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Afterlife Knowledge Member
Posts: 236
Death is necessary, for there to be progress. The pope had to die, because he can not learn and change. The death of Yasser Arafat was a blessed event, a huge improvement. He was another Hitler, who wanted to kill all the jews, and committed the Palestinians to 50 years of endless hopeless war. When dictator Franco died, Spain improved. Fidel Castro will die, and so will Osama Bin Laden and Musab al-Zarqawi and Kim Jong 2.
It has been said, that people's ideas do not change, but instead, the people with the old idea die off, and the people who have grown up with the new idea take over.
Also, I wonder if where the pope has gone, he still will not learn anything. At least, he might watch the ELS changes being made, that he refused to make.