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PE Jan 14th, 2006 (Read 25202 times)
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Choose this Day

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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #15 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 12:37pm
it is heartwarming Bruce. I got a big kick out of PE forum ever since it started.

what u say reminds me of my PE partner in Australia where it's one day in the future there..we used to try hard to coordinate the times we would do was 10pm for me, and maybe 2pm the next day for her.

you're right, time didn't matter, we still got enough hits to blow us away.

we started to develop mental telepathy anyway. I could hear her thoughts in my head. not clearly and mostly her emotions, but that was freaky too and cracked me up. just sitting at the puter was a PE after awhile. love, alysia
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Touching Souls
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #16 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 5:25pm
This has happened to me so many times too. People have told me they've seen me even though I hadn't done the PE. I think just thinking about it too puts you there, maybe implied Intent. LOL

Dear soul Bruce, what would we do without you. You completely changed my life and I'll be forever greatful. Wink

Much Love,
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #17 - Jan 20th, 2006 at 8:51pm
Hi Bruce and all,
this "time-doesn't-matter" thing has really wide spreading implications. For example, everyday I talk in my mind with people, or dream strange dreams with people I know, but usually you put those things in the "just thoughts&fantasy"-basket because you can't see connections with the actual situation, and then usually you forget it. But if in the thought dimensions time is not the same like in physical matter, it would be possible that those thoughts and dreams are not only made up in your own mind, but are real meetings which can get reality for the other people involved in the future or had happened already for them in the past. If I think this over, I get a complete different approach to my everyday thinking and dreaming. There is more connection and importance then. No thought is lost as it would be if it's just made up and without effect on others. Because of the possible time-shift it is but hard to verificate that we are connected this way.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #18 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 6:30am
Hiya Bruce,

I liked that story. Its kind of weird but helped me in a way i guess because now i feel it doesn't matter, time that is so much. I had it in my head even though everyones saturday was different due to timezones I had to do mine on my saturday, but now my thoughts are I can do it anytime around that weekend. Even though I know I could do it anytime I can try for whenever it feels best and hopefully get some results.

I'm just going to remember that story next time and have no worries and try whenever is best.

Thankyou for the reply and hope everything is going well.


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Bruce Moen
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #19 - Jan 21st, 2006 at 6:40am

I completely agree, the implications reach beyond the horizon of every reality I know, bringing the very nature conscious awareness into question.  Thinking about it can, as you say, completely change our approach.  We can begin to see more connection and importance in our everyday thoughts and dreams and . . .

Bob Monroe said it best in his simple statement that was the only belief he ever asked others to call into question as they began to learn what he taught . . .

"I am more than my physical body."

Exploring that belief began a process for me that leads to ever expanding orbits of understanding more of who and what I really am.  I see no end to that expansion.  I once worried that there wouldn't be enough time to explore it all. 

But then, at some point, I realized that while there may be no end to the possibilities in learning more about who and what I really am, I only have all of eternity to explore them.

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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #20 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 8:47am
Hi Guys,

So, I have the best of intentions on going to the crystal 1/14, eat lightly, have a response from the board in hard copy which has Alysia’s, Marilyn’s, and Spooky’s posts all on one page next to my bed with a picture of the crystal next to it.  I go to bed by 8:30 pm and put a Monroe hemi-sync on and cozy in.  Then the tickle in my throat starts and I put some Vicks on and settle in again.  (It’s ok this morning) I agree totally with L. Hay that all physical symptoms that we periodically manifest throughout or lives, stem from spiritual imbalance of some sort, but that’s an aside.  Anyhow after lying there for a while, I finally fall asleep, all the while picturing my destination that night.  But then I find myself in the middle of a nightmare?  I sense that someone has broken into the house while at the same time I find myself, not C1 physical self, on the floor at the foot of the bed being held from the back and struggling to break free.  Meanwhile, I’m trying like crazy to bend my head around to bite him so he’ll release me. 

I’m calling Mac for help and wind up back on my side of the bed still being held by this individual. This guy is not much different in height or build than myself but he is physically stronger.  As Mac and the cat and possibly some others are going for help or left the scene because this is my happening, this man is holding on to me for dear life in, what seems to me, to be an attempt to prevent me from going somewhere?  That’s when I get a look at part of his youngish looking face and really start to wonder what’s this all about.  He has a smooth olive complexion familiar smell/feel and is not anyone I know from C1. This whole experience was more like a lucid dream as opposed the run of the mill “working” or conversation dreams.  It was very vivid!   

