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Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen (Read 61022 times)
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #75 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 6:38pm
"For me, the greatest single problem for the genuiness of channeling is the deafening silence, the breakthrough insights that we would naturally expect, but never receive.  Must we assume that our deceased loved ones learn nothing new about the purpose of life, the nature of human consiciousness, unknown principles that govern effective prayer and paranormal abilities?  Many astral explorers lead us to believe that there is a Hall of Knowledge in Focus 27 that contains all knowlege, including secrets of the universe.  If channeling is genuine, should we not expect all kinds of unexpected insights about the differences between life here and life there?  Al kinds of unexpected insights about the stages and methods of spiritual progress on the other side?  As it is, what gets channeled (e. g. the Seth books of Jane Roberts) is disconcertingly mundane and deficient in imagination--just the sort of disclosures that one would expect if this is nothing but a projection of our unconsious minds, supplemented by some amazing access to group mind or the collective unconscious to provide that paranormal information under discussion.  Communication with afterlife territories might naturally be expected to provide scientific and other nonoccult breakthroughs for human life on earth.  The deafening silences render the most impressive parnormal "verifications" unconvincing, at least to me.



Your argument only could apply for mediums who claim to hear a deceased person talking "word for word."  Many mediums say that get visual symbols, letters, dates - as the information is transmitted.  Scientific breakthroughs would be nigh on impossible with these indirect bursts of communication. 

A channeling, as personified by Seth is a different story.  It would stand to reason that a channeled entity should be able to "bring over" more useful information. 

There does seem to be a deliberate game going on here in earth-life.  We willingly (or not) enter into an incarnate organism, and separate ourselves out from everything else.  There is a sense that if communication with the otherside were a free exchange, that we might "spoil the purpose" (ruin the punchline) of incarnating in the first place.  If there are divine rules about this sort of things, we should know about it. 

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #76 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 8:57pm

Channeling was in its heyday in the first half of the 20th century; and then the most renowned mediums produced far more impressive word for word communications and needed no letter or symbol gimmicks to assist them (e.g.  Leonora Piper, Blanche Cooper, Gladys Leonard).  Then and (to a lesser extent) even now, whole books were composed on the basis of channeled material. 

I see the need for new types of research with "word for word" mediums that would focus on questions like these 8:   

(1) What have you been doing since I last communicated with you?
(2) What were the last 5 experiences you had in your new world?
(3) Are there schools over there to help new arrivals to adjust to their new world?  If so, what insights have they taught you that we on earth would never guess?
(4) Are there Halls of Knowledge or special libraries there that contain the answer to scientific and spiritual questions that now elude us?  Can we use mediums to contact those who have made such important discoveries there? 

(5) How often are you allowed to visit loved ones back on earth?  Are you even capable of making your presence known to them? 

(6) What methods have you been taught to make contact with them?  Most importantly, what are the best methods for us to use to contact our deceased loved ones?

(7) In his NDE, George Ritchie visited a world "below" heaven, in which complex machines were being used and studied in what looked like research universities.  What kind of research is being done in such worlds and what are some of the most important new discoveries that have been made there?

(8) Emmanuel Swedenborg made several fascinating discoveries about the nature of the afterlie and the principles that govern them. Is it possible for modern astral explorers to achieve even more astral inisghts than ES?  If so, how?

I have no hope that such questions would lead to any breakthroughs.  Hence, my skepticism.  But even the chnnneled rationalizations for not answering such questions might be instructive.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #77 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 10:24pm
Concrete quotations from George Ritchie's NDE and Swedenborg's astral research might make our discussion of postmotem memory issues clearer.

Psychiatrist George Ritchie experienced the most influential and one of the most in depth NDEs ever recorded.   It is his NDE experienced as a young solider during World War II that inspired Raymond Moody to research NDEs for his influential book “Life After Life.”  Together with Howard Storm’s “My Descent into Death,” 

Ritchie’s book “Return from Tomorrow” ranks as my favorite NDE book and certainly the best written.  This post picks up his story after Christ has appeared to him as a blazing Being of Light and taken him on a tour of the locales of various earthbound spirits. Christ then takes hiim to a higher, more peaceful educational plane.  Let me quote a few snippets from Ritchie’s enthralling description of that plane:

“We entered a studio where music of a complexity I couldn’t begin to follow was being composed and performed.  There were complicated rhythms, tones not on any scale I knew. . .Now we walked through a library the size of the whole University of Richmond.  I gazed into rooms lined floor to floor with documents on parchment, clay, leather, metal, paper.  `Here,’ the thought occurred to me, `are assembled all the important books of the universe.’...Then abruptly, at the door of one of the smaller rooms, almost an annex: `Here is the central  thought of this earth [70-71].’”

