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Bruce Moen is an engineer (Read 6907 times)
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Bruce Moen is an engineer
Jun 4th, 2007 at 8:26pm
lol. u all knew that right? ok, I'm on page 129 of this book. although I read it already twice over. I'm now realizing once more, duh, how much I skipped over, to not understand.

going to put some words down here as a quote. we may or may not generate discussion of these books and I've given up expectations!  Smiley

but I still wanted to share my new thoughts just for the record. quote from page 129, and here you can see Bruce's background as an engineer coming out: btw, I'm an artist type, definetely not an engineer mentality so maybe that's why I skipped over the hard parts.

quote: "By combining several components of consciousness (mass plus charge) in more complex thought form patterns and using the properties imbued in each, large assemblages can be formed-atoms.
he goes onto say a more complex system consists of molecules made up of atoms.

have I whetted anyone's left brain yet? if I know Bets, she'll respond.

when considering this description remember these are components of human consciousness as well to describe what a rock is made of.

We could just say everything is energy and let it go at that. but this makes that more explainable, more understandable to talk of it in scientific terms to gain an understanding of who we are, and what we are.

Bets, all, there was a poster here who said during tantric sex something shot off during the merge. I think they created a spiritual child/form/energy which may or may not take a body. this means we are co-creators with god. I sorta knew that, just didn't want to think about it too much, as it hurts my brain! Smiley
The reason I bring it up, and maybe we'll talk more, I think I and another created a spirit child the same as I saw her while Obe. this during a merge out there, 20 years or so ago.

I've actually got the blueprints for a book on the subject in my greater self.

a relationship between any two people creates a product, whether in physicality or non/physical areas, ie: other planes of existance, not seen with physical eyes and out of range of the physical ear.
so on the earth plane, its a living breathing child, on the inner realms it's an entity with a developing consciousness of "I am."

thats my blueprint. that in terms of here/now, all that we experience in C1, a relationship can also produce a product other than a child. the dynamics of the relationship create something, as the sum of two enjoined in consciousness, is always more than just one person.
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Re: Bruce Moen is an engineer
Reply #1 - Jun 4th, 2007 at 10:07pm
the child I met out there I made reference to as a creation. I believe it was just last year I had the obe, I'd have to check my log for exact dates.  I perceived her at the time as belonging to me, yet not in the sense I now see her as a creation of the one I sometimes commune with out there over that span of 20 something odd years.
the children created this way do not grow in terms of linear time years as here.
this child I did not see myself as her mother exactly, but I knew she belonged to me and him; she appeared as around 6 yrs old. she willingly went with me, although I knew she was supposed to stay close to him-he was in the area, just busy.

btw--you all think I was dreaming. I thought I was also, until recent developments I cannot go into here due to the length they would be. at some point these things establish their own reality as real. we only get glimpses of what we're really up to when we sail out there.

so I had taken her hand and was leading her away from him. for whatever reason, I had decided he wouldn't miss her. we can call this reality grounds two (dream/obe scape)
and physical reality grounds one.

she was real and viable, and in one sense represented a group of aspirations born between the love of him and I. the relationship product.
as I led her away she came willingly sensing our oneness and she knew nothing but trust.
all of sudden "he" wasn't so busy and came barreling up and asked where she was.
I had taken her to be with some people I trusted to guide her and I had lost sight of her in the crowd but knew she'd be fine.
shocked a little that he objected and seemed so angry I had done this, I explained "I didn't know it mattered to you, I think I said I didn't know you cared. then I pointed to the direction where I'd taken her and he went after to find her and bring her back as she was still in her growth period in this non/physical area.
he ran after to retrieve her while I looked on; he also had some others helping him look. he brought her home and I was able to see he did care, which seemed rather important to my then self, in relationship to the daily thoughts I was having regarding the future and regarding the worthiness or reality of the earlier merge between him and I.
after having done several self retrievals, where form and being is illustrated in the images perceived, the glimpses, the bleed thru to the brain what is taking place out there, all these beings have degrees of I am consciousness in various stages of growth and discovery of self awareness, I can see thoughts are things and linear time is quite meaningless except it gives us a sense of order we rely on in reality One or C1.

so we retrieve backwards to earthly childhood, and we can retrieve forwards to future selves, or beings we have created in non/physical areas through merges.

nobodys gonna believe me. Shocked  oh well! it only matters what YOU believe for your own paradigm. I accept everyones paradigm as a part of the Oneness concept.

one more thing, what my learning is, I sense will be imparted to this child product born in the spiritual realm, but she will remain a viable individual thru what the father imparted to her, in this sense we three represent a family unit even as a physical family unit of 3 would be here in reality One.

oh boy, now that I know this other realm is real, I've got a ton of stories to write.
love to all, and happy exploring! alysia

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Bruce Moen is an engineer
Reply #2 - Jun 5th, 2007 at 8:58am

Alysia quoted Bruce:' "By combining several components
of consciousness (mass plus charge) in more complex
thought form patterns and using the properties imbued
in each, large assemblages can be formed---atoms."
he goes onto say a more complex system consists of molecules made up of atoms. '

That must be why it's so important to go out there with an open heart, radiating PUL---
Because its our components of consciousness that are seeding the new reality while we're out there!
That must be why Alysia, Bruce, and other experienced explorers are so firm in their teachings that we are not to take negative feelings into our explorations.

