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Saturday Feb 18th PE (Read 25027 times)
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #15 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 9:27am

I think Caryn's approach to your dream, Stacy, is very wise. So just ditto that  from me too.  Smiley
It complements a thought I heard the other day: At any given moment we are the sum of our experiences UP TO that moment. So as soon as we learn from an experience / dream, we are ready to go on from there. It sounds like you're doing that since you said child-Stacy is becoming felt in you again.
The crown image is neat and must carry power with it. Have you put it on yet?  I hadn't thought about these archetypal crowns before, but I saw someone at the last PE wearing a crown and later Stephen E had a photo of himself that certainly shows that same person. Stephen has accepted his crown/authority and is developing rapidly and surely. ( I hadn't met him before the PE.) Crowned heads do not have to deny the child inside!

Your work in this is very exciting!

Love, Bets
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #16 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 1:23pm
Theres five of us in this PE. I'll do it today sometime and maybe tonite too.

its just practice so don't get uptight. Shirley, I'm coming after you; you been hanging back and I need to find you.
actually, I think I met u out there once about a year ago. we were discussing means of getting there. I think I can find you. ok see you guys later. love, alysia
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #17 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 2:16pm
You may count me in again.  I found that I was getting input a lot better when I was participating with a group. Now let me just focus upon our meeting destination and get a draw upon your signatures so that I can home in.

I have been a bit dim lately so any energy assistance from anyone -- to get the flow moving -- would be gladly accepted.

By the way Betson, you are correct about the crown theme, going on with me.  I have accepted my full potential and decided to "hand crowns" to those who verily desire the experience too.

Best of success,
Steve Ed.
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #18 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 3:04pm
Hello everybody,

I am going to have to sit this one out sorry to say. Kundalini has literally knocked the 'stuffing' out of me this week. I must recharge, I am on the upswing though. I look forward to reading of your adventures!

Love, Stacy
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #19 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 7:23am
Hi Stacy

Thanks for your reply.  Okay your friend is in spirit. Thinking of him will make him think of you.  This said; this connection becomes real if you have a karmic connection with him.

No-one comes into our lives without a reason, it is said whoever comes into our lives we have known before - there is a rule which applies for this though - it is normally someone whom you have known for over 10 years or so.  This saying it's not the shop keeper we see every day or the petrol station person - (these people sometimes have a message to give us in passing but there is no deeper connection) it is someone who you have a sense you have known for a long time.  Ten years is a long time and if your relationship was cut off before this we need to look more closely at this connection.

The best to do right now - is send him love and light.  Sometimes a past connection will pass early for the person to look for a connection into the spritual world.  Connecting with a disincarnate spirit is mostly not advised for the reason the disincarnate spirit is on higher vibrations and trying to make this connection brings down their vibrations.  Mainly they need to be thought of with happiness and love in order for them to be free within the vibration they now live.

It also takes time for a discarnate to settle in and normally it is after about 3 years (earth time) a connection may be sought.  This connection will come from them. If a connection is sought on earth it will come from them.  From this side it is important to concentrate on sending them love and thinking of them with love and happiness, being in a still state ready for this connection, if to be.  Then there will be signs coming from the higher realms to below which only have meaning to you.

To clarify further the tricksters;  All our emotions and thoughts are manifested in what is called the astral world.  These emotions and thoughts may take on forms and seeing the all the collective consciousness of animal characteristics dwell in the astral world - these emotions and thoughts often take on animal forms.  for example;  if you have been praised for a job well done - your emotions might liken themselves to a cat who has just drunk a bowl of cream.  This emotion of being praised will take on a form of a cat, say, because emotions dwell within the collective consciousness of animals.

Now, this is saying our emotions are the tricksters because we have created them.  This is the Dweller on the Threshold - your emotions create a form which is attached to you - how does this form look to you?  Is it a beast or is it an angel? With this there are also other people's emotions but within this there is the law of attraction - like attracts like.

In exercising the strength of your ego it enables you to go beyond the astral world of emotions and this saying purifying your spiritual bodies not to be controlled by the emotions but for you to control the world the emotions lives in.

Stacy, these are quite intense writings and not normally spoken about in a general sense.  I do believe you are a beautiful spirit who is seeking and hope this information helps a bit further. It is good to fill your ego with love and light, the ego may be seen as a shield - a shiny shield of protection in any realm.  Your ego is your will - it's important to think where and what your will does.

