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Spirit Releasement Therapy (Read 28250 times)
gordon phinn
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Re: Spirit Releasement Therapy
Reply #15 - Jan 7th, 2005 at 9:52am
 Friends,  What do you feel is the difference between non-physical beings bonded to us as helpers and the non-physical beings being discussed in this thread? Your viewpoints are much appreciated,  Tim F.

Tim, the difference is simple, as far as I'm concerned. 
It's the difference between one who gives unconditionally and one who takes without asking.  It's also the difference between one who encourages you to go for the "best and the highest" in your evolutionary arc, the choice which challenges your innate desire for the boringly familiar rather than the risky mysterious, and one who nudges you into old, familiar, and usually counter-productive patterns, the ones they're comfortable with, the ones which allow them to continue surfing their illusions of selfhood.

ps. perhaps my exposition isn't quite as simple as I first envisioned!

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Tim Furneaux
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Re: Spirit Releasement Therapy
Reply #16 - Jan 7th, 2005 at 10:17am
  Thanks Gordon,   That is a very clear and useful response!  This thread has got me thinking, both about various non-physical beings I've encountered and the Tantric Buddhist practices  I've been taught about clearing the practice space of obstructing spirits before engaging in inner work, and related practices of liberating "stuck" energy....gotta run, just a moment on board, thanks again Gord!  Tim
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« Last Edit: Jan 7th, 2005 at 6:38pm by N/A »  
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Re: Spirit Releasement Therapy
Reply #17 - Jan 14th, 2005 at 3:44pm
I teach entity depossession, spirit releasement or whatever you call it, and peddle DVD's on it at, but I don't suggest buying unless you're a professional.  My background is psychoanalytic, now hypnotherapy. I don;t like exorcisms because they use fear, an unpleasant thing when you're worried that your body has fallen off.  I can give a simple method to find out yourself, quite similar to Bruce's approach. Tell you "patient"-
1. relax away the everyday world. 
2. listen to the tiny sound of blood coursing through the ears, and focus so intently that "thinking" and "self talk" are suspended. alert mind but sleeping body.
3. ask "patient" to allow others to respond through them, translate or repeat the message as needed.
4. ask, "Is anyone other than <Patient> there?" use your own words. invite a response. get the "entity's" name etc. chat.
5. gently point out that whoever it is has gotten stuck in someone else's body - this slows down their ability to progress, inhibits and inconveniences the host, and is a very poor substitute for the total freedom available in "the Light"
6. ask about dead friends who can come to show them the way, explain that the Light is better, offer encouragement etc
7. tell "entity" to look for the light  call for, look for, reach for dead friends, and go into the Light with them.
8. usually that's enough. if it's a demon, a deranged and fearful soul, or somethitng really bizarre, getting some assistance is a good idea. ultimately they get talked out of their attitude because they have better options - even demons are creatures of light, but they just don't know it.

As a general rule, the host is healthy and the attached entity is frightened and in need of reassurance and help. They have no power unless given to them, and they usually hang on in fear of becoming killed if they let go, while actually the opposite is the case. Good basic ideas are that God doesn't make junk, God is Love, Reach for God and God reaches back to you, In the Light you are 100% safe.
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