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Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen (Read 60939 times)
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #30 - Mar 16th, 2006 at 1:03pm

As always you give us a full course meal that needs to be thoroughly digested.  Yes, truth is given up to a point, but whether the whole truth and nothing but the truth is given, that's what we have to watch out for.

Let me repeat an account of afterlife contact that I heard on the radio last year.  The person telling the story had lost her dad, and she was describing the scene in the family parlor as friends and family gathered to comfort her grieving mother.  For those who have already read this, I apologize in advance.

Anyway, as they were talking and remembering her dad, suddenly the vase resting on top of the tv set rose into the air.  It moved across the room to where the grieving widow sat.  It then suddenly dropped to the floor, shattering into many pieces.

All of the people in the room witnessed this event.  Two of the people actually reported seeing a pair of transparent hands carrying the vase altho they didn't see the full body.

Now, here's where the story gets even more intriguing.  The husband, while alive, often told his wife how much he hated that vase and how he wished she'd get rid of it.  The smashing of the vase, after the initial shock of it wore off, became convincing evidence in the minds of the mother and daughter that the husband/father was still very much alive.  They ended up laughing over the incident, relieved and at the same time finding his unique way of letting them know he survived death to be really funny.

Now, the woman recounting this story came across as extremely credible.  Granted, she could have been making the whole thing up.  I wish there was a way of following up on this story.

But, if true, it raises the $64,000 question- why don't the other 99.9% of us whose loved ones have died get the same kind of convincing evidence that death is not final?  Why is it that in this case, it seemed so easy for the guy to do?  As I recall, the daughter made a point out of saying that he was just an ordinary guy with an ordinary life, like millions of others. 

Maybe there really is a "thin place" where the membrane between the two worlds is transparent and the family just happened to be at one of those places.

Who knows?

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #31 - Mar 16th, 2006 at 6:20pm

I often remind posters of a striking finding in a study of ADC contact.  50% of Americans and 48% of the British report convincing contact with their deceased loved ones, generally within the first year after their passing.   After a year, such contacts become less frequent--a fact that demands explanation.  But, Rondele,  I'm confident that very few of these contacts rise to the evidential level of the inspiring account you've just shared with us.  Still, I think such breath-taking contacts are made more often than you might think.  So I propose to answer your question in two separate threads. First, I will post in one place some of the most impressive postmortem contacts that I have encountered.  Second, in my next post, I will try to give my most thorough response yet to your question of why our deceased loved ones don't contact us more often in the spectacular manner of the Bauerle case.

(1) On "Coast to Coast" last Tuesday, George Noory interviewed Catherine Lanigan, the author of "The Jewel on the Nile" and "Romancing the Stone."  Catherine has had NDEs herself and recently authored a book entitled "Divine Nudges" which records wonderful verifications of an afterlife.  She documents cases of hospital and hospice workers who themselves witness angelic visitations to patients facing imminent death.  

For me, her most striking example illustrates a high-grade  "physical" verification that rivals your Bauerle story.  Dr. Lerna shared this amazing account of his female patient's passing in a Houston hospital.  Shortly before her passing, Lerna witnessed a glow on her face as she was conversing with an unseen angel.   Afterwards, she cradled a 3 1/2 inch feather in the palm of her hand that the angel had given her.  She told Dr. Lerna that the angel had come on a take-away mission and that she would shortly pass over.  But the angel wanted her to give Dr. Lerna the feather that the angel had created and placed in her palm.  Lerna kept it in a plastic bag in his office.  Within a month, the feather began to shrink, and within a few days, it detematerialized altogether to demonstrate its etheric origin!

(2) Dr. Lerna's experience is strikingly similar to one of my own during my United Methodist pastorate in the Finger Lakes region of New York.  I had just preached a sermon on Jesus' Transfiguration.  In this story Peter, James, and John witness the return of Moses and Elijah from the afterlife to converse with Jesus on a mountain about His pending atoning death.  I concluded the sermon by blurting out something I never intended to say and immediately regretted saying.  I assured the congregation that some of them would have their own "mountaintop" experience in the coming week.  Later I thought to myself, "Great!  Now when nothing happens, what are your people going to think?  Why did you make that rash claim?"

Here is what happened that week.  John, a retired Kodak executive, went mountain climbing with his wife in Colorado.  On a tiny ledge, he found a nice ring that fit him perfectly.  I didn't share his excitement at this discovery--until Bob called.  Bob had lived in his new home for only 3 years.  He had just discovered his late mother's lost ring on his made bed---a ring he hadn't seen in 40 years!  He excitedly called his friend to share the news.  His friend was absolutely astounded because he too had just discovered his Mom's lost ring on his bedroom dresser!  

God had arranged for John's discovery of the ring on the mountain ledge to get me to associate rings with a "mountaintop experience."  The  mothers' rings from heaven echoed the return of Moses and Elijah from the afterlife to be with Jesus and His disciples on the mountain.  Not long before, I had preached a sermon on the Parable of the Prodigal Son in which I stressed the role of the Father's ring as a symbol of God's love for those who return to God after going astray.

