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Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen (Read 60970 times)
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #60 - Jun 3rd, 2012 at 5:15pm
Why do you ask if I am a troll? Are you a follower of Sai Baba and I hit a nerve?
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #61 - Jun 3rd, 2012 at 5:21pm
More evidence to prove Baba was nothing but a cheap charlatan. Hope such proof does not disrupt your paradigm too much Pauli.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #62 - Jun 3rd, 2012 at 10:57pm
Ottawa, thanks for that.  I agree that Sai Baba is immoral and dishonest.  But in the history of witchcraft psychics of dubious character have still been able to display paranormal gifts.  But the real  question is why Robert Bruce must be deemed a liar for claiming to see a vision of Sai Baba.  His vision of Sai Baba might be either the product of a spirit impersonator or a hallucination.  I'm not a big fan of Robert Bruce personally, but I do think he is a astral adept.  So when he independently confirms Swedenborg's discovery that discarnate souls soon find their earth memories dormant and rarely available, I take this seriously as problematic for the chatty ease with which mediums connect seekers with loved ones, who are remarkably adept at retrieving detailed memories.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #63 - Jun 4th, 2012 at 12:57pm

I won't say that Robert Bruce doesn't astral project at all, because I don't know. Perhaps he has projected alot. Nevertheless, for the reasons I stated plus others I don't completely trust him.

Plus, I'd rather be like Mother Terressa than like a person who can astral project a lot.

When it comes to receiving information from/about deceased loved ones, there might be occasions when  friendly beings pass on messages for the sake of deceased loved ones who aren't currently capable of communicating with the people who try to communicate with them.

Berserk2 wrote on Jun 3rd, 2012 at 10:57pm:
Ottawa, thanks for that.  I agree that Sai Baba is immoral and dishonest.  But in the history of witchcraft psychics of dubious character have still been able to display paranormal gifts.  But the real  question is why Robert Bruce must be deemed a liar for claiming to see a vision of Sai Baba.  His vision of Sai Baba might be either the product of a spirit impersonator or a hallucination.  I'm not a big fan of Robert Bruce personally, but I do think he is a astral adept.  So when he independently confirms Swedenborg's discovery that discarnate souls soon find their earth memories dormant and rarely available, I take this seriously as problematic for the chatty ease with which mediums connect seekers with loved ones, who are remarkably adept at retrieving detailed memories. 

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #64 - Jun 4th, 2012 at 2:27pm
Berserk, do you believe Sai Baba had any paranormal powers? If so, which ones. Thanks.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #65 - Jun 4th, 2012 at 4:07pm
I have seen the slight of hand videos, and have no doubt that these were simple magician's tricks.  Now, does that mean that any other claims he made were fraudulent, and so were his teachings?  Pretty much.  If you are a habitual liar in one aspect of your life, it is unlikely that you will be truthful in other aspects.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #66 - Jun 4th, 2012 at 4:19pm
Sai Baba used to supposedly materialize one brand of watch.  Then that brand became unavailable and he supposedly started to materialize another brand. Maybe it was a matter of trademark issues. Cheesy

DocM wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 4:07pm:
I have seen the slight of hand videos, and have no doubt that these were simple magician's tricks.  Now, does that mean that any other claims he made were fraudulent, and so were his teachings?  Pretty much.  If you are a habitual liar in one aspect of your life, it is unlikely that you will be truthful in other aspects.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #67 - Jun 4th, 2012 at 6:05pm
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #68 - Jun 4th, 2012 at 8:29pm
OK, enough on Sai Baba already!  What about the general principle that astral explorers (e. g. Robert Bruce, Swedenborg) encounter discarnates who don't seem to recall their earth lives?  Would you concede that that might be a problem for the chatty ease with mediums extract detailed information from discarnates about their earth lives?  Or is it better to see the medium as gleaning information from the lving or deceased minds without that person even being aware of this?  Thus, the proxy sitter at Blanche Cooper's reading received detailed information about Gordon Davis's past and future life without Davis's awareness.  Indeed, Cooper portrayed Davis as deceased and only concerned about his surviving wife and child.  But Davis was alive at the time and on a business trip.  Here's the key: the sitter had been wrongly informed that Davis was dead!
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #69 - Jun 4th, 2012 at 10:05pm
I agree Don. Sai Baba is off topic. Whoever brought him into the conversation should be flogged. Wink

Berserk2 wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 8:29pm:
OK, enough on Sai Baba already!  What about the general principle that astral explorers (e. g. Robert Bruce, Swedenborg) encounter discarnates who don't seem to recall their earth lives?  Would you concede that that might be a problem for the chatty ease with mediums extract detailed information from discarnates about their earth lives?  Or is it better to see the medium as gleaning information from the lving or deceased minds without that person even being aware of this?  Thus, the proxy sitter at Blanche Cooper's reading received detailed information about Gordon Davis's past and future life without Davis's awareness.  Indeed, Cooper portrayed Davis as deceased and only concerned about his surviving wife and child.  But Davis was alive at the time and on a business trip.  Here's the key: the sitter had been wrongly informed that Davis was dead!

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #70 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 1:11am
Ah! Come off it Don! As usual you need a springboard to launch your boring Christian based argumentative spiel such as using the recent posts from the 'Depresso Sisters' Judith and Deanna...
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #71 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 5:36am
Berserk2 wrote on Jun 4th, 2012 at 8:29pm:
What about the general principle that astral explorers (e. g. Robert Bruce, Swedenborg) encounter discarnates who don't seem to recall their earth lives?

