gordon phinn
Full Member

Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 193
toronto, canada
Hi Petrus,
I do believe that negative entities/energies, the "brothers of the left hand path" do try, and often succeed, at least for a while, in derailing our attempts at evolution. That's their job; they are the "rebel angels" who volunteered to administer the anti-evolutionary forces on this planet since the beginning, and I honour their task as the "free-will option" couldn't work without them. We have to have the chance to be stupid/wicked/selfish/power-mad, else we won't know why we're on the path we're on, and those guys light the way. Now that doesn't mean I don't fight their influence, of course I do. And that doesn't mean they're all conscious in their activity. Often they're dupes of their own absorbed anxiety/fear/illusion of selfhood, you know, slaves of their bad habits.
I do believe they attack anyone who gets a handle on their own power, ie beginning meditators, retrievers, obe'ers, but as Marilyn says, you can protect yourself. An experience like yours, was had by me, in England, on one of my crop circle trips. (I made about five in the nineties). After being deeply energised by some formations I visited one day, one the drive home I felt the energy move down from my heart (fourth) chakra to my second chakra, and suddenly I was almost overwhelmed with sexuality and a desire to look at pornography. I'm fairly in tune with my sexuality (ie not ashamed), so it was not conventional repression at work, but something more insidious. Anyway an interesting experience. Not much interference with retrievals that I could detect. But a couple of cases of interference with distance healings and one exorcism type situation.
Just "observe" yourself dispassionately as you go about your meditation/exploration/retrieval work and their attempts to derail you will manifest themselves one way or another.
Don't panic over conventional religious stuff like "sin"; they can sense that and will use it. Work with the light in compassion and love and they can't touch you.
cheers, gordon