It’s funny but when I started to be curious, the whole scene sort of dissipated and I was left with the question of whether or not I finally met the part of myself that could be preventing me from more productive explorations out there.  It somehow feels right that I left this scene with one of Bruce’s suggestions to state that it was ok and I did not need to be held back from this type of exercise and that the other individual/part of myself would be safe.  I remember his tightrope illustration where he explains that an aspect of ourselves wants to protect us, especially when we are doing something new. 

My previous retrievals sort of caught me off guard but in this case my intention was so strong, I suspect that a struggle in belief systems might have clashed.  Taking the suggestion to thank this aspect of myself for attempting to protect me and then express my desire to change my belief regarding visiting the crystal because I want to have the experience of going there and remembering it as vividly as this, being held back one was, is the thought I’m embracing now as I review the dream (AKG chap 12). Meanwhile, after the dream, I seem to remember conversations but they were hazy by the time I woke up.  I had no aftereffects in the morning regarding fear or back problems but I sure wish that I remembered going to the crystal because I do find much comfort in Spooky’s and Alysia’s statements about what they saw.  Again I mention that Marilyn’s suggestion that the hemi-sync may be causing me to click out, might also be a factor in my not having more vivid memory of going to the crystal.  I’ll try it without the tape next pe in February.

Any help with this would be appreciated and I did pm Alysia about this and she offered another take on it but I don’t think that it’s quite a fit.

Anyhow, that’s my story. Keep the glimpses coming in.  Love, Jean   Hi, Bruce Kiss

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Touching Souls
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #21 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 10:32am
Jean, because you had set your Intent to go to the crystal, I'm sure an aspect of you did but you just don't remember it. Intent is awesome. Wink

Love, Mairlyn Wink
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #22 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 10:59am

Thanks for an interesting story of your adventure. I think it is an important "chapter" in this adventure and I hope more "newbies" will read it to see that for some (many) of us, we don't just pop out a la Robert Monroe but we grow toward it one step at a time.

When we are little children, someone takes us by the hand and tell sus how to interpret the world, but whe we explore new vistas as adults, we have to figure it out for ourselves.

You have to decide how you progress best. Do you want to try to recreate the same conditions and see how you progress through them the next time, or do you want to try to create a different set of conditions and try to progress from there? I've not been able to conciously recreate but I always wonder if I could that I might finally "get it." In order to learn to drive in crazy urban traffic, I had to repeatedly go into it. Sometimes, you just gotta go through the door, sometimes you have to find a different path. How can you tell which choice is best?

I don't mean to take any pleasure from your misadventure, but in a way it is more interesting than the successes. Sometimes we learn more from experiments that fail than we do from ones that succeed. Thanks again for sharing.

I'm so sleep-deprived lately that I can't even remember a dream.
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #23 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 8:11pm
As I said in an earlier post, I've been out of touch lately.
However, on this night..I was in Palmetto State Park (Texas)..having a nightmare myself.

In it, two young boys stole our miniRV..and I ran to their campsite, told their father, "Give me your keys!"
I took off in his RV to catch the boys..used the RV to block them and managed to stop them.  I then asked the father if he had full coverage on his RV, because it was going to be expensive to fix ours and it was his boys fault.

I woke up with a sort of "huh?" feeling.
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #24 - Jan 22nd, 2006 at 9:26pm
Hi Jean,
interesting experience. I was reminded of one of my own experiences, which took place before I did this mind journeys taught by Bruce and the TMI (Maybe I've told this before):

At the end of a very long dream of two or three episodes, which I remembered clearly, I was standing (in this dream) at my university and was talking to a friend. Then the scene was getting weaker and the strangest bodily feeling appeared to me: A coldness went through me, but wasn't uncomfortable, which was odd. Then I felt drawn away from the dream scene, and I went into a state very similar to my mind-journeys now. I "knew" suddenly that someone was inside my room, in which I layed asleep. Normally I would immediately jump up from my bed, but not this time. Someone (or I) said to me: "Don't fear. You're safe. Keep calm." The cold feeling was remaining. I really felt this presence of someone in my room, and was aware that I was laying in my bed, I could "see" it with my mind's eyes like you can see imaginations. This person in my room (whom I didn't see) came nearer and nearer. The person layed down on my bed behind me (I was laying on my left side), very close, and it was absolutely real! Then the person behind me flew into my physical body. After a little while I decided to get up to write it down to remember this exceptional experience.

