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POST RESULTS OF SAT 2/17/07 PE HERE PLEASE (Read 15230 times)
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Feb 17th, 2007 at 6:05pm
Smiley I Taped it because I would never remember everything.
this here's an example of letting your imagination have fun with it and I already have a hit. I'll tell you about it later.

Steve, I already did the PE just now, and then I saw you joined in. I was wondering if you would. but I'm too lazy to do it over, so I'll find you next week if we do it.


First off, where's Shirley? I find her by thinking about her and she's there and she says how can I get to the crystal? its starts to get real good after we invent this go cart so I have run go get my tape recorder, I don't care if it's real or not, I'm just laffing and having a good time with Shirley. So I'm even laffing on the recorder...geez, something must be wrong with me, but its fun. so whatever!
I push Shirley up the hill because after we get to the top its downhill, right? so she gets in and I push, then I saw wait, you gotta put your foot out the side and help me, this is hard. so she gets all the way out and we both push it up. Then I say git back 'n there! we be cresting! she gets in and flys down way fast and I'm yelling keep her in the middle! the cart has a steering wheel. so she yells where's the crystal? I say straight ahead over yonder! Cheesy  she flys into the crystal and crashes. thankfully, theres no lasting injuries out here and she bounces into some flips way up high and I go to the rescue with a flying carpet with fringe and a roman design. (ok, sorry, I'm about to lose everybody here) Cheesy
I grab her and we're still having fun, we lay down on the carpet and I say were u ever in rome? she says can't remember, and I say, neither can I! and we laff again.  and we circle around TMI looking for everybody. I knew Spooky would show. so spooky springs straight up from the ground and his face is goofy and kidding around as we spy his face on the edge of our carpet, we laff. jack in the box style, he lightens us up. so we drift on over to the tower and Caryn says she is on it getting an overview and she waves and wishes us luck and she keeps the overview lookout.

so we fly around then we gotta find Bets. we go to the crystal and this one I see as inside. so we hold hands and put our faces into the crystal, just us three. Bets said she is calm.

then we gotta find Stacy and we discuss how.  she's not anywhere. First Shirley wants to help and says lets all go in my gocart and I say only one person can fit in that unless we all ride on each others shoulders like a totem pole, lol. We are all still cracking up and acting silly. so I say lets go to her house on my carpet and I'll make the thing bigger. the three of us go to Stacy's. Stacy is in her bedroom on the bed. she stretches out her hand to us, inviting us. she says she dont know if she can make it to the crystal. we say ok, we'll just stay with you a minute and we all pile on her bed being girlfriends. I think I told some stories. at some point Stacy says I feel like I wanna make it to the crystal. and I get a bright idea to make a light road, made out of white light. it goes all the way to the crystal and somebody says its part of the grid. the road accomodates a single file thing.
we all get there and I think I said u feel like you're really here?
well no, everybody says, but its a test run!

then I came here and saw Stacy was begging off due to some kundalini work and I was surprised that i was picking up she wasn't coming. thought that was cool.
yay, good work alysia...

this bouncer look a little like Spooky

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Reply #1 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 7:03pm
Hey Alysia,

Sounds like you had a great time, you are emerging as a leader...have you noticed...I have.

You have a big hit with me. I was laying in my bed until late in the morning...just could not move. I was laying there thinking how much I wanted to go and to join you guys with the play. I was trying to imagine you all there and sending my regrets that I was not up to attending. A short while later I was feeling some of my energy returning but decided I should not spend it on a journey right now. I have been tired like this for a few days and was a little surprised at the sudden input of energy returning. I felt like I could return to my normal activities so I went to tackle the kitchen. Ug. I was in there two seconds and I had a bright white light flash behind my eyes. That was all I could see with my mind and my physical eyes. It only lasted for a second. I thought my brain was miss firing or something, lol, and I felf a little tired again. I must have really wanted to come see you because I think I might have for a split sec.

Thank you, all three of you, for visiting me and giving me your love, it made a big difference. Oh by the way did you see how messy a bedroom can get in three days. lol

Love, Stacy
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Reply #2 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 7:26pm
I am doing the exercise consciously at 8:00 PM Pacific Time so I haven't really started chronologically speaking. Grin  Good thing that time IS localized to C1 and below the F15 zone because I thought I missed it. Anyway, my "here-now" will be there at the aforementioned time.

