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The Lives We Choose Before Birth (Read 14700 times)
Touching Souls
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The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Mar 13th, 2005 at 3:13pm
I just finished watching the Discovery channel where they featured twins who were born conjoined. They each have their own heart and lungs and a few other organs, but share the same two legs and bowel system. They are around 9 years old now. There is no way to separate them as each would be handicapped. Now they can do everything any other child can do.

I got to thinking of these two souls choosing this life and wondering why they chose it. I've read that those who choose particularly difficult lives evolve spiritually faster than those who choose a more mundane life. I chose a difficult life this time around. How many of us would choose the lives these twins chose   Would it be more difficult than the lives that a lot of us have chosen  Something to think about. 

With Love, Mairlyn  Grin

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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #1 - Mar 13th, 2005 at 8:27pm
Well then what about multi millionaires or movie stars, did they choose that? How come they are the chosen ones to live a gifted life??
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #2 - Mar 13th, 2005 at 9:18pm
Mr_Shawn - this is a common question asked by the newbie to this kind of talk.

From what i have read so far (from many different source) it appears that each of us has at least thousands of lives on earth.   I would say that we each choose both the difficult and easy lives, including severe "disabilities" as well as lives where we use "special" talents (eg movie stars, millionaires).

Such lives arent gifted to the lucky people.  Better to think of it as each soul or even higher-self choosing to experience the multitude of human experience - from the highs to the lows.  

An Essence, having never experienced extreme poverty but hundreds of wealthy lives, would be far more curious about that life of poverty.  He or she might even find it a more fulfilling experience too!  Shocked

shock/horror! Smiley


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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #3 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 11:26am
Well then what about multi millionaires or movie stars, did they choose that? How come they are the chosen ones to live a gifted life??

on the other hand what is a gifted life? from their point of view what is a successful life? and why do some famous and rich folk committ suicide? get themselves killed? can we all be rich and famous? lol. we might get bored if this were so. oh no! dish out anything but boredom! love, alysia...
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #4 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 11:41am
The life you chose and it's challenges will all prepare you for your mission. All of it will contribute to your purpose of being here.

I would not choose the life of the twins described. I want a body of my own and my mission is definitely not experiencing the life of the twins described. I would say to the twins: knock yourself out heh Wink

-Elliot Ness
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #5 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 11:48am
I've read that those who choose particularly difficult lives evolve spiritually faster than those who choose a more mundane life.

With Love, Mairlyn  Grin

It's hard to imagine Mair that we would choose a life of pain and misery instead of mundane
Seems like "Pain" is there to teach us something?

Just think about our first love/rejection remember it, and I thought that i could not live anymore without that person; geezz if i only knew then what i know now... Undecided
With love
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Touching Souls
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #6 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 1:28pm
Yes Romain, if we only then 'then' what we know now, but then we wouldn't evolve from the lessons learned.  Our 'mission' is to grow spiritually, become enlightened and go HOME.  Then there are those who seem to be born enlightened and for these souls, I feel they have a special purpose in incarnating. Wink  (I like your photo)

With Love,
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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #7 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 3:42pm
  I suppose i can only speak for myself on this one.  It seems that every thing in my life that has caused me pain and suffering, has always led to a greater understanding of life, myself, and most importantly (to me) has helped me have compassion for the pain and suffering of others and tolerance for others life paths.      
 Perhaps the last reason is the reason why we do suffer, that and for the experience-knowledge.  I am inclined to believe that maybe there are only two states of being in our little Earth marble game--Love and UnLove.   All of us have experienced UnLove to greater and lesser extent, and true for Love to some degree as well.  But very few experience PUL energy (pure uncondional love) in any deeper or consistent way from others here in-physical.  Nor do many of us consistently project and live it.  Perhaps that is a generalization, if it is so sue me Grin but seriously if we did (love more) the world would be in much better shape than it is in right now, right?
 I believe everything that has been a challenge, painful, disillusioning etc. has been a catalyst for me learning to put that energy out more and more.  For example,  I consider my step-father my greatest teacher, even though he never consciously showed love and was quite unloving in many respects.   When i learned to forgive him entirely and fully, i learned a higher expression of love.  And in turn, a weight lifted off me and i became a happier person.

