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The sequel to "Its really happening" (Read 1493 times)
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The sequel to "Its really happening"
Apr 1st, 2005 at 2:30pm
  I wrote this a little while ago, mostly for a Cayce I-net group i'm part of and who i butt heads with often.  I thought about sharing it here when i wrote it, but figured it wasn't up people's alley here.  But as of late, it seems to be more bubbling to the surface.   
  If you are allergic to PREACHINESS do not read...I repeat do not read! you will become asphyxiated by the histamine reaction within your body due to the preachy allergy reaction Grin Wink

  The Changes: A Holistic Perspective

   The Earth is a developing spiritual entity just as you or I are.  Not the same manifestation of course, but not all that different in many respects.  Like the Earth, we—our personalities are functioning or concentrating their energies in an unusual state called that of physicality.   This is the only dimension which has conflicting energies of many varied vibrations from the slowest vibrations of the self-created depraved mass murderer, to the highest Master types.  But the Earth has many other levels, which are connected to her whole system; these other dimensions are where we shift our vibrations to after we die.   The various Astral (or emotional-desire levels), the Mental (where most eventually end up—dimension 4), and the higher spiritual states of dimensions 5, 6, and 7 (Arcturus the door to other systems is that of 8).   These dimension all have many numerous sub dimensions within them, systems of 7 within 7 through many various sub-planes.  These are part of the Earth’s consciousness and part of our own inner consciousness (all really takes place within).  When you die, you don’t actually “go” anywhere, because life is dimensional and vibratory, not space or time oriented.   Every other level but the physical has a harmony of the pure law of Like attracts Like.  Not so on the physical level of the Earth, we have Like attracts Like and Opposite attracts Opposite—so seemingly everything on the dense physical Earth level is of a dualistic nature, but that is not truly the case, it is our perceptions that are dualistic and “off”.  God did not create the duality, we did.

    Another way that characterizes the differences between the physical levels and the other levels can be put into energy terms.   The physical has both negative and positive forces (the negative is NOT a force unto itself, but rather the absence of the purely positive charge of energy).   The higher mental and spiritual levels are much, much faster in vibration and they are purely positively charged (that of which is ever active and ever expanding), whereas the dark realms of the lower astral are almost purely negatively charged and so lacking in Light that they literally appear very, very dark if you were to perceive it in a visual manner.  They are even slower in vibration than the overall physical Earth vibration.   These levels were solely created by the Mind of Man, and are not real because they did not spring from the Pure Mind of God.   Earth is similar in not being real, because it is temporal and will someday not exist—that which exists forever is the real, that which eventually dissipates back into raw consciousness in not real.  In some ways, Earth in can be described in color terms of two major colors, red and gray.   Gray because there is such a mixing of energies here, and red because of the conflict.

    The changes are due primarily to the consciousness changes happening within in the collective consciousness of humanity.   The reasons behind the consciousness changes are so complex, and so hard to understand by our physical brains that I have a hard time even beginning to understand all the various reasons “why”, but I will try and describe the more apparent reasons.   Time is of a circular, or cyclic nature and those who direct things on the higher spiritual levels (the spiritual Councils and Elders from various Galaxies, and the Angels), use the planets, the apparent motion of the Zodiac, and indeed anything physical which has a regular pattern to act as a Big Clock.   Now some of these objects have their own vibrations too, as well delineated by the Cayce readings.   One of the more strong consciousness markers is that which we call the turning of the Ages—the apparent backward movement of the Zodiac.   

    We are coming to a new age, which is apparent on many levels, but this yet is but a small cycle of just 2100 years.  During the first of every new age, a World Teacher arises to show us the pure path of Love, this teacher arises out of the mass of humankind and demonstrates that he has remembered his Divinity.  Yeshua was the last one of humankind to arise, and though he will be appearing as himself again (not as one born), he is not the one to demonstrate by example (living the life from birth to body transformation).  He will be teaching again, and directing the activities of the one who does arise as the new World Teacher for this Age.  But there is much less emphasis in this age on the World Teacher, for what the Aquarian age represents is the awakening of the groups and the masses.  Many are nearing Graduation levels, but yet still the whole of humanity needs that ultimate Way-shower—that pure Being of Light who is completely beyond duality.  Is this the John Penial of whom the Readings spoke of, or is John just the messenger and path tramper for this person, much like John the Baptist was for Yeshua?  Who is to say…  I wonder will this person be killed as well as many of the other World Teachers have been, or are we beyond such reactions now????

