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Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen (Read 60947 times)
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #15 - Feb 8th, 2006 at 12:48am
Nothing can be dismissed as ESP, because ESP is not a physically defined science.  If there is an "unknown communication between two minds," then we are not dealing with simply neurotransmitters and electrochemical impulses located within a physical body.

ESP is proof of a quantum conscious mind and possibly a soul - if it is proof of anything. 

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #16 - Feb 8th, 2006 at 1:48am

In his book, "The Sacred and the Psychic," John Heaney surveys the major theories invoked by parapsychologists to account for telepathy and clairvoyance.   He identifies one theory as the most popular because it is the most consistent with the research and anedotal data.  He summarizes this theory thus: Telepathy and clairvoyance are "an unknown form of energy which does not cross space but which reaches inward to the essential psychic center of a person.  At this center a transpersonal mode is reached where all humans and perhaps all reality are united.  This is similar to the Collective Unconscious of Carl Jung  (p. 20)." 

Even if channeling connects the living and the deceased, it involves telepathy.  I summarize Eleanor Sidgwick's theory of how this might occur in reply#12.   What divides parapsychologists is the question of whether even the best of channeling can be dismissed as JUST telepathy and, therefore, as irrelevant to the question of survival.  In my analysis of case studies, I am trying to make the case that at least some cases represent genuine contact with the deceased.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #17 - Feb 8th, 2006 at 3:30pm

That is fascinating, since I have not read "The Sacred and the Psychic," yet I have come on my own over time to the identical conclusion that that "at a person's center, there is a transpersonal mode is reached where all humans and perhaps all reality are united."  Accessing this area, is I believe at the heart of placing intent, changing reality, prayer, remote viewing, and connecting with God.

I appreciate now that you are only trying to distinguish ESP from affirmed contact with the deceased to show that the deceased are out there, not to discredity whatever ESP is or is not.

For a devout christian, you are surprisingly open minded in your true beliefs, Don.  You stir things up, but you have good intentions at your core.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #18 - Feb 10th, 2006 at 3:17am

Edgar Vandy and his friend NJ wanted to go swimming in an outdoor pool on a country estate. Both changed into their swimsuits in bushes 200 yards from the pool.  Edgar, a poor swimmer, walked to the pool about 3 minutes before NJ.  When NJ arrived, Edgar was face down in the pool, drowning.  Edgar slipped from NJ's grasp and began to sink.  NJ went for help and returned too late.  The inquest concluded from the bruises on Edgar's chin, right shoulder, and left side that he dove off the board and hit his chin hard on the bottom.   The Vandy brothers were sure that Edgar didn't know how to dive; they thought he slipped while trying to exit the pool and hit his head on the edge.  They hoped mediums could clear this up.

Proxy sittings are held to eliminate the possibility of the medium gaining information by cold reading or by reading the sitter's mind.  Drayton Thomas was asked in a letter to serve as a proxy sitter by the Vandy brothers to determine how their brother died.  Thomas knew no names or other details.  Before he agreed, he arranged a sitting with Gladys Leonard to contact his own deceased family members, not to contact the dead brother.  Her spirit control, Feda, suddenly mentioned the initials  H and M which fit the intials of Edgar's brother Harold and his recently deceased sister, Minnie.  Feda then added: "This may be a proxy case about someone who went out through falling..."

The rest of Feda's material is strikingly on target.  I will append clarifying comments in paretheses:

Feda added: "The person concerned was not a boy but not old [Edgar was 38] and had met with a tragic accident involving a fall...No one was at fault.  He had a funny feeling in his head, which he had had before...He realized the importance of air...At the dragging something was...wrong interpretations given to certain proceedings
[The murky pool had to be dragged to recover the body.]."

As Fontana observes: "Taken independently, these comments may not be very impressive.  But in the context that the Vandy brothers subsequently had with..other mediums..., they contribute importantly to the case (191)."  For example, Edgar's brother, George, later had a sitting with Miss Campbell who was told nothing about Edgar or his death.  Yet she revealed several details about Edgar's life and family.  She addressed the question of how Edgar died [My clarifying comments are in parentheses.]:

"You have a brother in the spirit world who died as a result of an accident...His death was quite sudden.  He disagrees with the verdict...No one saw him fall.  He shows me water.  Was there water in connection with his death?  He was dressed in a short swimming suit [Yes, he had borrowed the swimsuit of NJ's sister!] His clothes were at some distance from where he was [Yes. 200 yards].  He struggled to get his breath.  The body was in the water for some time before it was found (Yes, at least 2 or 3 minutes]."

