The Morgue
Jan 26th, 2006 at 8:49pm
On my recent visit to my parents in south central British Columbia, I heard about an amazing paranormal event that happened to John, a member of my parents' church. Some here might find this experience inspirational; so I've decided to post it now and revise it when I learn more details.
John's wife Helen testified to the incident in question to the pastor's wife. John had been killed in a serious auto accident. The ambulance paramedics discovered that he had no vital signs (no breathing, hearbeat, or pulse) and John was later examined and pronounced dead by the medical examiner. Helen was not in the car, but was summoned to the morgue to identify the body.
When the sheet was removed from John's face, she immediately confirmed his identity but asked for some private moments with him. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, she felt an impulse to pray for his recovery. She continued her intercession for two hours. I have prayed over the dead myself, but only for about 5 minutes because I had no expectation of an imminent physical "resurrection." After two hours of prayer, John suddenly came back to life and has now recovered from his injuries!
I wanted to talk with Helen personally, but my uncle in Toronto died and I was forced to leave B.C. prematurely to attend the funeral. I hope my parents can contact Helen and get answers to these four questions:
(1) For how many hours was John dead? (2) How did Helen discover that John had come back to life? Did she hear him groan or see him suddenly start breathing or make some sort of movement? (3) Did John have any memories of the period during which he was dead? Did he have an NDE? (4) How long did it take for him to recover from his injuries? Was there a healing miracle as well?
This is a delicate matter because charismatic Christians often dislike critical examination of their paranormal experiences and have no desire to establish their credibility to anyone. In their circles, such apparent miracles seem commonplace. But I will gently press for some answers.
I have heard of several Christian cases like this before, but this is the first case where I potentially have a chance to question the principals. I will keep you posted if I learn more. On my trip I also contacted people who experienced "miracles" that I've previously posted on this site. When I return to this site for more regular posting on March 1, I will report the additional details I have gleaned from those other paranormal experiences.