i've been looking into my dreams since about the age of 17, so 3, coming onto 4 years. i can't believe how much they have changed, but more importantly, the weirdness of them all! i have always had jumbled, peculiar dreams, and they have carried on from childhood, but i have yet to meet others that have had as many as me. everyone else i used to talk to in school had the most normal dreams, it was like real life events, nothing out of the ordinary. but in my dreams i do things that just couldnt happen or wouldnt be belived on this world, but i accept everything....i dont even question whats going on in my dreams i just do it.....
anyway, the jumbled mess has now changed into distinct images from time to time. it's funny, a few weeks back i remember seeing a dream topic on here, and thought to myself 'damn, its been so long since i've been having my dreams, whats happened? i want them back!'. and behold, they're back and better (weirder) than ever!
last night i was throwing poisoned darts at people that were trying to attack me (i'm always running away from something or attacking out of protection inmy dreams, i think its got a lot to do with the anxiety i feel in waking life). but then i remember being here, in my bedroom, only it seemed slightly different. i remember someone being there with me, an energy force. he asked me if i wanted to come out of my body.....(now i've just realised that i was around where my head would have been if i was sleeping, interesting), i was talking to him in images, in a flash of thoughts, i said i was scared that i wouldnt be able to get back into my body afterwards. then he told me to just relax and look at my pc monitor, which as i remember had this red landspace thing....its all a bit hazy, anyway, i woke up.....hmmm.
sometimes i will also dream, then when i'm waking up, it will all go black and i will feel myself floating back down towards my body, then waking up.
i could talk for hours about it, but i'll stop now

if anyone is interested on dream interpretation then have a look at this fantastic website!