Hi Matthew,
Regarding "The idea that forces of darkness and light have agreed that the ouija is the territory of the dark side seems humorous to me, and falls into the dualistic way of seeing the world", perhaps I can explain this in another way :
Instead of hastily extrapolating too much into what one might assume Hilarion actually meant by his seemingly dualistic comment of "forces of light" vs "forces of darkness", let's try another (out-of-the-box) angle of looking at it.
There are agreements of sorts occurring all the time, whether legally binding ones, or simply unspoken, universally implied type agreements, even between countries, between organizations (eg. between the UN and various Nations; between China and Taiwan, China and North Korea, North Korea and South Korea, etc), even between various mafia gangs (eg. unspoken territory agreements), and also in some way, between the cops and the mafia/gangs (eg. they don't overtly cross each other's paths, in a way that would be detrimental for either/both).
Similarly, the guides & helpers, or various sections/departments/groups of the guides & helpers (we face the problem of using limited *physical* human language here) do have their own various types of agreements with other groups, eg. with the 'spiritual authorities' or 'spiritual governments' of other planetary civilizations, for instance; this is the only way soul transmigration across planets/worlds can proceed in a harmonious and productive manner for all worlds involved).
Now, if you discard the hollywood or dogmatic religion's fiction of "good" vs "evil", "god" vs" satan", "angels" vs "demons", etc, and instead, recognize (without judgement of fear based ideas) there do exist groups or categories of beings, that out of misguided lack of self-clarity and self-love (as Dave and myself have elaborated), participate in intrusive and unloving activities (simply because they don't know any better, not because they're inherently 'evil', as dogmatic fiction would have one believe), for the sake of simplifying and communicating these matters to the masses, we might say they're the "dark brothers" (Hilarion) or "dark force entities" (William Baldwin), etc.
Heck, even if you (as some might prefer to believe or see things that way) totally disregard this group/category of beings, or dismiss them as a work of dualistic fiction, which is fine; then the fact still remains that AGREEMENTS OF ALL SORTS STILL CERTAINLY DO EXIST BETWEEN ALL LEVELS AND ALL GROUPS OF BEINGS.
So it's quite a natural (inevitable, really) extension, (or at the very least certainly conceivable), that there may exist agreements on various matters, or in this case various tools (eg. Ouija boards, Astrology, Tarot cards, etc). Afterall, when it comes to something as important (from the viewpoint of the guides & helpers) as humanity's spiritual development and guidance, the guides & helpers would be more than willing to make agreements and (they certainly have the power to) enforce them.
So Matthew, and others who might be puzzling over this point. Consider a basic fundamental viewpoint (eg. the dualistic idea of "dark vs light"). Consider yet other viewpoints from a different fundamental perspective (eg. the universalistic idea of non-dualism). Consider them simultaneously, and EVOLVE A GREATER PERSPECTIVE, one that is more complete from the two separately or individually, and you come to a greater understanding.
The guides & helpers themselves are at all times doing this. We all ALL evolving. The guides & helpers have their own guides & helpers, who have their own guides & helpers, AD INFINITUM (literally!). Hilarion has confirmed this, very matter-of-factly.
In this sense, and this is also why we've been emphasizing this, there is no one static objective 'truth' or 'right/wrong', because ALL viewpoints, ALL beings, ALL concepts, ALL WITHOUT EXCEPTION, continue evolving perpetually. As Hilarion or the International Academy of Consciousness (IAC) would put it, there is only Relative Leading Edge Truths.
And this is as it should be. This is the very Plan or Purpose, of Creation. God exploring, creating and experiencing, *as* each and all beings in the Cosmos. And (for good measure) Loving every bit of it!