I'm not sure if I'm on topic, but I think I recall that Moen or Buhlman have mentioned that discarnates may forget their previous lives and get absorbed into some kind of world (not necessarily BST) which fits their state of mind. They end up like they were in a dream and don't question much what they are doing.

Like Max in the "Max Hell" chapter. Max is an emotional sadist, he is so absorbed by his own state of being that he completely has forgotten about his Earthly life. He may not be in a true BST world, meaning it's not based on a religious belief, but still it's one of the BST Focuses, probably a F 24 or F 25 Hell.

His world is real to him, and as long as he can't free himself from the way he is, he will probably not remember anything from physical life.

Sometimes people just refuses to accept that they are dead, they deny it or don't realize it. Instead they create their own realities like the White Collar Businessman.

Other beings may never have been born as humans, so they can't remember any human life.
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #72 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 7:52am
I tend to agree with Swedenborg, who noted that when you leave the earth plane, as you are distanced from common earthly sensory experiences, you push some of them back in your memory.  Spiritual senses may be heightened but are, by their very nature different than earthly senses.  There is no earthly "biology" that we know of in heaven, and hence, common day-to-day physical experiences begin to fade, and we may forget certain earth-plane related things.  This is why, it confuses me that mediums often bring up the opposite information, such as the exact date of a birth or death 30 years before. I very much doubt that many elderly people are aware of the dates of their death, yet a medium may come out with June 27, 1976.  Now come makes much more sense that the medium is pulling a number from a source (like what has been described as an akashic record) in those instances.  However, the information is always intriguing.

Communication with those in the mental plane is always a two-way street, and this may, in part explain the fuzziness of some information that is received.  We are assuming that when Robert Bruce or E.S. reported spirits with memory trouble, that they were certain of it.  But what were the connections between these incarnate human beings and the discarnate ones?  Was the communication free and chatty, or were they filtering their "impressions" of the conversation through the interpreter in their physical brains?   Of course this question can not be answered.

However we can take, as an example remote viewing  (RV) as a corollary situation.  In RV, a person opens their mind and tries to examine an object in a distant part of the world based solely on what they are told of its longitude and latitude (and similar information).  The worst remote viewers get caught up in interpreting or misinterpreting the fleeting images they get.  Thus, steel girders from a destroyed building may come across as a bridge crossing over water, because the RViewer's mind interprets the image, even if the interpretation is incorrect.  Our minds tend to try to make order out of things - to see patterns where none may exist. 

The same may be true for communications by mediums and astral explorers.  The mind of the person still living may color the interpretation of factual information. 

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #73 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 4:58pm
' What about the general principle that astral explorers (e. g. Robert Bruce, Swedenborg) encounter discarnates who don't seem to recall their earth lives?  Would you concede that that might be a problem for the chatty ease with mediums extract detailed information from discarnates about their earth lives?  Or is it better to see the medium as gleaning information from the lving or deceased minds without that person even being aware of this?  Thus, the proxy sitter at Blanche Cooper's reading received detailed information about Gordon Davis's past and future life without Davis's awareness.  Indeed, Cooper portrayed Davis as deceased and only concerned about his surviving wife and child.  But Davis was alive at the time and on a business trip.  Here's the key: the sitter had been wrongly informed that Davis was dead! '

The Gordon Davis is interesting, because if true, it supports evidence of paranormality as Blanche Cooper did not know Gordon Davis. But there is more than one interpretation of it. For example did a (unconscious) sub-aspect of Davis's personailty manifest itself in the stress of warfare with an obvious regard for his family's welfare (wartime 'crisis' apparitions to loved ones are a well-known phenomenon). That our normal, consious everyday self is only the tip of the psychic iceberg is a staple idea of everyone from Freudian psychoanalysis to Moen's 'state specific consciousness' and aspect retrieval. Such a sub-personality may be unconscious to us normally but still exist. In different circumstances we may be aware of it e.g under hypnosis. Surely this may be just evidence that we are much more than we think we are. Further to that I'm not sure we can legitimately extrapolate this case to account for other apparent cases of mediumship because in nearly all other cases the 'communicator' is demonstrably deceased !
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #74 - Jun 5th, 2012 at 6:13pm
For me, the greatest single problem for the genuiness of channeling is the deafening silence, the breakthrough insights that we would naturally expect, but never receive.  Must we assume that our deceased loved ones learn nothing new about the purpose of life, the nature of human consiciousness, unknown principles that govern effective prayer and paranormal abilities?  Many astral explorers lead us to believe that there is a Hall of Knowledge in Focus 27 that contains all knowlege, including secrets of the universe.  If channeling is genuine, should we not expect all kinds of unexpected insights about the differences between life here and life there?  Al kinds of unexpected insights about the stages and methods of spiritual progress on the other side?  As it is, what gets channeled (e. g. the Seth books of Jane Roberts) is disconcertingly mundane and deficient in imagination--just the sort of disclosures that one would expect if this is nothing but a projection of our unconsious minds, supplemented by some amazing access to group mind or the collective unconscious to provide that paranormal information under discussion.  Communication with afterlife territories might naturally be expected to provide scientific and other nonoccult breakthroughs for human life on earth.  The deafening silences render the most impressive parnormal "verifications" unconvincing, at least to me.

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