I left that church and moved to Buffalo.  A few years later, Bob called me and I remarked that his Mom's ring must now be a real treasure---a reminder of her survival.  Bob confessed that both his Mom's ring and the ring of his friend's Mom had mysteriously vanished within a couple of days!  Apparently, these etheric rings suffered a similar fate to that of Dr. Lerna's feather!  I was sorry Bob hadn't told me about this sooner because I had lost touch with John and wanted to know if his mountaintop ring had also vanished.

(3) These verifications with materializing objects are paralleled by the family encounter with Mother Nellie by a Presbyerian minister (Howell Vincent) and his family:

"On at least two occasions this radiant mother had come to Rea in visible, tangible form and  talked with her. In 1933, I was privileged to be present at one of thse heavenly visits by [the late] Mother Nellie.  toghether with Rea I talked with Nellie, fully recognizing her face and form and voice.  I saw he place her hand on Rea's head in blessing, and I SAW HER GIVE REA A FLOWER, A CALENDULA, WHICH WE PRESSED AND KEPT.  At that time 3 other members of our famiy were present, including Rea's second mother, Agnes, and they all saw Nellie and talked with her, as Rea and I did.  We were all wide awake and walked about the room with Nellie (Howell Vincent, "Lighted Passage," 25)."

(4) Leonard was a man of unimpeachable integrity and kindness--a dear friend whom I had often visited.  I had supported him in his agony over his health problems and those of his wife, brother, and cousin.  So I was surprised that he seemed so little affected by the tragic deaths of his son Jeff and his family in a private plane crash.  Curious, I finally asked his wife Helen about this when Leonard wasn't around.  She glowed and said, "Oh, Leonard received confirmation that his son's family was OK after the crash."  More curious now, I wondered why Leonard had never shared this story with me.  So I gingerly waited for the right time to ask him.  He grew misty-eyed and shared his incredible story with me.

A day or so after the funeral, Leonard got into his son's pickup to do some errands.  As he approached the end of his driveway, hs noticed someone ernerging from the deep ditch and approaching the truck.  It was his son Jeff!  Leonard was paralyzed with shock.  Jeff walked up and asked, "Dad, do you mind if I take the truck for one last spin for old time's sake?"  A numb Leonard quickly moved over and let Jeff drive.  Jeff reassured him that his wife Karen and their 2 kids were OK on the other side.  Jeff then clarified his investment and overall financial situation to help his Dad tie up loose ends.  Finally, Jeff turned left on a deserted country road, drove about 2 miles, and stopped the truck.  He mused, "Dad, I love you, but I'm not permitted to go any further."  He got out of his truck, walked towards a nearby clump of trees, and vanished just like the deceased baseball players in the movie "Field of Dreams."  Leonard drove home, still in a state of shock.  

The next day he was still overwhelmed with grief and decided to go for a long walk in the woods behind his house.  Overwhelmed by sadness, he sat down on a log and wept profusely.  Then he heard footsteps.  It was Jeff's deceased wife Karen.   She approached him and asked firmly, "Didn't we tell you we were all OK?  You get back in the house and comfort Mom!"  This second incident broke the back of Leonard's grief.

Leonard now gazed into my incredulous eyes with a pained expression on his face.  He sensed my skepticism and confessed that he had kept this experience a secret out of fear of ridicule.  i could not help my skeptical facial expression.   This account is so disanalogous to my life experience.  But it is perfectly analogous to Jesus' resurrection appearances in which He allowed his wounds to be touched and cooked and ate fish with his disciples.  I felt ashamed at my reaction because I had badgered Leonard to share his story and because he is an absolutely credible witness.  Rationally, this experience is the most compelling evidence for postmortem survival I've ever encountered.

(5) I met Phyllis at a wedding reception.  She was a very stoic but attractive doctor with a PhD in medical research.  Her mnther had recently died and Phyllis couldn't deal with this; so she didn't.  Phyllis was then so badly injured in a car crash that she had her first NDE.  She ascended to a "mall that wasn't really a mall" in Paradise.  It was "a mall of white light."  A mall band played beautiful music in the background.  At a table in front of her sat her mother.  Her mother scolded her: "You haven't come to terms with me death yet!  Get on with your grieving process!  Your stoic attitude is holding back my progess over here!"  A sulking Phyllis returned to her body, still unable to grieve.

A year later, she contracted a life-threatening illness (some type of cancer, I think).  In the hospital, her illness took a turn for the worse and she had a second NDE.  Back she was in the same mall in Paradise and there again sat her angry mother at a table.  Her mother again scolded her: "Why won't you listen to me?   You need to come to terms with my loss!"   Then her Mom did something interesting.  She pointed to the table and said: "You have to make this table vanish!"  Evidently, the table was a symbol of the unresolved baggage between Mon and daughter.  
A depressed Phyllis found no consolation in the unearthly music that was being played in the background.  Finally, defeated, Phyllis moaned: "Well, I guess I'll just return to my body now."  Her mother snapped: "No, you're not ready yet to go back.  You go with these young men."  Immediately two men in white medical attire appeared to escort her to "an elevator that wasn't really an elevator.  It was an elevator of white light."  She was taken to some sort of Healing Center in Paradise where some sort of procedure was performed on her which she couldn't understand.  But when she returned to her body, she was completely healed and didn't need the surgery that was supposed to be performed on her.  I lost touch with Phyllis and don't know if she was ever able to release her emotions and grieve the loss of her mother.

