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PE Jan 14th, 2006 (Read 25204 times)
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PE Jan 14th, 2006
Jan 15th, 2006 at 8:26pm
Hi people, I'm afraid this is more a Spooky-ego-trip than a partnered exploration, but of course you never know and I just wrote it down.

PE Jan 14 2006

My close friend said we can immediately go to the crystal if I'm ready, so we went.

The lawn and the crystal. No one around. I went to the crystal and touched it. It felt cool and fresh. I went inside. To my surprise, it was like a huge cave in pastelic dampened yellow-rose color. The silence was amazing, like inside a cathedral where the noise is absorbed and it only comes back a holy quiet whispering. I decided to get outside again to look for some other people.

I noticed that four people arrived. I played a little on my musical instrument to each of them for a possible verification. One said to me that I've changed. I said that may be because I had an encounter recently in the nonphysical which indeed probably must have changed me. To another I said: "Try to realize that you're here and your body is elsewhere, don't worry about that. When you become aware of this, you will better remember this." This person looks like taking a nap from time to time.

Then we entered the crystal. Again, the amazing silence of the cave-like interior. A voice: "Take you by the hands as an expression of love and to sign that you are together as a group." So we gave each other our hands and waited quietly. Slowly I floated into another state/place. Maybe the library?

There were transparent structures, overlaying, moving, changing, I just couldn't see it very clear, but found there is order, precision and clarity. I waited a little while and the structures became more stable, it were transparent crystals, one near to me front/left. I looked around if I could find my fellows but couldn't see them, though it seemed to me they were somewhere around.

I noticed a change, that I went "higher", a feeling like an overview of my earth existence(s) and experiences [this feeling I had described earlier in my post "The Signal"]. I could have said during this state "Oh yes, I remember. This is familiar. How could I forget. Like yesterday." But I could not explicate any details, just vague impressions, like it was a wholeness which is not possible to get in single things. Then my life now: The theme is balance, stabilization, tolerance, not to missionate others and to reconnect fully with my soul group. I found there was something missing in my life when I looked at it from there. A real kick, a peak, the spice, an expansion, the special, the radiance, the knowledge. A voice said: "You really want the spark?" I said "Yes." The voice: "Good." I received a white glowing spark which was a connection point to my nonphysical soul mate and maybe good for a lot of other things, firstly it was like a medaillon with a chain to put around the neck but then it sank into my heart area.

I went back to the other area. The crystal in front of me to the left was transparent like glass but colored green, it was shaped slim and sort of rhombic. I went close to it. A flute, a German flute, Ireland, music with tin whistle and fiddle. I stepped back.
To the right was a similar crystal, but colored blue. I looked into it and saw a white sparkling ball of light with extensions which looks like lightnings (very similar to that evacuated glass spheres with electrical discharges from the center to the outside glass which you can influence through putting your hands on it). I thought: "What is that? A life form?" Someone or myself answered: "Everything is possible. Remember!" I thought: "These lightnings are connections." I stepped back again and went to the next crystal which was red. The red of morning or evening? Both...Depart and rest again. Contemplation. Thankfulness. Melancholia. All has an end and a new start. The second Chakra. I stepped back again and came to another crystal which was yellow. A sandy desert, dunes, a hot radiating sun, brightness, high noon, zenit, a point of time, the eternal never changing burning energy. Back. The last crystal was also like glass, but glowing white. I went before it. There was no form for a while, just white. Is it the whole? Yes, the white crystal symbolizes the spark. The sense which brings it all together.

Slowly I moved back, back to the TMI crystal, inside it. We, the group, were squating on the ground silently, close together. Like in a service. Thankfulness, calmness. We then went out of the crystal and floated around it, expanding, soft, peaceful.

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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #1 - Jan 15th, 2006 at 10:28pm
Hi Spooky! cool descriptions. put my head on the pillow last nite and thought, hmm. wonder how many will do this exploration..? and wonder if I should do it as I just left the board..more pressing things you know! lol.
so I left it there and drifted off to sleep but remember being with a huge group on a grassy compound. everyone was relaxed and it was like a campsite in the outdoors and Bruce was there! he was sitting like the rest cross legged on the ground, people all around. he was the edge. I stood outside the circle looking at Bruce as he was talking. he started talking about having given up smoking. I've been thinking of giving it up myself but hadn't made a decision when. I still thought this was a PE even though Bruce and I discussed smoking. then I noticed we had about two or three large buildings on the compound and I had a post nearby I was supposed to go stand next to it. stand next to this building. so I did. from this post I could observe the whole compound and still be a part of it.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #2 - Jan 15th, 2006 at 10:50pm
I don't remember a thing. Spooky, that was an awesome experience you had. I'm very happy for you.

Alysia, wonder if I was there as I've been thinking a lot about my smoking too but never seem to be ready to give it up.  I do remember being with a lot of people but that's it, no specific memories.

Love, Mairlyn  Grin
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #3 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 1:36am
Hello all. Dont have to much to report although I mostly remember being with a group of people in a large grassy area...My impressions, as I think about them, were the  feeling of oneness with the group, joy, and a place I felt really at home. Thank you for sharing with me this amazing, loving, wonderful, enlightening, canvas of life that is only the beginning!!! Love you all!!!!!!!!!1 Grin
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I AM....
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #4 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 9:53am
well sounds like some of us did get out there, I still have a problem with the time thing lol so i didn't really get a chance saturday being up quite a bit of the night so in my head I missed my chance even though I don't have too!