There are two possibilities (beneath the "silly fantasies" one): This person/presence was another spirit who likes to be again in a physical body ("earthbound spirit"), or it was an aspect of myself, or a "body" of myself which finally melted again with my physical body after separating during sleep, with the difficulty that my awareness was, if not in my physical body, but at least somehow near my physical body and not at the place of that more etheric body.
This occurance, of course, was very impressive. The following night, inspired by this, I did an exercise to have an oobe, but when the first signs came, I was overwhelmed of a tremendous nameless fear so that I had to quit that attempt.
Also, I always lock the door of my room when I go to sleep or meditation since this, as a psychologic mean to reduce possible sources of fear.


P.S. That sleepy person I mentioned, I thought it was you Jean. I didn't use person's names because I was (and am still) too uncertain about it, but now just thought you may find it interesting.
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"I'm going where the pavement turns to sand"&&Neil Young, "Thrasher"
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Choose this Day

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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #25 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 4:30pm
I think nightmares are good to write down also like you all have because then we can see them from another angle, turning them into something else through trying to understand why they occurred when our intention was something else.

as example I've worked a bit with setting intention and then drifting off to sleep.
kind of made a habit of doing it this way, yet the conscious imagination is just as good frequently to produce some hits. the reason I do it more to put myself to sleep, is I don't struggle with doubt when I'm dreaming so you could say I am a little lazy to phase.

phasing, I see as really advanced, so maybe thats my mental block there, to say I am not able to phase consistently. well the other day I got a message Rome was not built in a day. no sooner it flourished it was destructed. so liking what Lucy has to say, that you find your own path, building it as you will and tearing something down, you simply rebuild it....
speaking of setting intention then sleeping on it, I once did this with my PE partner. she made it to the crystal, I went to Louisiana.
ha ha! actually, I did make it to the back door of TMI before a guide drove me to Lousiana failing to tell me why she was driving me there when all I wanted was to meet with my partner.

the thing is I started to see failures as successes because at least I got to the back door of TMI, didn't I? that was way cool!
turns out the reason I couldn't get into the doors was I had these doubt thoughts in the day time that I wasn't "good" enough; that TMI wouldn't let any old riff raff enter in..that was I'm not riff raff, I just didn't believe in my own capabilities because I was thinking people who went to TMI were more together, or the elite, or yada know, it's easy to discount ourselves.
I could be way off track Jean with what I offered you..but I was going on my premise to use what the first thing came to my mind, not to discount the first thing. and it was that you said olive complexion which reminded me of another person in my orbit, so thats why I gave forth with that..I see facial features correctly, but only correctly for my own identification purposes, and also the height and strength were commonalities, as well maybe, the fear inside a person, drives their body around in the astral too. the main thing is how well you handled your nightmare to see beyond it with the curiosity. I think still this person is in your orbit and identity may come later if that's important. at least that's how it works with me. I've taken a whole year to identify someone from dream to reality, but we get better at it by just writing it down and pondering often what the message means.
it may just mean you see biting someone back doesn't make them release you necessarily, so you showed yourself a challenge and how you deal with it, then in your way you teach what you know by telling us about it. I don't see you as having to bite someone anyway, although we all have teeth, if you know what I mean..ramble ramble ramble..

I did discover the reason for being driven to Louisiana though, my daughters were planning a trip there for me, and they were in the car with me on my PE. still teed me off a little to not get into TMI, but just until I got an email from my partner that she had met me inside..oh really? I said, what did we do or say? ha ha! we danced she said.

well, funny thing is I had been imagining us dancing for two weeks. so there you go.
the adventure continues...

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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #26 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 12:35am
LOL WOW!!!!!!!the  whole time thing  ???   Well what if tomorrow I decide to go back to january 16th will I be able to talk to everyone, even myself? I just imagined I  did and gave everyone a blast of PUL.!!!! It is also nice to be back. Will be here tomorrow. Love  u wade
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #27 - Jan 28th, 2006 at 7:05pm
Hi Spooky,

So glad you responded to this because when I read about the sleepy person, I too wondered if it was me.  I do think that I made it there on 1/14 in spite of the earlier experience that night because there was strong conversation memory when I woke up.  In the days after, I printed out your experience and felt comforted as I kept rereading it.   My guy was defiantly separate from me but familiar and struggling to hold me back from going to the only place I intended to go that night, the crystal.  He seemed to dissipate as opposed to merging with me once I gave him the, “There’s nothing to fear, you’re safe” message much as you did with your individual.  He, indeed, was absolutely real to me but the internal confusion comes in when I wonder if he was holding my physical body back or the etheric one? Alysia introduced another possibility that I have to seriously consider and that is that it might have been another jealous individual not of me that did not want me to meet at the crystal that night.  Again, whether it was or not, the energy was dissipated with the message of assurance that everything would be ok. 