    There are other much larger cycles, which are cycles within cycles, relating to the numerological indications.   A major cycle is that of 26, 000 years (the total time it takes for our Sun to move through the entire zodiac) times 7 the number of completion relating to the balance between the spiritual with the material.   We are finishing up one of these great cyles of about 182,000 years.   These cycles are very much involved with the movement of our system around other greater systems which have greater centers than that of our little Sun.  Arcturus is one of the centers which is very influential on our system, but what drives all things in this particular galaxy is the Galactic Center.   This Great Center is the physical representation of the pure Will and Mind of God, not that it is such, but it stands a symbol of this energy at its fastest/highest vibrations—that of pure Love.   This Center has a cycle of activity and non-activity, well our time-space is nearing the very active cycle.   The Galactic Center is what I call a dual resonator is that it acts a matter creator, and a matter annihilator which transforms matter back into its higher dimensional state—the real state.   It seems that the Mayans new something of this, and calculated their large cycles on our relationship or movement in relation to the Galactic center and its passive and active cycles. 

    Now our Earth system cycles are tuned into, or resonate with the other cycles of the greater centers.  Some say the changes are only happening because of natural Earth cyles like greater Mass imbalances within the Earth due to ice, the Sun, and Moon cycles mostly.   This is very true, on the physical level these physical changes are due to this, but the engine, what drives all change within the physical—is the Spirit dimensions.  Physical doesn’t ever cause spiritual events, but instead is the effect and co-resonator with.   All dimensions are connected, and something can’t happen in one dimension and now happen in the slower vibrating dimensions correspondingly.

    Now, if humanity was wide awake spiritually these changes would happen with little disastrous effect on us and our daily lives, there would still be areas of extreme earthquakes, volcanism, and perhaps even mini-crustal shifts over time.  And the Earth would let out these stresses, not in our major cities and more important societal areas.   But the way that energy operates, the law of cause and effect (or like attracts like—same thing), the Earth must relieve this stress in those areas where this is the most friction between the faster vibrating positive energies and the slower vibrating negatively charged energies.  So, looking at what L.A. or New York stand for, for example, then you may see why these areas will be destroyed, just a natural consequence of energy build-up and release.

   Now looking at things from a purely physical and geological standpoint, it seems that prior crustal shifts did at some point really “speed” up and cause major land, ocean, and climate change.   Mass graveyards abound here and there everywhere from different periods.  Some of these periods “match up” roughly with times that Cayce gave for past major crustal shifts.  In my mind, I see a gradual change building up ever so slowly but like all cycles speeding up to a “breaking” point—releasing a lot of energy, then dramatically slowing down.  This phenomenon strongly reminds me of one that takes place in astrology, which I have studied in the past (well many “pasts”).  In astrology and in charting future probabilities you look to see where the planets are in relation to your fixed natal planet positions (this is called Transits in astro.).  As a planet moves into a major geometrical relationship (called an aspect—a 90 degree relationship is called a square) then you begin to gradually notice the energy difference as it moves up into an “exact” aspect (less than 1 degree of separation towards) and generally this is when the stuff really manifests in your life.  After the moving planet moves past your natal planet, things start to subside noticeably.  Relate this to the concept of “As above, so below” and you may see the relevance.  My intuition tells me that this breaking point or climax is when we really move into Aquarius and into the path of the Beam of Galactic Light, so to speak.   Who really knows exactly when this will happen, one thing I know is that like Yeshua said, it will not happen when you expect it too.   There are variables and potentials within all states of consciousness and in all cycles.   