Edit:  Time now is 3:30 PM.  The 8:00 PM was mentioned in the original post.

See you there,
Steve Ed.
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Reply #3 - Feb 17th, 2007 at 8:25pm
steve I'll concentrate on sending energy around 8pm, I think we're both in the same time frame, the energy might help.

Stacy so I found you in bed? Smiley maybe thats why when you stretched your hand out to us, I felt some compassion towards you, and didn't realize your energy was low though. I thought it was because of your nature. That you reached out to us. maybe we provided some energy for you hopefully.

a leader..I don't know Stacy. more like a cheer leader. so I did note the light path was a thing of single file we had to do, all by ourself but lined up so I thinkwe are all leaders, students and teachers together. but it sure has been a lark, especially today. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Reply #4 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 3:50pm
Interesting, Alysia..when I finally got to start, it was close to 10pm CST.

I was struggling to get there.  I would think I'd found it, but there was no one there.  And the crystal was quite I figured that wasn't it.

I caught fleeting glimpses of two..I'm thinking Alysia and Spooky, but that could be because you two are often easy to find out there.  I kept asking "where is everyone?  Why am I here alone?"

I fell into sleep after a bit..and had a not so nice experience there too.

I was with a large group, I'm thinking it was all of y'all..too many to number.  We are meeting at a restaurant, sitting at several different tables.  Everyone orders..and there is eating and laughing.

Its time to leave.  That's when one other and I realize the waiter never brought us our food..we were "left out."  Since everyone was leaving, we got up too..but felt "left behind".

I'm not sure why I would need to experience that sense of "alone"..but it didn't feel too good..
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Reply #5 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 4:47pm
Yes Shirl, I know you've got to get yourself more direction somehow, but I'm glad you keep thinking about it and it even pops up in the dream area, feeling left out. but you did get the laughing part, the many tables (threads here that you participate on)
I think its a temporary situation to go through. I keep thinking about the gocart we put u in yesterday and I think about what it means to me.
go cart...for kids to have fun in, they build go carts and they like it better if they build it themselves, as there's self accomplishment feeling, over store bought.
then when u crashed it, I was thinking she needs to gain control, but of course we had no brake system for it.
then when you were up in the air, I did see we need to get you some wings and learn how to use them. I know its all symbology, but its all I can offer right now, as pertaining to imagination method.
one good thing, u did seem to be able to relax with me on the carpet ride, it seemed important and just may speak of a level of trust we build here.

you have a lot of colors to give the board Shirl, you have all the major color group going on. we'll be here for the feast when the waiters bring it in. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Reply #6 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 5:38pm
To Pilot Alysia and crew,

Alysia, I promise I  did not read your post yesterday, but last night I felt I was soaring all night, flying, dipping, etc.  Shocked
I had no idea you all were using a magic carpet, but I must have been there with you. Since I'm blind for most of these events except for glimpses, I can't describe anyone though, just the longest and most fun flight I've ever been on--Thanks!!

Love, Bets
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Reply #7 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 7:48pm
well hello Bets Smiley you were there, I had to go get you too Cheesy the 3 of us flew in gay spirits to stacy and you flopped on the bed with me as did Shirl. u guys just don't remember too well, he he he....could be a relationship with your flying dream to my imagination method because it was soo much fun for me this time, I could feel my heart chakra wide open throughout, maybe you knew that.

we have to remember something when doing these things: this straight from the horses mouth Monroe: there is no wrong, there is no right, all just is.
there is no bad, there is no good ..everything just is.

what else did he say? I have to reread that stuff all the time. I feel like I made a promise to him to remember. Cheesy
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Reply #8 - Feb 18th, 2007 at 10:10pm
Hi everyone!

Friday Feb 16 evening:
I stated my intent to go to the PE meeting, there show something to you to recognize and verificate later, as well as to be of service for anyone if I can, with the help of guidance, if needed (similar to Alysia I noticed later). Before this, I wanted to visit "home".