Edgar's other brother, Harold, arranged a sitting with Miss Bacon who informed him:

"The one you want has only recently passed out.  You are not sure of the way he did so...It was an accident.  I feel as if I had been drowned...A private kind of pool, like a swimming pool.   Had a blow to the head before he passed over ...not diving...catching his foot on the bottom...drawn under...He remembers going under and feeling a distinct blow to the head.  [True, there were bruises on his chin and his tongue was bitten through] The water should have been transparent  and bottom not bricked in, grass at the bottom." [True, the pool was fed by an underground stream.  The bottom was slimy and the water was cloudy]... someone swimming there at the time." [NJ only swam there while Edgar was drowning.]

Two other mediums produced similarly impressive results.  The channeled material of all 4 mediums contacted are consistent with the confusion shown by the drowning man himself.  Some commentators deem this one of the most impressively evidential cases for survival of all time.


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« Last Edit: Feb 25th, 2006 at 3:44am by Berserk »  
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #19 - Feb 18th, 2006 at 8:00pm

Charles Drayton Thomas conducted several tests with Gladys Leonard and her spirit control Feda.  Gladys is one of the most gifted mediums of all time.   I will limit myself to describing her ability to consistently channel the nature and location of items that would appear in the next day's edition of "The Times" before these were made public and before the paper's  print setup was established.  These tests are important because they cannot readily be explained as telepathy from living minds.

Over many trials, Feda, speaking for Thomas' deceased Dad, identified items that would appear the next day in designated positions on the front page of "The Times", a page which at that time (1919) contained only a number of long, closely printed columns giving notices of births, marriages, deaths, memorials, and other personal details.  The results were overwhelmingly positive.  For example, Thomas' Dad revealed that his son would find  his own name (Charles) to the `left of column 3, rather more than 1/3 down;' that a little above his name would be the name of his wife (Clare); that his wife's age (51) would appear within an inch of these names; and that two of his father's names (Thomas and John) would be half-way down column 1.  None of the names in brackets were actually mentioned during the channeling, but the names in the paper usually fulfilled the predictions and pointed to the correct locations for the names.

When Dr. Dyson's deceased brother replaced Thomas' Dad as Gladys's communicator, information was revealed which was entirely unknown to Thomas, but which related only to his friends.  For example, he was told that the name of Dr. Dyson's deceased brother (Dyson) would appear half-way down the first column  in the next day's "Times"; that close by would be Dr. Dyson's own name or `one almost similar' to it (Actually, his second name, Andrew appeared 2 1/2 inches away); that a little below would be the name of a place that the Dyson brothers had visited and enjoyed (Filey, one of their favorite vacation spots); that a little above this would be the name of a mutual friend of theirs (In fact, the names of 2 close friends, Jones and Davies. appeared.); and that near the top of column 1 would be the name of a great friend of Dr. Dyson (Jack) who had passed on and who was with his deceased brother.  With the exception of  "Jack" and the name "Dyson", none of these names were known to Thomas.  Of the 25 newspaper tests that took place in the first phase of this work, 18 produced good results, 3 were inconclusive, and 4 were failures.  This ratio remained constant for all subsequent tests.

When his Dad was communicating, Thomas was certain that the information came, via Feda, through his Dad and not from another source.  Both before and during the newspaper tests,  Gladys Leonard had convincingly channeled his family's names and events, both present and past.  Sometimes an apparent failure turned out to be a success, thus lessening the chance that the information came via ESP from Thomas' mind.  

During one newspaper test, Thomas' Dad said through Gladys: "He has the idea that soap is mentioned at the top of the page.''  But the word `soap' did not appear at the top of the page in the  next day's "Times". When Thomas mentioned this failure to Feda at his next sitting, she replied, "He says it was the name of a famous soap maker; he sensed it; so he did not know whether soap was mentioned or some name suggesting soap; he was just reminded of it."  When Thomas rechecked the first column at the top of the page, he found the name of a soap-making family known to his family 20 years prior.

Such test results should even make the Amazing Randi blush!


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« Last Edit: Feb 18th, 2006 at 10:34pm by Berserk »  
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #20 - Feb 18th, 2006 at 10:01pm
Great verifications, Don.

Brings up interesting questions for me.  I have heard it said that the more spiritually advanced the soul, the less earthly issues matter to them.  If someone is in a heaven, or a "focus 27" are they really going to be attempting to help read tomorrows's newspapers?  It makes me think that only more earthbound spirits or those still caught up in the material world can do such verifications.  Of course, I could be wrong on this.

I wonder if some mediums can only see spirits of a certain vibration; recently deceased souls who haven't moved on.  Of course, if there is no time after we die, then we could communicate at any point after death.  Why don't we here more from Moses, or others of thousands of years ago?  They may have no current earthly ties left and that could play into it. 

