betson wrote on Jul 21st, 2007 at 12:12pm:Greetings,
I seem to be projecting my mind out into ---somewhere. Is this the same thing as phasing?
There seems to be a lot of confusion about what Robert Monroe meant by "phasing." I had the priveledge of having him explain it to me in person back in the 90s.
If I were to rephrase what he said in modern terms I would begin by asking you to imagine a "slider bar" volume control on a radio. One of those things that you slide the knob all the way to the right and the sound volume is full-on, all the way to the left, it's full off.
Now to explain phasing it is the same slider bar but it doesn't controls a radio's sound volume. Instead it controls where your focus of attention located. Find a way to push the slider bar knob all the way to the right, and your focus of attention is fully, 100% within physical reality and 0% in nonphysical realiy. Slide it a little way to the left and your focus of attention is within Focus 10, maybe 90% physical, 10% nonphysical. A little more to the left, you are in Focus 12, maybe 80%/20%. A little more, you are in Focus 15, maybe 70%/30%, and so on. Push it all the way to the left and your focus of attention is 0% within physical reality and 100% within nonphysical reality, in other words you are dead.
"Phasing" was just Monroe's way of explaining his concept for what in means for us to shift our focus of attention from one state (or area) of consciousness to another. I'm not sure how folks came up with all the other, sometimes complicated and convoluted meanings, but the description above is straight from Monroe himself.
Hope that helps,