Monroe talked about school out There. If I remember correctly, he visited one when he was in a conscious Obe. He didn't remember this school, but the teacher told him he was one of his best student so far.
hello there PhantMan: I was in a classroom out there a few times; I wasn't told I was one of the best students, but rather one of the most stubborn about doing it "my way."
I was in the 2nd row at the front, if that means anything? a bunch of authors aspiring we were.
I don't remember Monroe's description but he seems like he would be really a fast learner.
My teacher was a tall man who when I argued with him about how to write a book, he just grinned like he was proud of me. I admit, the book has a lot of mistakes in it, but some mistakes I did on purpose.
It looks like we visit those schools when we're unconsciously sleeping or dreaming. From my experiences, it true, and a lot of my dreams confirms that (they prove it to me).
Some will say we do the I/There excursions every night, but depending on our general state of health, perhaps, or other factors, we only remember what our higher selves have purpose for us to recall, and even that is rather limited tidbits. I'm glad for whatever tidbit I can bring back to share with u all. yes, I also have my own proof of this other world; would like to pass it on, but that's impossible. maybe I should say nothing is impossible. yes, I should say that!

Often, I'm able to remember about 2hours of dreams in a night.
may I ask how you determine that it's 2 hours of dreaming? maybe you have a clock you watch beside your bed? I don't have a clock there.
So it helped to spot them. Generally, they don't occur in the morning, just before I awake, like normals dreams. The feeling of those dreams look like the one of an Obe... Not like a normal dreams.
I am in agreement with you..they are not like normal dreams. we should try to compare them to normal dreaming sometime. maybe we could discover something in the difference.
Depending of my degree of consciousness in the dream, the degree of illusions and mental overlay varies.
I think thats a very good definition there...regarding the degree of consciousness. being fully present and accounted for within obe or dreamland is most difficult. the illusions for me, is simply the symbol language for a dimension of consciousness, which has no other tools to work with. the mental overlay is more real than the symbols, because it describes thoughts you have daily, thoughts that you work with, like puzzle pieces. as u know, many inventors will receive aid in these dreamy areas.
What is very interesting, is when I go there totally conscious, as Here in C1: It's often hard to remember what I have to do there, and also I don't remember folks (but they remember me). It looks like that when I'm conscious there, I'm a total different person that when I'm not.
I think I know what u mean by being a different person out there. it's most unnerving to say to yourself upon awakening, oh god, what have I been up to? or, did I really act that way? Is that me? the things we do, the things we say, the way we act differently, I find within time, I begin to understand myself from a more unlimited perspective, that the I/There has much greater knowledge than this C1 personality.
love, alysia