   Cayce’s Sources gave 98’ as a very important year i.e. the entrance of the Christ, the speed up of the changes, etc.  Why is 98’ so important in understanding the changes, well back to the ole Galactic Center again.   I guess you could say that in 98’ we first really started to “move” into the path of this Pure White Light Beam, so to speak.   This has speeded up the vibratory energy on all levels and dimension both within our Earth System and within many other systems energetically connected to us.  Or in other words, the Christ Consciousness has been increasingly prevalent among the Sons and Daughters of Man.

      Also look at the numerological indications of 1998 and you see “TRANSFORMATION” in big bold letters; there is a lot of 9 energy encoded in this year.  Having been born with the life path of 27-9 I understand the transformation process very well, and rarely is birth not painful when you are still in dualistic state of mind, but the “pain” ever leads to higher states of being—potentially speaking.

    So I use 98’ as a starting point in understanding the time cycle involved.   Everything in the Earth system has a major cycle of 7 involved within it.   So, to see when these changes come into fruition one might use a key of 7 in understanding the most probable time-line.  Use your imagination.

   Now I want to reiterate that these changes are NOT just an “Earth Event”, but really relates to many other systems and dimensions, yea even other galaxies and their higher dimensional counterparts.   There is a Universal awakening going on, with many beings and systems learning the true meanings of Love energy and the Great Interconnectedness of All Consciousness.   It is all mind-boggling to realize how many Consciousnesses there are, how different, and yet how One they truly are. 

    But back to the Earth: considering that the Earth is a living breathing organism not unlike us, then it becomes plausible that on some level are rape of her in oh so many cruel and imaginative way, causes some pain.   Look at modern Western culture and what it is all really about.   It is completely based in Illusion, in things and concepts of the Temporal.   Take a moment to feel her Beingnes, her love, and her pain that we humans who are the only species that willfully and without much conscience destroy parts of her.  I can feel her, because I’m one with her.   But so many, even spiritually minded people, lose sight of this fact, that Earth is a Being unto itself.   We humans are so incredibly ungrateful to the beauty that lies within Earth, true her forms are in essence an illusion and will pass away, but the Beauty within the form is more real and eternal than you could ever realize.  And very few of us have any deeper and consistent appreciation of this. 

    It seems that many people misinterpret Cayce on many levels, especially the dates he gave.  All of the major dates that he talked about on a few occasions were just marking points, or general guidelines to help us understand the trends and patterns herein involved.   For example, during the end of Reading 5745-8 Cayce’s Sources say, “In this same pyramid did the Great Initiate, the Master, take those last of the Brotherhood degrees with John, the forerunner of Him, at that place.  As is indicated in that period where the entrance is shown to be in that land that was set apart, as that promised to that peculiar peoples, as were rejected—as is shown in that portion when there is the turning back from the raising up of Xerxes as the deliverer from an unknown tongue or land, and again is there seen that is occurs in the entrance of the Messiah in this period—1998.”

   So, if you take this literally as I’m sure some did before the year of 1998, then you might think that some “Messiah” would show up in 98’.  I’ve seen it in interpreted in Cayce books to say that would be when the Master Yeshua would make his public appearance…errrt wrong again, please deposit another quarter and try again.  No, it seems that some esoteric or prophetic readings of Cayce were much like dreams—encoded in symbolism.

   There is another infamous reading (294-51), which says about Cayce and his own Soul “history” when talking about the Priest Ra and early Egyptian history,  “Is it not fitting, then that these must return?  As this priest may develop himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of a liberator of the world in its relationships to individuals in those periods to come; for he must enter again at that period, or in 1998….”

   Now it seems many have taken this to mean that Cayce will, no questions asked, be born exactly in the year of 1998.  Now even discounting the entire fluidity nature of Spirit how can people actually believe this is THE date?  Did not Cayce say “at that period, or…”  This reminds me a lot of the infamous Poleshift Reading where many, many thought Cayce was giving us an exact year of the culmination of the changes…wrong again—he only gave trends on such long-term, collective prophecies. Here read the actual reading again (826-8), “….Q—What great change or the beginning of what change, if any, is take place in the earth in the year 2000 to 2001 A.D.?

A—When there is the shifting of the poles.  Or a new cycle begins.”