The verifications are certainly food for thought. 

Thanks Don

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #21 - Feb 23rd, 2006 at 2:37am

Runolfur Ronolfsson made his abrupt and uninvited appearance at the regular 5-person circle of famous Icelandic medium, Hafsteinn Bjornnson in 1937.  All 5 later signed an affidavit swearing that the ensuing details are true.  RR was rude and uncouth, initially even refusing to offer his name: "Call me anything you like...What the hell does it matter to you what my name is?"  When asked what he wanted, RR shockingly repied that he "was looking for his leg" which he claimed was "in the sea." When Ludvik Gudmansson joined the circle, RR greeted him as if he knew him and insisted that his leg was in LG's house.  LG had never heard of RR and could make no sense of his absurd claim.

RR dropped in on another seance a few months later and his brusque manner gave the impression that he had shoved current communicators aside.    Only now did RR volunteer his name and recount his bizarre story.  He had tried to walk home drunk in October, 1879.  RR had paused to rest on the beach and consumed a lot more booze.  Totally smashed, he had fallen unconscious and been washed out to sea in a suddenly erupting storm.  His body had not been recovered until January of the next year.  By then "dogs and ravens" had torn it to pieces.   The remains, less a missing thigh-bone, were buried in Utskalar Churchyard  The thigh-bone had been washed out to sea, and when it subsequently washed up again, it was passed around until it wound up in LG'S house.  

When asked for some verification of this,  RR appealed to the "church book of Utskalar Church."  He also gave the information that he had been 52 when he died and had been a very tall man.  These details were later confirmed.    

LG tracked down the carpenter, AP who had built his house.  AP admitted  that he had placed a bone between the inner and outer walls because it "would not be in the way there" and its unknown identity made it ineligible for burial on consecrated ground.  With AP's direction, a wall was opened, an unusually long thigh-bone was found, and was then buried in a casket at Utskalar Church in a respectful ceremony. RR channeled his gratitude, reformed his character, and was now eager to serve as the medium's spirit control to help other communicators (Source: David Fontana, 154-55). 

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« Last Edit: Feb 23rd, 2006 at 3:45am by Berserk »  
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #22 - Feb 25th, 2006 at 2:57am
I began this thread by quoting Bruce’s reply to one of my earlier posts on channeling:
“The historical evidence you cite with other mediums during other times really has no bearing on the hypothesized contact between this medium and Deanna's Grandad.  We could each cite historical examples to support real contact or false contact by mediums in the past to support our own hypothesis."

I have just described some of the best verified channelings of all time and I’d wager that at least some of these cases involve genuine contact with deceased loved ones.  I agree with Bruce that more "well-designed experiments” are needed to test the claims of channeling.   But I don’t believe the distinction between “real contact” and “false contact” is as clear-cut as Bruce seems to feel.  In my view, the answers to the ensuing 5 questions casts a pall of suspicion over ALL channeling:

(1) What if sitters request contact with fake deceased relatives and the mediums still oblige with a very impressive channeling?                

(2) What if the spirit control of mediums with impressive verifications can be proven to be a fraud?   What conclusion would that warrant about other spirit controls whose self-professed identity cannot be verified?                                                  

(3) What if a drop-in communicator could provide amazing verifications even involving precognition of the future, and yet, be later proven a fraud?            

(4) What if it can be shown that the attribution of channeled materials to discarnate friends and relatives reflects a culturally conditioned bias?  

(5) What if mediums who try to abandon the channeling profession to become a conventional Christian are viciously attacked by spirits they formerly believed to be benign and very helpful?  As I will now illustrate, channeling can be significantly called into question on all 5 grounds.

(1) As already mentioned, Leonore Piper is one of the most impressive mediums ever.   She had the uncanny ability to channel two entities at the same time, one through automatic writing and the other through entranced speech.   Psychologist G. Stanley Hall had a trick up his sleeve when he went for a sitting with her. She was currently using the spirit of Richard Hodgson as her control.   Hodgson had formerly investigated her, but had recently died of a massive heart attack.  Hall asked Hodgson's spirit to contact Hall’s niece, “Bessie Beals,” so that he might speak with her.  Miss Beals was duly introduced and proceeded to communicate with Hall through Mrs. Piper.  Actually Bessie Beals did not exist.  She was a figment of Hall’s mind.  “Hodgson,” in embarrassment tried to wriggle out of the situation, saying that he had been mistaken about the name.  He said that the person brought was a Jessie Beals, related to another sitter.  Dr. Samuel Soal...visualized incidents with an imaginary friend, John Ferguson.  He then went for a sitting with the medium, Blanche Cooper.  The incidents he visualized came forth as though communicated from beyond death!  

