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What's happening? (Read 3865 times)
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What's happening?
Mar 31st, 2005 at 10:56pm
Lately when I lay down in bed, relax and try to go to sleep, I get a dizzy looking at something quickly when you have been drinking, but my eyes are closed.  I have also been getting it occasionally during the day, especially when I am sitting down, my perception gets weird and a little wiggly.  Any  thoughts on what this might mean? 
Thanks, Lindsay
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Re: What's happening?
Reply #1 - Apr 1st, 2005 at 2:26pm

I had that happen to me recently.  Went to the doctor I had fluid in my ears.  Causes one to feel off balance and vertigo.  I was given some antihistimines and the problem was resolved.
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Re: What's happening?
Reply #2 - Apr 1st, 2005 at 2:41pm
Hi Rat-

Lou's problem hit me too - At first I fell over sideways, as if the room was turned upsdie down, and I couldn't even sit up.  It came back several times too. But it cleared up with proper drugs and time. This seems to be a fairly common problem.

Your spinning thing might also be part of the OBE process. Monroe, Carrington, Muldoon and a few others mention this kind of feeling. You might try "going into it" to see if you shake loose from the body.

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Touching Souls
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Re: What's happening?
Reply #3 - Apr 1st, 2005 at 5:51pm
It can also be part of the ascension process with all the new energies coming in. Here is one website that lists these but there are many. Do a search on and you will find many to read.

Love, Mairlyn
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: What's happening?
Reply #4 - Apr 2nd, 2005 at 1:42am

Mairlyn, interesting link.  I can certainly relate to the stuff in that article.

Lindsay, your problem could be an inner ear thing as some have suggested, or it could be related to a loose connection between the physical and astral body.  I get dizzy when I pray because I feel as though I am about to go OBE.  Usually after about five minutes of prayer, when I really start to get deeply into it, I begin losing all perception of the exterior world except a feeling as though my body is beginning to lift off whatever I am sitting on, and a sensation of dizziness, unsteadiness, and disorientation.  If I don't stop prayer at this point, I begin to get sort of an electrical sensation in my head and feel as though I am losing consciousness.  I have never allowed myself to go fully OBE because I fear that I might be unable to return to my body or that the experience would severely damage my brain or nervous system, which I cannot afford because I already have neurological problems as it is.  I have read that OBEs are stressful on the nerves because the astral body is detaching and reattaching to the brain/nervous system, which involves major transfers of electrical energy.  Some people who have done OBEs have ended up with chronic seizure disorders, and I've even heard of cases where people permanently lose their equilibrium, have constant disassociation, and occasionally leave their body involuntarily.

But, you probably just have an inner ear problem.  If it gets worse or doesn't go away soon, you might want to get it checked out with a neurologist.  I had a similar problem a couple years ago, and a test showed too much pressure in the inner ear.  It ended up going away on its own after a few months, but during this time I had a lot of problems with dizziness, especially when I would lie down and try to go to sleep.  It felt like I was lying on a boat that was moving in the waves, and made me very tense.  There were a couple times where fluid spontaneously drained out of my ear accompanied by chills and shaking, nausea and intense dizziness.  Probably the fluid needed to be released because too much pressure had built up.  In most cases, these inner ear things tend to go away with time.  I was worried it would never go away, but it did.

Best wishes,
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Re: What's happening?
Reply #5 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 2:10pm
Thank you all for your responses...I really don't think it's an inner ear problem, I'm a dance major, so I would definetly know if it was that, I'd be falling all over the place!  I think when I described it, it sounded too violent.  It seems very similar to the praying/energy thing that freebird posted, because it usually happens when I meditate or pray.  Again, thanks a lot!
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Re: What's happening?
Reply #6 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 3:49pm
Hi Linsay-

AHA! - To answer your initial question, please permit a digression to set the stage for explanation. - Prayer is "meditation with seed" where the "seed" is God, however understood. Meditation can also be "without seed" in which case it involves participant universal awareness of the "Cosmic Oneness" - also God, but without imposing a definition. Yogis are those who are connected (yog is the Sanskrit root meaning Yoke or Connection) to the Cosmic Oneness. For example Christian Saints, Hindu Saints etc. When yogis meditate, they rouse inner energies commonly called Kundalini. This is a poorly defined and poorly understood global internal energy through which life occurs. When fully aroused, it seems to center in the Kundali Chaka (the lower half of the big energy center in the solar plexus that we usually call the Manipura Chakra), and it turns up All the other chakras to tingle as if you are having a 100% total body orgasm, except stronger and better. On the way to that experience, Kundalini rises up the spine, subtly, and as it passes through the two minor chakras in the base of the skull and upper neck, and moves toward the Ajna chakra (Third eye region in forehead) it may cause disequilibrium, often as if you are losing touch with the present earth. These effects can be found detailed in Swami Satchitananda's book on the experiences of yogis, in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, as well as many other writings.

Having said all that, apply it to your own experiences. When you pray and meditate, it seems as if what is happening is that you are sufficiently spiritually evolved that you are raising your kundalini energy. This is not an inner ear thing, you're right. Instead it is a sign of spiritual progress that your prayer and meditation are leading you into greater spiritual development.

One way to see if this makes sense is to notice that you are probably also having good luck with other aspects of life, like always finding parking places when needed, having friends who are spiritually highly developed, sensing your participation in the Cosmic Oneness (or closeness to God, if you prefer) and so on, the ability to turn off the babble of the mind when not using it (it's just a computer, after all) comes soon, as does the next stage of spiritual growth, called by yogis "sat-chit-ananda" (you can check this out for yourself).


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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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central california
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Re: What's happening?
Reply #7 - Apr 3rd, 2005 at 3:50pm
Hi Linsay-

AHA! - To answer your initial question, please permit a digression to set the stage for explanation. - Prayer is "meditation with seed" where the "seed" is God, however understood. Meditation can also be "without seed" in which case it involves participant universal awareness of the "Cosmic Oneness" - also God, but without imposing a definition. Yogis are those who are connected (yog is the Sanskrit root meaning Yoke or Connection) to the Cosmic Oneness. For example Christian Saints, Hindu Saints etc. When yogis meditate, they rouse inner energies commonly called Kundalini. This is a poorly defined and poorly understood global internal energy through which life occurs. When fully aroused, it seems to center in the Kundali Chaka (the lower half of the big energy center in the solar plexus that we usually call the Manipura Chakra), and it turns up All the other chakras to tingle as if you are having a 100% total body orgasm, except stronger, better and spiritual, not sexual. On the way to that experience, Kundalini rises up the spine, subtly, and as it passes through the two minor chakras in the base of the skull and upper neck, and moves toward the Ajna chakra (Third eye region in forehead) it may cause disequilibrium, often as if you are losing touch with the present earth. These effects can be found detailed in Swami Satchitananda's book on the experiences of yogis, in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, and in Hatha Yoga Pradipika, as well as many other writings.

Having said all that, apply it to your own experiences. When you pray and meditate, it seems as if what is happening is that you are sufficiently spiritually evolved that you are raising your kundalini energy. This is not an inner ear thing, you're right. Instead it is a sign of spiritual progress that your prayer and meditation are leading you into greater spiritual development.

One way to see if this makes sense is to notice that you are probably also having good luck with other aspects of life, like always finding parking places when needed, having friends who are spiritually highly developed, sensing your participation in the Cosmic Oneness (or closeness to God, if you prefer) and so on, the ability to turn off the babble of the mind when not using it (it's just a computer, after all) comes soon, as does the next stage of spiritual growth, called by yogis "sat-chit-ananda" (you can check this out for yourself).


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