After a trip to what was suggested to be "home", where I was a rather decentralized energy field in a world of white light with sharp but changing colored patterns I went to participate in the PE.
I presented something to the others (it has to do with a number).
Then I felt as if someone talked to me, as if trying to ask something, but not bringing it across, so I asked the person to clarify, and the person said "OK. What is the purpose of my life?" After the question I felt a big energy flow out of the area between my solarplexus and heart, and this lasted awhile. I interpreted this as something coming through me to that person, regarding the question.
Then another one asked for something like a mix of more energy and clarity. I thought of the little energy crystals I have seen in Focus 27, but then I decided "let's take this big one" (I remembered the TMI crystal). I went over with the person to the crystal and the crystal and me somehow became one and formed a gentle moving little tornado.
Then I saw three or four persons in front of me, but only as foggy unsharp images, one of them, most to the left of the group, seemed to be very small and in a wheel chair, handicaped. I turned to this person and I didn't know what to do, but there was this powerful force that just led me, I saw colored lines quickly changing, vibrating, flickering, together with that person, and I somehow mixed something into it or altered it. This was similar to the impression I had at this "home"-world.

I got up from my bed then and thought I must be pretty energized, but I wasn't. I had appetite on sugar, ate bread with honey and drank a hot chocolate and then felt tired and drained, which lasted about three hours long.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Reply #9 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 12:55am
thanks Spooky! this time was different when I looked at you. first, it looks like you are in training to be healer and will have to learn how to do that without draining yourself, all healers have to learn this. you will probably take classes while you sleep and become very good at it and I'm sure many will benefit from this willingness you have.

used to see you flying all over the place, flips and arches and hard to catch hold of you, just like to watch. this time you were a comedian for me as Shirl and I sat on our carpet and your head peeked up playfully, straight up from the ground  you sprang.
then if none of this was your experience i assume it is all symbolic of my interpretation who i think u r, or could be that u can be many roles, as this my idea of myself too.
but to make a stretch here (as usual) laughter is also part of healing arts.
as always, theres much to reflect on in your PE. I see your solar plexes must be working better, this the seat of emotions I was told.
it might be further stretch to consider the go cart I put Shirley in and then u have this wheelchair. as I recall I kept Shirley close to me all the time and we dumped the go cart for the carpet, but thought I'd mention it as both have wheels to roll around in.

well, I'm off to tell about a retrieval. thanks for keeping with us Spooky.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Reply #10 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 6:25am
Morning Alysia, Stacy (thanks for your reply on the other post, will reply after this) Bets, Shirley, Steve and Spooky.

Well, not sure because it seemed more of a dream then a direct phasing projection but in the dream in seemed as if I was travelling real time ...

It was Friday night and in my dream;

There where three girls me included (Alysia you said girlfriends and this is the impression I got - in the dream we were/are close friends as in girlfriends)  

We were in etheric form - floating transparent type bodies dressed in flowing dresses with long hair flowing all over.  We were walking/floating in the middle of a traffic island (cars going by on the left and cars on the right) We had our arms around each other (over our shoulders, i was in the middle) We were laughing and happy (the motorist didn't see us) I then turn around in a sort of somersault and sort of mentally said I must go and catch up later.

I floated back along the traffic island and waited for the cars to go past.  Here I noticed I was now naked under my flowing etheric dress.

Came to a big building which was my purpose of going back.  On my left outside the building was a stand a sort of book stand with a man.  This stand was glowing in gold.  I winked at the man - he winked back.

I went into the building.  Into a first room surrounded by a curtain- there were two people in this room building something, I sensed they didn't like me being there - I went through the curtain.  Into a big hall with curtain's all around - I saw two other people hugging one another - I drifted off behind the curtain around the hall then I was in a lift.  The lift door opened into a small passageway with a bright light at the end of the passage was a closed door.

That's all I recall of this dream on Friday.  I am now trying to go back to the lift and that door.

On Saturday night - I had another dream, it was very quick.  I dreamt there were a lot of us and we were building this hugh hugh screen in the sky!

That's it.  So as you can see it seems more of a dream then a direct projection although the one on Friday was pretty real.  I have been in this hall before ...

Well, hope to analyse with your accounts some more.