I have shared some of these incidents before, but decided to repost them because of their potential accumulative impact.  I could multiple such examples.  Spectacular verifications of survival are  admittedly uncommon, but are not as rare as one might imagine.


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« Last Edit: Mar 17th, 2006 at 3:13pm by Berserk »  
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #32 - Mar 17th, 2006 at 12:59pm

These are all wonderful stories.  There does seem to be a parallel regarding the mild "scolding" attitude that comes across from the deceased to the physically living regarding Leonard's daughter in law and Phyliss' mother. 

But the more striking parallel exists in my vase story and your Leonard story.  In both cases, the deceased were able to physically affect the environment.  Moving a vase, driving a truck.....I always heard that the deceased are unable to move physical objects.  Their etheric hands go right thru physical things.

So now we have two questions to ponder.  (1) Why are such convincing cases of afterlife contact so relatively rare and (2) How are the "dead" able to manipulate physical objects?

I have read where they can disrupt electrical fields of energy....dimming lights, causing phones to ring, causing fragrances to appear, etc.  But I presume cases comparable to lifting a vase and especially driving a truck to be rare indeed.  What say you?

Rev. Vincent's account is also stunning.  I'm told by his grandson that those who knew him had zero doubt about his integrity and credibility.  As you know, he also performed retrievals of those killed on the WWII battlefields.  Allied troops or the enemy, it didn't matter.

So I look forward to your post explaining why such vivid afterlife contacts don't happen more often.  And if you have any insight as to how a spirit can drive a truck, I'd love to know!

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #33 - Mar 17th, 2006 at 2:50pm
Hi Roger,

One reason is, while the deceased in question seem rather 'normal' perhaps the were more spiritually advanced than the average and so have greater control of the M-band radiation (remember a certain percentage of people have experiences they never talk about too)?

If you believe those like Cayce or Monroe, then some people, and perhaps many people in the far past and future, had such a control of energy as to even recreate a body-vehicle, or a piece of real corn, etc.

  Cayce had the experirence of having a coin manifest for him, which he connected to his mother who had passed. 

  I would say such control of energy to move and manifest physical objects is still fairly rare.  And not every Soul who can do such, actually does it. 

  Btw-- I agree with you about some places acting as amplifying areas for nonphysical experiences.   The ancients connected these to a concept called Ley lines, and the places where some meet are particularly 'thin' areas of physical and nonphysical.  These areas are similar to the Chakras in the human body, the central energy vortex where many meridians interconnect.

  The similarity between both Earth ley lines, and human Chakras is that these are connected to Planetary and Star energies, supposedly.

  Or, do you remember Bruce's account of the Bermuda Triangle, where during certain alignments with Uranus, there is a dimensional portal of sorts opened up in the Triangle area because there is a large remnant piece of crystal core there?

  According to the C.W. he talked to, everything that disappears in the B. Triangle, during these certain alignments, actually ends up on Uranus.

  Personally, i don't want to test out this theory!

  How bout it Don, wanna try it out?
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #34 - Mar 18th, 2006 at 8:24pm

Rondele's questions are as important as any that can be asked to advance our understanding beyond our stagnant assumptions.  His questions are best addressed by astral insights in Emanuel Swedenborg's classic, "Heaven and Hell:"

“We have two memories, an inner and an outer, or a natural one and a spiritual one. We are not aware that we have this inner memory.  How much better the inner memory is than the outer one!  The contents of our outer memory are in the world’s light, while the contents of our inner memory are in heaven’s light.  It is because of our inner memory that we can think and talk intelligently and rationally.  Absolutely everything we have thought, said, done, seen, and heard is inscribed on our inner memory....Things that have become second nature to us and part of our life and therefore have been erased from our outer memory are in our inner memory (463, note b)."

After death, adult memory “stays fixed and then goes dormant; but it still serves their thinking after death as an outmost plane because their thought flows into it.  This is why the nature of this plane and the way their rational activity answers to its contents determines the nature of the individual after death (#345)."

".All that remain are the rational abilities that now serve as a basis for thinking and talking.   We actually take with us our entire natural memory, but its contents are not open to our inspection and do not enter into our thought as when we were living in this world...To the extent that our spirit has become rational by means of our insights and learning in this world, we are rational after our departure from the body (355).”
“The reason our outer memory goes dormant as far as material things are concerned is that they cannot be recreated.  Spirits and angels [= discarnate people] actually talk from the affections and consequent thoughts of their minds, so they cannot utter anything that does not square with these...I have talked with any number of people who were regarded as learned in the world because of their knowledge of such ancient languages as Hebrew and Greek and Latin, but had not developed their rational functioning by means of the things that were written in those languages. Some of them seemed as simple as people who did not know anything about those languages; some of them seemed dense, though there still remained a pride as though they were wiser than other people (464).”

“I have also talked with some people who had believed in the world that wisdom depends on how much we have in our memory and who have therefore filled their memories to bursting.  They talked almost exclusively from those items, which meant that they were not talking for themselves, but for others; and they had not developed any rational functioning by means of these matters of memory.   Some of them were dense, some silly, with no grasp of truth whatever (464).”