“I could not tell if they were men or women, old or young, for all were covered from head to toe in loose-flowing hooded cloaks which made me think vaguely of monks.  But the atmosphere was not at all as I imagined a monastery.  It was more like some tremendous study center, humming with the excitement of great discovery.  Everyone we passed in the wide halls and on  the curving stair cases seemed caught up in some all-engrossing activity; not many words were exchanged among them.  And yet I sensed no unfriendliness between these beings, rather an aloofness of total concentration.”

THEMSELVES.  Through open doors I glimpsed enormous rooms filled with complex equipment.  In several of the rooms hooded figures bent over intricate charts and diagrams, or sat at the controls of elaborate consoles flickering with lights....I felt that some vast experiment was being pursued, perhaps dozens and dozens of such experiments [69-70] .”

The educational realm witnessed by Ritchie seems reminiscent of some descriptions of Focus 27 in the Monroe-Moen scheme of “astral geography.”  But Ritchie detects that its inhabitants are still incapable of perceiving Christ’s exalted presence and that even this peaceful realm does not yet qualify as Heaven.

The astral insights of Ritchie and R. Bruce might have profound implications for deceased souls from higher planes who might otherwise want to retrieve their loved ones who are "stuck" in lower or hellish planes. To what extent do they even remember these “trapped” loved ones, let alone their loved ones who are still alive on the earth?

Swedenborg explores astral memory problems in greater depth than either Ritchie or R. Bruce.   Here is a sampling of some ES quotes about the status of memory in “the World of Spirits,” a realm “below” the Heavens:

“We have two memories, an inner and an outer, or a natural one and a spiritual one. We are not aware that we have this inner memory.  How much better the inner memory is than the outer one! The contents of our outer memory are in the world’s light, while the contents of our inner memory are in heaven’s light.  It is because of our inner memory that we can think and talk intelligently and rationally.  Absolutely everything we have thought, said, done, seen, and heard is inscribed on our inner memory....Things that have become second nature to us and part of our life and therefore have been erased from our outer memory are in our inner memory (463, note b)."

After death, adult memory “stays fixed and then goes dormant; but it still serves their thinking after death as an outmost plane because their thought flows into it.  This is why the nature of this plane and the way their rational activity answers to its contents determines the nature of the individual after death (#345)."

".All that remain are the rational abilities that now serve as a basis for thinking and talking.   We actually take with us our entire natural memory, but its contents are not open to our inspection and do not enter into our thought as when we were living in this world...To the extent that our spirit has become rational by means of our insights and learning in this world, we are rational after
our departure from the body (#355).”
“The reason our outer memory goes dormant as far as material things are concerned is that they cannot be recreated.  Spirits and angels [= discarnate people] actually talk from the affections and consequent thoughts of their minds, so they cannot utter anything that does not square with these...I have talked with any number of people who were regarded as learned in the world because of their knowledge of such ancient languages as Hebrew and Greek and Latin, but had not developed their rational functioning by means of the things that were written in thos  languages. Some of them seemed as simple as people who did not know anything about those languages; some of them seemed dense, though there still remained a pride as though they were wiser than other people (#464).”

“I have also talked with some people who had believed in the world that wisdom depends on how much we have in our memory and who have therefore filled their memories to bursting.  They talked almost exclusively from those items, which meant that they were not talking for themselves, but for others; and they had not developed any rational functioning by means of these matters of memory.   Some of them were dense, some silly, with no grasp of truth whatever (#464).”

