daiseymae wrote on Feb 1st, 2007 at 3:23am:Hello everybody,
I would just love to be a part of this group trip on Sat. I don't have much experience though, not under my control anyway. Sometimes I just get wisked away. It is spectacular but a bit unnerving without notice. I would love some sort of control but I think I might be trying to hard. Any tips on not trying to hard would be of great help. I have bruce's books 1 and 2. I have just started book 1. Could there be a reference in those books? Thanks in advance.
If you don't think a novice would hinder the effort I am eager.
Oh by the way I have been reading the posts here for about a month or more and I have to say that this seems like a great group of people. I look forward to getting to know each of you. Stacy
welcome aboard DaisyStacy!
if u haven't noticed we're all novices, pay no attention to any blusterings here that we're anything more than perfect explorers..such term to mean experimenting with our consciousness to expand it.
hey you guys look what she said about us...a great group of people, and that she looks forward to getting to know us...this is exactly the attitude we want here, and what will yield up some fruit here, notice I did not say fruitcake, I said fruit and I'm looking forward to getting to know you too Daisy.
hmmm. you know Daisy I'm not sure what tips I have. Maybe someone can help us out. It seems what you say, that you've had some journeys but it feels like you're being kidnapped...ah...yes...I know the feeling.
well, here's what my guides said about that feeling once: "gently offer nonresistance."
In order to offer nonresistance I would have to feel safe first. but the irony of that going with the flow thing is that the first couple of run thru's are going to feel like you're not in control and you need more experiences like this to get your bearings in order to feel safe.
at first we are seeking our unlimited beings by being objective oriented, then the way I see it when we get on the other side permanently the objectivity we've learned here creates an either happy subjective environment or an unhappy subjective environment on the other side of tomorrow.
so the objective is to discover "more of you" in these explorations.
Tip number two: ask for assistance of nonphysicals who have the highest good in mind and that u won't accept less than this.
Tip: don't put any trips on yourself to perform, if something happens, cool, if not, maybe next time.
Tip: Visualize yourself as a member here, as part of us, well, if you're here, then must be a reason.
Tip: have paper and pencil ready, or a tape recorder; this lets those helpers I was talking about know you are deadly serious.
Tip: ask if u can help somebody with what is given, maybe they need to hear something that is trivial to you, but meaningful to them.
Tip: ask whether you are visual or auditory person, or what might be your nonphysical sense apparatus to utilize on these explorations.
Not sure whether Bruce's first two books will talk about partnered exloration to any extent, check the index or the back of the book for references and maybe you can go to resources at the top here and browse for ideas.
one more tip, on the other side we can appear as twinkling orbs; so if you see this, be sure to write down everything you see as it can lead you into greater experiences if you show you're serious to take note of every detail.
let yourself be a little kid with imagination; this looks like the only place on earth we're allowed to do that.
ok Caryn, forget the vacuum cleaner but the ice cream stays! frap please, choc. we are allowed to eat on the other side as its part of a relaxed socialization process in the imagination.
see y'll soon, but don't know what I will see....