Greetings kroan,
Lots of us share your experience in wanting to get out, then no go.
One thing that frequently helps is to do some deep breathing. Bruce's method suggests 3 deep breaths right before setting your intent, but I found that I had to also do the 3 breaths periodically throughout the day and not wait until right before going out. When we're busy/stressed, the extra breathing helps calm and restore our systems.
Your Guidance will protect you from doing practices that might not be good for you. How's your general health? (Rhetorical question, just fr you to consider.)
Another thing that might help is stating clearly in your own mind that you do want to go OoB, that you do want to remember the experience, and that you do want protection while you're doing so. That may remove some unrecognized blocks; it has for others.
Much success and keep us posted, kroan!
I hate to add this last note, bt if you post this above in the general topic "Afterlife Knowledge", you may get more response. Unfortunately many readers start at the top of the index, then run out of time before they get to the book section.

Check out JamesBond's similar question up there called "Weird stuff happened."