I Am Dude
There are many typical sensations associated with out of body experiences, especially the separation process itself. Humming and buzzing sounds are quite normal, and are just one of an entire list of possible sensations experienced during lift out. These sensations are associated with the conflict in energies which occurs when one subtle energy body dissassociates from another. The closer you are to your body, the stronger the conflict is between your etheric energy body, which is lying inside your physical body, and your Real Time energy body, which is the energy body that we usualy project with during conscious OBEs(The Astral Body is the other main energy body we use, and this body also experiences energy conflicts with the etheric energy body). This is why it is so hard to move, see, and hear when you are very close to your body, and why many people who don't move far away from their bodies soon after separation end up getting sucked right back into their physical bodies.