“Our rational faculty is like a garden or flower bed, like newly tilled land.  Our memory is the soil, information and experiential learning are the seeds, while heaven’s light and warmth make them productive...There is no germination unless heaven’s light, which is divine truth, and heaven’s warmth, which is divine love, are let in.  They are the only source of rationality (464).”    

“One particular spirit lamented the fact that he could not remember much of what he had known during his physical life.  He was grieving over the pleasure he had lost because it had been his chief delight.  He was told, though, that he had not lost anything at all and that he knew absolutely everything.  In the world where he was now living, he was not allowed to retrieve things like that.  It should satisfy him that he could now think and talk much better and more perfectly without immersing his rational functioning in dense clouds, in material and physical concerns, the way he had before, in concerns that were useless in the kingdom he had now reached (465).”

“Since the natural objects that reside in our memory cannot be reproduced in a spiritual world, they become dormant the way they do when we are not thinking about them.  Even so, they can be reproduced when it so pleases the Lord (461).”  

This last comment might be a key to understanding how our deceased loved ones can just occasionally contact us and even offer stunning verifications, despite the memory problems that might otherwise inhibit such communications.  

OBE adept, Robert Bruce, confirms ES's astral insights from the perspective of memory problems created by shifts in focus from one astral plane to another.   Robert reports on the problems he encounters when trying to extract memory information from spirit visitors to astral "hospitals":

“Memories of their earthly life also seem vague, much like how a half-forgotten dream is remembered by a living person.  Many spirits only seem to be aware of their present reality, that of being in the hospital scenario for an indeterminate length of time.  Some spirits, however, do have vague memories of their earthly life, and of coming from other dimensional areas; but have so far given me only very sketchy details....The most common response I get from asking spirits what it’s like where they come from is: `It’s really lovely there and everyone is so nice.  I don’t understand this.  I’m very sorry.  I know it well, and can picture it in my head, but I just can’t describe it to you.’”

“The surreal and dreamlike quality of memory of spirits I have encountered in these astral hospital areas may be caused by their being too far away from their natural, base-level of consciousness at the time.  Astral R & R hospital-like areas may be somewhere in between [spirit worlds and the physical dimension].  It seems that any shift away from the natural base level of consciousness, either for a spirit being or a human being, causes them to have a surreal experience and memory translation problems.  This...accounts...for the many difficulties and vagaries common in spirit communications and channeling in general.”

Robert Bruce's insights may have profound implications for deceased souls who might otherwise want to retrieve their loved ones who are "stuck" in lower or hellish planes.  

Psychiatrist George Ritchie experiences one of the most in depth NDEs ever recorded.   In his book "Return from Tomorrow,"  he describes his astral visit to a university-like learning plane below Heaven.  His visit seems to confirm the insights of Emanuel Swedenborg and Robert Bruce about the dormancy of earth memories there: "Whatever else these people might be, they appeared utterly and supremely self-forgetful--absorbed in some vast purpose beyond themselves"

Advanced souls may find it very difficult to cope with the spiritual vibration of lower spiritual planes through which they must pass to reach the earth plane. In his excellent book, "Living On: How Consciousness Continues and Evolves After Death," Paul Beard distills the insights of the best of classical channeling about the formidable barriers to successful retrievals from hellish planes:

“To enter these areas fills rescuers with a deep sense of distress; these helpers, sensitive men and women, can themselves become affected and drawn into some of the purblind emotions they seek to lift from others, and it they remain too long in this area they declare they can, to some extent, be temporarily overcome by them.  For the price to be paid in order to reach these minds is to lower their own consciousness and concepts to a level acceptable to, and capable of being understood by, those they hope to rescue.  Evil is powerful at its own level, and clearly a rescuer needs sterner qualities than those of the self-congratulatory do-gooder (88-89).”

One of the most memorable posters on Bruce's AK board was a fellow who had just mastered the OBE state.  He was reluctant to continue his exploration because of terrifying experiences he had when he descended to the lower planes.   He said he was overwhelmed by the toxic atmosphere and could barely resist succumbing to its hypnotic pressure to perform evil acts consistent with the defining purpose of those particular planes.  His negative experiences independently corroborate the revelations of the mediums reported by Paul Beard.

Advanced souls in the heavens may have other good reasons for their reluctance to try to contact earthly loved ones.  For example, they may be well aware of the cunning role of spirit impersonators from lower planes and the potential dangers they represent to surviving loved ones.  Advanced souls may not want to encourage their earthly loved ones to open their naive spirits to such deceptive spirit contamination and its dangers.

I must now explain why, despite these problems, some discarnate souls do succeed in providing remarkable, even "physical," verifications of their survival.  I must also explain why channeling can just occasionally be genuine and how all this squares with the biblical teaching about the ability of the saints to monitor our spiritual progress here on earth.   I will address these issues in my next planned post.  

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« Last Edit: Mar 28th, 2006 at 5:16pm by Berserk »  
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #35 - Mar 19th, 2006 at 6:33pm

Since our physical brain is the repository of all of our earthly experiences, and therefore our memories, it seems logical that the death of the body/brain would also mean the end of the spirit's earthly memories. 

Maybe what survives is not so much the specific memories but instead the psychic imprints of the more significant earthly experiences.  A person who was a celebrity and used to lots of adulation and praise might result in his/her spirit having attributes of importance or arrogance.  A person who was beaten down in life, emotionally and/or physically, might have a defeatist or fearful attribute after death.  And so on.