 As someone mentioned earlier, i believe it was Alysia, many people who seem to "have it all" and who seem happy, are really some of the least happy people on earth.  A good example is Howard Hughes, a man who had everything materially but gained it all at the expense of his soul--which eventually drove him nutty (well that and the drugs).  

I've met some very "down and out" people who have had a radiant happiness and positivity to them, judging by the worlds standards they should be miserable, but when you live and function from Spirit regardless of your material circumstances, you seem to get other "benefits".   True in my case as well.   I'm fairly poor materially, sheesh i have to use a library p.c., but i live almost everyday in consistent joy, peace, and gratefullness (though i can have quite a short but not lasting temper) and i wouldn't trade this state of mind for all the fame and riches that our western culture so glamorizes.  Though i would be lying if i said i don't sometimes wish i was a little better off materially.

But then again, i've always been somewhat of a Buddhist in my attitudes toward material life.  I dunno, but i've experienced some pretty powerful extremes in this life and its been quite the ride so far!  Can't wait to see what else is in store...
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Crying Raven
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #8 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 4:05pm
This is something that I am always thinking about in the back of my mind.  Why do people choose certain things for this life.  Sometimes I even wonder what I was smoking when I was planning my life over There.

I think some brave souls even choose a life for the benefit of others, and not for them.  Maybe that's what these two did?  Just think about how many people will hear about them, and it make them think exactly like it's doing for us?  It doesn't mean they aren't learning a ton themselves, but maybe they are past that, and just doing it for us (humans as a whole)?  Just throwing out some food for thought  Cheesy 

As far as my plans for being here...I feel like I was really anxious to come here and overzealous and was like 'hey watch what I'm going to do!' and overpacked my life with things...and then got here and was like 'umm, darn it I forgot how hard it is here'...How many of you feel that way?

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Crying Raven  
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #9 - Mar 14th, 2005 at 4:29pm
Sometimes I even wonder what I was smoking when I was planning my life over There.


As far as my plans for being here...I feel like I was really anxious to come here and overzealous and was like 'hey watch what I'm going to do!' and overpacked my life with things...and then got here and was like 'umm, darn it I forgot how hard it is here'...How many of you feel that way?


Yes, Jenn, I feel exactly the same way about my life.

I have a theory that souls who do this are at a point in spiritual development where they have been told they are almost ready to move up to some higher level, and so they are in a big rush to do something great and special on earth so that they can "graduate."  They tend to be a little bit full of themselves at that point in development.  Then, usually, they find out it's not so easy and that this life involves a lot of suffering and mistakes and trial and error, because it was meant to be a test to see if you're really ready to move up spiritually.

I could be wrong about this theory.  It's just something I'm throwing out on the table for speculation.  I feel like that might be the situation in my life, but who knows.  I cannot speak about anybody else's life.  As for me, I probably was smoking something up in heaven before I came into my current life -- the intoxicating weed of arrogance, excessive excitement and self-assurance.   Grin  God had plans to make me go through a lot of misery in this life to make me more realistic about myself and the world.

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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #10 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 2:10pm
  Crying Raven wrote, "I think some brave souls even choose a life for the benefit of others, and not for them.  Maybe that's what these two did?  Just think about how many people will hear about them, and it make them think exactly like it's doing for us?  It doesn't mean they aren't learning a ton themselves, but maybe they are past that, and just doing it for us (humans as a whole)?  Just throwing out some food for thought Cheesy"

  I've thought about that too....  I think its very possible at least.  But either way, even if it was more purely a self-sacrifice lifetime, by their very actions and choice, they would be gaining much soul-wise.   What i mean is that i feel/think we are always growing and expanding, no matter what "level" of consciousness we're functioning from--even when at the completely Oneness awareness.   And the older souls having been through the mill grinder, primarily grow through self-sacrificing choices?  I've felt for awhile that there were different degrees of "graduation".

You also wrote, "As far as my plans for being here...I feel like I was really anxious to come here and overzealous and was like 'hey watch what I'm going to do!' and overpacked my life with things...and then got here and was like 'umm, darn it I forgot how hard it is here'...How many of you feel that way?"