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Reply #11 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 4:13pm
I like your story Caryn, it looks like you found us through the symbols, all the curtains are like different thread action going on, and some are private stories behind a curtain. I too would be intrigued with any closed door in a dream. you will go back it looks like.

I thought also that we are building something here, a big screen, a big projection. its a good feeling all in all to be building.
so another hit with the happiness and the girlfriend thing on the part of 3 of us so far insofar as thinking of the commonalites of this PE.
I have also dreamed of this place as a building and also a castle with a dungeon, that I could not possibly explore every nook and cranny, but I think the castle stands for something ancient and can stand for centuries.
the winking man is standing for friendliness and comraderie perhaps. that is here.

now that u mention us having our arms around each other in travel, this rings true for my part that we almost traveled as a "clump" lol. it was fun. I didnt know you had left the tower though, where the overview was. you said u were expanding your mind up there, but evidently, you traveled aways with us down the street as girlfriends on a lark. I'm glad you picked up the fun aspect.
maybe the naked feeling is because in PE theres that aspect of being revealed. when i was with my PE partner, I used to hide out there, so you wouldn't see, maybe I had a big flaw and maybe she would see. but this fear passed as she did see me, and I was revealed as u might suspect. a mini belief system crash occurred because she saw me as I was, and I had two of me, I integrated the two as best I could, and still do that.

I wonder if the golden book stand was Bruce? well, be nice if we could sell a few books here!

thanks again, u r so giving to us here. Smiley
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Reply #12 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 9:23pm
Hi again,

very cool Alysia that you had so much fun. I for sure would have liked (or actually liked) riding magic carpets and go carts! I had a go cart as a little child (not self made) and I remember I ran over an adult person with it...and lately I thought about that I would love gliding with a glide plane or a kite...maybe one day...
Thanks for your comments on that energy-drain thing, I too thought of this; it's kinda strange, I had it a few times, I was in a real energy flow and when it subsided I felt tired. So maybe I should concentrate on the thing Bruce mentions in his AKGuidebook, not only to feel the energy move through you, but also to make a part of it branch off and circulate around you.

Caryn, I had not a book stand there but a cake stand lol! You're maybe more a book eater than a cake eater so my cake turned into books for you? But of course I don't know.

It was because the next day, Saturday, was my birthday and I thought I'd let you all have some cake&candlelight.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Reply #13 - Feb 19th, 2007 at 10:55pm
oh my happy birthday Spooky, mighty tasty cake! forgive my silliness everyone...I know I'm not on topic but I have good intentions......
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Reply #14 - Feb 20th, 2007 at 6:25am
lol the pic Alysia!  Happy Birthday Spooky - all the best for the year!

So it was a cake stand  Cheesy It was a stand, i tell you what though the gold candle you had was super awesome - it glowed brilliantly the whole stand was immersed in the glow.  It could have been Bruce's stand but it was more of the golden glow covering what it was and the man was also covering what it was - he was a golden glow as well - then he stepped out of the glow for a moment and the wink we exchanged was like a zoomed in close up with no features just colour and the feeling of my eye winking.

It looks like we all did this on Friday night - this must say something.  It's not the time but the name?  Although it seems with PE's i take the whole weekend!

Spooky it could have been me asking you 'whats the purpose of life' that would be a typical question of mine (did you see a wild look in my eyes - kidding!) I did think of you and the other fellow travellers before going into my dream.

I got down from the tower - my overview spot!  Yes seeing myself naked must have been feeling a bit exposed (coming down from the tower of course!)  I must say I don't recall a tower but there was that big screen in the sky - it was very technical with people soldering the metal and it was all go.

It seems I interpretated the crystal to be the building - unless I was thinking of the board here.  The hall was very quite and empty (just the couple hugging in the corner!) hey maybe we should organise a ballroom dance in the hall - that would be awesome! It would be a collective doing thing in a collective place?

The two couples I saw in the room, the one in the first room and the other in the main hall where black solid shadows.
We could 'dress up' for the ballroom dance and each choose a colour to wear and when we report (after our virtual hangovers) we could identify the people by the colour costume worn?

Reckon we could pull this off?

Sounds like you guys had fun on the carpet - and meeting Stacy in her bedroom - was that a hit?

Where is Marilyn?  I've been wanting to ask this for ages now.


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