But the spirit might have only a fleeting memory of the specific circumstances that were faced while alive.

I seem to recall it was Ginny who had OBEs in very low levels while attempting retrievals, but maybe I'm wrong.  If even an adept has problems as Beard reports, you have to wonder about the fate of those trapped.

I look forward to your next post.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #36 - Mar 23rd, 2006 at 9:43pm

At first sight, the apparent postmortem loss of memory might be seen as as argument against the validity of channeling and an argument in favor of either demonic impersonation or a Super-ESP interpretation of ADC.  Bu I propose an alternate theory.  According to Classical Channeling, the dead eventually graduate from "the illusion of Summerland" (Focus 24-26) and then experience the Judgment, an in depth past life review:

“He [the deceased] is also now obliged to experience within himself the thoughts and feelings, the pains and pleasures which his actions caused in the lives of other people; exactly what he caused them to feel he, in turn, feels in himself now (Paul Beard, "Living On," p. 99).”

Beard then asks a profound but neglected question: “Some of the persons with whom he has had contact will still be on earth.  How then is it possible for their side of interlocked experience to be accessible to him during the Judgment (105)?"

One reply to this question is that Akashic records can be tapped which record all such experiential information.   But this reply suffers from a total lack of verification.  A related solution is to visit the Education Center in Focus 27.  Bruce Moen asks:

"Would you like to know every detail about any event in human history?  Go to the Education Center and Helpers there will show you how to access the information."  

Occasionally, posters recount their alleged visits to the Education Center.  When they do, they usually just find confirmation of their New Age orthodoxy.  If asked why they didn't ask for something decisively verifiable, they typically answer: "That's your agenda, not mine."  I find this brush-off hard to accept.  Suppose their research in the Center uncovered the cure for Cancer or even the location of Jimmy Hoffa's remains.   Suppose further that they could replicate similar impressive discoveries.  Then their astral visits could potentially change human destiny and spark a worldwide interest in astral travel and retrievals.  Why wouldn't every astral explorer want that?

According to A. Pauchard (a channeled discarnate), the in depth postmortem past life review "is not a continuous state" but rather "comes and goes, takes place and passes, one doesn’t know how or when ("Living On," p. 104).”

The reactivated and enhanced memory needed for this past life review is probably a vehicle used by our deceased loved ones to communicate with us. Perhaps a telltale sign of communication from this state is an attempt of our loved ones to reconcile, make amends, or tying up loose ends.  I have shared Phyllis's story of her 2 NDE contacts with her deceased mother in "a mall that wasn't really a mall."   Her Mom urges her to come to terms with her death, so that she can "move on" in the spiritual realm.  I suspect that Phyllis's Mom is being contacted during her in depth past life review and that she is being held back by remorse over flaws in her relationship with her daughter.

So how does this extended period of past life review end, together with its opportunities to contact earthly loved ones?   The answer may be illustrated by George Meek's mind-blowing research on an ADC machine that recorded the voice of George Mueller, a deceased engineer.  Meek theorized that the right medium might be able to receive instructions on how to build an ideal machine for recording the voices of the dead.  William O'Neil served as a effective channel for Mueller.  Here is a brief list of just some of the incredible details about Mueller channeled by O'Neil: Mueller's social security number/ his degrees and the colleges where he earned them/ his daughter's address/ a club membership/ various honors/ his employment history/ his publications and inventions/ and much more.  

All of this information was later verified.  Some of it was channeled by O'Neil and some of it was communicated via "voice' on Spiricom, the name of Meek's ADC machine.  Mueller issued instructions on how to build the machine, and then his voice on Spiricom suggested ways of upgrading this machine.  Fontana's investigation is able to rule out fraud or ESP as an alternate interpretation.
In 1981 Mueller made it clear that "he was beginning to shed his dense earthly vibrations and starting his progression upwards" through his world's various levels of consciousness.   It became harder for him to communicate through Spiricom, and so,  he began to issue instructions on the machine on how to build a more advanced model that would enable him to remain in contact.  But Spiricom fell silent before Mueller completed these instructions.   Apparently he had a limited grasp of his "ascension" process and could not control it.

A second setting for ADC is the lowest plane (Focus 23 or Hades).  Emanuel Swedenborg discovers that “the first state after death...rarely lasts more than a year for anyone (HH 498).”  This insight fits neatly with one study’s discovery that the overwhelming majority of contacts with deceased loved ones take place within the first year of their passing.  And why should such spirits find it easier to communicate with their loved ones in the first stage of the death process?  The reason is evident from Robert Monroe’s description of Focus 23:  

“A level inhabited by those who have recently left physical existence but who either have not been able to recognize and accept this or are unable to free themselves from the ties of the Earth Life System.  It includes those from all periods of time (UJ 249).”

The earthbound state of spirits trapped in Focus 23 may allow them to monitor the progress of others on earth better than those in higher planes.  Longtime residents of Focus 23 can manifest as poltergeists through mischievous psychokinetic activity.  The case that Rondele heard about on Tom Bauerle's radio program may be a case in point.  In the presence of witnesses, a deceased man levitates a vase he hated in life, transports it across the room, and drops it in shattered pieces.