(2) Some spirit controls seem clearly fraudulent.  While Richard Hodgson was still alive, he thoroughly investigated one of Leonore Piper's spirit controls named Phinuit in 1892.  The Phinuit persona claimed to be the spirit of a French doctor whose full name was Jean Phinuit Scliville and who had lived in the early 1800s and had practiced medicine in London, France, and Belgium.  But he was unable to speak more than a few French phrases, displayed no more knowledge of medicine than the average layman, and had never (according to medical records) attended the medical schools at which he claimed to have studied and practiced.  Hodgson initially concluded that Phinuit was just a secondary personality of Mrs. Piper which either erroneously believed itself to be or falsely pretended to be the spirit of a deceased French doctor.   But Hodgson later changed his mind and now concluded that some of the material produced in a trance by Mrs. Piper seemd to go beyond what might be obtained by thought transference from the sitters and thus seemed to suggest real contact with the dead. In his words, “Among these (comunicators) are more than half-a-dozen intimate friends of my own, who have produced upon me the impression...that they are the personalities I knew, with characteristic intelligence and emotion, questioning me and conversing with me under difficulties.”  It seems doubtful that Hodgson would have changed his mind if he had lived to discover the Gordon Davis case, which I shall now describe.

(3) At a sitting with medium Blanche Cooper on Jan. 4 ,1922 , Dr. Samuel Soal’s deceased brother unexpectedly said, “Sam, I’ve brought someone who knows you.”  Then in a very clear, strong, and familiar voice, Gordon Davis began to speak through Cooper.  Davis was an old school acquaintance whom Soal believed to have been killed during World War I.  Davis seemed to verify this when he said, “My poor wife is my only concern now--and my kiddie.”  Soal thought he recognized Davis' tone of voice with its fastidious accent.  The communicator used forms of expression that typified the real Gordon Davis' speech  (e.g. “old chap”; “confab” instead of “meeting”).  Davis spoke of the school they had attended, Rochford, and provided details of their last conversation.  He proceeded to refer correctly to persons, places, and events from their school days.  At two ensuing sittings on Jan. 9 and 30, 1922, Davis gave a detailed description of his house, its contents, and the arrangement of its contents.  

To his great surprise, Soal learned in 1925 that Davis was still alive after all and went to visit him.  A great deal of the channeled material about the house proved to be correct.  But Davis and his "wife and kiddie” had not moved into the house until over a year after the relevant sitting!  Davis' diary showed that during Soal’s sittings he had been seeing real estate clients.  Only around the  time of the sittings did Davis even inspect this house for the first time.   But Davis did not move into the house until a year later.  More importantly, the furnishings of the house had not been planned in advance!  Yet the details channeled earlier turned out to be correct: a large mirror, lots of paintings, glorious mountain and sea scenes, very big vases with funny saucers, two brass candlesticks, and a black dickie bird.  Two of the paintings were only done after the sittings!  So much of the material channeled in the later sittings about the house must be ascribed to precognitive telepathy (John Heaney, 176-177).  And this precognition surely casts doubt on the authenticity Gladys Leonard's repeated channeling of many details posted in specific columns of tomorrow's newspaper.

Why is channeling not discredited in this way more often?  Well, ask yourself how often you are mistakenly informed that your friend has died.   Was the medium able to exploit Soal’s mistaken faith in Davis’ death as an aid in the process of reconstructing Davis’ personality and future by precognitive telepathy?  Or were the medium (Blanche Cooper) and sitter (Sam Soal) duped by an impersonating spirit?

(4) Shamans understand their mediumship to put them in contact with spirits and demons as well as with deceased people.  In earlier centuries Neoplatonists also practiced trance mediumship, but attributed it to the agency of gods or demons rather than to discarnate humans.   Likewise, witches from the 17th and 18th centuries ascribed their channeled material to demons.  Perhaps the modern attempt to identify spirit controls with deceased personalities reflects the wishful thinking of modern cultural prejudice.  Why is Leonora Piper’s spirit control (Phinuit) lying about his true identity?  Why did Sam Soal’s alleged brother lie about bringing Gordon Davis’ spirit through?   Or were these people simply deceived?

The length of this post makes it seem advisable to answer question #5 in my next planned post.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #23 - Feb 28th, 2006 at 4:55pm
The critique leveled against channeling in my last post would not in itself lead me to discourage the curious to regularly seek out mediums.   As I said, though most of them are bogus, a few of them do seem to occasionally put the sitter in touch with their loved ones.   The reason I discourage people from reliance on mediums is best illustrated from two case histories,  the first of which I summarize in this post and the 2nd of which I will summarize in my next planned post.    My source is Raphael Gasson's book, “The Challenging Counterfeit.”


