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Angry with deceased (Read 3756 times)
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Angry with deceased
Dec 21st, 2005 at 2:24pm
does anyone know if you are angry with someone who is decased if they know?  would they care? could they fix anything here? 


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Re: Angry with deceased
Reply #1 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 2:49pm
Yup. anger is a biggee to get it nuetralized. they know about it. its like a karmic condition between you and other.
my husband knew I was angry, and a guide came with him as a mediator. whats this I thought? marriage counselors in the afterlife? ha ha! yup! most of my anger dissappated with the meeting in spirit, but I still had my own stuff to work on when I got back to C1. Since we are all connected, it is good to get beyond the grief and anger as soon as you can. love, alysia
ps. it has much to do with plain old like a charm.
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... Who takes away death's sting deprives life of bitterness
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Angry with deceased
Reply #2 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 3:34pm
It is very likely the deceased (now enlarged) person will know of your view, especially if they have been 'over' for a while.
'Think' your point of view to them and remember their opinion in the matter, resulting in your anger, may be better founded than your own.
They could try to remedy matters 'here' if they considered it best.
This could only be done in their timescale - now a quite different one.
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Re: Angry with deceased
Reply #3 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 4:35pm
Hey Eileen,

I would say you have to really work through this as it does affect the person on the otherside but also you... you don't want to carry this anger through this lifetime. Sometimes people don't know what they have done to hurt someone, maybe they have done but usually see their ways over there and I bet they wish they could change them if they could now... I agree with Alysia forgiveness but the only way you can really do this is to really think about why this person made you angry? Did they know they were doing it? Why were they doing it? Was it them just projecting there anger on others? To understand I believe is to forgive. Easier said than done but it takes time. Last of all whether there is a Afterlife or not, which I do believe in one of the first things which i believe in and always have done is everything happens for a reason... even if we can't see the reason, sometimes we can but the best thing you can do is definatly sit down and work through it. I need to myself a lot... specially with some people here who don't understand what they are doing.... thats kind of everyone but carrying anger can only be bad. I hope things work out for you and were always here to help if you want.

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Re: Angry with deceased
Reply #4 - Dec 21st, 2005 at 6:55pm
My guides knew it when I've been pissed at them.

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Re: Angry with deceased
Reply #5 - Dec 23rd, 2005 at 12:36am
Hi Eileen-
Not only are thy aware, they share your feelings to some extent, and they understand you, perhaps better than you might prefer.

Usually the reason we are angry is that we feel hurt, thwarted, frustrated, attacked etc. When it's a loved one, this is usually because we have lost access to them on the manner that we would prefer. In other words, it's a matter of an emotional loss for which we blame the person we love. "How dare you leave me here with forty three screaming babies to care for, the car only half paid off, a major mortgage on the house, and I don't have a job, and you promised to take care of me forever!"

The value of that anger is that it will prod you to avoid getting into the same situation again with the next guy. Having made that decision, it has no further benefit, and might as well be forgiven. (Or would you prefer to carry a club for the rest of your life in hope of bonking some poor spook who passed years before you, and has been denied your love for decades?)

There is nothng wrong with telling the guy, "I love you, I miss you and I really am angry that you left because I love you so much. But I forgive you - because I'd rather love you, and I'm pretty sure that you didn't plan this just to be mean. "   Then, if you still feel bent, take it up with God. Ask for a clear explanation of the reason that it all happened that way. But beware - you'll get an answer.

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Re: Angry with deceased
Reply #6 - Dec 23rd, 2005 at 6:53pm
Oh, man, John knew about three people were po'd at him today!  He took my daughter's truck apart, bought parts for it that have to be cobbled together (but we don't know what he intended), left part laying around that we can't's mostly mock frustration sort of anger, it's just a John thing, after all, but if he's got ears where he is, they're burning!  Die on me with everything half put together, will life he is in *so* much trouble!

My friend's mate is my mechanic, she said every time she wandered through the garage today she heard him muttering "John, *what* did you do here??"  Poor guy...there's a reason I don't like to try to put something back together after John took it apart... Wink

Oh, and I have a picture of John I can see from the computer, with a sort of half-grin on his face...I swear that thing changes expression...sometimes it looks more grin-y, sometimes almost rueful...and it isn't just because I expect it because of something that happened, because sometimes I'll notice it and think "Hmmm...", and look around to see what's going on!
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