David Fontana has personally witnessed such poltergeist phenomena in a lawnmower repair shop and an adjoining garden-accessories shop in Cardiff, Wales.  A few years before, a little boy had been hit and killed by a car just outside.

The phenomena satisfied these 4 conditions for distinguishing PK events mediated from the living from PK events caused by the dead (Fontana 64ff.):

(1) "The phenomena should not be tied to the comings and goings of any particular person."  In the Cardiff case, the phenomena occurred in the respective absence of each of the 5 witnesses.  It all began with large stones being thrown on the roof, but soon stones, keys, and old pennies (1912) were being thrown at machinery inside the shops.  Tools on elevated racks began swinging for no apparent reason and a blue flame shot out from an ornamental brass shell case.  When the employees came to work in the morning, the floor was often littered with materialized apports.   The witnesses challenge the discarnate boy to send money and several 1912 pennies materialized. When the witnesses jokingly asked for more, over 100 pounds materialized.  

(2) "There should be evidence of intelligent behavior, such as the arrangement of objects into patterns in an empty room." In the Cardiff case, the phenomena (e. g. the layout of kitchen cutlery on a table and the materialization of 5-pound notes) took place while the premises were locked and unoccupied overnight.  Fontana and the other witnesses would throw stones into a corner, only to see them thrown back by an unseen hand.  The witnesses the threw stones at a brass shell casing, only to see an unseen hand pelt that same casing with stones.

(3) "The behavior exhibited by the poltergeist should be alien to the known aims and purposes of the agent." In the Cardiff case, the 5 witnesses feared that the constant stone throwing inside might jeopardize their business.  

(4) "Paranormal phenomena should take place which so far as is known are beyond the capacity of living agents."  There is no evidence that living agents can produce the kind of PK effects witnesses at Cardiff.

Verifiable contacts with the recently deceased can be particularly impressive.   I've already recounted my friend Leonard's report of his dead son Jeff's return from the grave to drive his old truck and inform Leonard about his financial investment situation.  ES contacts the recently deceased friend of a merchant from Elberfield.  ES accurately expounds in great detail the different positions the merchant and his deceased friend took during the last conversation on the subject “the restitution of all things.”  ES informs the merchant that his friend "is not yet in heaven; he is still in Hades.”  

But why don't all loving souls reassure their family within, say, the first month of their death?  If people die from a long, debilitating condition, they may need a year or so to convalesce and adjust to their new spirit plane.  Perhaps most of the dead quickly ascend beyond Focus 23 to A BST where their earth memory quickly fades.  

Future research might focus on decisive differences between the 50% who claim contact from their dead family members and the  50% who do not.  For example, do the bereaved and her dead beloved share important beliefs or personality traits that facilitate their astral contact?  What about those who have never been contacted in this way?  Do they or their deceased loved ones share beliefs or personality traits that inhibit their chances of communicating?

And what should we make of incidents of ADC in which the deceased communicate with the living long after their death, but apparently not during their past life review phase?   I don't know how anyone could make the latter distinction.  The astral discovery of postmortem memory loss finds independ support from Emanuel Swedenborg, Robert Bruce, and George Ritchie's NDE.  Any contradiction between their insight and alleged communications from the afterlife urgently needs explanation, especially if my twofold explanation proves inadequate.


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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #37 - Mar 23rd, 2006 at 11:00pm

It is plain for all to see that you are disturbed by the notion that we lose our interest in our earthly loved ones as Robert Bruce believes.  I believe that we just don't have sufficient information to make that determination.

The process of ascencion to different planes of existence may make standard communication more difficult.  That does not mean that we necessarily lose memory as we ascend in our consciousness.

In a channeled work from the 1800s, a "sinner," describes his death, and slow rise from the earth plane/focus 23 level through higher planes by learning to serve others and experience PUL.

He does not see his father or mother in the lower, hellish realms; not until he has ascended or progressed and repented/helped others is he aware of their existence.  His deceased father first makes himself known to his son through a still living beloved woman:

'And as I turned away I beheld his spirit standing by us, just as I had seen him last in life, only with a glory of the spirit world upon him such as no mortal eyes have ever seen. My father--so long parted from me, and to meet again thus! We had no words to greet each other with but "My father" and "My son," but we clasped each other to the heart in a joy that required no words.

When our feelings had calmed down again we began to speak of many things, and not least of her whose love had led me so far upon my upward path, and then I learned that this beloved father had helped, watched over, and protected us both; that he had followed me during all my wanderings both on earth and in the spirit land, and had protected and comforted me in my struggles. Unseen himself he had yet been near, and unceasing in his efforts and his love. All this time when I had so shrunk from the thought of meeting him he had been there, only waiting an opportunity to make himself known, and he had come at last through her who had so much of my love, in order that he might thereby link us all three more closely together in the joy of this reunion. '

The sinner in this channeled work, later only meets his mother when he has ascended a little more with good charitable work and understanding.

Thus, depending on your sources, you may believe that either the deceased "lose interest" / lose memory, as Robert Bruce would have us believe or that they are constantly still loving and interested but due to our lower vibrations/energy, we may not see or feel the communication until we have progressed ourselves.