“I was walking along one of London’s streets, my mind very disturbed, not knowing what to do or where to go, when suddenly I actually saw a replica of myself standing in front of me!... Spiritualists would say that I saw my etheric body...As I looked at this strange vision of myself, the vision spoke and said, `Follow me’.  Being ready for an adventure, I followed, but...I felt my whole body being lifted up and my mind went completely blank.   The next thing I knew I was sitting in a small [Spiritualist] church where a woman was speaking....[She] me...and told me my name....I didn’t know her at all.  She then went on to tell me that she knew of the strange experience that I had just undergone, and added a description of one of my music professors and commented on the remark he had made recently concerning a new musical composition  which I had just completed.  She told me that I was a medium and had been watched by spirits all my life....She elaborated my situation and said that God had seen all my difficulties and had sent the “spirits” to come to my aid and get me to the meeting (6).”  Raphael used his mediumship to comfort the bereaved and heal sick bodies.  His gift seemed to be  vindicated by many paranormal verifications.   Is it possible that so much good might be achieved through an evil entity?


“One day I met a man claiming to be a Rational Spiritualist....He believed neither in a personal God nor in prayer...Hia oddest claim was that he was a master in black magic and that he knew that the spirits controlling him were evil spirits, but doing good work!  He said there were too many people calling themselves Christian Spiritualists which was dishonest, as a Spiritualist obviously could not be a true Christian.  This shook me a bit; he invited me to conduct a seance at his home for a test, but I was convinced nothing would happen since our viewpoints were so radically opposite.  I was confident that my spirits were good spirits and his were evil....We decided that we would both go into trance...and allow our `spirits’ to communicate and see what happened....The seance lasted about an hour and when we both came out of the trance, the members of the seance were asked for their opinions and I was astounded to find that everyone agreed on it being a most spectacular seance.  My spirit helpers were conversing with the other medium’s helpers, and apparently they were all friends together.  Several other seances followed ...Similar results were obtained each time [7-8].”


One day, Raphael heard a Protestant pastor preach against channeling and he later conversed with him.   Raphael was indignant because the pastor obviously had a poor grasp of what mediums actually believe and do.  Nevertheless, that worship service exposed Raphael to the marvelous presence of Christ.  Christ was now on his trail and would use a series of synchronicities to woo him into a profound new relationship:

“Just after  this conversation with the pastor, I attended what turned out to be my last seance, of which I was the acting medium, and...the controlling spirits attempted to take my life. I could not understand this at the time, but it has become evident since that they know I was on my way out of their control and into a life controlled only by Christ (10).”

Raphael soon has a life-changing experience of the grace of God, but still imagines he can remain a Christian Spiritualist: “I thought...these `good spirits` would now work closer with me than ever before. However, to my surprise, they stayed away completely!...I also found that I was unable to fulfill any engagemens to take any meetings or seances,
as it happened that I was prevented each time by some unexpected event, and never attended another spritualist meeting from the day of my conversion (11).”


Raphael begins to testify in church to his new relationship with Christ, but “each time I testified, attacks came in some way or another.  Beforehand, dizzy spells made me so weak that I had to clutch something to remain standing up, let alone speak.  After I had testified and returned home, once familiar spirits attempted to get me into deep trance again, against my will...SEVERAL TIMES THEY SUCCEEDED IN USING MY OWN HANDS TO ATTEMPT TO STRANGLE ME.  It was only by standing on the promises of God...and the pleading the power of the Blood of Christ and by much intercessory the saints, that these evil spirits were eventually overcome (12).”

Deanna and Juditha, please be careful!
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #24 - Feb 28th, 2006 at 5:26pm
Human beings are complex, with both good and evil tendencies.  It is rare that a seemingly virtuous man does not have their shortcomings or that a seemingly evil wretched man has no virtues.  Why should a spirit be any different? 