I appreciate any comments from other members and Stacy, your thoughts on this are important.  Bets wrote a lovely post - the golden crown belongs to those who seek.


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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #20 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 2:17pm
nice going Caryn! I agree with everything u said especially about animal forms and emotions taking form in the astral, right on!  have studied my various pets and noticed how easily they absorb "me." my emotions. have found the way to train them, by training my emotions, through the will of the ego (choice) and they right away are absorbing my thoughts, so it must be the same on the astral planes, astral is also emotional. btw, anyone have a problem with behavior of their pets? PUL trains them into obedience to your will because they know how much they are appreciated for their service to us.

interesting you say thinking of a person will cause them to think of you. so true! its applies to both sides of the veil I'd only add, and this speaks of our oneness, our connecting points to that.

I understand that family ties mean associations of longer duration than 10 years, and in general our spiritual growth commences within family relations, bonds, contracts similiar to karmic ties, yet there are instances of of shocking wakeup calls from meeting a person whom you will never see again in this life, who is passing thru, drops a bomb on you and it effects your whole life, and your memory is awakened as to who you are. so I would say forces of good will operate in hidden places outside the rule of knowing someone for ten years, but in general, I understand what u are saying.

I have been reading a bit "Otherwhere". there is a purification process the dead undertake, but it looks more like a dropping off the dross we picked up on this side, some stuff we don't need to carry around, maybe some useless attachments to objects, maybe some selfish choices that were made, this gets burned off if they were not able to open their heart chakra during the life. hmm..burn....fires of hell? possibly this is where we got the idea of burning in hell? Cheesy  not to worry gang, I have been there, and it's a little warm, but there appears some order is going on!
lol, a place for everything, and everything in its place. tidy me.

the deceased can be contacted, but it should be a mutual thing, and it entails the healing of a situation, as in Stacys case, a healing was necessary, or to show her that she was effective, within her child self to induce a heart chakra opening in this person of such magnitude that he was able to advance spiritually to another level through her making that possible...the return was to show her of her spiritual grace inherent in her since birth, through a self retrieval experience.
my self retrieval experiences have shown me the child is flesh and blood and must be integrated into the psyche and allowed its expression of innocense although the body may be very old indeed, it does not matter, we are all children on certain levels, such as I surmise focus 27 is one such level of agelessness expressing.

it is written a child shall lead them.

I do believe that this encounter changed them both for the better, insofar, as we may say laying up treasures in heaven.
that Stacy would bring this story to us, of the magnitude of it's effort to translate is also not an ordinary story we hear often I agree. 

it does seem the disincarnated are inclined to make the first move to clear up any disharmony they were a part of, so they can be free to move on. I observed this in my stepfather coming to my mother and asking forgiveness. I think he stole her house. lol, she also let him steal it. whatever, she said she forgave him and I assume he's ok. they need our forgiveness. we need to give it. in my husbands case, he had a guide with him, at once I knew, he had needed their assistance to come to me. the guide did not interfere, but observed our private conversation. it is wonderful to know these guides and helpers fill the areas out there. yet I may also project who should ask, shall receive is a working law, although, at times you will hear the word, not yet. they are doing something important, wait awhile and knock again.
when such time comes corresponding with the deceased becomes more commonplace we will see not a duality world, but a world united as one, the veil rendered, the allusions of hell dissipated, death seen as it is, a lie.

thank you Stacy for allowing us a peek at your spiritual life, I was inspired to meet you and agree with Caryn that I see beauty in you, and that we are all sisters here that I am allowed to celebrate with.

love, alysia

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #21 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 2:25pm
I've been sidetracked recently dealing with old fears that have been holding me down.  Last night, I was busy shifting from awake to asleep facing my fear energies, head-on and getting in the habit of not reacting to them.  The good news is that I feel more refreshed after a swim in hell and getting a look at what scares me the most.

Always growing,
Steve Ed.
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #22 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 3:24pm
mmm, yea. same here. got some leftover reactionary stuff I'm working through..its not keeping me awake......

just decided how to face concentrating on somebody elses good concerned and not thinking I will lose in this circumstance, because if they gain, thats supposed to be my gain so how can I be losing?...

this concerns money, the thing that produces wars. Tongue

I guess sometimes hell calls us but be brave and I am with you Steve!
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #23 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 4:14pm
Hi Guys!