    Notice how “or” is used in both readings above, so excuse me for being overly blunt but how can anyone be so stubbornly sure that Cayce said he would exactly be born in the year 1998?   You simply can’t, unless you are myopically minded to the extreme. 

    Plus many Cayce-centered people would do well to remember that there is other viable and reliable spiritual information out there.  Only be becoming Universal in every manner, do we become Universally One again.  There are many here now in this space-time whose personalities are on a much higher vibration than was Cayce’s, though Cayce was unique in some ways.  It seems his primary purpose was to “pave the way” for mainstream acceptance of psychic phenomena, and now we have the Monroe Institute which teaches people quite effectively to move into there faster vibrating inner energies in which Cayce tapped into to give his readings.   It seems that thousands have had “mystical” experiences while attending TMI’s programs, and many people like it so much that they keep going back for more programs, which are on the expensive side.  Speaks volumes that people are willing, again and again, to pay out that much money for a week stay at TMI.  It also speaks volumes that a prestigious business magazine like Wall Street Journal would even deign to write up an article about TMI and their unconventional programs.

Conclusion:  So if people really understood what the changes entail, and if they are of a spiritual non-materialistic mind-set then they would welcome the changes as loving parents welcome the birth of a new born baby—pain and all.  What do the changes mean?  To me they mean many things on many different levels, but most importantly they represent a powerful opportunity of facilitation for humanity as a whole to move into a unified Consciousness of Love.  How could I not desire this happening? 

   Yet the changes also do mean physical changes as well.  I pray that we could move into it gracefully and without such a fight, but its not to be.  Humanity also seems to go kicking and screaming despite the best efforts of all the guides, teachers, and masters who come here to help.  Such resistance to this all powerful Love flow sets up much friction on the physical level, which in turn facilitates the Earth having more stressful “releases” which in turn destroy all that is so important to material minded persons. 

   I suppose it could be debated on how much resistance is going on etc.?  Living in America, I see the most collective resistance.  How long can men gone insane by power lust, greed, and un-love be in positions of influence?   When is too much, too much?  When the whole world is in a conflagration of war and material greed?   Quite frankly, I want this shit to stop, though I know it will happen in its own good time.  The Western way (especially the American way which has “infiltrated” every other country), has also been the way of death, slavery, and destruction of that which is sacred.   I’m full aware and respect the fact that it is a learning experience either way, and fear, hatred, greed etc. all play their role as teachers, BUT it can only become so dominant, especially with Love being pumped into this system like never before.  If you think about it, on some levels Love as energy is the most destructive force in all of Creation.  Why would I say that, because I know Love and UN-LOVE cannot co-exist and love transforms all duality and illusions.   What is our Culture of Death based upon primarily, fear, materialism, greed, etc. all those things which come from a lack of Love.  So what will be destroyed?  Our entire way of life as we know it.  Will physical changes facilitate this process…well as of now I would say YES, at least in certain countries and they know who they are.

It seems that many people just simply don't want to believe in extreme physical changes, and i can't blame them though i do not respect the "head in the hole in the ground" mentality. No matter
how much you dislike the idea, it doesn't mean it can't and won't happen. There is absolutely no bad attached to it, it beyond moral judgement of good and bad. With that said, nobody really knows
(well some initiates know now) how extreme, fast, or unextreme or unfast they will be. There seems to be two major camps of thought on this idea and never do the twain meet. The evidence of past crustal shifts points to eventual catastrophic changes. Tell those "beasts" of Cayce's early Egyptian life (50,000 B.C.) that poleshifts don't
happen catastrophically and destructively.

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Re: The sequel to "Its really happening"
Reply #1 - Apr 4th, 2005 at 10:25am
We also  see many of these things happening … some as I write this, many coming soon (I cannot give a time or date, because these things happen  when and as necessary).

However, remember that the “materialists “ aren’t done playing their games, and will never accept the changes.  As Morphephus said “These people are so dependant on the current matrix, they will fight to the death to maintain it.”

So to paraphrase the late Mae   West; “Hang on guts, it’s gonna be a helluva ride!."
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