Quote:There is something in the later Seth material...and maybe Dora or someone else who has read the later stuff can comment...about parallel realities. I got overwhelmed trying to understand that! So I quit reading it.
Not sure what comment it is what you waiting for, but all I can give you is that eventually even the die-hard Seth and Elias skeptics will have to accept or at least think about it, that it is far from the *ghostly woo-woo* anymore. More and more brilliant quantum physicist like Michael Talbot, Fred Alan Wolf, Brian Green agree with it...
Brian Green "Elegant Universe" is available in almost any video store by Nova, it is very easy to understand visually...
Also here is on interesting article what I find from Scientific American Quote: Or realities, as it were.
Indeed where?

In my understanding and experiences long us we see ourselves as a
singular entity and believe that we're limited to physical existence, and
ONLY after disengagement can occupy different areas of consciousness, we will belive that our dreams - as we have been told - just dreams...
Long as we don't - or try - to understand the nature of the reality we'll
not accept that our interpretation maybe incorrect, but the dream experiences are just as
real then our waking state.
Now I do not align with the beliefs that
anyone can interpret the dream imaginaries, since those are highly individual symbols what we translate to our objective awareness, therefore those can mean many, many things...
I myself have very active dreamstate, many time I connecting my own focuses, (as different personalities, different timeframes, or connecting with my own essence) or interacting with non-physical essences....
Only with self-knowledge[/b] we will be able to interpret our own messages to ourself.
Quote:I don't think these parallel experiences are something I in this world need to retrieve myself from...
I couldn't agree more....

if indeed you're connecting with your different focuses, then
YOU'RE them, - and they're the countless YOU"S There is nothing to