I’m finding that this is not an easy task to accomplish and just hope, as Marilyn says, that my intention is getting me there.  The following Saturday, I went to bed with the thought of wanting to go to the crystal because the picture posted by my bed looked so appealing as I started to drift into a light meditative state.  That night I had another lousy dream which was some how dealing with the beauracy of Homeland Security preventing me from enjoying a cruise with my husband on an ocean liner and the following incident where a voyeuristic security guard kept checking under my skirt for suspected counter- band.  And in my typical Jean way response to that type of annoyance, I took off my skirt as if to say ok now have a good look, I have nothing to hide.  I could feel my anger rise but at the same time I chucked when someone standing by, in reaction to my feisty response, said, “not bad, you have a good-looking body’”(t’aint necessarily so in reality but let the compliments remain).  So that was my second attempt to go to the crystal after that 1/14 Saturday and just as vivid as the previous Saturday’s dream/experience.  I don’t remember any dreams during my workweek due to my getting up for work at 4:30 am.   

So my plan is to keep practicing till the next official Saturday 2/11 comes around and maybe I’ll get it right then.

I get a warm feeling when I read your posts-so keep them coming, Love, Jean Kiss       
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #28 - Jan 28th, 2006 at 9:38pm
Dear Alysia,

I wrote a response to Spooky before I read your post and wanted to respond to Shirley because I went to a dream workshop yesterday and finally heard from a dream “expert” exactly what I always needed to hear, “The primary dream expert is the dreamer”.  But I also was glad to hear him admit that there is more to it than the old idea that all dreams are merely our unconscious minds giving us coded messages (all this coming from a Jungarian dream therapist).  That would leave out the retrieval work we do, the past life glimpses, the visits with our soul groups, the OBE/altered consciousness experiences, the messages from our deceased friends and family, prophecy, lucid dreams, meetings with our guides, and actual interference from other individuals on the spirit level to name a few.  Hopefully we’ve come a long way from the former simplistic description of what dreams are.  But also part of the dream experience includes feedback from others who just might know something that the “dreamer” doesn’t.  I value your input because that may well be the case plus any help in decoding the message is also appreciated as Dave did in another dream I had.  Since, at this time in my life, I remember so little from my nighttime adventures, I’m inclined to “milk” the few I do in hopes of gleaning something-just anything to give me guidance in who I am, what obstacles I’m encountering, and where I’m to go next. 

So I even welcome nightmares as solid neutrals in giving me clues to my journey though I would also welcome remembering positive encounters at the crystal, for example, even more.  That’s why Spooky’s suggestion of my being the napping person at the crystal, your glimpse of seeing many helpers around Mac and I, and even your “first” thought regarding an individual in my obit are welcome as real possibilities that uplift me as good happenings that I am connected to more than I am consciously aware of.  I realize that some individuals might consider this wishful thinking but I think that those in the past who have since died and were the first publishers of the written word were the same as we now who are having similar adventures.  Just because we are alive and using the Internet to record our words does not mean that what we have to say is less valid then those of the dead people whose words we are to take in as unquestionable as fixed in stone and therefore more valid.  And remember a lot of them dead folks didn’t accept much input from their womenfolk as many males do now.   

Does seem to me that the gap between dreams, retrievals, and P E ing is closing or was the whole dream thing merely an artificial construction in the first place coined to describe the human/living tasks we do when the physical body needs rest due to the density of this plane?  Is that what Monroe means when he says there is no wakefulness, there is no sleep, there is only being?   

Trust your input as much as ever, dear friend. Love, Jean 

p.s. I’m really feeling like a lost soul this week and struggling to keep going so when I couldn’t post the above response because every time I tried the internet disconnected, I had to shut the whole thing down and start reading some posts I had printed out.  The one I’m referring to is your Ayn R one regarding dreams and I realized that the above was a response to your/my/others early misconceptions about our shared nightlife, so again I realize that somehow we’re on the same page. Love, J          
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Re: PE Jan 14th, 2006
Reply #29 - Jan 28th, 2006 at 9:40pm

Aaah ha! they do indeed work in mysterious ways.
It went through this time because the circle of my communication is complete.

Jean Grin
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