I have just read your last posts regarding my journey to finding the truth of this relationship. I can see now that more detailed information is required. I thought I would find this hard, but it's not. I have never discusses this with another living soul, as people generally do not understand, but I feel that I am in very warm company and I am safe. And yes, even when you think you might say something I might not want to here. I am here to find the truth no matter what it is. So all opinions are valued to me.

First of all I think I shoud start another thread as to not be off topic. And second I need to know that some of you will help me see this through. It may take some time, I don't know, just being honest. Although the pieces to my mystery are fallilng into place at a very rapid rate, so much so that I have purposly slowed down just a tad so I can absorb.

Let me know

Much love to you all,  Stacy
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #24 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 6:13pm
I just took at look at this thread and discovered a bi weekly PE, and just checking in, the next one would be, March 4, am I right? Can I come? Can I get a partner? What do I do? Thanks. Vee
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #25 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 8:00pm
lol, Vee, its up to any of us, but what I would do is start a new thread in PE, put the date at the top and ask for sign ups, I have no idea how we would go about choosing partners as I have no organization skills me thinks, but go ahead and put up a thread with the date, some of us will sign up under it. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #26 - Feb 20th, 2007 at 5:31am
Hi all  Smiley

Awesome post Alysia .. what you and Steve both said about hell (lol Steve and nice refreshing swim !) but it is like that and Alysia you said it so well, the burning off of the dross .. as you said here

I have been reading a bit "Otherwhere". there is a purification process the dead undertake, but it looks more like a dropping off the dross we picked up on this side, some stuff we don't need to carry around, maybe some useless attachments to objects, maybe some selfish choices that were made, this gets burned off if they were not able to open their heart chakra during the life. hmm..burn....fires of hell? possibly this is where we got the idea of burning in hell?   not to worry gang, I have been there, and it's a little warm, but there appears some order is going on!

It's when we are in those moments of the pits when we rise up to the challenge, these moments actually seem to energise us into discovering ourselves and our true worth.  Because it makes us have a good look at what helps us or what hinders us and this strengthens us .. like you said Steve we look at what scares us and because we look at it - it doesn't scare us anymore - well not as much cos we recognise it.

Animal life is fascinating.  I came across a writing which said animals were made from the left over etheric material and this is intergrated with the astral level.  Interesting what you say about our emotions projecting into animals Alysia; I often wonder if animals are not the manifestation of our emotions in a collective sense - the birds, the ants, the lions .. lol the whole zoo!

Great stuff we talking here - i love it.  I like what you said about people out of the blue dropping a wakeup call - or there's this feeling of i know you and just one or two words they say suggest or confirm this or what you thinking about at that very moment .. then you never see them again!

Yes, the forces of good-will operating outside of the long term norm relationship.  This must mean there has been a connection and I like how you say hidden places outside the rule.  This makes me think of poetry .. the long term have such a bonding emotion whereas the hidden ones are the inspirations.  maybe i'm getting to poetic here lol.  But it does seem like that.

Stacy, what Alysia wrote about your experience is insightful, it is a retrieval hey.  Your experience Stacy was out of the ordinary and i understand how it is not easy to talk to other people about it.  Over the time I have been here I have felt much warmth (we do have our moments as well though but we should be able to be honest with one another without any offence being taken - its healthy to debate) I think we do have this commanality in understanding or knowing there's far more to life then one can imagine and you are in the right place to feel safe and understood .. as you understand us!   Alysia said a great thing .. your spiritual grace inherent since your birth.   

Sigh .. lol


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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #27 - Feb 20th, 2007 at 2:26pm
Caryn you get my dancing trio for your post..this my joy...of this board and of you.

...  ...  ...
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #28 - Feb 20th, 2007 at 3:19pm

Thank you for the beautiful mention in your posts.

To all of you,

It's the affirmations and encouragement that I receive here that lifts me high, opens me to new possibilities and gives me the courage to jump off that cliff and soar. If ever I could repay such a kindness, consider it my pleasure.

Love, Stacy
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Re: Saturday Feb 18th PE
Reply #29 - Feb 20th, 2007 at 7:15pm
could u loan me a 10 spot until friday Stacy? just kidding!...

I found this graphic on the internet and had to save as I used to look like her when I was younger. love, alysia
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