Yes, it was an eye-opening, no blackness there Gin..hehe.
I've notice also that if i not specific on my intent i tend to be carry on all over the place by my helper, so yes "Intent" have to be specific. IMPO.
Spooky2, that was great perception you got there with the childrens, it's a hit in my book.
Alysia; you got it right with the log cabin, but the inside is different as you mention,Chandelier there're one..maybe next time you'll pick more..

I won't frontload you with'll have to work on
Yes that Angel was something, nothing like an Healing Angel watching your back and helping,think i'll keep that one around for a while..what you think??
Alan just jump in for next time.
Bet let's hope you'll make it next time, and by the way when is "NEXT TIME', any idea???
with much love, and PUL to you all, Romain