There is ample evidence that those on higher focus levels may look down on lower ones, but not vice versa.  It therefore makes perfect sense to me, that rather than a lack of desire to communicate, or a loss of memory, the ability to communicate in a common conventional way may be made more difficult.

Call me an optimist, but I prefer the notion that as we ascend, our love for our loved ones and all of humanity increases exponentially.  While we may not appear to them in human form then, we may be assisting and shining our spirit down in other ways for their benefits.  These events may take time for people to finally see.


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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #38 - Mar 23rd, 2006 at 11:22pm
But Matthew, it is not just Robert Bruce who reports the memory problems of the deceased.    You are ignoring a consensus from 3 very different sources: Robert Bruce's OBEs, Swedenborg's astral projections, and George Ritchie's impressive NDE.   And no one comes close to ES in terms of the quality of his verifications.  

Such memory problems are less likely to express wishful thinking than the always available chatty dialogue that mediums too glibly allege with the deceased.  But the quality of verification for channeled materials is more dubious than that for these other impressive sources.  I mean, just read Ritchie's awesome book about his NDE.   In my view, Rondele's question about why so few of our loved ones contact us is not so easily bypassed.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #39 - Mar 24th, 2006 at 5:27am
This is an interesting topic, to be sure; however,
I believe that in ES's visits to the afterlife he discovers that married couples live on in that state i.e. married. How does that square with the "forgetfulness" view?  Or is it because, in some
spiritual sense more than just physical, that they
are truly one; thus, how can one forget one's self?

Furthermore, as I related in an earlier posting, I received an ADC from my husband 20+ years after
his death.  There may be truth to the idea that perhaps an affinity or awareness of some sort  is
essential.   When we first met we experienced, he
more than I, both a physical and mental manifestation.

It was a grey, overcast day when we met.  I had just stepped out on the doorstep of the place where I had spent the night.  Suddenly, a brilliant ray of light engulfed me.  My future husband was at the foot of the stairs that led from the doorstep where I was standing.  The sudden, intense light
drew his attention to me.   He later told me that he
clearly heard a voice say, "She is the one."   He was
not a religious person so, as you may imagine, it was really a memorable moment for him.

Not so very much later in our relationship, but before he told me what he had heard, I, too, heard
a voice.  This is what it said, "Yes, right, perfect."  I
never did share this with my husband although now
I can't imagine why I didn't.   As far as a description
of the voice, it sounded masculine. 

Before re-establishing connections with remnants
of my husband's family rather recently, I had for
some time been receiving "junk mailings" addressed to a person with an odd, but very mas-
culine name.   Imagine how I felt when I discovered
that the name was the same as a a nephew of my  deceased husband.

Another interesting anomaly occurred with my
then future husband and 3 very elderly aunts of
mine.  I was really very happy about how much they adored him.  Doted on him would really be
apt.   After his dreadful death, one of them came to
me with an old family picture of my grandmother's
brother.   She said they all thought I should see
the picture.  Except for the fact that this relative
had what is in common parlance called a "wall
eye,"  my great uncle and my deceased husband
looked like twins. 

All I know is that this resemblance probably was what made his relationship with my family almost instantaneously a close one.  As his life was to end
in heart beat of time, he had not a moment to spare.

Recently, I did attempt to communicate with my
husband through the use of a medium.  Much of
it, I believe, was "fluff" or filler, but the medium did
tell me it was a difficult connection because of the
high vibration needed.  He claimed that he heard
but that it was though listening through water.

He did, though, describe my husband's personality
to a "t"--cool, and extremely level. I asked him if the
time I thought I had seen my husband was actual or not.   He said that he heard my husband laughingly say that it was.  Also, he suddenly told me where the apparation of my husband had been seated when I saw him.  He also had previously correctly stated that my husband had a double name. As with many of nordic extraction, his last
name was a double one.


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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #40 - Mar 24th, 2006 at 6:55am

Thank you for that.  Personal experience is always highly valued on this site.  At least by myself.  You raise an interesting point, and I think Don fully admits the paradox in his posts as well.

ES was one of the most profoundly verified and scientific of all explorers.  He had such profound insights and such a keen mind.  I can't say that I know the same of Robert Bruce; Bruce appears remarkable,  but he filters his astral experiences through his own belief systems, just as Robert Monroe did.

However there are literally thousands of NDEs where people claim reunions with parents, children, husbands, wives, pets, long lost loved ones, dead for decades.  If these were not mere fantasy, then how to explain that contact?  Clearly these contacts go against the "memory loss" theory, and indeed support my alternate supposition that communication in a standardized way may become progressively more difficult, but the loved one may still be there and care.

Remember, the one Achilles heel in the argument for memory loss is that a living soul in the physical plane (Bruce, Swedenborg, etc.) is trying to make sense of the astral/heavenly existence while still incarnate.   Although these strong minds may try to understand the other state of being, question those spirits they meet, they are still filtering the responses they get back through their incarnated brain and form and what belief systems they have (what "baggage" they carry).  Robert Bruce sees frequent negative encounters with demons/negatives that many other well known mystics and mediums don't.  Why?  I believe because this is where his mind drifts and focuses.

I can't pretend that the "memory loss" theory is either right or wrong, we need more to go on.  However, your story along with the evidence of countless NDEs with loved ones who passed decades before, and the nature of timelessness and love of heaven, lead me to believe that to forget our loved ones eventually is not a forgone conclusion.