The idea that channeled readings must originate from evil spirits who will disappear magically if the medium becomes a true believer seems a bit bizzarre.  I believe that much information may come from a less than divine source from the afterlife - but less than divine does not necessarily mean pure evil.  If there is a field that our subconscious connects to of "everything," if remote viewing taps into this field, perhaps spirits who have passed over may access it more freely.  Perhaps in doing so, they can give verifiable information and possibly, predict things.
     Would Jesus/the christian God necessarily be against this?  No more than he would be against the Monroe institute, Bruce's imagination method, Kundalini or other manners of exploration. 
     If one's attempt is to heal others, comfort others, and verifiable information is received, does it matter if the source may be a confused spirit or an angel?
     Don, some of what you acknowledge to be true on this website would smack of heresy and blasphemy to a bible thumping evangelist - you know that as well as I.  I think from your posts that you believe in much of what is posted on this site: about thought and belief creating reality, about our connection with the divine, about free will. 
     Still, your examples are interesting, well written and entertaining - I'll give you that.  I still wouldn't discount mediums based on Raphael's experiences alone.
     Also, as I noted before, if a medium channeled a living person, I would wonder whether it wasn't misdirected perception - almost like remote viewing mistaken for contact with a dead person.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #25 - Feb 28th, 2006 at 6:25pm
[Matthew:] "The idea that channeled readings must originate from evil spirits who will disappear magically if the medium becomes a true believer seems a bit bizarre."

In my view, most channelings are bogus creations of the mediums' psyche, but the best cases appear to be genuine contacts with the deceased.  Beyond this, at least a few cases appear to be sinister contacts with malevolent spirits, whether demonic or human.  In my next planned post, I will describe Johanna Michaelsen's channeling horror story chillingly described in her mesmerizing book, "The Beautful Side of Evil."   Comparisons to Raphael's and Johanna's experiences might be invited with Robert Bruce's possession described in his book "Practical Psychic Self-Defense," pp. 136ff.

For the reader's convenience, I will repost a portion of my report on RB's experience.   Robert was doing an exorcism on a child and, frustrated that he was unable to defeat it, he offered himself to the neg in replacement of the child thinking he'd get rid of it later. The neg accepted his offer, and Robert discovered he was in over his head. This is what happened next:

"...Soon, I began losing control of my body, one part at a time. The first episode of this was while reading; my arm moved on its own, picked up a book, and tossed it on the floor. This shocked me, but I still felt okay. I did not sense anything evil or threatening in or around me. Incidents of brief loss of control increased over the next two weeks. It was not long before I knew I was in deep trouble."

"The episodes of loss of control culminated in an incident in which I lost control completely. I was on a roof-top car park, lifting my baby son from my car. As if a switch had been thrown, I suddenly lost control of my body. Powerless, I was marched like a puppet carrying my son to the edge, even while I was fighting my own muscles every step of the way. I suspected the Neg in me was going to make me throw my son off the roof and then have me jump."

"The strength of the mental pressure I felt was unbelievable. I did not hear voices or experience insane thoughts. This was not a compulsion. I was sane and rational. I just had no control of my body, as if suddenly struck with physical paralysis and someone else was now running my body. Thankfully, with a supreme act of will and some much-needed luck, I broke free of the puppet-like state at the last possible moment. But I no longer trusted myself after this event."

"A couple of days later, I woke up (I seemed to have been sleepwalking) and found myself in the nursery with a raised ax. I got rid of the ax. I found myself back there the next night with a carving knife. I tried everything I knew of to rid myself of this Neg, but whatever I did was not enough. I was faced with only two "logical" choices: I could turn myself into a mental hospital or commit suicide. Then, I came up with a third option: I could surrender to my higher self and let it lead me out of the darkness rapidly overtaking my life. I sensed this would be difficult and probably kill me in the process anyway, but I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. I could always kill myself later."

RB proceeds to detail his fight with the neg out in the bush. Bruce left home for his family's safety and spoke candidly about how he thought he wouldn't be coming back alive.  RB's horrorifying encounter with the demonic illustrates the danger of spiritual arrogance and presumption.   It took great humility for Robert to admit this life-threatening error.

"[Matthew:] "If one's attempt is to heal others, comfort others, and verifiable information is received, does it matter if the source may be a confused spirit or an angel?"

You bet it matters!   In his psychological analysis of the characteristics of evil, psychiatrist M. Scott Peck identifies 4 psychodynamics that find independent corroboration in Scripture.  Peck demonstrates how these 4 traits can be detected in narcissistic parents, possession cases, and group evil (e. g. the My Lai massacre in Vietnam).  One of Peck's 4 traits is this: evil cleverly blends truth and error to set up a lie.   Such deception can exploit people's good intentions to an evil end like spirit infestation.   Raphael's desire to help others was used aa a pretext to gain more an more control over his spirit.  Robert Bruce got possessed because he wanted to free the young child of his possessing entity, but chose a foolish tactic to achieve this end.   In the real possession case that inspired the movie "The Exorcist,"  the young victim just wanted loving communication with his late aunt Harriet through a Ouija board.  In the final analysis, it matters little whether we label the possessing entity a confused discarnate human or a nonhuman evil entity.  What matters is the harm that such entities can do.