Man.... a BIG YEAH! at times Wink   I think alot of us spiritually minded people who have seriously attempted suicide are people who really "overpacked" our lives because of a zealous, over-amibitious nature.  A little while ago i finished reading Rosiland Mcknight's new second book "Soul Journeys" and she talks about going through something very similar.   By the way her book is AWESOME on all levels and i very much recommend it to anyone.  Rosie is such a cool and down to earth person, just like Bruce Moen.  I think of them as compliments, Rosie represents the more right brain side balance, and Bruce/Bob represent the more left brain side balance, in a sense. 

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Touching Souls
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #11 - Mar 15th, 2005 at 2:16pm
Justin, I'm so happy to hear you read Soul Journeys too.  Isn't it awesome?  It fits right in with all the other afterlife books but adds something on it's own too.  I especially like her mantra:  "I AM Light manifested in Love expressed in Joy, Joy, Joy................." Wink

Love, Mairlyn Grin

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WWW minniecricket2000  
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #12 - Mar 17th, 2005 at 3:49pm a way this kind of sounds very limited. Famous or unfamous, rich or poor, we all share very common experiences in life.  Whose to of you might be the next famous person. I think life is about choices. Perhaps we outline what it is we need to focus on more, when we get here. But we don't always make that connection.  Someone famous here on earth still might have not fulfilled their inner objectives and vice versa. They might have accidently become famous. Maybe the twins signed up for compromising skills before they got here, but didn't know they would be connected. On another note. I have read articles about twins like this that when asked would they want to be separated, said NOWAY. They were happy. Happier than some that were not born like this.  I think we all have a common goal when we are here on earth, rich or poor, hanicapped or not. We all want to learn and to give PUL.
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #13 - Mar 17th, 2005 at 8:10pm
I think some people chose the lives they do because of how it can benefit others.  The lives of the conjoined twins has a lesson for the parents, what they will learn from it.  Then there are the doctors and surgeons who get the chance to experience this kind of medical condition and what they can learn from it.  Then there are all the people who will come to know or hear about these twins and all the things they will ask, think, learn, etc.  It goes on and on.  Of course, the twins themselves have their own reasons for what they can learn from this kind of life. 

Even if you feel you have a normal or boring life, you just never know who you will touch in your life or what kind of affect you can have on someone.  Even a simple event can be a big experience or breakthough for someone else.  I believe no matter what kind of life someone has, there are countless events where that life is in the right place at the right time to be of benefit for someone else, however big or little that learning opportunity is.  But many people are not keeping their eyes and hearts open to receiving the message/lesson. 

Sorry for such a long post, but here's an experience I had once.  I used to take the RTD to and from college.  I hated it, but there was a young man, about 20 maybe who rode every day.  He was nice looking, polite, and always smiled and said hi to me.  I did the same with him and was happy to see him each day.  I noticed he talked to someone who wasn't there, and I was the only person who ever greeted him each day.  One day I had the courage to ask him where he goes each day and he said he goes to see a doctor for his mental health.  He said he knows he has problems but that he's getting help.  I was proud of him.  How hard would that be?  One day as I got off the bus a very rude woman with 2 tiny kids hollered at me.  She said rudely, "Why on earth do you even talk to him.  He's weird!"  I said, "Do you even know why he's on that bus every day?  He's getting help and trying to get better."  Why do YOU take the bus?"  She was so shocked at what I'd said that she didn't even have a response.  I hope she learned something from that experience.  If she didn't, it's her own fault.
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Re: The Lives We Choose Before Birth
Reply #14 - Mar 18th, 2005 at 4:12pm
was like 'hey watch what I'm going to do!' and overpacked my life with things...and then got here and was like 'umm, darn it I forgot how hard it is here'...How many of you feel that way?

This makes sense to me because of what i have been able to see of my subconscious through dreams and meditations.  I have had a fairly tough life.  In a very vivid dream, i was presented w a challenge in the form of a deep trench to go into.  I proclaimed that i was not afraid, and jumped in.  A ways down the trench, i was blocked by a locked door.  So, i walked through it.  A while after this dream, i experienced some financial hardships.

This fearlessness as regards hardships, an almost cockiness, i can see it in me too, when i meditate.  It is almost like a recklessness.

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