I should also add one other point; that of free will.  Both on biblical grounds and in ways that most of us would support from common sense, we seem to be given free will to act and "be" in all stages of our existence.  The mandatory loss of memory, in some ways seems to negate the expression of our desire or free will (unless of course, you argue that we decide it is time to forget our loved ones as we ascend).

Thanks for sharing your experience.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #41 - Mar 26th, 2006 at 1:18pm

I had read the Wanderer material sometime back, thanks for the link.

I really think, as I've said before, that all of our efforts to figure out the afterlife, attempts to build an EVP device, trips to mediums, all of's all background noise and static.  It all adds up to nothing much more than a diversion from what we should be doing while on earth.

Isn't that the main message from the Wanderer?  The importance of showing compassion to others?  What is the point of all of this exhaustive research and ponderings about the afterlife if it diverts us from focusing on helping others?

We can discuss and debate the afterlife until we're all blue in the face, and not be one iota ahead of the game.  If computers and the internet had been around 50 years ago, I doubt someone like Mother Teresa would have spent much time typing posts speculating about what it's like on the other side.

She was too busy doing far more important and worthwhile things on this side.  Life is too short and too unpredictable to essentially waste it in these dead-end pursuits.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #42 - Mar 27th, 2006 at 10:00pm

I have read your recent posting about the specu-
lative thinking we're all engaged in on this site.

Perhaps you are right about M. T.; however, no one
should attempt  to be a duplicate of another.   Was
her work more important than speculatively reason-
ing together?  In a way, it looks to me that many
here are trying to arrive at a place that is free of
a llimitation/fear that has been with mankind simply

So, although an individual may believe that such efforts are entirely self-centered, really such a
seeker is actually becoming a vehicle of a sort for another type of consciousness.  For many of us
this effort may represent our attempt to "go
all the way" in this life just as M.T. attempted to
in hers.  Personally, I do not feel qualified to sit
in judgment about the relative merits of these
two divergent paths; however, I do see that both
of them have the Force of Love behind them

May the Force be with you! 
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #43 - Mar 28th, 2006 at 4:56pm
I want to reflect further on the apparent contradiction between postmortem memory dormancy and ADC with the living.  To understand this post, readers are encouraged to review posts #34 and #36 on this thread.  As already noted, Emanuel Swedenborg discovers:  “We have two memories, an inner and an outer, or a natural one and a spiritual one...Absolutely everything we have thought, said, done, seen, and haard are inscribed on our inner memory (#463, note b).”

Surely the permanent and perfect retention of our earthly memories implies that these memories will ultimately be restored to us.   Otherwise, what point would there be to their unconscious retenton?   True, our full memory will be restored for our ultimate in depth past life review.  But after this review, do these memories again become dormant?   ES never addresses this question.  If earth memory does again become dormant, it remains intact in our inner memory.   To what purpose?   Surely it will ultimately be restored to consciousness as we evolve.   It is very frustrating that ES fails to confirm this truth.      

ES also muddies the waters on this issue by observing that our natural memories "can be reproduced when it so pleases the Lord (HH #461).”  Apart from our ultimate past life review, under what circumstances does "it so please the Lord" to restore our earth memories?   ES doesn't tell us, but perhaps God restores our memories for the task of greeting our loved ones as they pass over.  If so, this might explain how soul mates can find each other and remain together.  And it seemed to "please the Lord" to restore the earth memory of Father Gemelli's Dad to the point where his Dad left that inspiring message on his son's tape of Gregorian chants. 

Our deceased loved ones do not necessarily need to reactivate their full earth memories to contact us.  They can fill in their memory gaps by tapping our memories of our life with them:

“No angel or spirit [= discarnate humans] is allowed to talk with one of us from the angel’s or spirit’s own memory, only from that of the individual in question (HH #256).” 

But without their earth memories, why would our loved ones take the initiative to contact us in the first place?  Two replies come to mind: (1) Perhaps, these contacts are sometimes triggered by our strong desire for contact with them.  George Meek's ADC device only worked in conjunction with Willian O'Neil's role as a spirit channel.   O'Neil's gift of focused intent may have empowered the late George Mueller to imprint his voice on the Spiritcom machine.  (2) In his visit to an astral hospital, Robert Bruce creates the impression that discarnates vary considerably in what they recall.   Some seem to recall nothing, while others retain vague memories  much like how a half-forgotten dream is remembered by a living person."


Many people are so heavenly-minded they seem to be of no earthly use.   Still, compassionate living might not be realistic apart from a well-nurtured spirituality and this spirituality might depend on a greater confidence in the reality of the afterlife and a discovery the principles that govern postmortem wellbeing.   In this respect, I am haunted with Jesus' comment to atheist Howard Storm during his NDE.  Jesus explains: "The love of God, the love of neighbor, and the love of self are inseparable parts of a whole that cannot be divided.  Without the love of God, there cannot be true love of another."

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #44 - Mar 30th, 2006 at 3:49am

Thank you for the interesting material.  In your
final comments about the totality, I was reminded
of Leigh Hunt's poem, Abu Ben Adhem.   Do you
perchance recall it?  It seems relevant to me.

Again, thank you for your sincere commitment.
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