greetings friends on the dream forum; allow me to run this by you and I think I have it interpreted but maybe not..sometimes I have to wait to get the right interpretation.
11/01/05 (I keep a dream log) Dana my daughter, graphic artist, who has designed a cover for a book I have written, is sitting at her computer with a puzzled look on her face, as I sit across from her waiting for the puzzled look to disappear

apparently, and rats, she has forgotten a password to get into the needed files. I am sure we can find or remember it. she moves from her chair and I sit down in her chair and begin writing on a paper a bunch of possible passwords. I seem to know the password I am looking for is simple. it's only 3 letters and it's related to the word "mob". he he he he. (tell u why I'm laffing later)
I place maybe 6 passwords on the form and concentrate deeply within an intuitive state.
one of the words I write is "squad" because mob seems to go with squad. (TV show)
my brow is furrowed. right...

Dana's supervisor walks into the room, a nice lady; she walks up to me while I'm concentrating and places her hand gently on my shoulder as if to comfort me in my angst. she says nothing but I sense her kindness and that she tries to relieve me of the pressure of not knowing the password. end.
I think this interpretation would be a positive one; really don't do negative interprets anyway

my dream tells me although my daughter does good work, this project is now in my hands as my girl has proven to have a short concentration span. the lady who is in charge of Dana possibly could hold the key to the password which I may either meet in C1 or she could be like behind the scenes as in non/physical guide type thing. what would be even better if she turned out to be related to the publishing/marketing world.
now I'll tell u why all the he he he's.
there are 5,000 publishers, of the self publishing as well as the other kind out there on the internet. they are all looking like a mob. guffaw guffaw....they all say "we know how rough it is so we are here for you..but most do not help market books...and new age material is just that..new age. so it's risky for them.
so I'm thinking about passwords...

never mind my problems, lets hear some more dreams of yours! love and hugs, alysia