“Our rational faculty is like a garden or flower bed, like newly tilled land.  Our memory is the soil, information and experiential learning are the seeds, while heaven’s light and warmth make them productive...There is no germination unless heaven’s light, which is divine truth, and heaven’s warmth, which is divine love, are let in.  They are the only source of rationality (#464).”   

“One particular spirit lamented the fact that he could not remember much of what he had known during his physical life.  He was grieving over the pleasure he had lost because it had been his chief delight.  He was told, though, that he had not lost anything at all and that he knew absolutely everything.  In the world where he was now living, he was not allowed to retrieve things like that.  It should satisfy him that he could now think and talk much better and more perfectly without immersing his rational functioning in dense clouds, in material and physical concerns, the way he had before, in concerns that were useless in the kingdom he had now reached (#465).”

“Since the natural objects that reside in our memory cannot be reproduced in a spiritual world, they become dormant the way they do when we are not thinking about them.  Even so, they can be reproduced when it so pleases the Lord (#461).”

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #78 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 3:26am
My take on it is slightly different and I try to put myself in the shoes of the deceased attempting to communicate. First of all I would be trying to take advantage of the small 'window of opportunity' I had been given and establishing it was really me by giving information such as identifying pet nick names etc. Secondly, I would send my love to those left behind. When skeptics point out the mundanity of messages I would respond - only mundane to the onlooker far from mundane to the individuals involved ! If love really is the most important thing in the world then we should not be surprised that that is a dominant theme of the message. Just like the hurried messages of the passengers on the doomed 9/11 flights to relatives at home was one of love.

We must also remember that most of the deceased are ordinary men and women and not astral adepts like Swedenberg with his focus. I sense that there may be an idea that since everyone is going that way there is plenty of time to find out what it is like there ! I agree with Mathew's point that the main thing may be to concentrate on the 'here and now' and not 'spoil the punchline'. There is also the sense that that world may also be in some sense ineffable to us embedded as we are in space and time.

Having said that there are course exceptions that mediums don't talk about the nature of the afterlife, such as Arthur Findlay's 'On the Edge of the Etheric' amongst others discussed on Victor Zammit's 'What Happens when we Die' page at :
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #79 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 7:07am
There is a sense that if communication with the otherside were a free exchange, that we might "spoil the purpose" (ruin the punchline) of incarnating in the first place.

Yes I always come to this thought, when I can't put it all together, that there seems to be some missing part. Some who report NDE's say that the thinking process works differently "over there" because the cultural constraints and the directionality of time no longer rule. Maybe the punchline is only clear when these constraints are not in play.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #80 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 8:14am
Berserk2 wrote on Jun 5th, 2012 at 6:13pm:
Many astral explorers lead us to believe that there is a Hall of Knowledge in Focus 27
that contains all knowlege, including secrets of the universe.

Monroe, in his third and last book writes on page 143, Monroe writes
about The Memory Layer, which seems to be part of his I-There.
Perhaps The Memory Layer is related to F 15?

I'm not sure that The Memory Layer is the same as the thing some
call the Akashica, because The Memory Layer seems more related to
Monroe's own I-There. But still, it's an interesting observation.

Further, notice that Monroe called the most of his astral travels and
our universe for "local traffic", and he called ELS (and F 27) for local-local traffic.
So my guess is that whatever Knowledge resides in F 27, it is not _all_ the secrets.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #81 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 1:32pm
I have been posting on the Shroud of Turin thread not because I believe in its authenticity but because (1) the creation of the shroud is still scientificially inexplicable and (2) its autnenticity is in principle falsifiable, given better dating techniques, one of which will soon be applied to the shroud.  Similarly, channeling is a mystery, in which many have personal and ego investment as a matter of faith.  So any attempt to coerce belief or rejection is likely to provoke resistance, even resentment.  Therefore, the most constructive approach is to explore all the barriers to its credibility to place paranormal claims in a more comprehensive theoretical context.  But IMO the argument that there are just some things we are not meant to know is a cop-out designed to undermine the falsifiability of channeling claims.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #82 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 3:02pm

you seem to accept the paranormality of some mediumship ( more than many materialist scientists !) but  indicate that it is better explained as mind reading or tapping the collective unconscious i.e 'super-ESP' than genuine discarnate contact. But are you sure that the super-ESP hyothesis itself is falsifiable ?