Well thanx for you guys having a go with me,

Cya nxt time!

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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #5 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 2:45pm
Well I didn't actully go to bed till around 4-5a.m. ooops...But now that I think about it I am getting the impression it was actually seemed light out with the gruop I was with????? ??? Well hoe to hear and see from you soon
love wade
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I AM....
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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #6 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 4:21pm
Wade, since there is no-time in the non-physical, a person can just set their Intent to meet with others and they will. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #7 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 4:55pm

Don't ever feel bad about describing what you rememeber about these Saturday PE's, it was wonderful to follow your travels. Sorry, I don't think that I made it there due to being held back, but that's another story.  Hope to remember if get some snippits of memory back if I did get there and if I didn't, I expect to try again next time.

So glad you posted, Love, Jean Kiss
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #8 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 5:34pm
would like to draw together our hits in common numerically: may not seem like hits to some, but I'll explain why I feel they were hits:

Hit # 1:  at the end Spooky sees us sitting on the ground. this was what I saw. we were sitting, not standing and milling like last time.
Hit #2 Spooky said sitting close together. I especially noted the forms were sitting close together. to me, this seemed unusual.
Hit #3 Wade mentions a group, Mair says "a lot of people." I remember thinking this is really a lot of people, more than I expected.
Hit #4: Wade mentions a oneness, joy, and feeling at home. I picked up on those feelings, plus I heard chattering, like the hum of a crowd. Spooky felt like it was a service, while I felt it was like camping out, but it's possible we bring our own interpretations and they would all have relevance because of the large size of the gathering of individuals.

#5: me and Mair are smokers. this may be a stretch, but here goes..I've been thinking about how to increase my thought frequency by tuning up the body and wondering if quiting smoking would enhance my spirit communication (I have guides I talk to) me and mair are aware we are always out there at night, so with that, I'm thinking she and I have been discussing this subject there and dont' remember yet. and it wasn't as if Bruce was just talking to us about the smoking. he seemed to be carrying on about a hundred conversations at the same time..that confused me. might have been like rotes floating about.
#6: it's a small hit, but Wade and I mentioned grass. this is the first time I seen grass.

these PE's just mean to me that we can get better at remembering where we go at night by focusing on it more.

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #9 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 6:47pm
Thanks Alysia for making a sum up. I think it's good to look at similarities even if it seems stretched, because this is the way to progress in PE. Well, and, I'm a smoker too, and thought some days ago when I read R.A. McKnights second book, where she wrote that it's important to end addictions before transition, if they have smoker's corners above there?!

One thought I have about the colored crystals I saw: It could be something personal, but maybe I saw my co-travelers as those crystals? There were four crystals (plus the white one) and I noticed four people arriving at the TMI crystal.

Allright, don't smoke too much, Spooky
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #10 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 7:40pm
Hey Guys,

I'm a smoker too! What is this and I sure do love crystals.

Hope I was there, but I do use hemi-sync tapes at night so when Marilyn mentioned that she tends to "click out" more when she uses the them, I noted that. I'll have to try PE without the tapes next time.

Love, Jean Kiss
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #11 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 7:46pm
Hey me again. I'm a smoker to!!!! I'd say thats a hit considering what bruce was talking about. Perhaps we are the saturday smoking club, Sad Or better yet the saturday nonsmoking   Grin ???thinking about quiting....Love wade
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I AM....
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Touching Souls
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Metaline Falls, WA
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #12 - Jan 16th, 2006 at 11:46pm
Yes, giving up smoking would really help raise our vibrations. And look at all us smokers.  Shocked
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #13 - Jan 17th, 2006 at 2:44pm
ahhh guys...this thread feels like a my disc member catholic nun who is like mary poppins...

my guides are on me to quit. I've done it before. it's the first 3 days that suck the worst while it's leaving the body.
pretty soon I tell them. can't wait to see how I feel after I quit? maybe I'll ascend? hee hee.

here's a tip how to quit. once had a plastic cigerette with a menthol flavor inside and re-usable of course. since smoking is pretty much psychological, you only need to stick it in your mouth when u get the crave. you use it about a week then u realize you are not craving anymore. you're just focusing on other things and keeping busy.

love u guys, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Bruce Moen
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Hey Chilipepperflea
Reply #14 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 11:33am

First let me say to all of you participating on this forum that it is heart warming to see you all working and learning together.

About the time thing. . .

Several times I've experienced, and have observed others experience, the influence (or rather the lack of influence) of physical world time on partnered exploring sessions.  It's one of the interesting little side benefits of learning the art of partnered exploration. In Voyage to Curiosity's Father I wrote about one of these.

We had a group of people doing regular PE sessions and one was scheduled for a Thursday.  Our procedure was to email our notes to everyone else after the sessions, before we read anyone else's notes.  That week I received session notes from one of the explorers on Wednesday, the day before the session would happen.  I didn't open that email until after the session the next day. 

When I read the other explorer's notes I was dumbfounded.  Due to some confusion in the schedule that week he had done the session the day before the rest of us.  Yet, in his description of his experience many details fit exactly with my own experience and that described by other explorers that took place (physically) the following night.   There could be no doubt that he had actually been there with us Thursday night, even though he "actually did the session" on Wednesday.

Needless to say this experience piqued my curiosity about the nature of time and the where and the when it is that I, my fellow explorers, and my surroundings "actually" exist!

So many paths to explore, and only all of eternity to explore them.

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