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« Last Edit: Mar 1st, 2006 at 1:54am by Berserk »  
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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #26 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 5:01pm

I'm beginning to wonder if maybe those who become possessed are somehow unwittingly inviting such possession.  Maybe it takes two to tango so to speak.

The reason I say this is because, if possession is truly a one sided thing initiated by an evil entity, you would think we would hear of many thousands, even millions, of such cases.  A small child would be an inviting and highly vulnerable target, yet verified cases involving children are far and few between (thank goodness).

You might argue that a young child (or a rational adult for that matter) cannot possibly give his or her consent.  That's true to the extent we understand consent, but maybe it's far more complex than we know.  Otherwise the number of victims would be astronomical.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #27 - Mar 2nd, 2006 at 5:41pm

It does seem that most cases of possession are the result of unwitting invitations.   The trick is to determine what counts as an "invitation."   Pentecostals often experience wonderful healings and overpowering experiences of God's love and grace.  But toxic forms of Pentecostalism can attract a disproportionately large number of possession cases.  One reason for this is their practiced openness to the Holy Spirit's control.   Some believers treat speaking in tongues like a fetish or a drug high; they seek the exhilarating effect of the gift rather than intimate communion with the Giver.  In the process, they open their minds to control from unknown entities just as practitioners of the Ouija board sometimes do.   

But how do very young children get possessed?   Can evil entities exploit a child's love of imaginary playmates?  My cousin E was only 3 when the entity that my uncle had just exorcised in a house entered the car and tried to possess E instead.  His eyes rolled up in his sockets and he screamed all the way home.   Admittedly, his parents' prayers delivered him; so it may not be correct to say that he was ever actually possessed.   However, for adults, the situation seems more clearcut:  the people unwittingly seem to invite the entity in.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #28 - Mar 8th, 2006 at 1:38am

Like Raphael Gasson, Johanna Michaelsen initially believed in her blossoming mediumistic gift.  She was a Yoga teacher who was heavily involved in the New Age movement.   She recalls: "During meditation vivid scenes of at least 15 different incarnations had filled my mind..., giving me a deep understanding... of what I needed to suffer in order to achieve perfect unity with God (138).” She shares her story of how she was deceived and liberated in her gripping book, “The Beautiful Side of Evil.”  

For over 14 months, Johanna works with a celebrated Mexican Indian shaman named Pachita and her spirit control Hermanito.  Hermanito identifies himself as an ancient healer who was killed by the Spaniards (123).  Johanna offers this plausible enough rationalization for her work with Hermanito: “Was there not a crucifix on the altar and a picture of Jesus?...We were constantly told to elevate our thoughts to God and to say the Lord’s Prayer.  Besides, what purpose would Satan have in healing and doing good works (102)?" Hermanito performed major surgery without anaesthesia and dumfounded Western doctors who saw "him" in action.  Johanna reports: "I had washed the blood of over 200 operations from my hands. I had seen anything from the removal of brain tumors to the replacement of vertebrae and lung transplants (131).”

But Johanna was an honest spiritual seeker who revered the Christian God in her New Age way. Before the psychic surgery, she would pray like this: “Almighty God, me now to become an instrument of your hand....Guide us now in this work.  Help us discern what is false and of our imagination from what is of You.  Protect us from any evil being who would hinder this work (95).”  

She would not have to wait long before her prayer was answered: “I was praying intensely as Hermanito cut open a woman’s abdomen when suddenly he looked up and pointed to me: ‘Hurry, get her out of here...It is just a precaution; she has a most powerful spirit protecting her.’  He looked up as he said this, and for a moment I was paralyzed by the hatred I saw in his face (104).”

On her sister Kim’s advice, Johanna goes to a Christian retreat center in L’Abri, Switzerland, where she bonds with a female counselor named Birdie.  One night there, Johanna prays: “I’m willing to give up yoga and Pachita and all the rest if I’m wrong.  But if not, then I’m putting all this nonsense aside and going on with it at Pachita's.  God, let me see the truth!’  I had no idea how literally God would answer that prayer (146).”

“The night of November 15, 1972, ...I walked alone on the slippery path to Birdie’s chalet...A dense black fog was forming all around me, blotting out the path.  Within seconds I could see nothing.  The dark mist was swirling, alive, filled with the presence of something more monstrous than anything I had ever before encountered.  Voices began whispering, hissing incoherent words and laughter in my right ear.  An ice-cold breath touched the back of my neck under my hair.  `Hermanito, help me!’  I gasped.  The voices shrieked in hideous laughter.  `We’re going to kill you!"