Maybe that's why out in the afterlife, negative feelings quickly show themselves in the form of monsterlings, It's a warning to change, to keep them out, not only out of ourselves but out of the afterlife where it's possible to create new forms, even new souls.

"Bruce is an engineer", trained to see how all the parts fit together. In his books he does a superb job of avoiding emotion-laden words so that we can see the workings of the afterlife, not his personal emotional reaction to those workings. Then it takes a poet with feelings, (ex.: Alysia  Smiley ) to imbue Bruce's message with other aspects of human potential.

From what I've seen written on these boards and now personally experienced, the Afterlife has methods in place to protect itself and us. It takes powerful love to create a new soul in the 'higher realms.' On the other hand our individual negativities are minor inconveniences to the overall scheme of things and we are relieved of that baggage early on in our explorations so that they don't pollute the great What Is.

This is just a review and rephrasing of thoughts contained in Alysia's thread. Everything Alysia said above can be experienced by you as you get involved with afterlife concerns.
I know, because it's happened to unlikely me.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
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Re: Bruce Moen is an engineer
Reply #3 - Jun 5th, 2007 at 12:42pm
Bets said:  That must be why it's so important to go out there with an open heart, radiating PUL---
Because its our components of consciousness that are seeding the new reality while we're out there!
thats true Bets, we create our own afterlife situation by the thoughts and emotions; emotions can stem from and surround the thoughts, so both components, or bodies, or assemblages (my new word, lol) are needed to make a whole unit while creating out there, the future. the open heart approach would be like to me, to not be constructing another person in your own image, but accepting, or being open to who and what, their intentions for incarnating are. at the deepest level, we are PUL. once accepting that, we can trust our experiences more, to reveal we are PUL, covered over by various paradigms, negative or positive charged. it appears the female is the negative charge and the male the positive charge in merges, the two make a whole, and this is why we were using the magnet reference earlier.

That must be why Alysia, Bruce, and other experienced explorers are so firm in their teachings that we are not to take negative feelings into our explorations.
I like from Bruces book, he says "doubt is a creative tool, the same as belief is a creative tool. to doubt something is true is just human nature until we doubt it no more. so we even need to stop judging to have doubt is wrong, it's not wrong, but we can transmute doubt into a sense of adventure to discover the truth. my guides would not let me explore if I had a negative intention, but whenever I had the highest good in mind, I was always allowed to sail out and explore, or retrieve someone, or retrieve parts of my self.
Something Bruce said a long time ago here, we are at our highest evolvement on this earth when we are only expressing love, either here or there, as they are like the same world to reflect our deepest thoughts and intentions. so not to mislead, from the tainted word, "love" I have another borrowed term, that is we can learn acceptance of one another and this is the same as an open mind, willing to understand another. acceptance can be like the passive energy, which creates with the intentional will of the active energy of the male polarity; spirit has been divided into two here. ie: battle of the sexes! haha!

The free will creates from the matter of the creative stuff monsterlings, fear feeds and keeps alive these images while love dissolves them. fear is "false evidence appearing as real."  it seems only on the lower astral is there a glut of the false images wandering about. this explains how we may be building structures with our minds out there. I feel I only talk of the tip of the iceberg here, so I'm troubled a little in a humorous sense.
its important to develop a sense of humor if anyone wants to go obe, you have to expect the unexpected if your mind is open, and a sense of humor will release negativity immediately.

Bets: "Bruce is an engineer", trained to see how all the parts fit together. In his books he does a superb job of avoiding emotion-laden words so that we can see the workings of the afterlife, not his personal emotional reaction to those workings. Then it takes a poet with feelings, (ex.: Alysia  Smiley ) to imbue Bruce's message with other aspects of human potential.
Yes, I always liked reading his stories, they flow so well, and we ourselves can extract what we wish from the books. He is a superb writer in that context! The only feeling I got out of the books was a feeling that came from me, PUL, that here was some books which required no furrowing of my brow to grasp a few basic truths. I was able to leap with him into the waters as he told this symbolic story, and lol, I laughed when he landed wrong, as he laughed at himself! I'm so glad I'm re-reading the books from another level of perspective. I see some of my own experiences with consciousness on the pages.
lets hear it for poets and right/left brain marriages!!! yay!!!
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Re: Bruce Moen is an engineer
Reply #4 - Jun 11th, 2007 at 2:13pm
Bets, if you're still (here Smiley)  read a little further in Voyages Into the Afterlife about crystals energy that lives in the Earth and puts out, like grid lines that spirit is attracted to and that can be established as flight patterns for exploration purposes. will have to reword this later. even the moon has a crystal in the middle, as all planets do.

we can use this crystal energy to propel ships, like the Atlanteans did. wow, no more stinky fuel burn behind a bus! oh whoopie. Cheesy
I wonder if I can talk to a crystal?? Smiley
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