LaffingRain wrote on Jan 12th, 2007 at 9:30am:yes, loosh is just PUL. glad u reactivated this thread AhSo! so what if the harvest collectors come for the is a free commodity and there is no shortage and the idea is to give it before the tax collector comes to the door.
Hi there Alysia, always nice to see your smiling face. I believe we and our total selves are the "harvesters".
Quote:as far as stuck souls go, it might be better to do as Steve says "see it not there."
as stuckness can also be like an illness or a glue like substance on the aura. the power is there to dissolve this glue through use of the mind, or imaginative process.
Yeah, i think i see what you mean, and i do agree in some respects. Yet, what is all this "retreival" stuff that Bob, Bruce, and others talk about, about? Isn't it about finding stuck parts and aspects of the Whole, helping to release them so that the Whole can be wholly healthy and fully One again?
"Stuckness" may be only a temporal experience, but as long as there are still stuck parts of us, then it is a reality. Their suffering and pain is a reality, and not something i would like to or even try to "see not there". I can feel their pain, and it affects me because we are a part of each other.
I do believe that its not something we should concentrate on, and maybe that's what you were trying to say? If we concentrate on it, then this unconsciously strengthens this reality, keeps it alive... Yet, beyond belief systems and thought form patterns, what really will help this situation? Trying to unstick em, thought in action. If we perceived them as nonstuck to begin with, and ignore or repress this not so attractive part of reality, we would never try to help them in the first place, because we would think that there is nothing to ultimately help. A contradiction is then created.
Quote:I am just speaking personally that looking back over my life all my periods of being stuck were not so much about addiction to ELS as I kept wanting to kill myself or escape through obes, so can't call that addiction personally, considering being stuck in a thought form glue, as I look back I can see how I benefitted to have guidance at just the right time before things got worse, so the retriever got herself retrieved by outside forces as it did seem, it was all good. if it was all good for me, I am not separated in my heart from any that I might perceive as stuck, instead I can "see the stuckness not there."
I see what you are saying, and i can very much relate too. I can only authentically speak about my own experience and understandings on this. For much of my childhood and so for a pretty big part of my life, i wanted to leave the physical. I wanted to leave, because i was in so much emotional pain.
Looking back, and i believe this relates to what you talk about in the above, and from a more holistic perspective. I have asked myself, why was i in so much pain? I realized that it was because while i was not addicted to outer physical Earth stuff, like sex, food, money, etc. i was very much over attached to and in a very real sense addicted to inner Earth stuff which is based on the illusion of physical Earth, that of separation. I mean, aren't physical bodies the ultimate facade in convincing a person that we are separate?
I was addicted to negative Earth emotions, i was addicted to self pity, to self centeredness, selfishness, to feeling separate from others, and the
over indulgence and addiction to these negative inner Earth energies, led to much emotional pain and despair, so much that at one point, all i was wanted was to leave the physical.
So perhaps there are different levels and different kinds of Earth addiction and over attachment? In my previous article, i only mentioned the overt, outer, and obvious types of addiction that many here seem to have.
Quote:but I like to call that philosophy holding a chalice up or holding a vision for this one or that one, or the whole of humanity as well must be included or we start moving into divisive practices again as in a circle. we would break off the wheel of lives eventually.
therefore we should not applaud the retriever types as to separate them. I see only they nudge the attention but nothing else than that. it might be illustrative to say they point out something to distract the retrievee from the glue stuff just long enough for the others to step in and cause some real movement from stuckness. sure, theres PUL to consider is being emanated but PUL is not an attainment or possession to give away, it just is.
I very much agree, and while you may have perceived some of the above from my post, its not what i was trying to convey. I was speaking "matter of factly" when talking about retreiver souls and lost souls. Ultimately i do not place one above the other since i believe we are all One and part of each other, yet i can not but as a human to feel much love and respect to all and any retreiver souls who have tried to help my stuck brothers and sisters. Its the deep love and respect i have for Yeshua, Buddha, Krishna and others like them. I don't think they are any more worthwhile than any other souls, but i just feel so much gratitude towards them for taking on what can be a difficult job (incarating in the Earth from the desire to help and not from over-attachment and self stuckness). Perhaps these human feelings i have, is why i capitilaized "Retrievers"? Yet i fully believe we are all One, and are all potential Co-Creators with Source energy.
