derby47 : "how can u not no your dead"
Robdetroit : "how do you know your alive?"
If everyone reading this, right here and right now, will ask yourself, "Am I dead? Could it be that I've already died?"
Some of you may feel something 'click' inside your head, as if it were familiar to you.
We've all had so many lifetimes, that it is not uncommon for almost every individual, to have had the experience of being a psychotic post mortem (psychotic = psychologically unstable; post = after; mortem = death), unaware that we've died. This can be due to any number of factors, notably the pain and confusion that underlay the circumstances of the death, or the state of the mind/emotions at point of death, as well as a lifetime in which consciential/spiritual awareness of these afterlife/spirit realities were absent.
Hence, asking yourself this question, might feel familiar to you. The sense of the 'click', is the memory in which you had, in some past intermissive period (ie. period in between physical incarnations) as a psychotic post mortem, finally awakened to the realization that you were dead. This awakening is an important one, allowing the guides & helpers to establish conscious communication with you, and to move on with your intermissive period experience, including reassimilation with energies of your higher self, returning to your extraphysical home community, reuniting with your soul group, karmic group, restablishing contacts with extraphysical friends, colleagues, loved ones, including visiting other worlds which you have links with, life review, discussions with guides, helpers, council of elders, evolutionary orientor, prepration for next intraphysical incarnation (planning of details of next existential program), meetings with specialist gudies & helpers (based on requirements of upcoming existential program), intermissive courses in the learning centers, enjoyment and exploration, etc.
There is potentially, another possibility that people ask themselves this question, the psychotic post mortems that are in the immediate (physical or psychic) vicinity, or in some cases attached to them, will also hear this question, and (hopefully) have enough lucidity to ask themselves this question, which may lead the awakening of the psychotic post mortem.
Exceprt from the Spring Equinox 2002 Channeling ( ) :
They are the energies of beings who don’t know they have died, intruders, psychotic post-mortems, beings who struggle simply to know what is going on for them and so on, who will then unconsciously attach to others at the physical reality. To solve this takes education - more and more people simply being aware that this is happening. When you have a sense that something like this is going on for you or for people around you, the obvious thing is to raise the vibration. If the vibration at the physical level is that which is intolerable to such beings who need it to be dense, dark and difficult in order to continue in their place of ignorance, fear and struggle; then raise the vibration. “Oh,” you might ask, “but how?” There are many ways to do this of course and it isn’t as if any one way is better than any other. You’re going to find the ones that are suitable for you by asking.
Sometimes it is very important to speak to that being and it is easier than you think. Oh yes, the person that you’re with is going to deny all of it and you are going to feel embarrassed about speaking to somebody who is non-physical. But you can always take them aside for a moment. You go into the bathroom, you excuse yourself saying, “You know I need to go talk to myself in the bathroom for a few minutes,” and do so in an intriguing way and you know that being is going to follow you. They are quite curious just as the curiosity might be aroused in anyone who would hear such words. It isn’t as if it’s going to be a big commitment. The being is going to be away from its host for maybe a matter of a minute or two, and then what you say is what you feel. If you are sensing that such a being is indeed a psychotic post-mortem, a being that has died that doesn’t know he has died, tell him he is dead. That is the obvious thing. He has been hearing it from a lot of non-physicals, a lot of beings, his relatives, helpers and others. Of course he doesn’t believe them, because nobody he is attached to at the physical world says he is dead. And so your word has tremendous weight in this regard. Indeed the individual Edith Fiore in her book, The Unquiet Dead, deals with this very specific plan of action in which you address the individual and you tell that being what’s going on and you tell it also to recognize what’s happening, to wake up, to be then surrounded by beings of light and benefit and go towards them and receive that energy. When you come out of the bathroom of course, your friend won’t know why but he feels a lot better. However, you haven’t solved anything really because if that individual is attracting such beings because of a darkness, a difficulty, some aspect within himself that is leaking energy of a darker nature, then of course he will attract another psychotic post-mortem at some point in the future, and you’ll have to pay the timely visit to his bathroom again.
However, education in this regard is of tremendous value. It is where you speak about such matters, where you investigate them, where you learn about them. If the individual then changes his or her vibration, then it is not going to be so easy for attachment to take place. And this is another important technique, and this you can teach. -------------------------------------------------------------
On a sidenote, there is a conceptually related technique which some use to initiate astral projections or out-of-body experiences, whilst alseep.
If you make the habit of asking yourself, once every hour, "Am I dreaming?", the habit pattern will soon follow you into the dream state. Such that when you dream whilst asleep, and ask yourself this question as a habit, you might then be able to answer, "Yes! I'm dreaming and I realize it! Woohoo!".
From then on, the dream would become (at least temporarily) a lucid one, and from this, there would be a chance to initiate an astral or out-of-body projection, by focus of will.