8 hours from this posting.  It is 3:20pm EST time right now.
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #9 - Jan 26th, 2008 at 4:36pm
well ok, but I have to tell you guys I regularly stand in the park, in front of the library which is this totally huge affair with winding paths leading away from it.

some tiny directions....not to lead me and my partner saw different park benches, yet the fact remains, we BOTH saw park benches, so that counts for something.

I would love to hear some descriptions of what you all see, whoever joins in with us. details, I want details.....but other than that, you all know we are experimenting so anything goes.

I'm going to ask for a guide this time Ginny. I usually forget to ask.

love, alysia
Ginny, I don't dance like MJackson..oh puleeeze! but thought I'd show you one of my fancy steps....hope u like it.......
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #10 - Jan 27th, 2008 at 5:37pm

Thanks for the compliment but I can't see myself as any kind of super star. Back then I was so out-of-my-mind-with-joy that I could explore and retrieve at all, and I just wanted to share with everyone...every detail, all that I was learning. And I'm still learning. And yes, I remember you exploring with us. Didn't you partner with us in the Homeless City in the BST?

Sounds good, Dood. Wink

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #11 - Jan 27th, 2008 at 8:31pm
yes I did Ginny. I think we did good. and you showed me some things, so I can call you a star if I want...if u don't mind that is.. Cheesy
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #12 - Jan 28th, 2008 at 5:01pm

Ya know, Alysia, one of the first places I was guided to in the Homeless City was a kind of tunnel dwelling, underneath a government courthouse building. The tunnel was lined with hollowed out areas in the earth, starting at about three feet high, which I understood to be sleeping quarters for the homeless there. When they weren't above ground the inhabitants claimed their carved out areas as their own, which were approximately three to four feet high, about six feet long. It always seemed kind of odd to me or there was something about that tunnel that felt interesting, in a strange kind of way.

Around a year ago I was watching a documentary which dealt with the Victorian era in England, mainly London. I've always been interested in that time period. At one point the documentary addressed what life had been like for the poor, and the camera stopped along the sidewalk and descended a few outside steps at the base of an old, stone building, to what appeared to be a beat-up, wooden door. As the door opened and the camera entered, it was explained that many homeless, street-people had made their homes there in the 1800s... and I was looking at hollowed out of the earth living/sleeping areas on either side of a long passageway! Sent a chill up my spine.

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #13 - Jan 28th, 2008 at 5:26pm
theres your verification Ginny...theres a distinct more than a possibility we are able to do a dimensional reality slide through these types of explorations...see ya soon!
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: The Park at Focus 27
Reply #14 - Jan 29th, 2008 at 11:55am
Hi guys;
I agree with Alysia here about the possibility to dimensional reality slide through these exploration. Sometimes feels like we have been there before and and someone/guides/friends etc, were waiting on the side line for us the retriever to be ready to do it, sometimes it look so familiar ..humm!!!

And yes Gin, if it did give you chill up your spine imo, it's a verification. How knows maybe you were part of that underground group??

With love, Romain
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