Quote:I read a story once and it kind of "stuck" with me, lol, that the earth was a penal planet for wayward souls and they were like drones, lol, splitting rock or something.
sounds like they were workers to build the pyramids for the more evolved aliens.
Dunno ultimately. I wouldn't say so much a "penal" planet in the sense of some higher being or beings punishing humans or what not..but rather that some of the original lost sparks became naturally attracted to physical Earth (and helped to manifest physical bodies) because of like attracts and begets like law. You could say that collective error both manifested physical bodies for souls here, and also the necessity for physical bodies. So bodies both become the manifestation of collective and temporal error, but also the means to salvation from same. What more than anything, urges a stuck human to go within, to try to reach out to Source again?
Suffering, pain, all the things we created for ourselves, and which the physical human condition is a collective manifestation of. Many spiritual teachers, including Buddha and Yeshua have taught that physical life is suffering in its essence (Buddha said so directly and plainly, and the Bible's shortest verse is "And Jesus wept"), and this relates back to the whole nature of physical bodies and their very convincing facade of the painful but ultimately illusionary condition of separation. Separation is what causes suffering of any kind. It's the indulgence of the non reality of separation which led to souls manifesting and becoming addicted to physical bodies. This was first a Spirit thing/issue, which led to a physical issue as well, as physical is simply just a distorted reflection of Soul, and Soul in turn is a reflection of Spirit (which is Oneness in its essense).
I believe we have to fully understand the problem or condition from all perspectives, before we can learn to transcend it.
As far as the pyramids and such, if you're talking about the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, neither i nor my sources find it as such. I was there in another life, and took part in the G.P. construction. Contrary to very narrow and dogmatic mainstream paradigms, the Great Pyramid did not involve ANY slave labour whatsoever, but was a collective positive/spiritual effort on part of many, many, including some (and led by) very spiritually evolved humans and some very spiritually evolved E.T. groups.
The Great Pyramid is a testament to Humanity, it is a symbol of its potential material transcendance, its is prophecy and wisdom encoded mathematically in stone and in such a dramatic and repeated way that all generations coming after same, there would be some would seek the deeper mysteries and wisdom in same.
Edgar Cayce's source(s) hint that the Creator Soul of this Universe and the first returned to Source Spark, was the actual Architect of the Great Pyramid. This same Soul, as another physical personality much later on, went into Egypt and was tested within the halls of this great symbol. He was the only Initiate to that date, who had successfully completed all of the tests, and this indicated to the High Priests of Egypt that he was the prophesized Messiah, the Christ, the one who had actually designed this great monument, the Creator Soul of this Universe (all this was in their records, and they kept faithful and clear records from the building of the G.P.).
Edgar Cayce's source indicates that E.C. was also there at the building of the Great Pyramid, as kind of an overall general manager and prophet type and who was just the mouthpiece for the Gods (highly spiritually advanced E.T.s) and for the incarnated Creator Soul who actually designed the G.P., Cayce's name then was Ra Tah. The C.S. was called different things, by different peoples and generations. Most well known as Thoth, Hermes, and Enoch. According to E.C.'s source this personality known as Thoth, Hermes, Enoch, etc., the actual architect of the G.P., also incarnated as Yeshua Ben Joseph. Cayce incarnated with him again as a co-worker as Lucius of Cyrene (one of the 70 gentile disciples), apparently according to the Cayce readings, they had incarnated quite a few times in close capacity as co-workers though of course Cayce's being the student and follower, and C.S. being the teacher, guide and leader (except when Cayce was his father in ancient Persia). This karmic history probably explains why Edgar was so obsessed with this Soul. Lol, E.C. was kind of like, "Jesus this, Jesus that." another person, "Oy Vey, what's with all the Jesus this and that?

Jesus Christ!"
Quote:here is how I see you AhSo. I am starting to get into images these days.
look, humor me, it's 4 in the morning and I got up because I knew your post was here.
Kool image, thanks for sharing. Wow, i have pretty nice legs

and what's that thing on top of my head?