"I panicked and broke into a run.  Something like a giant fist slammed into my back between my shoulders.  I pitched forward in the thick darkness and instinctively reached out to break my fall.  My fingers found the branch of a small bush and clung to it.  I tried to scream out `Jesus!’ but an iron hand closed upon my throat choking off the word.  All  I could do was scream in my mind, `Jesus, Jesus, help me!’ `He can’t help you!’ the voices shrieked.  `He can’t help you!’"

“Birdie hurried me into her little prayer room and closed the door.  She took my hands in hers and began praying....The room seemed to have been taken up in a giant slow-motion whirlwind... Outside [the window] I could see the faces of countless demons, contorted, twisted in indescribable rage....[Birdie:] `Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I command you to be gone!  I forbid your presence here.  I claim the protection of the blood of Jesus upon us...’ Instantly, the faces vanished.  The room stopped spinning was filled with a peace beyond all my understanding.  They were gone (146-148).”  

Johanna has now renounced her former New Age beliefs, including reincarnation, and has become a devout Christian.  I myself have nothing against yoga.  I do believe that channeling at its best can mediate genuine contact with the dead and have documented some of the best evidence on this thread.  But I consider most channeling bogus, not necessarily evil.  Still, negative experiences like Raphael's and Johanna's prompt me to discourage any who ask my advice from sitting with mediums.

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Re: Mental Mediumship: A Reply to Bruce Moen
Reply #29 - Mar 16th, 2006 at 12:12am
[Matthew:]  "I would also like to hear your opinion about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  ..If...other new age sources have a similar metaphysical doctrine, does it truly matter, if Hilarion was factually incorrect about those instances?  Assuming your critique correct, then we either have a true channeling with a fake entity, or a false channeling.  Does that necessarily invalidate the entire thought, explanation and doctrines?"

You have already read my critique of Hilarion.  He claims a prior incarnation as St. Paul, but makes provable errors in his narrations about Paul's life.  He implausibly identifies Jesus as the reincarnation of Moses.  He implausibly alleges that we have a "religious gene" and that, in "a while", "the deeper understanding of the religious gene" will cause "dogmatic religions" like Christianity to be "dismantled." He claims that natural disasters like Katrina are triggered by "the highest evolved helpers and guiardians."  All of this strikes me as absurd.
Matt, your question is hard to answer because channeled entities disagree among themselves.   Many take reincarnation for granted, but other eminent mediums like Susy Smith are adamant in their channeled repudiation of reincarnation.  In this regard, they find support from the most in depth NDEs like Betty Eade's and from Emanuel Swedenborg's astral explorations.   ES carries special weight with me because he provides by far the best verifications and he explains in detail how he discovered that his earlier astral experiences of past life recall were in fact mistaken experiences of memory fusion with encroaching spirits.    

I also take into account M. Scott Peck's discovery that a basic characteristic of evil is its use of the truth to set up a lie.   I assume that some channeled material provides genuine revelation.  But I ask myself what sort of lies might I expect from cunning channelings that mask evil intentions.  I would expect moral relativism because this has the potential to undermine belief in good and evil and to contaminate a loving spirituality with accountability.  Of course, much channeled material (e. g. Seth, Elias, Ramtha) denies the good vs. evil polarity.  I'd also expect the most sacred truth of Christianity to be emphatically undermined.   As you know, I have devoted considerable space to explaining this teaching in my Spitifre thread.   Channeled entitites like Seth, Elias, Ramtha, and the bogus Christ persona behind ACIM all repudiate the redemptive significance of Christ's atoning death.  In his psychiatric study of possession cases, Peck similarly  observes the need of the demonic to repudiate Christ's sufferings on the cross.  In fact, the philosophy of possessing entities seems strikingly similar to that of many channeled entities.  What makes these observations more ominous is the homicidal reaction of seemingly benign channeled entities when the medium (e.g. Raphael Gasson and Johanna Michaelsen) decide to become conventional Christians.  

I then ask myself: why would spirit controls like Phinuit lie about their identity and why would these controls exploit a sitter's false belief in someone's death and then fake a recreation of that person's personality and proceed to impressively verify that identity (e  g. the Gordon Davis case)?  I ask myself if the entity's malevolence is already indicated in the tendency of channeling prior the 19th century to attribute most channeling to a demon or a god rather than a discarnate human.

I then ask myself how channeled entities could be so bad if they did a lot of good.  But then I recall that the evil entities channeled by Raphael and Johanna healed the sick before their evil persona was ultimately unmasked.  I am reminded of Paul's warning about paranormal manifestations: "Even Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14)." I am reminded of Jesus' warning: "On that day, many will tell me, `Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.'  But I will reply, `I never knew you.  Go away; the things you did were unauthorized (Matthew 7:22-23)."  Despite all this, i do not categorically reject all channeling, but I discourage people I know from resorting to mediums.  

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