David Fontana writes in ' Is There an Afterlife' p.107-108: ' the possible existence of Super-Psi cannot be refuted, and in theory it remains conceiveable that any evidence for survival could be explained away as originating in the psychic abilities of the living. However, my experience of mediumship began over 35 years ago, and during these years I have sat with and interviewed any number of mediums and sitters and those reporting spontaneous cases. To date, I have not met anyone (including myself) who has thought it appropriate to attribute highly significant veridical information received through mediums to super-ESP rather than to survival.'.

Fontana devotes a sizeable section to super-ESP but rather than copying out a large chunk I quote a small piece, but it represents his unequivocal view, based on much of his life studying mediumship, that Super-ESP is not the best explanation. I believe that he came to this view, not through any credulity or investment in mediumship but because that was where the evidence took him. Unless one rejects mediumship as evidence for survival a priori, maybe based on some kind of dogma, then the evidence as a whole is impressive.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #83 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 4:07pm
...the most constructive approach is to explore all the barriers to its credibility to place paranormal claims in a more comprehensive theoretical context. But IMO the argument that there are just some things we are not meant to know is a cop-out designed to undermine the falsifiability of channeling claims.

Don, I agree.  Exploring all possibilities is the best way to develop our theories.  As far as I can tell it is rare for a medium to be in contact with an actual deceased loved one.  It is possible of course, just unlikely in my opinion.  More likely is being in contact with another spiritual being that has the ability to access memory in a "database" if the medium doesn't have the ability to access it themselves.   

As far as things we are not meant to know being cop-out I feel, based on my experience, that is an accurate statement.  It isn't that we are not meant to know, but that we do not always have the capability to access the information because of the limitations of ELS as well as our own limitations.  And of course one's own interpretation comes into play many times distorting the information accessed.

Post mortem memory loss seems natural, especially if we consider the only moment we truly appear to exist in is the present moment.  We may be able to recall past events, yet many times even the way in which we remember them is clouded by the passing of time.  Sometimes we think that after death we will know more than what we are able to know while alive.  I'm not so sure about that.  I think we can only know what we have experienced and how we interpreted the meaning of those experiences. Is this the case after death?  I don't know, but I do think it is something to consider.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #84 - Jun 6th, 2012 at 4:35pm
Hi Kathy,

Great to have you back posting here again!
I want to draw a parallel to my own spiriitual limitations.  Many years ago, a very insightful Anglican bishop, William Temple, succinctly expressed his own barrier to effective ministry: "When I pray, coincidences happen, when I don't, they don't."  What he meant was this: when he was too busy to spend significant regular time in prayer and meditation, faith-inspiring coincidences and unexpected chances to bless others became dramatically less frequent.

Temple's simple observation applies to my experience as well.  When God seems to put me on the shelf for a while, it is tempting for me to rationalize and tell myself, "Well, you are not needed to help people around you right now!  Or God wants you to take a break from ministry; so ignore the temporary `drought.'" That rationalization may be true, butit  is suspiciously unfalsifiable.  It is more helpful for me to wonder if the coincidences have vanished because I have allowed myself to become too busy to meditate and pray or because my motivation has been contaminated by an unpleasant confrontation, conversation, or frustration.  Reflecting on such possibilities allows me to do some soul-searching and test my true attitudes.  Then when I correct myself, I can observe whether benign coincidences begin to return.  In other words, my approach to life becomes more falsifiable (testable) and puts me in a position to grow and learn. 

Similarly, with respect to the authenticity of channeling, we must provisionally resist the temptation to take positions that make our research immune to falsification even in principle.  But I also believe it is useful to ask why the true answers to certain types of questions might be spiritually harmful or might interfere with spiritual growth.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #85 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:55am
But IMO the argument that there are just some things we are not meant to know is a cop-out designed to undermine the falsifiability of channeling claims.

not some things you are not meant to know

some things you have to learn by your self that cannot be fit into words. Something inexpressable in words.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #86 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 4:03am
'As far as I can tell it is rare for a medium to be in contact with an actual deceased loved one.  It is possible of course, just unlikely in my opinion.  More likely is being in contact with another spiritual being that has the ability to access memory in a "database" if the medium doesn't have the ability to access it themselves.'

Hi Kathy,

I'd be interested to know how you came to this point of view.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #87 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:48am
The presence of a shared consciousness, universal consciousness or Super Psi, is, by our current definition, proof of the existence of a process outside of our knowledge of physical reality or the physical plane.  Because of this, I am always amused when I see arguments that no afterlife contact was made since a medium was simply tapping into a universal mind. 

Western science doesn't quite have a place for thought or mind.  It is more considered a curiousity of neurochemical origin.  But as far as modern science goes, the idea of a true "mind" be it single or group, is not a tangible physical reality (or one reproducible or reliably manipulated by surgery or predictable). 

If one postulates a universal mind that one connects to outside of the physical world, then one is mostly at a destination in the afterlife or mental plane of consciousness.  It seems straight forward to me, but the distinction isn't as clear as people assume. 

So we have to do better than to write off real contact with a deceased person as mining information from some ghostly Dewey Decimal system, since there is no evidence of the existence of this mental plane in the physical world. 

Once we prove that we are more than our physical bodies, then we have crossed a line to a realm of consciousness independent of biological processes, and more suited to the concept of survival/afterlife in a mental plane.


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Lights of Love
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #88 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 12:01pm
Hi Don,

Temple's and your observation most likely applies to each of us in various ways.  We all live in this world.  It is all we know in the sense of our languages, cultures, beliefs, etc.  In everything we meet we project our "physicality" on to it.  There is a great deal of uncertainty and ambiguity not only in the things we perceive as external, but in what we perceive as internal as well.  I think what you're saying is that there are times when we lose touch with what we call God within because we do have a tendency to become focused on the external.

I think this is an intended, natural process just as our desire for seeking God within is also an intended, natural process.  A time... a season...  It all leads to the progression of our spiritual growth as you say.  We need that duality to manifest in our lives in order to have the ability to choose that which is for the betterment of not only our own growth, but for the benefit of the growth of others as well. 

To me life itself is to be lived as a prayer, as being in a meditative, contemplative state.  Sure we could consider the "coincidences" coming and going as a way to test our true attitudes, even our abilities and it may be somewhat reliable as well, but to me the whole point of our earthly existence is to become more loving, more caring, patient, kind, courageous, tolerant, etc.  This is our purpose, the reason we are experiencing physicality. 

When we are those things the sweetness of our essence, or God within up wells and radiates from us and our loving intent flows naturally from us.  To me, this is the true measure of how well we are doing.  Within us there is something mystical, mesmerizing and whole.  We all know this intuitively and we all seek to identify it, the unidentifiable.  Yet the unidentifiable has substance, has tangibility, yet is ineffably indescribable.

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #89 - Jun 7th, 2012 at 2:43pm
DocM wrote on Jun 7th, 2012 at 6:48am:
The presence of a shared consciousness, universal consciousness or Super Psi, is, by our current definition, proof of the existence of a process outside of our knowledge of physical reality or the physical plane.  Because of this, I am always amused when I see arguments that no afterlife contact was made since a medium was simply tapping into a universal mind. 

Western science doesn't quite have a place for thought or mind.  It is more considered a curiousity of neurochemical origin.  But as far as modern science goes, the idea of a true "mind" be it single or group, is not a tangible physical reality (or one reproducible or reliably manipulated by surgery or predictable). 

If one postulates a universal mind that one connects to outside of the physical world, then one is mostly at a destination in the afterlife or mental plane of consciousness.  It seems straight forward to me, but the distinction isn't as clear as people assume. 

So we have to do better than to write off real contact with a deceased person as mining information from some ghostly Dewey Decimal system, since there is no evidence of the existence of this mental plane in the physical world. 

Once we prove that we are more than our physical bodies, then we have crossed a line to a realm of consciousness independent of biological processes, and more suited to the concept of survival/afterlife in a mental plane.



I agree Mathew. It seems strange to me to offer up a mutually exclusive medium real contact or super-ESP duality when there is no rationale to differentiate or test between them ! You hit the nail on the head; when the causal link between consciousness and biological process is broken, the Rubicon has been crossed.
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